Three.js—rotation around arbitrary line - rotation

I am starting with Three.js so I might have misunderstood some basics of the concept. I have a usual 3d scene with a hierarchy like this:
+-container #(0,0,0) (Object3d, no own geometry)
+-child 1 #(1,1,1)
+-child 2 #(1, -2, 5)
+-child 3 #(-4, -2, -3)
. more should come
all »children« of the »container« are imported models from Blender. What I would like to do is to rotate the whole container around a pivot axis based on the current selection, which should be one of the children.
Image three cubes in Blender, all selected with the 3d cursor at center of first in location and center of transformation. A rotation transforms all cubes, but the rotation is relative to the first in selection.
In terms of three.js, what would like to do is to rotate the container, so that the rotation is applied to all children.
To do that I think that the following steps should do the trick:
create a matrix,
translate that matrix by the negative of the selected objects position
rotate that matrix
translate the matrix back to the selected objects position
apply the transform to the container
I have tried the following code but the result is just wrong:
var sp = selection.position.clone(),
m = new THREE.Matrix4();
//I've used makeRotationX for testing purposes, should be replaced with quaternion rotation later on…
m = m.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(2*180/Math.PI));
m = m.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(sp.x,sp.y,sp.z));
Thanks for help!
sign error—this works:
var sp = selection.position.clone(),
m = new THREE.Matrix4();
m.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(0.1));
m.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(-sp.x,-sp.y,-sp.z));
BUT that code does not really look that good, creating three matrices for that single operating seems to bit of overhead, what is the usual »three.js-way«?
Due to the comment here is an image describing what I would like to do:
The »arrows« at the origin stand for the parent container and the cube, the sphere and the cone are its »children«. The red line shows the line I would like rotate the parent around, this way the rotation is applied to all children.
rotateOnAxis() takes a Vector as axis, so the line the objects rotates around crosses its origin.


Rotating an Object properly around a pivot point given axis and angle

In Three.js there seems to be quite a few ways of rotation which i personally do not find very intuitive. See e.g. the example
I get very strange unexpected effects when I apply rotation to multiple objects. E.g. when I rotate objects that have been added to each other and start rotating the parent the individual objects will all over sudden by placed differently in respect to each other then they originally where. I am now experimenting with grouping and would like to avoid the same effect.
See for the current state of affairs and for the source code.
So i searched for proper examples following the different API options:
function renderScene() {
//side1.rotation.z += 0.02;
pivot.rotation.z += 0.02;
three.js rotate Object3d around Y axis at it center
How to rotate a 3D object on axis three.js?
ThreeJS - rotation around object's own axis
object.rotateAroundWorldAxis(p, ax, r * Math.PI * 2 / frames);
How to rotate a object on axis world three.js?
THREE.js Update rotation property of object after rotateOnWorldAxis
object.rotateOnWorldAxis( axis, angle );
Rotate around World Axis
Three JS Pivot point
Rotation anchor point in Three.js
quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle( axisOfRotation, angleOfRotation );
object.rotation.setEulerFromQuaternion( quaternion );
Three.js - Rotating a sphere around a certain axis
this.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); // important !
childPart.mesh.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(this.mesh.matrixWorld))
Applying a matrix in Three.js does not what I expect
I like the jsFiddle for
var pivot = new THREE.Object3D();
pivot.add( cube );
scene.add( pivot );
I also found the following discussions
pivot issue in
None of the above information is clear enough to get to the point of the problem to be solved. The graphics above are much clearer stating the problem than the proposals are stating a solution.
I'd like to use the cylinder as the axis even when the cylinder is moved.I'd expect the easiest way to go would be to use rotateAroundWorldAxis - is that available in the latest revision from three.js or do i have to add it from e.g.
b) I'd like to get a chain of objects to be rotated to later apply inverse kinematics as in
Although i looked at the source code of that solutions I can't really find the place where the parent-child positioning and rotating is happening. What are the relevant lines of code / API functions that would make proper rotation around a chain of joints happen?
I already looked in the Bone/Skeleton API of Three.js but had the same problem there - lots of lines of code but no clear point where the rotation/positioning between child and parent happens.
Question a)
Basically it works as expected:
cylinder.position.set( options.x, 15, options.z );
Question b)
The key is to set the positions correctly. Instead of the proposal at the size is computed in this case.
// create the pivot to rotate around/about
this.pivot = new THREE.Group();
// shift the pivot position to fit my size + the size of the joint
y + this.size.y / 2 + this.pivotr,
z + this.size.z / 2
// reposition the mesh accordingly
this.mesh.position.set(0, this.size.y / 2, 0);

