Ford Fulkerson : Backedge condition - algorithm

I was looking into ford fulkerson and got confused with the backedge.
can somebody clear me out till what time or what should be the flow/capacity condition for considering backedge in the graph? Since I can consider any edge for backedge subtract that much flow and continue and this process can go on and on.
Please help me.

You use a "back edge" only if it's a part of a path P from s to t such that all capacities of the edges on the path greater than 0 (note that any path that fulfills this requirements increases the flow from s to t). An edge may be considered as a "back edge" if there's already flow greater than 0 on that edge, so you can "return" this flow. In that case the capacity of the edge will be the existing flow in it, when you do this, consider the edge's direction as opposite to the original direction.
Think about a graph with only vertices s and t and an edge between them with capacity c. at first you'll send c from s to t. now you can allegedly use this edge as a back edge, but note that when using it as a back edge it is directed from t to s and thus not a path from s to t.
Take a look at the wiki example to see how the back edge is being used there (from that example you can understand why the algorithm's running time is dependent on the edge's capacities).


Find maximal subgraph containing only nodes of degree 2 and 3

I'm trying to implement a (Unweighted) Feedback Vertex Set approximation algorithm from the following paper: FVS-Approximation-Paper. One of the steps of the algorithm (described on page 4) is to compute a maximal 2-3 subgraph of the input graph.
To be precise, a 2-3 graph is one that has only vertices of degree either 2 or 3.
By maximal we mean that that no set of edges or vertices of the original graph can be added to the maximal subgraph without violating the 2-3 condition.
The authors of the paper claim that the computation can be carried out by a "simple Depth First Search (DFS)" on the graph. However, this algorithm seems to elude me. How can the maximal subgraph be computed?
I think I managed to figure out something like what the authors intended. I wouldn't call it simple, though.
Let G be the graph and H be an initially empty 2-3 subgraph of G. The algorithm bears a family resemblance to a depth-first traversal, yet I wouldn't call it that. Starting from an arbitrary node, we walk around in the graph, pushing the steps onto a stack. Whenever we detect that the stack contains a path/cycle/sigma shape that would constitute a 2-3 super-graph of H, we move it from the stack to H and continue. When it's no longer possible to find such a shape, H is maximal, and we're done.
In more detail, the stack usually consists of a path having no nodes of degree 3 in H. The cursor is positioned at one end of the path. With each step, we examine the next edge incident to the end. If the only incident edge is the one by which we arrived, we delete it from both G and the stack and move the end back one. Otherwise we can possibly extend the path by some edge e. If e's other endpoint has degree 3 in H, we delete e from G and consider the next edge incident to the end. If e's other endpoint has degree 2 in H but is not currently on the stack, then we've anchored this end. If the other end is anchored too, then add the stack path to H and keep going. Otherwise, move the cursor to the other end of the stack, reversing the stack. The final case is if the stack loops back on itself. Then we can extract a path/cycle/sigma and keep going.
Typing this out on mobile, so sorry for the terse description. Maybe I'll find time to implement it.

Am I thinking in the right way about this Negative weights using Dijkstra's Algorithm graph?

I've been trying to wrap my head around why Dijkstra's algorithm doesn't work on negative weighted graphs and I understand all examples that has a further node pointing back to a node that has been fully explored. But this examples does my head in;
Would I be correct in thinking that; first A is explored. A->B will be 1 and A->C will be 100. Then B is explored and sets B->D to 2. Then D is explored because currently it has the shortest path back to the source (i.e. At the top of the priority queue)?
Would I be correct in saying that if B->D was 100, C would've been explored first (since A->D is 101)?
The one thing that people didn't really mention in every explanation was that a node has been explored/visited, it can't be updated anymore because Dijkstra works on a priority queue. I just find it hard to wrap my head around why D is visited before C in this case.
It's straightforward: when a node using Djikstra's algorithm is explored/visited/closed this means that you have found the shortest path to that node, therefore this node does not need to be reexplored or revisited, you already know the shortest path to the node.
For instance, when you select D to be explored there are two paths in the PQ:
A-B-D with cost 2
A-C with cost 100
and the path with least cost is selected. Then, it's obvious that if arc costs are always positive there's no way that you can find a shortest path to D going through A-C. The shortest path to D has been found and the node is closed.
All this reasoning is however not true when negative arc costs are allowed, so that's why Djikstra's algorithm does not work for them.
I think Dijkstra algorithm that you are describing operates only on positive weight functions. In particular Dijkstra algorithm gives a valid metric space structure on every weighted (positively) graph. On the other hand this seems to be not the case for arbitrary weighted graphs. Take for instance the graph with two nodes A and B and one edge between them with weight -5. In this case this will not give a distance between A and B. So what you describing, I think would fall into some sort of modified Dijkstra model and the interpretation of going from one node to another can no longer be interpreted as distance between the nodes.

