Difference between Batch Status and Exit Status in Spring Batch - spring

Difference between Batch Status and Exit Status in Spring Batch

From the Spring Batch documentation:
A BatchStatus object that indicates the status of the execution. While running, it's BatchStatus.STARTED, if it fails, it's BatchStatus.FAILED, and if it finishes successfully, it's BatchStatus.COMPLETED
The ExitStatus indicating the result of the run. It is most important because it contains an exit code that will be returned to the caller.
For more on the difference, see the section Batch Status vs. Exit Status. You will find the explanation is quite good.


In Travis, is it possible to mark a staged as "Cancelled" instead of "Failed" when running a bash script?

There does exist a "Cancelled" state, which you can invoke by clicking on small x next to the job. This is how a cancelled job looks:
Is it possible to enter this cancelled state when running a bash script invoked by your .travis.yml? From Travis docs:
If script returns a non-zero exit code, the build is failed
So returning a different error code doesn't help. Is it just not doable?

Obtain the exit code for a known process id

I have a list of processes triggered one after the other, in parallel. And, I need to know the exit code of all of these processes when they complete execution, without waiting for all of the processes to finish.
While status=$?; echo $status would provide the exit code for the last command executed, how do I know the exit code of any completed process, knowing the process id?
You can do that with GNU Parallel like this:
parallel --halt=now,done=1 ::: ./job1 ./job2 ./job3
The --halt=now,done=1 means halt immediately, as soon as any one job is done, killing all outstanding jobs immediately and exiting itself with the exit status of the complete job.
There are options to exit on success, or on failure as well as by completion. The number of successful, failing or complete jobs can be given as a percentage too. See documentation here.
Save the background job id using a wrapper shell function. After that the exit status of each job can be queried:
function run_child() {
"$#" &
run_child sleep 1
run_child sleep 2
run_child false
for job in ${jobs[#]}; do
wait $job
echo Exit Code $?
Exit Code 0
Exit Code 0
Exit Code 1

Why does a non-interactive batch script think I've pressed control-C?

So my batch script is ticking along nicely when suddenly this appears in the output log:
21:27:13.99 c:\apps\w7lab-scripting>some-command
Error 3221225786
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?
and the script stops dead.
The batch script is running in session zero, so I know it didn't receive a real control-C, and none of my code calls GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent so that can't be it. The only clue is that some-command was communicating with an interactive application at the time, and that application's console received a control-C. The expected behaviour was for some-command to display the other application's exit code, then exit with the same code. The batch script would have dealt with the error appropriately, if it hadn't stopped dead.
What's going on here?
The magic here is in exit code 3221225786, aka 0xC000013A or STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT.
The interactive application received a control-C, and didn't catch it, so as expected, it was aborted with STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT. The some-command application correctly reported this as the remote application's exit code, and passed it back to the batch script.
What I hadn't realized was that cmd.exe detects control-C in a batch script in exactly this way, by checking whether a child process returns STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT. So by returning this error code I was inadvertently stopping the batch script.
This can be demonstrated with a simple batch script:
cmd /c exit 3221225786
echo hello
which, when run, produces
C:\working\test>cmd /c exit 3221225786
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?
Alternatively, it is possible to terminate batch session using commands that provoke brutal batch end (from https://superuser.com/a/805637), any of the following (attempting to feed STDERR to STDIN breaks):
cd invalidPath 2>&0
vol x 2>&0
move nonExistentFile 2>&0
set nonExistentVariable 2>&0
dir nonExistentFile 2>&0
So, a subroutine could be:
cd invalidPath 2>&0
exit /b 0
which would be called from Main batch as:
call :SubSelfTerminate
Note: "exit /b 0" in subroutine is useless as will always be ignore it is used but mark the end the subroutine.

using $? when running several commands in parallel in bash

I'm creating a startup/shutdown script for WebSEAL. It's written to allow several instances to be stopped/started in parallel. The only problem is verifying that it completed without issue. With other infrastructures, I could simply grep for a particular keyword in the output (which I redirect to a log file), but WebSEAL does not give any success/error message.
Instead, I thought to use the $? to throw the exit status into a dynamic variable that will be checked after the startups have occured (during log consolidation).
Here is the code that starts/stops and then creates the variable
${PDCOMMAND} >> ${LOGDIR}/${APP}.txt 2>&1 &
let return_${APP}=$?
PDCOMMAND is a valid startup/stop command: aka pdweb start my_instance
APP is the name of the instance: aka my_instance
The goal is that return_${APP} (return_my_instance) will have a value of 0 (success) or 1 (failure) when I check it at a later point in the script.
Are there problems using the $? for a command that may have not technically completed at the time that it was set, or does it set it upon completion of that? So let's say I have 3 instances
instance_1, instance_2, instance_3
if I ran the following:
pdweb start instance1 &
let return_instance_1 = $?
pdweb start instance2 &
let return_instance_2 = $?
pdweb start instance_3 &
let_return_instance_3 = $?
would return_instance_[1|2|3] have the correct values if they started in unequal amounts of time? If instance_3 starts before instance_1, for example, will it still output the result of instance_3 to return_instance_3?
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how the command line treats an asynchronous request in regards to the exit status.
Thanks in advance
No; the exit status code is only available when the command finishes. (That's why it's called "exit status".) If you successfully spawned a service and it is up and running, it does not yet have an exit status.
If I am able to correctly guess what you are trying to accomplish, you could reap the values of $! after starting each instance, wait for a "reasonable" time (a few seconds?) and check that the processes you started are still running. If they have terminated, there was a problem.

Process Exit Code When Process is Killed Forcibly

When we kill a process in Windows with Task Manager End Process command, will the process still return an exit code? And if so, what exit code it returns? Thanks
In general, a process is terminated using TerminateProcess. The exit code is passed as a parameter to this method.
In the case of the task manager, the exit code is set to 1, but I don't know if it's documented anywhere.
Yes, it will return non-zero return code which will be wrapped in %ERRORLEVEL% variable.