PIXI.js - Canvas Coordinate to Container Coordinate

I have initiated a PIXI js canvas:
g_App = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, { backgroundColor: 0x1099bb });
Set up a container:
container = new PIXI.Container();
Put a background texture (2000x2000) into the container:
var texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage('picBottom.png');
var back = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
Set the global:
var g_Container = container;
I do various pivot points and rotations on container and canvas stage element:
// Set the focus point of the container
g_App.stage.x = Math.floor(400);
g_App.stage.y = Math.floor(500); // Note this one is not central
g_Container.pivot.set(1000, 1000);
g_Container.rotation = 1.5; // radians
Now I need to be able to convert a canvas pixel to the pixel on the background texture.
g_Container has an element transform which in turn has several elements localTransform, pivot, position, scale ands skew. Similarly g_App.stage has the same transform element.
In Maths this is simple, you just have vector point and do matix operations on them. Then to go back the other way you just find inverses of those matrices and multiply backwards.
So what do I do here in pixi.js?
How do I convert a pixel on the canvas and see what pixel it is on the background container?
Note: The following is written using the USA convention of using matrices. They have row vectors on the left and multiply them by the matrix on the right. (Us pesky Brits in the UK do the opposite. We have column vectors on the right and multiply it by the matrix on the left. This means UK and USA matrices to do the same job will look slightly different.)
Now I have confused you all, on with the answer.
g_Container.transform.localTransform - this matrix takes the world coords to the scaled/transposed/rotated COORDS
g_App.stage.transform.localTransform - this matrix takes the rotated world coords and outputs screen (or more accurately) html canvas coords
So for example the Container matrix is:
MatContainer = [g_Container.transform.localTransform.a, g_Container.transform.localTransform.b, 0]
[g_Container.transform.localTransform.c, g_Container.transform.localTransform.d, 0]
[g_Container.transform.localTransform.tx, g_Container.transform.localTransform.ty, 1]
and the rotated container matrix to screen is:
MatToScreen = [g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.a, g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.b, 0]
[g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.c, g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.d, 0]
[g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.tx, g_App.stage.transform.localTransform.ty, 1]
So to get from World Coordinates to Screen Coordinates (noting our vector will be a row on the left, so the first operation matrix that acts first on the World coordinates must also be on the left), we would need to multiply the vector by:
MatAll = MatContainer * MatToScreen
So if you have a world coordinate vector vectWorld = [worldX, worldY, 1.0] (I'll explain the 1.0 at the end), then to get to the screen coords you would do the following:
vectScreen = vectWorld * MatAll
So to get screen coords and to get to world coords we first need to calculate the inverse matrix of MatAll, call it invMatAll. (There are loads of places that tell you how to do this, so I will not do it here.)
So if we have screen (canvas) coordinates screenX and screenY, we need to create a vector vectScreen = [screenX, screenY, 1.0] (again I will explain the 1.0 later), then to get to world coordinates worldX and worldY we do:
vectWorld = vectScreen * invMatAll
And that is it.
So what about the 1.0?
In a 2D system you can do rotations, scaling with 2x2 matrices. Unfortunately you cannot do a 2D translations with a 2x2 matrix. Consequently you need 3x3 matrices to fully describe all 2D scaling, rotations and translations. This means you need to make your vector 3D as well, and you need to put a 1.0 in the third position in order to do the translations properly. This 1.0 will also be 1.0 after any matrix operation as well.
Note: If we were working in a 3D system we would need 4x4 matrices and put a dummy 1.0 in our 4D vectors for exactly the same reasons.

How to plot country names on the globe, so the mesh will be aligned with the surfaces

I'm trying to plot country names of the globe, so the text meshes will be aligned with the surface, but I'm failing to calculate proper rotations. For text I'm using THREE.TextGeometry. The name appears on the click of the mesh of the country at the point of intersection using raycasting. I'm lacking knowledge of how to turn these coordinates to proper rotation angles. I'm not posting my code, as it's complete mess and I believe for a knowldgeable person will be easier to explain how to achieve this in general.
Here is desired result:
The other solution, which I tried (and which, of course, is not the ultimate), based on this SO answer. The idea is to use the normal of the face you intersect with the raycaster.
Obtain the point of intersection.
Obtain the face of intersection.
Obtain the normal of the face (2).
Get the normal (3) in world coordinates.
Set position of the text object as sum of point of intersection (1) and the normal in world coordinates (4).
Set lookAt() vector of the text object as sum of its position (5) and the normal in world coordinates (4).
Seems long, but actually it makes not so much of code:
var PGHelper = new THREE.PolarGridHelper(...); // let's imagine it's your text object ;)
var PGlookAt = new THREE.Vector3(); // point of lookAt for the "text" object
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3();
var worldNormal = new THREE.Vector3();
and in the animation loop:
for ( var i = 0; i < intersects.length; i++ ) {
normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( intersects[i].object.matrixWorld );
worldNormal.copy(intersects[i].face.normal).applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
PGHelper.position.addVectors(intersects[i].point, worldNormal);
PGlookAt.addVectors(PGHelper.position, worldNormal);
jsfiddle exmaple
The method works with meshes of any geometry (checked with spheres and boxes though ;) ). And I'm sure there are another better methods.
very interesting question.I have tried this way, we can regard the text as a plane. lets define a normal vector n from your sphere center(or position) to point on the sphere surface where you want to display text. I have a simple way to make normal vector right.
1. put the text mesh on sphere center. text.position.copy(sphere.position)
2. make text to the point on sphere surface, text.lookAt(point)
3.relocate text to the point. text.position.copy(point)