Update Maximum Flow After Adding an Edge

Consider we have a network flow and using Edmond-Karp algorithm, we already have the maximum flow on the network. Now, if we add an arbitrary edge (with certain capacity) to the network, what is the best way to update the maximum flow? I was thinking about updating the residual network regarding the new edge and again look for augmenting path until we find new max flow, but I am not sure if it works or if it is the best way!
After doing maxflow you know the amount of content each edge flowed.
So, when the cost of an edge changed you can do the following things :
Suppose, the content flowed by that edge is w.
Now do a forward dfs and a backward dfs from that edge and undone total w content from the edge it linked.
Here each edge is represented by x/y, where y means the edge capacity and x means the content it flowed.
Now you want to change the cost of edge 4->3 from 2 to 3.
All you have to do is do a forward and backward dfs from 4->3 edge and undone 2 weight from these edge as 4->3 flowed w=2 content.
Here is the process will look like :
Now you are almost done :)
Change the cost of the edge 4->3 from 2 to 3 and again try to find an augmenting path :)
Let me know if you find it difficult to understand or if i'm wrong somehow :)
Edit :
If new edge cost is greater than current cost than you won't have to undone the weight. You can just try to find an augmenting path changing the edge's capacity.
But if the capacity reduced, you have to undone the weight and try to find an augmenting path.
If a new edge added, you can just add the edge and try to find an augmenting path if available. that's it.
Actually adding a new edge is not very difficult - you have the flows/ capacities of the edges before adding the edge and then you add the edge and its inverse. Then run the algorithm you use to find augmenting path until you find non-zero flow and that's it. Most of the max flow will already have been found so this should(in theory) not be too slow. I do not know which max flow algorithm you are using so I can not be more specific, but it is possible that after adding the new edge you violate the property of the algorithm and thus you find the max flow in a sub-optimal way. Still you've already processed most of the graph so this should not be a too big problem.
I would recommend you to use Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to finish of the task no matter what the original algorithm you used for the max flow is. I think it will perform well in cases that most of the max flow is already discovered.

Algorithm to cover all edges given starting node

Working on an algorithm for a game I am developing with a friend and we got stuck. Currently, we have a cyclic undirected graph, and we are trying to find the quickest path from starting node S that covers every edge. We are not looking for a tour and there can be repeated edges.
Any ideas on an algorithm or approximation? I'm sure this problem is NP-hard, but I don't believe it's TSP.
Route Inspection
This is known as the route inspection problem and it does have a polynomial solution.
The basic idea (see the link for more details) is that it is easy to solve for an Eulerian path (where we visit every edge once), but an Eulerian path is only possible for certain graphs.
In particular, a graph has to be connected and have either 0 or 2 vertices of odd degree.
However, it is possible to generalise this for other graphs by adding additional edges in the cheapest way that will produce a graph that does have an Eulerian path. (Note that we have added more edges so we may travel multiple times over edges in the original graph.)
The way of choosing the best way to add additional edges is a maximal matching problem that can be solved in O(n^3).
Concidentally I wrote a simple demo earlier today (link to game) for a planar max-cut problem. The solution to this turns out to be based on exactly the same route inspection problem :)
I just spotted from the comments that in your particular case your graph may be a tree.
If so, then I believe the answer is much simpler as you just need to do a DFS over the tree making sure to visit the shallowest subtree first.
For example, suppose you have a tree with edges S->A and S->A->B. S has two subtrees, and you should visit A first because it is shallower.
The total edges visited will equal the number of edges visited in a full DFS, minus the depth of the last leaf visited, which is why to minimise the total edges you want to maximise the depth of the last leaf, and hence visit the shallowest subtree first.
This is somewhat like the Eulerian Path. The main distinction is that there may be dead-ends and you may be able to modify the algorithm to suit your needs. Pruning dead-ends is one option or you may be able to reduce the graph into a number of connected components.
DFS will work here. However you must have a good evaluation function to prun the branch early. Otherwise you can not solve this problem fast. You can refer to my discussion and implementation in Java here
Detail of my evaluation function
My first try is if the length of the current path plus the distance from U to G is not shorter than the minimum length (stored in minLength variable) we found, we will not visit U next because it can not lead a shorter path.
Actually, the above evaluation function is not efficient because it only works when we already visit most of the cities. We need to compute more precise the minimum length to reach G with all cities visited.
Assume s is the length from S to U, from U to visit G and pass all cities, the length is at least sā€™ = s + āˆ‘ minDistance(K) where K is an unvisited city and different from U; minDistance(K) is the minimum distance from K to an unvisited state. Basically, for each unvisited state, we assume that we can reach that city with the shortest edge. Note that those shortest edges may not compose a valid path. Then, we will not visit U if sā€™ ā‰„ minLength.
With that evaluation function, my program can handle the problem with 20 cities within 1 second. I also add another optimization to improve the performance more. Before running the program, I use greedy algorithm to get a good value for minLength. Specifically, for each city, we will visit the nearest city next. The reason is when we have a smaller minLength, we can prun more.

Change to non-MST edge in graph to change MST

Devise an algorithm that takes a weighted graph G and finds the
smallest change in the cost to a non-MST edge that would cause a change in the
minimum spanning tree of G.
My solution so far (need suggestions):
To make a change to the MST, we need to change the weight of a non-MST edge s.t. it is one less than the maximum edge in the path of its start vertex and end vertex in the MST.
So we can start by walking the edges of MST, and for every vertex, check if there is a non-MST edge. If there is, a bfs to reach the edge's end point (in the MST) can be done. The non-MST edge weight must be updated to one less than the maximum edge weight in the path.
This would cause the non-MST edge to be included in the MST and the previous maximum edge to be removed from MST.
Can someone tell if this solution is correct ? Thanks.
You found the idea.
However, your answer needs to be tuned to show that you want to find the minimum change and not that you want to modify each non-MST edge you come across in your walk.
If this is a school question, you will also be asked to provide a proof of corectness. in order to build it, I would suggest to rely on Kruskal's proof, and to explain why your change would have Kruskal choose the modified edge instead of that other max-weight edge from the path.
I have an idea. So basically, we can follow the idea of the Kruskal algorithm. So if we want the MST to change, then there must be one time when the Krukal algorithm doen't choose the edge in the original MST. That edge must be the edge whose cost we are going to modify. So the algorithm is pretty clear. Follow the Kruskal algorithm, every time when we want to select a new edge e, we keep searching according to the Kruskal algorithm and find another edge e' that still doen't create a cycle. Then we calculate the minimum change in cost:w(e')-w(e)-1 .(I am not sure if the cost if limited to be an interger or not). Simply select the minimum change from above.
