Rotate a list in scheme - scheme

(rotate '(a b c d e)) should return ( (a b c d e) (b c d e a) (c d e a b) (d e a b c) (e a b c d) )
Here I have implemented the logic in shceme but i am facing problem can anyone help me out sovling this
Here is my code
(define (rotate lst)
(define (iter l cycles result)
((= cycles 0) (cons lst result))
((< cycles 0) result)
(else (let ((cycled (cycle l)))
(iter cycled (- cycles 1) (append result (list cycled)))))))
(iter lst (- (length lst) 1) ()))
(rotate '(a b c d e))

You weren't that far:
(define (rotate lst)
(define (iter lst cycles res)
((= cycles 0) (reverse res))
(else (iter (append (cdr lst) (list (car lst)))
(- cycles 1)
(cons lst res)))))
(iter lst (length lst) null))
No need to make the distinction between cycles = 0, cycles > 0 and cycles < 0; one base case and one recursive case are enough
What is (cycle l)? Is it defined somewhere else?


First n elements of a list (Tail-Recursive)

After figuring out the recursive version of this algorithm, I'm attempting to create an iterative (tail-recursive) version.
I'm quite close, but the list that is returned ends up being reversed.
Here is what I have so far:
(define (first-n-iter lst n)
(define (iter lst lst-proc x)
((= x 0) lst-proc)
(else (iter (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) lst-proc) (- x 1)))))
(if (= n 0)
(iter lst '() n)))
i.e. Calling (first-n-iter '(a b c) 3) will return (c b a).
Could someone suggest a fix? Once again, I'd like to retain the tail-recursion.
note: I'd prefer you not suggest just calling (reverse lst) on the returned list..
You can do the head sentinel trick to implement a tail recursive modulo cons
(define (first-n-iter lst n)
(define result (cons 'head '()))
(define (iter tail L-ns x)
((= x 0) (cdr result))
((null? L-ns)
(error "FIRST-N-ITER input list " lst " less than N" n))
(begin (set-cdr! tail (list (car L-ns)))
(iter (cdr tail) (cdr L-ns) (- x 1))))))
(iter result lst n))
(first-n-iter '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) 8))
;Value 7: (a b c d e f g h)
Also added a cond clause to catch the case where you try to take more elements than are actually present in the list.
You could flip the arguments for your cons statement, list the last (previously first) arg, and change the cons to append
(define (first-n-iter lst n)
(define (iter lst acc x)
[(zero? x) acc]
[else (iter (cdr lst) (append acc (list (car lst))) (sub1 x))]))
(iter lst empty n))
which will work as you wanted. And if you're doing this as a learning exercise, then I think that's all you need. But if you're actually trying to make this function, you should know that it's been done already-- (take lst 3)
Also, you don't need your if statement at all-- your check for (= x 0) would return '() right away, and you pass in (iter lst '() n) as it is. So the (if (= n 0) ... ) is doing work that (cond [(= x 0)...)' would already do for you.

Recursion on deep list scheme

I have created a function that takes a list as input and returns either a list or a atom. I want to apply this function to a deep list, starting with the inner lists, then finish once the function has been run on the outer list.
Can somebody give me some direction on this?
A sample input would be (a b (c (d e))) z) the function should compute on (d e) first with a result of say f. then the function should compute on (c f) with a result of say g then similarly on (a b g z) to produce an output of h.
An example function could be:
(define sum
(lambda (l)
(if (not (pair? l))
(+ (car l) (sum (cdr l))))))
Where input would be (1 2 (3 4) 5) > 15
Assuming your example transformation, expressed as a Scheme procedure:
(define (transform lst)
(case lst
(((d e)) 'f)
(((c f)) 'g)
(((a b g z)) 'h)
(else (error (~a "wot? " lst)))))
then what you are looking for seems to be
(define (f lst)
(map (lambda (e)
(if (list? e) (f e) e))
> (f '(a b (c (d e)) z))
Here is an example:
(define product
(lambda (l)
[(number? l) l]
[(pair? l) (* (product (car l)) (product (cdr l)))]
[else 1])))
> (product '(1 2 (3 4) 5))

Sorting in scheme following a pattern

A little help, guys.
How do you sort a list according to a certain pattern
An example would be sorting a list of R,W,B where R comes first then W then B.
Something like (sortf '(W R W B R W B B)) to (R R W W W B B B)
Any answer is greatly appreciated.
This is a functional version of the Dutch national flag problem. Here are my two cents - using the sort procedure with O(n log n) complexity:
(define sortf
(let ((map '#hash((R . 0) (W . 1) (B . 2))))
(lambda (lst)
(sort lst
(lambda (x y) (<= (hash-ref map x) (hash-ref map y)))))))
Using filter with O(4n) complexity:
(define (sortf lst)
(append (filter (lambda (x) (eq? x 'R)) lst)
(filter (lambda (x) (eq? x 'W)) lst)
(filter (lambda (x) (eq? x 'B)) lst)))
Using partition with O(3n) complexity::
(define (sortf lst)
(let-values (((reds others)
(partition (lambda (x) (eq? x 'R)) lst)))
(let-values (((whites blues)
(partition (lambda (x) (eq? x 'W)) others)))
(append reds whites blues))))
The above solutions are written in a functional programming style, creating a new list with the answer. An optimal O(n), single-pass imperative solution can be constructed if we represent the input as a vector, which allows referencing elements by index. In fact, this is how the original formulation of the problem was intended to be solved:
(define (swap! vec i j)
(let ((tmp (vector-ref vec i)))
(vector-set! vec i (vector-ref vec j))
(vector-set! vec j tmp)))
(define (sortf vec)
(let loop ([i 0]
[p 0]
[k (sub1 (vector-length vec))])
(cond [(> i k) vec]
[(eq? (vector-ref vec i) 'R)
(swap! vec i p)
(loop (add1 i) (add1 p) k)]
[(eq? (vector-ref vec i) 'B)
(swap! vec i k)
(loop i p (sub1 k))]
[else (loop (add1 i) p k)])))
Be aware that the previous solution mutates the input vector in-place. It's quite elegant, and works as expected:
(sortf (vector 'W 'R 'W 'B 'R 'W 'B 'B 'R))
=> '#(R R R W W W B B B)
This is a solution without using sort or higher order functions. (I.e. no fun at all)
This doesn't really sort but it solves your problem without using sort. named let and case are the most exotic forms in this solution.
I wouldn't have done it like this unless it's required not to use sort. I think lepple's answer is both elegant and easy to understand.
This solution is O(n) so it's probably faster than the others with very large number of balls.
(import (rnrs base))
(define (sort-flag lst)
;; count iterates over lst and counts Rs, Ws, and Bs
(let count ((lst lst) (rs 0) (ws 0) (bs 0))
(if (null? lst)
;; When counting is done build makes a list of
;; Rs, Ws, and Bs using the frequency of the elements
;; The building is done in reverse making the loop a tail call
(let build ((symbols '(B W R))
(cnts (list bs ws rs))
(tail '()))
(if (null? symbols)
tail ;; result is done
(let ((element (car symbols)))
(let build-element ((cnt (car cnts))
(tail tail))
(if (= cnt 0)
(build (cdr symbols)
(cdr cnts)
(build-element (- cnt 1)
(cons element tail)))))))
(case (car lst)
((R) (count (cdr lst) (+ 1 rs) ws bs))
((W) (count (cdr lst) rs (+ 1 ws) bs))
((B) (count (cdr lst) rs ws (+ 1 bs)))))))
Make a lookup eg
(define sort-lookup '((R . 1)(W . 2)(B . 3)))
(define (sort-proc a b)
(< (cdr (assq a sort-lookup))
(cdr (assq b sort-lookup))))
(list-sort sort-proc '(W R W B R W B B))
Runnable R6RS (IronScheme) solution here:
You just use the built-in sort or the sort you already have and use a custom predicate.
(define (follow-order lst)
(lambda (x y)
(let loop ((inner lst))
(cond ((null? inner) #f)
((equal? x (car inner)) #t)
((equal? y (car inner)) #f)
(else (loop (cdr inner)))))))
(sort '(W R W B R W B) (follow-order '(R W B)))
;Value 50: (r r w w w b b)

