Replace keys with values in a Hash - ruby

What is the best way to replace all keys with values in a hash?
I came up with:
Hash[ {|k,v| [v,k]}]
Is there a better solution?

There's a built-in method for that:

It's possible to invert a hash:
{ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }.invert # => {1=>"a", 2=>"b"}
But be careful of the side-effects:
{ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 2 }.invert # => {1=>"a", 2=>"c"}
A hash's keys must be unique, but values don't have to be. When you invert the hash the duplicate values will collide, overwriting each other, with the last one winning.


what is difference between store vs merge in ruby hashes?

i create a hash:
a = {}
=> {}
then:, {})
=> {}
a.merge!(c: {})
=> {:b=>{}, :c=>{}}
what are differences actually?
store is an assignment method.
a = {}
# => {}, {})
# => {:b=>{}}
# Here you are assigning a key :b with empty hash {}
Another example to make it clearer:
a = {}
# => {}"key", "value")
# => {"key"=>"value"}
merge on the other hand manipulates your existing hash by merging with a different hash.
a = {}
# => {}
a.merge({"key" => "value"})
# => {"key"=>"value"}
# => {} # original value still unchanged
a.merge!({"key" => "value"})
# => {"key"=>"value"}
# => {"key"=>"value"} # original value updated
However unless you use merge! a's value will not get changed i.e. merge will occur only for return.
what are differences actually?
I think the main difference is merge! will let you decide which value to keep when duplicate key is provided, since it expects a block as well.
On the other hand, when you use store, the previous value will be replaced by the latest value when duplicate key is provided.
h1 = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }"b", 254)
#=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>254}
h1 = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
h2 = { "b" => 254, "c" => 300 }
h1.merge!(h2) { |key, v1, v2| v1 }
#=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200, "c"=>300}
store takes just one key/value tuple as input and returns the stored value.
h1 = { foo: 'bar' }, 1) #=> 1
h1 #=> { foo: 'bar', baz: 1 }
Whereas merge! accepts a hash as input and returns the updated hash:
h2 = { foo: 'bar' }
h2.merge!(baz: 1, buz: 2) #=> { foo: 'bar', baz: 1, buz: 2 }
h2 #=> { foo: 'bar', baz: 1, buz: 2 }
merge! takes one argument, which is hash to merge into original. store takes two arguments, which is key and value to store. Therefore, with merge!, you can add multiple keys to original hash, like this:
a = {}
a.merge!(a: 'a', b: 'b')
# => {:a => "a", :b => "b"}
For a hash h, Hash#store has the same effect as Hash#[]=: they both either add one key-value pair k=>v to h (if h does not have a key k) or modify the value of key k (if the hash already contains the key). Also, they both return v.
Hash#merge! (aka update) has two forms. The first does the same thing as store, except it does it for each key-value pair in another hash. The second form uses a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. Please refer to the docs for details on that form of the method. Both forms of merge! return the "merged" hash.
Hash#merge is not a relevant comparison as it does not mutate the hash.

Getting an array of hash values given specific keys

Given certain keys, I want to get an array of values from a hash (in the order I gave the keys). I had done this:
class Hash
def values_for_keys(*keys_requested)
result = []
keys_requested.each do |key|
result << self[key]
return result
I modified the Hash class because I do plan to use it almost everywhere in my code.
But I don't really like the idea of modifying a core class. Is there a builtin solution instead? (couldn't find any, so I had to write this).
You should be able to use values_at:
values_at(key, ...) → array
Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys. Also see
h = { "cat" => "feline", "dog" => "canine", "cow" => "bovine" }
h.values_at("cow", "cat") #=> ["bovine", "feline"]
The documentation doesn't specifically say anything about the order of the returned array but:
The example implies that the array will match the key order.
The standard implementation does things in the right order.
There's no other sensible way for the method to behave.
For example:
>> h = { :a => 'a', :b => 'b', :c => 'c' }
=> {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c"}
>> h.values_at(:c, :a)
=> ["c", "a"]
i will suggest you do this:{|key,value| given_keys.include?(key)}.values

How do you define element uniqueness by multiple keys/attributes?

