Create script to login and change time on Darwin - bash

I work for a non-profit and recently had to take on some sysadmin responsibilities, and and it is a new area for me.
We have a Apple X Server that is running Darwin, and from time to time, especially on reboots, the timer on it gets out of sync which causes the machine to be unaccessible via share. I would like to write a little script that i can run that logs-in, updates the time, and logs out.
The main reason I would like to do it this way, is so that I can share that script user/pw with other non-technical folk. Currently, I login as root "Administrator" and type the following, "date MMddHHmmYY" (substituting the values MMddHHmmYY with the current date/time) and the problem resolves the issue.
I have read that only the root can change the date on the box, is it possible to create a user who logs in as root, changes time, logs out, without giving the root user info away?
I have not written a script before, and don't really know where to start. If you can point me in the right places, I would be very grateful.


macOS requesting permissions for network read+write

I am writing a service/module in Go for a bigger system and I'm having trouble with permissions on macOS. I am hoping anyone here has any experience with this.
This module is using network interfaces in macOS (read+write), and therefore needs admin/root permissions. The module is also in the form of a process which will communicate with parent process through stdio. Since it needs root permissions, I have tried wrapping it in AppleScript: do shell script [...] with administrator privileges, but osascripts does not return the output in real time, instead it returns the stdio output when process has exited. I need the stdio output in real-time, and it is annoying to write the password every time the module is started.
So that leaves me with the question of how I can request permissions for network control in Go. Like the popup you see on some programs "wants to use your microphone", only with network permissions. Is this possible?
If not, how can I solve this issue of needing root permission for a real-time module in macOS?
I found a viable solution; launching the script with sudo -S , and asking the user for root password through my own GUI service. As long as the root password isn't stored anywhere, it should be fine security-wise.

Executing gcloud commands in bash

I've spent 3 days beating my head against this before coming here in desperation.
So long story short I thought I'd fire up a simple PHP site to allow moderators of a gaming group I'm in the ability to start GCP servers on demand. I'm no developer so I'm looking at this from a Systems perspective to find the simplest solution to do the job.
I fired up an Ubuntu 18.04 machine on GCP and set it up with the Google SDK, authorised it for access to the project and was able to simply run gcloud commands which worked fine. Had some issues with the PHP file calling the shell script to run the same commands but with some testing I can see it's now calling the shell script no worries (it broadcasts wall "test") to console everytime I click the button on the PHP page.
However what does not happen is the execution of the gcloud command. If I manually run this shell script it starts up the instance no worries and broadcasts wall, if I click the button it broadcasts but that's it. I've set the files to have execution rights and I've even added the user nginx runs as to have sudo rights, putting sudo sh in front of the command in the PHP file also made no difference. Please find the bash script below:
/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud compute instances start arma3s1-prod --zone=australia-southeast1-b
wall "test"
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this coupled with an automated shut down would allow our gaming group to save money by only running the servers people want to play on.
Any more detail you want about the underlying system please let me know.
So I asked a PHP dev at work about this and in two seconds flat she pointed out the issue and now I feel stupid. In /etc/passwd the www-data user had /usr/sbin/nologin and after I fixed that running the script gcloud wanted permissions to write a log file to /var/www. Fixed those and it works fine. I'm not terribly worried about the page or even server being hacked and destroyed, I can recreate them pretty easily.
Thanks for the help though! Sometimes I think I just need to take a step back and get a set fresh of eyes on the problem.
When you launch a command while logged in, you have your account access rights to the Google cloud API but the PHP account doesn't have those.
Even if you add the www-data user to root, that won't fix the problem, maybe create some security issues but nothing more.
If you really want to do this you should create a service account and giving the json to the env variable, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, which only have the rights on the compute instance inside your project this way your PHP should have enough rights to do what you are asking him.
Note that the issue with this method is that if you are hacked there is a change the instance hosting your PHP could be deleted too.
You could also try to make a call to prepared cloud function which will create the instance, this way, even if your instance is deleted the cloud function would still be there.

Lost bash got jailshell on shared host reboot - how to get bash back?

A few days ago my shared hosting ISP apparently had server issues and ever since I get jailshell rather than bash when connecting with .ssh.
After three tech troubleshooting sessions, they have not been able to restore my bash capability. They say they get bash if they log in. They seem to keep trying ineffective measures, and provide no details about them.
During the server restart I had tried to log in, and saw the jailshell then. Could that attempted login during server restart have caused this issue?
In any case, advice would be appreciated on how I can get bash back or tell them what to try on their side. Are there useful questions to ask, or things to suggest to them to try to resolve this?
Multiple machines have been used with .ssh with same results. I can FTP into my account (if going to root I see just a few jailshell files; if going directly to folder and then up to root I see all my files; the web serving is not affected).

Tomcat as a Service

I need to write a shell script in which I need to bounce the Tomcat server(it would possibly on anyone's system). Hence, I wanted to know how should I check if tomcat is ran as a service with "service tomcat6 start" or with the script "./bin/"?
If this is for a production server: Assume that it's always started as a service. If you find out that it isn't: Find the person that started from the shell and fire them.
Hard words, but on production systems: Hand off, keep them operating according to a standard. If you automate the bouncing (restart): This is what you do.
Dangers when starting through The process will be started as whatever user executes the script - potentially lacking write permissions to the log and temp files, or ruining it for the next start through service tomcat start, when the service can't access those files any more.
Thinking of it: It might be a good idea to check (at least) the identity of the current user in (or and terminate if it's not the expected one. Thus effectively forbidding to ever run as a regular user, including root.

Active Directory two user with same permissions, one doesn't have permisions to give admin privileges

i've the following scenario:
In the company almost part of the computers works in domain. there is two admins with absolutely all permisions. Obviously, when a software is required in one of the computers one of the sysadmins must go to put his credentials and password.
So here starts the problem: with one of the admins everything works normally, but with the other user it's impossible. it says that the operation requires permissions elevation, and i insist that both users have exactly the same permissions.
Anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
thanks in advance
Let me see if I understand this. The first admin has no issues installing software, but the second admin does have issues (User Account Control Dialog box popping up). In what way have you determined they have the same permissions? Rather than answer that, just run through this checklist until you (or they) find the difference between their privileges and then correct it.
Compare the group memberships of their two accounts. One may be a Domain Admin, while the other might actually not be one, thus accounting for the UAC dialog box popping up.
If the above shows no differences, then compare a Resultant Set of Policy report between the both of them. This means when the first admin logs in, have him/her run this command: gpresult /H C:\Admin1.html
When the 2nd admin logs in, run a fresh report for him/her using gpresult /H C:\Admin2.html, then compare that to the first report, and act on any difference you see related to permissions:
