SVN file (Piñata.png) with non-ANSI character shows as unversioned and missing - macos

I have a file named Piñata.jpg.
On Win 8.1, using Tortoise SVN 1.7.12 I can commit and update this file without problems.
However, on OSX 10.8.5 using the svn command line client version 1.8.4, if I do an svn status the file shows as both ! (missing) and ? (unversioned).
Obviously it is not both of these at the same time.
If I delete the file and svn up it re-downloads the file and shows the same missing and unversioned.
I also tried removing/adding the file to the repo, via Windows, but the result on OSX is the same.
How do I get the file to be correctly recognized?
I tried what is recommended here but it made no difference.


Dreamweaver svn commit failed-out of date

I am using Dreamweaver CS5 and Apache Subversion. Until today, the setup had been error-free. However, when I attempted to check in a file I had revised, I got the following error message from Dreamweaver:
SVN: #160024, Commit failed (details follow): File or directory ‘about.html’ is out of date; try updating
resource out of date; try updating
Background: I am the only user. SVN is hosted on another Mac on my home network running OS X 10.7. I set it up this way because I could never get SVN working on my MacBook Pro, which is running Mavericks. I have tried getting the current version, re-editing, then checking back in, but I have the same problem. Reverting the file and re-editing also fails on check-in.
In Terminal on the Mac running svn, I tried svn cleanup (& sudo svn cleanup), both of which produced the following response: svn: '.' is not a working copy directory. SVN update produces but one message: Skipped '.'
I have used Dreamweaver regularly for over 15 years, but I just started using svn a couple of months ago. I am a svn novice and just followed some very great and detailed instructions on the Adobe website to get it up and running and connect Dreamweaver. Other than this one file, the check-in/out process works fine. When I right-click on the problem file in Dreamweaver's file list, go to version control, and select "Show Revisions," it is up to date; that is, it shows all revisions up to the last one I was able to successfully check in.
This particular file has few revisions to date, so if it is easier and quicker to somehow kick it out of svn altogether and just save the current version back, that would be fine. However, I do need to be able to save version changes of it going forward, as I anticipate significant changes in the future.
Any help would be appreciated!
I've had these errors before. select the file and get the latest version from the server. The commit should work fine again.
Don't know what causes it but this has worked for me several times.

svn on Mac only checkout works, but cannot commit or import

We have a repository set up in windows server 2008. And from my macbook pro which runs osx lion, I can checkout projects using xcode or command line.
But When I try to commit(or import) a project or files I get an error:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File not found: transaction '135-4r', path '/..../trunk/....m'
Same error when I use command line.
Please help
Everything works from a windows computer.
It was a stupid mistake. The parent folder we created in the server side had a name with space " " in it. When I try to commit files from Mac, the address became "http ://...../folder%20name/...." I re-created a folder now it's working

svn export and deployment on WINDOWS

How to deploy the code from SVN to WINDOWS envronment?
I am looking to execute the following steps:
'svn export' (only changed files after certain revisons) from WiNDOWS command line.
Deploy the changed files on WINDOWS environment.
You need to install a command line SVN client on Windows first. TortoiseSVN's recent versions reportedly include one. Then you need to use the same commands you did under linux. I think you actually mean 'svn co' not 'svn export' which assumes you already have checked out copies on your local file system.

Can not check out SVN project with error working copy is too old

I try to check out the repo to a new computer but Smart SVN on mac os x claims that working copy format of ~/ProjectPath is too old '0'.I tried everththing that i found on the web.I upgraded svn to 1.7.6 and i also downloaded the lastest version of smart SVN but it really did not help.
svn upgrade says the following
svn: E155019: Can't upgrade '/Users/ilker/Desktop/CallingCard_v2.0' as it is not a pre-1.7 working copy directory
and svn cleanup says
svn: E200030: sqlite: no such table: wcroot
the only difference that i have on this machine is that i have mac os x 10.6.8 while other clients have at least 10.7.I think but it should not matter.
Did you try the svn checkout command to get a new working copy instead of trying to svn upgrade your current one ?
I have faced the slightly different situation that resulted in the same error.
I made checkout on a server that had almost 0% space free. The checkout downloaded the parent directory from SVN but not the content. When I freed disk space and made check out the issue was still there.
When I deleted the parent directory and made checkout again the issue disappeared.
So you may try deleting the checked out content and checkout again.

Mercurial not working after TortoiseHg update

I recently updated TortoiseHg to 2.0.3 (with Mercurial 1.8.2). After updating, Mercurial no longer works via the command line (Windows 7 x64), but does work via the TortoiseHg GUI. Trying to use any Hg commands via the command line results in the error message 'hg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.'
I'm guessing I need to make some change to a setting in TortoiseHg or Windows 7 so that Windows will recognize hg commands, but I'm not sure what that change is. I am very new to using Hg - I installed it a few months ago (thus the need for an update), but only recently started using it.
I fixed this by removing the "/" at the end of the Path:
"C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\"
"C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg"
TortoiseHg v2.X.X no longer uses the hg command, instead try thg.
Your install path might be different, but typically thg.CMD exists at:
C:/Program Files/TortoiseHg/bin/
If you've installed Mercurial independent of TortoiseHg you may still have access to the hg executable, but most people just install TortoiseHg and take the associated copy of Mercurial, in which case you would need to use the thg commands.
I had to remove the leading quotation mark - the PATH variable contained:
...;"C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg
and I changed it to
...;C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg
to make it work with Red-Gate SQL Source control.
