gcc linker options "--format binary"? - gcc

What is the meaning/usage of '--format binary' options in below command ?.
ld -m elf_x86_64 --format binary --oformat elf64-x86-64 -r stub -o stub-image.o

The -format binary option states that the input file, in this case named stub, is a raw binary blob of data.
The command you show takes this 'blob' and wraps it up in an elf file, similar to other objects created by the compiler, and suitable for linking into a program. This sort of trick is also useful if you have a ROM-programming tool, for example, that expects elf data rather than raw binaries.
The blob is placed in the .data section, and three symbols (a.k.a. variables) are created for you:
If you link stub-image.o with a C program, in the usual way, then you can access the data like this (you can choose whatever pointer type is appropriate):
extern char *binary_stub_start;


How to identify code memory model through which an object file is generated?

I have a relocatable object file. I want to verify whether it was build with medium/large/small memory code model (-mcmodel g++ option.).
Is there a way to get that information through objdump/readelf or any other GNU toolchain utility?
Also, I have an encrypted binary file which is being compiled as -
ld -r -b binary -o <relocatable_object_file> <encrypted_binary_file>
How can I compile this file with medium code memory model (since it is a gcc option and not ld)?

How can I convert only one file or one function of an elf file to assembly?

I have an elf file of a very big code base (kernel). I want to convert it to assembly code. I have base address of a function and offset of the instruction. Using this information, I want to get the specific instruction. I have used "objdump -b binary -m i386 -D file.elf" to get assembly code from elf file, but it is generating 4GB of data. I have also referred to this Can I give objdump an address and have it disassemble the containing function? but it is also not working for me.
You can limit objdump output with --start-address and --stop-address options.
For process code only for the single function, values for these options can be taken from readelf -s output, which contains start address of the function in the section and the function's size, and from readelf -S output, which contains address of the section with the function:
--start-address=<section_start + function_start>
--stop-address=<section_start + function_start + function_size>
I want to convert it to assembly code.
gdb -q ./elf_file
(gdb) set height 0 # prevent pagination
(gdb) set logging on # output will be mirrored in gdb.txt
(gdb) disassemble 0xffff000008081890 0xffff000008081bf5
(gdb) quit

Dynamically load code on embedded target

I have an application which runs on bare metal target and has the following structure
It's compiled to ELF executable (system.elf) using standard gcc -c, ld sequence. I use linker to generate a map file showing adresses of all symbols.
Now, without re-flashing my system I need to add an extra functionality with a custom run-time loader. Remember, this is a bare-metal with no OS.
I'd like to
compile extra.c which uses APIs defined in service.h (and somehow link against existing service.o/system.elf)
copy the resulting executable to my SDRAM at runtime and jump to it
loaded code should be able to run and accesses the exported symbols from service.c as expected
I thought I'd be able to to reuse map file to link the extra.o against system.elf but this didn't work:
ld -o extraExe extra.o system.map
Does gcc or ld have some mode to make this late linking procedure? If not, how can I achieve dynamic code loading which I outlined above?
You can use the '-R filename' or '--just-symbols=filename' command options in ld. It reads symbol names and their addresses from filename, but does not relocate it or include it in the output. This allows your output file to refer symbolically to absolute locations of memory defined in your system.elf program.
(refer to ftp://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/ld-2.9.1/html_node/ld_3.html).
So here filename will be 'system.elf'. You can compile extra.c with GCC normally including services.h but without linking and generate 'extra.o' then call ld as below:
ld -R"system.elf" -o"extra.out" extra.o
The 'extra.out' shall have your symbols linked. You can use objdump to compare contents of both 'extra.out' and 'extra.o'.
Note that you can always pass the start address of your program to the ld (e.g. -defsym _TEXT_START_ADDR=0xAAAA0123) as well as start address of other memory sections like bss,data. (i.e. -Tbss, -Tdata)
Be careful to use a valid address that does not conflict with your 'system.elf' as ld will not generate error for that. You can define new areas for the loaded code+data+bss in your original linker script and re-compile the system.elf then point the start addresses to your defined areas while linking 'extra.o'.

