Should there be a abstraction layer between database and model? - model-view-controller

What I see a lot is that people use a Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for doing SQL stuff when working in a MVC environment. But if i really have complex queries I would like to write this whole query myself. What is the best practice for this kind of situation?
Having a Abstraction Layer between your model and the database with the complex queries
Still using the model with creating specific methodes that handle the queries
Or is there any other way that might be better? please tell me :)

Consider the Single Responsibility Principle. Specifically, the question would be...
"If I put data access logic in my model, what will that mean when I need to change something?"
Any time you need to change business logic, you're also changing the objects which maintain data access logic. So the data access logic also needs to be re-tested. Conversely, any time you need to change data access logic, you're also changing the objects which maintain business logic. So the business logic also needs to be re-tested.
As the logic expands, this becomes more difficult very quickly.
The idea behind the Single Responsibility Principle is to separate the dependencies of different roles which can enact changes to the application. (Keep in mind that "roles" doesn't map 1-to-1 with "people." One person may have multiple roles, but it's still important to separate those roles.) It's a matter of simpler support. If you want to make a change to a database query (say, for performance reasons) which shouldn't have any visible affect on anything else in the system, then there's no reason to be changing objects which contain business logic.

1. Having a Abstraction Layer between your model and the database with the complex queries
Yes, you should have a persistence abstraction that sits between storage (database or any other data source) and you business logic. Your business logic should not depend on "where", "how" and even "if" the data is actually stored.
Basically, your code should (at least - try to) adhere to SOLID principles, but as #david already pointed out: you are already violating the first on on that list.
Also, you should consider using a service layer which would be responsible for dealing with interaction between implementation of domain model and your persistence abstraction (doesn't matter whether you are using custom written data mappers or some 3rd party ORM).
In the article (more like excerpt, actually) the "MVC model" is actually all three concentric circles together. Domain model is not code. It actually is trm that describs the accumulated knowledge about the project. Most of domain model gets turned into pieces of code. Those pieces are referred to as domain objects.
2. Still using the model with creating specific methodes that handle the queries
This would imply implementation of active record. It is useful, but mostly misused pattern, for cases when your objects have no (or almost none) business logic. Basically - you should use active record only if all you need are glorified setter an getters, that talk to database.
Active record pattern is a very good choice when you need to quickly prototype something, but it should not be used, when you are attempting to implement fully realized model layer.

ORM's in general do not specifically have any drawbacks versus using direct SQL to fetch data from the database. ORM's as the name implies help in keeping your Relational model (designed using your SQL DDL's or using JPA annotations) and OO model in sync and help them integrate well together.
When using a ORM, you can write your queries in JPQL which is Object oriented SQL. So instead of writing queries that manipulate tables, you are writing queries that manipulate objects. You use the relationships between these objects to get your desired result. Now I understand that sometimes its easier to just write Native SQL, so the JPA specification allows you to run native sql! This just returns you list of "Generic Objects" which you can organize any way you like. When you choose to go this route and actually pick a JPA provider, like Hibernate, these providers have extended functionalities. So if you do have complex relationships you can use libraries like Hibernate Criteria Builder to help you create queries for those complex relationships.
So, if building a large MVC application, it would generally be a good idea to have this abstraction layer in the middle - handling all these relationships. It makes it easier on you the developer to just look at the big picture and the business side of the application.

Imho, no. I think, even the ORM layer adds often more complexity as needed. The databases have very good and sophisticated mechanisms for high-level data manipulation. Triggers, views, constraints, complex keying-indexing, (sub)transactions, stored procedures, and procedural extensions of the query language were normally much more as enough for everything.
The ORMs can't give, because of their structural barriers, a real interface to this feature set.
And the common practice is that the applications use practically only a nosql record service from all of this, and implement in an unneeded "middleware" which were the mission of the database.
Which I see really interesting, if the feature set of the databases got some OO-like interface (see "sql abstract types"), and the client-side logic went in the application (see "REST"). This practically eliminated the need of the middle layer.


Ditching ActiveRecord and NHibernate -- how to rearchitect?