ThreeJS: PlaneBufferGeometry, raycasting and faces

Made a buffered plane, set its vertices with:
var vertices = tg.attributes.position.array;
geometry.addAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3));
Now i want to raycast to a face to get it's Z value:
var z = intersects[i].object.geometry.vertices[intersects[i].face.a].z;
This worked on a standard geometry as it had faces and lot of other things i'm trying to save from memory.
My question comes from the index: intersects[i].face.a. What do i have to add? There seem not to be a method to add "faces" to the buffered geometry. Right now there is just one face for the whole geometry at:
Perhaps there is another way of clicking on a face and getting it's vertex value when using buffered geoms.
Tips? Thanks!
Buffer geometries contain attributes of positions in an array.
If you want to obtain information about z-value of a specific vertex from a buffer geometry's vertices then you can do it like this:
intersects[i].object.geometry.attributes.position.array[intersects[i].face.a * 3 + 2]
also you can use the z-coordinate of the point of intersection (which is in world's coordinates):
jsfiddle example (see function showDetails(intersect), the green plane is THREE.PlaneGeometry, the blue plane is THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry)

three.js parent child target tracking

So, here is a vector, matrix, rotation, quaternion question for the three.js masters!
I have a parent object at position(0,0,275) with direction(0,0,-1), +y up and rotation(0,0,0).
Attached to the parent is a child object with relation:
rel_position(.5, 0, 0)
rel_rotation(0, 0, 0)
I also have a target in the scene:
position(0, 100, 0)
Consider a ship(parent) with pitch, yaw and roll. It has a turret(child) with pitch and yaw. The turret needs to track the target at a given rotational speed (rad/s).
I have spent 5 days trying to get a proper tracking algorithm. The best I can do is remove the matrixAutoUpdate feature on the parent and child updating the matrix manually. Then use the child.matrixWorld to create rotation matrices or quaternions for the current child rotation. Then I can create a secondary Object3D which looks at the target from the child position. I can take the difference between the child and the secondary Object3D and slerp the quaternion on a rad/s basis. However, when I add roll to the parent or the target is rotated outside of octant (+, +, +) the child rotation (or quaternion) calculations crash causing wild rotations.
Any direction on a tracking algorithm for a child Object3D would be immensely appreciated. Your efforts will be cited in my upcoming project.
Thank you for your time!
So here is the answer! #Stemkoski, thanks for the direction. I took a similar approach for a final solution that came to light yesterday. It is a bit a costly in computational power due to inverting a matrix, but it works well. First, create a new matrix as follows:
var m = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(parent.matrix).multiply(target.matrix);
This rotates the reference frame of the XYZ axis to new coordinates X'Y'Z' based on the rotation of the parent object. The result is an Object3D matrix of the target in the reference frame of X'Y'Z'. Now by creating a new Vector3 from the matrix 'm' we can get a relative position using:
var rel_pos = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(m, 'XYZ');
Now create a Faux object to look directly at target from the position of the child(turret)
var child_faux = new THREE.Object3D(); //can be created outside the loop
child_faux.position.copy(child.position); //copy the child local position
child_faux.lookAt(rel_pos); //look at the target
child_faux.updateMatrix(); //Update the Matrix4 element for use in a second
Finally, by setting the child_fuax to lookAt an object we have automatically set the child_faux.rotation. We can obtain the relative rotation between the current child.rotation and the child_faux.rotation using the following:
var diff = turret_target.rotation.sub(turret.rotation);
From here we can set an easy algorithm to rotate the turret (+ or -)(x and y) until the diff (x and y) goes to 0.
var trackrate = .2 * delta;
var diff = turret_target.rotation.sub(turret.rotation);
turret.rotation.x += diff.x/Math.abs(diff.x) * trackrate;
turret.rotation.y += diff.y / Math.abs(diff.y) * trackrate;
There we have it...A target tracking algorithm for a child object rotated in a parent group! Thanks for reading!
Perhaps some combination of the lookAt and worldToLocal methods would work? Since you need to convert the position of the target object into local coordinates for the turret, and then change the rotation of the turret accordingly, how about this:
turret.lookAt( turret.worldToLocal( target.position.clone() ) )