string to decimal number in scheme

What is the most transparent and elegant string to decimal number procedure you can create in Scheme?
It should produce correct results with "+42", "-6", "-.28", and "496.8128", among others.
This is inspired by the previously posted list to integer problem: how to convert a list to num in scheme?
I scragged my first attempt since it went ugly fast and realized others might like to play with it as well.
Much shorter, also makes the result inexact with a decimal point, and deal with any +- prefix. The regexp thing is only used to assume a valid syntax later on.
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(define (str->num s)
;; makes it possible to assume a correct format later
(unless (regexp-match? #rx"^[+-]*[0-9]*([.][0-9]*)?$" s)
(error 'str->num "bad input ~e" s))
(define (num l a)
(match l
['() a]
[(cons #\. l) (+ a (/ (num l 0.0) (expt 10 (length l))))]
[(cons c l) (num l (+ (* 10 a) (- (char->integer c) 48)))]))
(define (sign l)
(match l
[(cons #\- l) (- (sign l))]
[(cons #\+ l) (sign l)]
[_ (num l 0)]))
(sign (string->list s)))
Here is a first shot. Not ugly, not beautiful, just longer than I'd like. Tuning another day. I will gladly pass the solution to someone's better creation.
((define (string->number S)
(define (split L c)
(let f ((left '()) (right L))
(cond ((or (not (list? L)) (empty? right)) (values L #f))
((eq? c (car right)) (values (reverse left) (cdr right)))
(else (f (cons (car right) left) (cdr right))))))
(define (mkint L)
(let f ((sum 0) (L (map (lambda (c) (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))) L)))
(if (empty? L) sum (f (+ (car L) (* 10 sum)) (cdr L)))))
(define list->num
((L) (cond ((empty? L) 0)
((eq? (car L) #\+) (list->num 1 (cdr L)))
((eq? (car L) #\-) (list->num -1 (cdr L)))
(else (list->num 1 L))))
((S L) (let*-values (((num E) (split L #\E)) ((W F) (split num #\.)))
(cond (E (* (list->num S num) (expt 10 (list->num E))))
(F (* S (+ (mkint W) (/ (mkint F) (expt 10 (length F))))))
(else (* S (mkint W))))))))
(list->num (string->list S)))

Get last n elements in a list in DrRacket, without list-ref

I know how to get the first n elements in a list,
(define (countup n ls)
[(zero? n) '()]
[else (cons (first ls) (countup (sub1 n) (rest ls)))]))
but how can I do something like this for the last n elements in a list (without using list-ref)?
If I call (countup 3 '(a b c d e)), I get (list a b c). I need to be able to enter (counter 3 '(a b c d e)) and get (list c d e).
I need error messages in case the number n given is bigger than the list's length.
Just use the built-in take-right procedure, it does exactly what you need:
(take-right '(a b c d e) 3)
=> '(c d e)
Or you can implement it from scratch, using primitive procedures:
(define (counter n lst)
(define (move n lst)
(if (zero? n)
(move (sub1 n) (rest lst))))
(define (trim-left lst rst)
(if (empty? rst)
(trim-left (rest lst) (rest rst))))
(trim-left lst (move n lst)))
It also works as expected:
(counter 3 '(a b c d e))
=> '(c d e)
I guess I would use a local fn to chop of items from the left and then return the remaining items. The following also returns '() if asked to return a Negative number of items. You may want to treat this as an error as well. #f signals an error in your input ie trying to take more items than the list contains
(define (counter n loN)
(define (acc loN c)
(cond [(null? loN) '()]
[(> c 0) (acc (cdr loN) (sub1 c))]
[else loN]))
(let ((c (- (length loN) n)))
(cond ; [(>= 0 n) #f]
[(positive? c) (acc loN c)]
[else #f])))
(check-equal? (counter 3 '(a b c d e)) '(c d e))
(check-equal? (counter 6 '(a b c d e)) #f)
(check-equal? (counter -3 '(a b c d e)) '())
(check-equal? (counter 0 '(a b c d e)) '())