I have an MVC3 NHibernate/ActiveRecord project. The project is going okay, and I'm getting a bit of use out of my model objects (mostly one giant hierarchy of three or four classes).
My application is analytics based; I store hierarchial data, and later slice it up, display it in graphs, etc. so the actual relationship is not that complicated.
So far, I haven't benefited much from ORM; it makes querying easy (ActiveRecord), but I frequently need less information than full objects, and I need to write "hard" queries through complex and multiple selects and iterations over collections -- raw SQL would be much faster and cleaner.
So I'm thinking about ditching ORM in this case, and going back to raw SQL. But I'm not sure how to rearchitect my solution. How should I handle the database tier?
Should I still have one class per model, with static methods to query for objects? Or should I have one class representing the DB?
Should I write my own layer under ActiveRecord (or my own ActiveRecord-like implementation) to keep the existing code more or less sound?
Should I combine ORM methods (like Save/Delete) into my model classes or not?
Should I change my table structure (one table per class with all of the fields)?
Any advice would be appreciated. I'm trying to figure out the best architecture and design to go with.
Many, including myself, think the ActiveRecord pattern is an anti-pattern mainly because it breaks the SRP and doesn't allow POCO objects (tightly coupling your domain to a particular ORM).
In saying that, you can't beat an ORM for simple CRUD stuff, so I would keep some kind of ORM around for that kind of work. Just re-architect your application to use POCO objects and some kind or repository pattern with your ORM implementation specifics in another project.
As for your "hard" queries, I would consider creating one class per view using a tiny ORM (like Dapper, PetaPoco, or Massive), to query the objects with your own raw sql.

When using LINQ shall we use 3 layers?

When using LINQ to SQL or Entity framework,shall we need to separate application in 3 layers?BLL,DAL,Interface?
Do what works for you. Building a wedding website with a handful of links and getting 5 content pages out of the database? More than 1 layer seems like tremendous overkill. On the flip side, for a very complex or large project: I think you'd want at least some degree separation because it saves time, confusion and sanity.
It matters what you're working on and how much division it requires. Ultimately it's what you and your team prefer. There's no right answer, it's what fits the situation.
in projects I've been developing, I find value in creating a DL even when using Linq2Sql for data access.
My main reason is because many of the calls to the DL, to retreive one or more business objects from the DB, actually require more than one call to the database, especially when implementing an eager-loading strategy. and when saving a business object, whose data is stored in multiple tables, a transaction can be established across multiple calls to the database.
The business layer doesn't need to know that; it should be able to make a single call to the DL and leave it to the DL to do all the tedious querying and collation of data into business objects.
I'm with #MikeJacobs.
I've actually written a LINQ2SQL library which abstracts ALL the DataContext stuff, and all the .Insert(), .Execute() and .SubmitChanges().
It's really nice to just abstract that away. In LINQ2SQL, you're still dependant on all your layers knowing about the LINQ2SQL Entities, but my top layers is very rarely sending complex lambdas to the DAL, most of that's done in the DAL.

Recommended data structure for a Data Access layer

I am building a DataAccess layer to a DB, what data structure is recommended to use to pass and return a collection?
I use a list of data access objects mapped to the db tables.
I'm not sure what language you're using, but in general, there are tradeoffs of simplicity vs extensibility.
If you return the DataSet directly, you have now coupled yourself to database specific classes. This leaves little room for extension - what if you allow access to files or to other types of data sources? But, it is also very simple. This is the recordset pattern and C#/VB provide a lot of built-in support for this. The GUI layer can access the recordset and easily manipulate the data. This works well for simple applications.
On the other hand, you can wrap the datasets in a custom object, and provide gateway methods (see the Gateway pattern This method is more complex, but provides a lot more extensibility. In a larger application when you need to separate the the business logic, data logic, and GUI logic, this is a more robust way to go.
For larger enterprise applications, you can look into using Object Relational Mapping tools (ORM). They help to automatically map java objects to database tables. They hide a lot of the painful SQL details. Frameworks such as Spring provide excellent support for ORMs.
I tend to use arrays of objects, so that I can disconnect the DAO from the business logic.
You can store the data in the DAO as a dataset, for example, and give them an easy way to add to the database before doing an update, so they can pass in information to do modification operations, and then when they want to commit the changes they can do it in one shot.
I prefer that the user can't add/modify the structure themselves, as it makes it harder to determine what must be changed in the database.
By initially returning an array they can then display what is in the database.
Then, as the presentation layer makes changes, the DAO can be updated by the controller. By having a loose coupling the entire system becomes more flexible, as you can change the DAO from a dataset to something else, and the rest of the application doesn't care.
There are two choices that are the most generic.
The first way to look at a ResultSet is as a List of Maps, where each Map represents a row in the ResultSet. The keys are the columns listed in the FROM clause; the values are the database values.
The second way to look at a ResultSet is as a Map of Lists, where each List represents a column in the ResultSet. The Map keys are the columns listed in the FROM clause; the values are the List of database values.
If you don't want to do full-blown ORM, these can carry you a long way.

