Different ways to install windows phone application on device - windows-phone-7

I have developed a windows phone 8 application. I have a developer account and unlocked device. Now I'm able to deploy/install the application in my phone through windows phone development sdk.
Now I want to install this application in another device ( a device of my friend, who is in different location). I don't want to put this application in the app store. I want to mail the XAP file only to him. So is there any other way to install this (XAP file) application in his mobile.
I am looking forward your responses.

Are you aware of the Windows Phone's Beta testing. You can push your app to the store in BETA test mode and can specify the testers Microsoft emails ids, so that only those people can install and test the app. The app won't be publicly accessible. and AFAIK, you cannot install unsigned XAP's in un-unlocked devices.
For more details check this : Beta testing your app

Please Refer this link,
I think this will solved your query.
Using this you can install a .xap file in windows phone easily.
How to install XAP on Windows Phone
I hope you will get the answer.


Can I distribute\install a copy of the UWP project to a different Windows 10 desktop system?

VS 2015, Xamarin Forms, PCL.
I can attach my Android phone by cable, and install to it. I can run "Local Machine" on my windows 10 development machine and test there. I want to give a copy of the UWP project to someone else to test with (on Windows 10 desktop). This is a new application, not in any stores, so...how to do this? Can it be done without using store distribution, and if so, can someone tell me how to do this, or point me to a link that documents this?
You could create package (like for publishing to store) and then with PowerShell install it on another PC. Packaging UWP apps
You can limit the distribution of an app to only a certain group of testers, without first publishing a submission that's broadly available, you can use the same app submission process as any app you submit. To allow only certain people to get the app free of charge, and prevent other customers from seeing its listing or downloading it - read more about Beta testing and targeted distribution

How to share windows 8 app with clients

I am making a windows 8 app for one of our clients. How can i share the app with them so that they can install it on their windows 8 phone and test it.
I tried sharing the xmp file, but when they try to install the app it says "Not a company app". I do have a windows dev company account with me, but not able to figure out how to get the app installed on my clients windows 8 phone.
Please help.
There are a few options to "ad-hoc" distribute your alpha/beta version:
Company app distribution for Windows Phone to read more about this option visit this link
You can publish the app to the Marketplace using the Hide from users browsing or searching the Store so it will be private, only users with a link will be able to access it
you can use the Beta app distribution (i believe there is a limit of few thousand users using a beta version, 10000 maybe? you have to add email addresses of users manually)
Windows Intune for Direct Management of Windows Phone devices. You can "distribute applications to users in either of the following ways: External link or Software installer
Details on MSDN

Apart from device & vs2012 is there Any Alternative way to test a windows phone app?

i am new to windows phone app development , i wanted to know
if is there any other alternative way to test a windows phone app apart from testing in a windows phone device and testing vs2012 built in emulator ???
1) The reason i have asked like these that i wanted to know if i can download a windows phone emulator separately and test my app in it.
2)Am i missing any other alternative provided ?
Please let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
No these are your options. You can start the emulator without VS, and you can deploy apps to it via a command line tool, but you don't get any of these without installing the WP SDK for VS2012. But since this is all free, is that a big deal?
You could submit your app to the store as a beta, and have invited users test your app on their phones.
This article may be of use, although it still requires .NET framework and some other dependencies (but I don't think you'll ever get away without using them):

How I can test my app on windows phone 7

I made one windows phone 7 app and its working on emulator but I need to test the sensor... so to test the sensor I want to install the app in my phone... how I can do that? I don't want to put it in the market, I just want it for me...
you would need to have a developer unlock device for you to install your own app. and there is also a limit to how many you could install on your device.
if you are a student, you can get the subscription for free at dreamspark

no access to windows phone 7 marketplace

My country has no access to the WP7 MarketPlace but i want to know if i can still at least develop apps for my own WP7 Device or at least directly install it on other devices that i have access to..
You can still develop applications for the countries that do have a WP7 MarketPlace and you can add your applications to an unlocked device without needing access to the MarketPlace by using the Application Deployment tool, which is part of the Windows Phone7 Development Tools. In order to unlock your phone, you will need to create an account on the App Hub and register as a developer.
Here is a response I have seen on other forums that appears useful;
Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone - http://www.microsoft.com/express/Phone/
As for installing on other devices, I'm not sure how that would work. I believe the way Windows7 works is different to the typically CAB file installation on Windows6 (Mobile) downward
My country (the Netherlands) also has no marketplace yet.
If you buy a WP7 developer license you can still unlock your phone and use it to develop applications regardsless. You can even publish your app on the marketplace for alll countries that have it. But you couldn't download it from that marketplace yourself...
(A developer licese allows you to unlock up to three phones regardless of the liveID used on them, I have currently unlocked two of my collegues as well and I can use the webinterface to revoke this without needing their phone)
What you can also do is create a seperate live_id with a country that does have a marketplace and use that as the root liveID for your phone. In that case you could download your own app providing it is either free or you can somehow pay in that country (ie prepaid us creditcard). Unfortunately because it has to be the primary ID you will have to reset your phone and you will still need a Wp7 dev account.
I went through all these hoops myself
i found a site called www.yallaapps.com that can take care of those of us without access to the marketplace.
You should check the Windows Phone Developer Blog.
There have been some changes regarding this issue.
This blog post from ms team offer an alternative for publishing apps via Global Publisher Program.
