Magento Connect not working (shows magento installation) - magento

There is a strage problem in my website's magento connect feature. Whenever I will click on Magento Connect, it will show me the installation page of magento.
The url is something like this
Is this because someone changed core file? Or because I am ruining magento 1.7 and 1.8 is released?
Please note that another instance, of the EXACT same code and database works fine when I click on magento connect, but not this one.
Please tell me how to resolve this problem?

first you need to check your file directory , there is 1 folder " downloader " if this folder is rename then please set name that i mention in quote , and if not available then please download fresh magento and copy that folder to in your file directory.


Getting error after upgrading the joomla site and admin end is blank page

After upgrading the joomla site iam getting the following error and administrator page is blank.
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/cll/public_html/libraries/regularlabs/src/File.php on line 283
Please help me to solve this issue.
It's clear that the problem comes from a regularlabs extension so you should disable it.
Since your admin page is blank, you can do this via the file system. Log in to your FTP account (or use the control panel's file manager) and access your root folder (/home/cll/public_html/). The extension you are looking for is probably a plugin so you'll find it in the plugins folder. I assume you'll find the extension in the /plugins/system/ folder (full path: /home/cll/public_html/plugins/system/).
When you'll find the extension's folder look for the plugin's PHP file and rename it.
For example, if the problem comes from "components anywhere" plugin (it's a regularlabs extension) search for componentsanywhere.php and rename it to something else (eg foobar.php).
If this doesn't help contact the developer to help you, he is a good guy.

Activate downloaded Magento Tempelate in Localhost (xamp server)

i have downloaded theme in Magento CMS and now i want to preview this theme in Localhost xampp server. for that i have installed magento on local server.
but i dont know how to preview downloaded theme in xampp server.
i have copied app,js,media and skin folder to the folder in magento installation directory but nothing made. please tell me how i can solve this..
View page source to the admin page that you are looking for and view whether setup.js inside js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tinymice/ is loaded or not. This js file loads your wysiwyg editor on admin page.
This normally occurs due to mismatch on code. So, you can copy core magento js folder from fresh magento installation and overwrite to your working site.
Try once !!

Unable to find header tab under system->configuration->design in magento 1.9.1

I have try to change default welcome message in magento 1.9.1.after some analysis i found that i need to change it in header in system->configuration->design tab.But am unable to find the header tab in magento 1.9.1
You are missing a step..
System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
There are two ways to solve this issue.
First is to install new fresh magento which takes long process.
Copy the core file system.xml in app/code/core/Mage/Page/etc
Create a similar directory folder in local folder (app/code/local/Mage/Page/etc)
Paste the system.xml on that directory
Clear your cache and refresh your page.
If the tab is still missing check your local folder and its file names. If there are no discrepancy, proceed to the first option.
I'm not sure if this is a bug of magento. It usually occurs during installation of magento upgrade.
You can refer to this links.
Missing HTML Head section from admin system->configuration->Design in magento
Magento html-head dropdown missing

Magento installation webpage not available error

I am new to Magento and installing it.
While installation i have put in /www folder. So when i access url in browser like localhost/magento it shows webpage not available though i have followed every step as per the guideline
Is the /www folder your webserver's root? To me it seems that when you type localhost/magento, the installation needs to be in the magento folder on your server.

Magento connect manager renders blank page

I just installed Magento on my Ubuntu Apache server and everything is working just fine aside from one thing:
The Magento Connect Manager simply brings up a blank page. In Firebug it is just <html><body></body></html>. I read that it might be permissions but I gave 777 permissions to the Magento directory and all subdirectories and still the blank page.
Any ideas?
Alright, for some reason it was looking for a PEAR file in a non-existant location. Magento included this in line 27 of PEAR.php:
$_pearDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS . 'downloader' . DS . 'pearlib';
However, this led it to a directory that included "/includes", which wasn't correct. I ended up just putting
$_pearDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS . '../downloader' . DS . 'pearlib';
Notice the only difference is the "../" in front of downloader to remove the "/includes" directory from the path. But my real question would be why Magento would have this error in the first place. This couldn't have happened to everyone who installed Magento on an Ubuntu server, right?
I got the same error today without changing anything (no updates etc.) ... blank page when trying to access Magento Connect from backend.
With the help of the answer above I was able to get it to work again. So in Magento base directory go to /includes/src/Varien/ and make the change in Pear.php (include ../ before download) in line 12.
It still would be nice to know what really caused this problem.
Not sure if my solution is 100% related to your issue - but I had been struggling with a blank page for Magento Connect Manager too (version
After a couple hours I discovered that the pear.ini file (/downloader/pearlib/pear.ini) needed to be updated.
It may happen that the filepath references in your pear.ini are not up to date in the case that you changed servers, installations or Magento directory locations.
Therefore you need to do two things:
Open your pear.ini in a text editor and update all filepath references with your current Magento directory location.
Adjust the number of characters for each string. A bit of a pain, I know but it works. (you can use a word editor to do your character counts)
For example:
where "s:59" is the number of characters in the path /var/www/vhosts/ and "Test" is the old directory.
Upon going live (i.e removing "Test" folder) This needed to be updated to:
Let me know if you have luck?