In MVC, does an ORM represent the model?

In MVC, is the ORM the same as the model or just a way the model can be designed? In other words, the "model" doesn't care how you get data as long as you get it. Or, does "model" imply that I no longer have a bunch of SQL statements in my code like in code behind forms? Something else?
Thank you.
No, the ORM is the thing that maps a code-based model to your database and vice versa.
For basic CRUD apps, where your model in code is literally just DTOs that represent the database and you're loading, editing, and saving them, that's how you'd use it. If you do have a "proper" Domain Model, then it's a bit more complex because ideally you'd want to decouple the shape of the Domain Model classes from the shape of the database tables.
To elaborate, you would create your model in your code to represent the Domain Model (i.e. the various elements of your problem domain), build some sort of "memento" classes that are pure DTOs that you can convert your Domain Model classes from/into. Then configure an ORM (object relational mapper) to map those memento DTOs to a database. I.e. Generate SQL statements that will update the database based on the model objects you give to it.
I can understand some confusion, because there are tools (LINQ to SQL being one) that actually generate model classes in a designer for you. This isn't pure ORM, like NHibernate, where you provide the ORM plain old objects and some mapping configuration that it uses (often in conjunction with reflection) to automatically generate the SQL statements for the database. You could possibly get away with using EF Code First to map a Domain Model directly to the database, but I think in the end it may get messy as you try to make changes to one or the other.
If you'd like to have a look at a good real world implementation of MVC with an ORM, have a look at S#arp Architecture which is based on MS ASP.NET MVC, Nhibernate and the repository pattern.
The model should be decoupled from the backend data store technology as much as possible.
I thought this was a pretty good article that discusses the relationship between data access layers, DTOs, etc.

LINQ - which layer should LINQ typically fall into, DAL?

just wanted to gather different ideas and perspectives as to which layer should (and why) LINQ fall into?
LINQ = Language INtegrated Queries. This is the query extensions that allows you to query anything from databases to lists/collections to XML. The query language is useful in any layer.
However, a lot of people refer to LINQ to SQL as just "LINQ". In that context, a combined BLL/DAL makes sense when you're using L2S and that's where you do LINQ queries against your database. That does of course not exclude doing subsequent queries against the results from those same queries in new (Linq to objects) queries in higher layers...
it depends on what you want to do with linq. when using linq2sql i`d recommend the DAL, but Linq is more than just database access. you can use it to manipulate lists, ienumerables of business objects and so on... Linq itself can be useful everywhere in your application.
I consider your DataContext-derived object to your DAL layer itself, and LINQ is just a very flexible interface to it. Hence I use LINQ queries directly in the Business layer.
Both. DataContext is the DAL and, when using the designer, the auto-generated partial classes that map on to SQL objects (tables,views) can be considered part of your business layer. I implement partial classes that implement some of the partial methods to enforce validation and security as needed. Some business rules don't map directly on to DB objects and are handled via other classes.
I think if you are doing Linq to Sql, you should always do it in your DAL. However if you are doing Linq to Objects where you are just filtering, playing with different object you can do that is BL layer.
I think LINQ should be the very lower-level (DAL) and I think it should be wrapped into a BLL.
I know a lot of people like to use the partial accessibility of the models that LINQ to SQL generates but I think you should have clear separation of interests (see what I did there?). I think if you're going to have business logic it needs to be decoupled completely from your data access logic.
I think what makes it tricky is the fact that you can keep chaining those LINQ extension methods anywhere you have a using System.Linq line in your code. Again though I think LINQ belongs with the definition and should be at the lowest possible level. It also makes TDD/Unit Testing much, much easier when you wrap the usage of LINQ in a BLL.
I use linq in the traditional 'data access layer' or in 'data access objects'. This allows modularization of code, promotes data code in one place (vs cutting and pasting the same code a few different places) and allows a different front end to be developed with relative ease.
It depends on the architecture of your application, and it makes a huge difference how much the presentation model matches the data model. I agree with separating out business logic operations from the data objects and access methods created by LINQ. I also tend to wrap all data-level operations inside a manager class so I can make the data context an internal class.
I think the point of Linq is that it replaces your DAL.
The equivalent to your old DAL is all the auto-generated code behinf the DBML files + anything extra that Linq can't do added by you.