MinGW's ld cannot perform PE operations on non PE output file

I know there are some other similar questions about this out there, be it StackOverflow or not. I've researched a lot for this, and still didn't find a single solution.
I'm doing an operative system as a side project. I've been doing all in Assembly, but now I wanna join C code.
To test, I made this assembly code file (called test.asm):
[BITS 32]
jmp $
Then I made this C file (called main.c):
extern void a(void);
int main(void)
To link, I used this file (called make.bat):
"C:\minGW\bin\gcc.exe" -ffreestanding -c -o c.o main.c
nasm -f coff -o asm.o test.asm
"C:\minGW\bin\ld.exe" -Ttext 0x100000 --oformat binary -o out.bin c.o asm.o
I've been researching for ages, and I'm still struggling to find an answer. I hope this won't be flagged as duplicate. I acknowledge about the existence of similar questions, but all have different answers, and none work for me.
Question: What am I doing wrong?
Old MinGW versions had the problem that "ld" was not able to create non-PE files at all.
Maybe current versions have the same problem.
The work-around was creating a PE file with "ld" and then to transform the PE file to binary, HEX or S19 using "objcopy".
--- EDIT ---
Thinking about the question again I see two problems:
As I already said some versions of "ld" have problems creating "binary" output (instead of "PE", "ELF" or whatever format is used).
Instead of:
ld.exe --oformat binary -o file.bin c.o asm.o
You should use the following sequence to create the binary file:
ld.exe -o file.tmp c.o asm.o
objcopy -O binary file.tmp file.bin
This will create an ".exe" file named "binary.tmp"; then "objcopy" will create the raw data from the ".exe" file.
The second problem is the linking itself:
"ld" assumes a ".exe"-like file format - even if the output file is a binary file. This means that ...
... you cannot even be sure if the object code of "main.o" is really placed at the first address of the resulting object code. "ld" would also be allowed to put the code of "a()" before "main()" or even put "internal" code before "a()" and "main()".
... addressing works a bit differently which means that a lot of padding bytes will be created (maybe at the start of the file!) if you do something wrong.
The only possibility I see is to create a "linker script" (sometimes called "linker command file") and to create a special section in the assembler code (because I normally use another assembler than "nasm" I do not know if the syntax here is correct):
[BITS 32]
SECTION .entry
jmp _main
jmp $
In the linker script you can specify which sections appear in which order. Specify that ".entry" is the first section of the file so you can be sure it is the first instruction of the file.
In the linker script you may also say that multiple sections (e.g. ".entry", ".text" and ".data") should be combined into a single section. This is useful because sections are normally 0x1000-byte-aligned in PE files! If you do not combine multiple sections into one you'll get a lot of stub bytes between the sections!
Unfortunately I'm not the expert for linker scripts so I cannot help you too much with that.
Using "-Ttext" is also problematic:
In PE files the actual address of a section is calculated as "image base" + "relative address". The "-Ttext" argument will influence the "relative address" only. Because the "relative address" of the first section is typically fixed to 0x1000 in Windows a "-Ttext 0x2000" would do nothing but filling 0x1000 stub bytes at the start of the first section. However you do not influence the start address of ".text" at all - you only fill stub bytes at the start of the ".text" section so that the first useful byte is located at 0x2000. (Maybe some "ld" versions behave differently.)
If you wish that the first section of your file is located at address 0x100000 you should use the equivalent of "-Ttext 0x1000" in the linker script (-Ttext is not used if a linker script is used) and define the "image base" to 0xFF000:
ld.exe -T linkerScript.ld --image-base 0xFF000 -o binary.tmp a.o main.o
The memory address of the ".text" section will be 0xFF000 + 0x1000 = 0x100000.
(And the first byte of the binary file generated by "objcopy" will be the first byte of the first section - representing memory address 0x100000.)

How to generate symbol table with arm gcc

I would like to create a symbol definition table to be used in a separate application during linking. ARM's armlink linker has the following flag but I'm using arm-eabi:
The GNU objcopy utility has an option --extract-symbol that may do what you want. It generates an object file with only symbol data - no actual code or data.
It is specifically intended to generate a .sym file for use in the VxWorks RTOS which has a command shell and dynamic linker/loader that uses this information. It is also used by the VxWorks host shell and source-level debugger.
The binutils nm utility on the other hand generates output very similar to armlink's --symdefs which you might easily post-process into exactly the form you need.
-Wl,-Map -Wl,mapfile -Wl,--cref
added to the final gcc (link) command line should do the trick.
This the correct answer from arm gnu launchpad:
Do you intend to load the symdef file with the GNU toolchain or with armcc one? If the former I think using nm on the object file and then linking with -R <filename> would work. So you would do arm-none-eabi-nm -D ./prog > ./prog.defsym after linking prog and then arm-none-eabi-gcc -Wl,-R,./prog.defsym when you want to use this.