I have queried my database which gave me an array of hashes, where the keys in the hash are the column names. I want to keep only the hashes(array elements), that are unique according to multiple (3 columns). I have tried:
array.uniq { |item| item[:col1], item[:col2], item[:col3] }
as well as
array = array.inject([{}]) do |res, item|
if !res.any? { |h| h[:col1] == item[:col1] &&
h[:col2] == item[:col2] &&
h[:col3] == item[:col3] }
res << item
Does anyone have any ideas as to what's wrong or another way of going about this?
It's unclear to me what you're asking for. My best guess is that given the array of single-association Hashes:
array = [{:col1 => 'aaa'}, {:col2 => 'bbb'}, {:col3 => 'aaa'}]
You'd like to have only one Hash per hash value; that is, remove the last Hash because both it and the first one have 'aaa' as their value. If so, then this:
array.uniq{|item| item.values.first}
# => [{:col1=>"aaa"}, {:col2=>"bbb"}]
Does what you want.
The other possibility I'm imagining is that given an array like this:
array2 = [{:col1 => 'a', :col2 => 'b', :col3 => 'c', :col4 => 'x'},
{:col1 => 'd', :col2 => 'b', :col3 => 'c', :col4 => 'y'},
{:col1 => 'a', :col2 => 'b', :col3 => 'c', :col4 => 'z'}]
You'd like to exclude the last Hash for having the same values for :col1, :col2, and :col3 as the first Hash. If so, then this:
array2.uniq{|item| [item[:col1], item[:col2], item[:col3]]}
# => [{:col1=>"a", :col2=>"b", :col3=>"c", :col4=>"x"},
# {:col1=>"d", :col2=>"b", :col3=>"c", :col4=>"y"}]
Does what you want.
If neither of those guesses are really want you're looking for, you'll need to clarify what you're asking for, preferably including some sample input and desired output.
I'll also point out that it's quite possible that you can accomplish what you want at the database query level, depending on many factors not presented.
If the no. of column is constant i.e. 3 you are better off creating a 3 level hash something like below
where whatever value you want to store is at 3rd level.
out_hash =
array.each do |value|
if value[:col1].nil?
out_hash[value[:col1]] =
out_hash[value[:col1]][value[:col2]] =
out_hash[value[:col1]][value[:col2]][value[:col3]] = value
else if value[:col1][:col2].nil?
out_hash[value[:col1]][value[:col2]] =
out_hash[value[:col1]][value[:col2]][value[:col3]] = value
else if value[:col1][:col2][:col3].nil?
out_hash[value[:col1]][value[:col2]][value[:col3]] = value
I have not tested the code above its for giving you a idea...

In Ruby, what does a hash followed by rectangular brackets do?

In Ruby, what does a hash followed by rectangular brackets do? example ->
quantity = { :buy => 1, :sell => -1}[action.to_sym]
It's equivalent to
hash = { :buy => 1, :sell => -1}
quantity = hash[action.to_sym]
It works also for arrays or string:
['a', 'b', 'c'][1] # -> 'b'
'abc'[1] # -> 'b'
It returns the value (what is on the right side of the arrow =>) that corresponds to the key (what is on the left side of the arrow) given in []. For example, if action.to_sym turns out to be :buy, then quantity will be 1.
Any peace of code in ruby has object result. So { :buy => 1, :sell => -1} gives hash object with keys and values. Hash it is the data structure that has keys and values. You can get value by key through brackets like this: hash[:buy]. So you have hash object here after { :buy => 1, :sell => -1} and you gets value by key action.to_sym

Is saving a hash in another hash common practice?

I'd like to save some hash objects to a collection (in the Java world think of it as a List). I search online to see if there is a similar data structure in Ruby and have found none. For the moment being I've been trying to save hash a[] into hash b[], but have been having issues trying to get data out of hash b[].
Are there any built-in collection data structures on Ruby? If not, is saving a hash in another hash common practice?
If it's accessing the hash in the hash that is the problem then try:
>> p = {:name => "Jonas", :pos => {:x=>100.23, :y=>40.04}}
=> {:pos=>{:y=>40.04, :x=>100.23}, :name=>"Jonas"}
>> p[:pos][:x]
=> 100.23
There shouldn't be any problem with that.
a = {:color => 'red', :thickness => 'not very'}
b = {:data => a, :reason => 'NA'}
Perhaps you could explain what problems you're encountering.
The question is not completely clear, but I think you want to have a list (array) of hashes, right?
In that case, you can just put them in one array, which is like a list in Java:
a = {:a => 1, :b => 2}
b = {:c => 3, :d => 4}
list = [a, b]
You can retrieve those hashes like list[0] and list[1]
Lists in Ruby are arrays. You can use Hash.to_a.
If you are trying to combine hash a with hash b, you can use Hash.merge
EDIT: If you are trying to insert hash a into hash b, you can do
b["Hash a"] = a;
All the answers here so far are about Hash in Hash, not Hash plus Hash, so for reasons of completeness, I'll chime in with this:
# Define two independent Hash objects
hash_a = { :a => 'apple', :b => 'bear', :c => 'camel' }
hash_b = { :c => 'car', :d => 'dolphin' }
# Combine two hashes with the Hash#merge method
hash_c = hash_a.merge(hash_b)
# The combined hash has all the keys from both sets
puts hash_c[:a] # => 'apple'
puts hash_c[:c] # => 'car', not 'camel' since B overwrites A
Note that when you merge B into A, any keys that A had that are in B are overwritten.
