FTP With FileZilla, WAMP, and CodeIgniter - codeigniter

Ok, so I need to download files from my server since they are files that users upload. The reason I am using FTP with WAMP is just so I can test my script on my computer. Once I get it working, I can change the config files once the app is uploaded to a web server. I am using FileZilla.
MY application installation folder:
The above directory is also set as my FileZilla user's home directory. There is a folder in my application called "_resumes". These are the files that I will need to download. So here is the script that I use to download these files.
$this->ftp->download('/_resumes/'.$app['resume_filename'], FCPATH.'_resumes/'.$app['resume_filename']);
$app['resume_filename'] is a database result. I have checked to make sure that the file exists. I get the error "Unable to download the specified file. Please check your path."
Any ideas?
Note: FCPATH displays as "W:\wamp\www\idealeffort\ "

If you check codeigniter help
you have to give path from /public_html/....
So i think its problem with path.
Hope this helps


Uploading Files and Folder to Cpanel - Laravel

I am trying to upload my files onto cpanel now. Do i have add them manually?
Because i tried to copy the project folder into folder i created but then, i get an error trying to upload. Can any one here please give me a step to do this easily?
PS: It is my first time trying to do this.
1 ) First compress your project and then upload to your cpanel
2 ) now go to your cpanel and extract the file and done.
You can use any FTP program with FTP credentials to upload project files. Just make sure you have appropriate permissions.
Also, you can upload the zip file as other answers suggest.
FTP programs

Laravel 4.2 in FTP server throwing Error 500

I've searched everywhere for a solution. Plus, I tried tracking the error using echo("teste");, but can't find exactly what is wrong, since it works on my local host.
From index.php -> bootstrap/autoload.php -> vender/autoload.php:
I could print a msg until before the foreach in getLoader method of ComposerAutoloaderInitxxxxxx class.
I see it can't complete the require in both bootstrap/autoload.php or bootstrap/start.php
my directories levels are:
I've changed the paths correctly when moved the files from public/ to laravel root, since I can get into the files required (it just can't finish loading).
I get
500 (Internal Server Error)
Ps.: I uploaded the project through Filezilla, and I only have the FTP access.
Please, could someone help me with this?
Ok first you should not upload a Laravel project via FTP, if you only have an FTP access then you need a real hosting provider that has SSH. You should be able to use the composer command on your production server or you will be in big trouble later :)
Also, assuming this is a cPanel host (based on the public_html folder) the proper way would be to git clone the Laravel project under a folder, remove the public_html folder and create a symbolic link like this.
ln -s ~/laravel/public ~/public_html
This way your document root will point to Laravel's public folder.
Here is more information:

PhpStorm invalid descendant file name

This question couldn't solve my problem.
I got this error C:\xampp\tmp, I am using PhpStorm file transfer protocol and I get this error whenever I want to upload any file to my cpanel.
I could only upload files if I delete the folder c:\xampp\tmp on my cpanel and after some time the folder will appear again on my cpanel.
The c:\xamp\tmp is availabe on my local machine, I presume the file is been uploaded to the server and I don't want it to. the folder I am trying to upload is inside htdocs, its a Drupal 7 file.

How do I upload files to localhost in XAMPP?

I'm trying to test a WordPress installation in XAMPP for OS X (running version 0.7.3 because I prefer the included version of phpMyAdmin). When I try to upload media files, it returns an error about not having a temporary folder. Same with any upload form I test in other applications.
Is there anything I can do to get it to allow uploads to function normally, as if it were a remote machine?
You'll simply need to create a /tmp and /wwwtmp in your sites root directory.
Check the permissions set for these directories

problems after upgrading xampp to 1.7.7

i have upgraded my XAMPP server to 1.7.7, after that the file uploaded using the php move_uploaded_file function is not accessible from the network. It works OK in the server. But from a remote machine it shows there is not enough permission.I can see the files in the uploads folder but I can't copy,move, rename or preview it.
$isMove = move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'],'uploads/'.$_FILES['image']['name']);
if I uses the copy function instead of the move_uploaded_file it works perfect. But i have used move_uploaded_files in many projects. Is there any fix for this problem.
Also a project using the zend optimizer is also not working after the upgrade.
I think that you need to set permissions of the directory so as PHP scripts can run with uid of user who has write permission or else in the case if the permissions are not such if they give write permission to user www-data they may give error.
