Special case scheduling [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So here's the question. While studying about process scheduling I came across two seemingly contradictory examples I just can't get my head around.
The problem arises if for instance in the priority non-preemptive scheduling algorithm which always chooses the process with the highest priority to be run next and once running, process can only volontarily give up its CPU time, that is no other process can run until the currently running process finishes. It seems that what the solution the book proposes is that if both end of one process and arrival of the new high-priority process occur at the same time, the new high-priority process will be added to the ready queue and then chosen by the scheduler to be run next.
But in the other example in Round-robin algorithm, if there is only one process in the ready queue and it is currently running, if at the same time its quantum elapses and new process says its ready, it seems that the proposed solution is that the scheduling will be done first, so the currently running process will continue to run while the new process will be added to the queue.
I'd be grateful if someone clarified this to me, because I know from some other post that context switch does not occur in round robin for single process in queue, but is it true in general that scheduling is done before adding new process to queue.

What I get from you description is:
Time 0:
Process 1 starts using its time slice, e.g. 5 units.
Time 5:
Process 2 arrives.
Process 1 used up its time slice and is replenished.
A round robin scheduler checks the ready queue by selecting the next process with time left.
At time 0 your ready queue looks like this:
At time 5:
P1 going over to P1 -> P2
Tanenbaum writes in Modern Operating Systems: When a process used up it's time slice, it is enqueued at the end. So what happens is, that P1 is enqueued again before P2 is enqueued for the first time. This saves an additional context switch from P1 to P2 and back to P1.
If you want P2 to be run first, then you can use priority base round robin.


Why Golang scheduler uses two Queues (global run queue and local run queue) to manage goroutine?

I was reading how Golang internally manages new created goroutine in the application. And I come to know runtime scheduler use to queue to manage the created goroutines.
Global run queue: All newly created goroutine is placed to this queue.
Local run queue: All go routine which is about to run is allocated to local run queue and from there scheduler will assign it to OS thread.
So, Here my question is why scheduler is using two queues to manage goroutine. Why can't they just use global run queue and from there scheduler will map it to OS thread.
First, please note that this blog is an unofficial and old source, so the information in it shouldn't be taken as totally accurate with respect to the current version of Go (or any version, for that matter). You can still learn from it, but the Go scheduler is improved over time, which can make information out of date. For example, the blog says "Go scheduler is not a preemptive scheduler but a cooperating scheduler". As of Go 1.14, this is no longer true as preemption was added to the runtime. As for the other information, I won't vouch for it's accuracy, but here's an explanation of what they say.
Reading the blog post:
There are two different run queues in the Go scheduler: the Global Run Queue (GRQ) and the Local Run Queue (LRQ). Each P is given a LRQ that manages the Goroutines assigned to be executed within the context of a P. These Goroutines take turns being context-switched on and off the M assigned to that P. The GRQ is for Goroutines that have not been assigned to a P yet. There is a process to move Goroutines from the GRQ to a LRQ that we will discuss later.
This means the GRQ is for Goroutines that haven't been assigned to run yet, the LRQ is for Goroutines that have been assigned to a P to run or have already begun executing. Each Goroutine will start on the GRQ, and join a LRQ later to begin executing.
Here is the process that the previous quote was referencing, where Goroutines are moved from the GRQ to LRQ:
In figure 10, P1 has no more Goroutines to execute. But there are Goroutines in a runnable state, both in the LRQ for P2 and in the GRQ. This is a moment where P1 needs to steal work. The rules for stealing work are as follows.
runtime.schedule() {
// only 1/61 of the time, check the global runnable queue for a G.
// if not found, check the local queue.
// if not found,
// try to steal from other Ps.
// if not, check the global runnable queue.
// if not found, poll network.
This means a P will prioritize running goroutines in their own LRQ, then from other P's LRQ, then from the GRQ, then from network polling. There is also a small chance to immediately run a Goroutine from the GRQ immediately. By having multiple queues, it allows this priority system to be constructed.
Why do we want priority in which goroutines get run? It may have various performance benefits. For example, it could make better use of the CPU cache. If you run a Goroutine that was already running recently, it's more likely that the data it's working with is still in the CPU cache, making it fast to access. When you start up a new Goroutine, it may use or create data that isn't in the cache yet. That data will then enter the cache and could evict the data being used by another Goroutine, which in turn causes that Goroutine to be slower when it resumes again. In the pathological case, this is called cache thrashing, and greatly reduces the effective speed of the processor.
Allowing the CPU cache to work effectively can be one of the most important factors in achieving high performance on modern processors, but it's not the only reason to have such a queue system. In general, the more logical processes that are running at the same time (such as Goroutines in a Go program), the more resource contention will occur. This is because the resources used by a process tend to be fairly stable over the runtime of the process. In other words, every time you start a new process tends to increase the overall resource load, while continuing an already started process tends to maintain the resource load, and finishing a process tends to reduce the resource load. Therefore, prioritizing already running processes over new processes would tend to help keep the resource load in a manageable range.
It's analogous to the practical advice of "finish what you started". If you have a lot of tasks to accomplish, it's more effective to complete them one at a time, or multitask just a handful of things if you can. If you just keep starting new tasks and never finished the previous ones, eventually you have so many things going on at the same time that you feel overwhelmed.

Preemptive SSTF algorithm

What happens in preemptive SSTF algorithm if the arriving process has the same burst time (shortest) as the currently running process at that instance? Will running process continue to run or the processor will switch to the arriving process?
Example: At time instance 4, P1 has the remaining time of 6 ms and a new process p2 arrives with a burst of 6 ms, will P1 continue to run or process will switch to P2?
That is entirely system dependent. It may break the tie using the smallest arrival time first or it may be simply the priority of the jobs. In general it is the priority which is determined by number of factors. That saves you from stucking a process in same state for long. These are the common way using which the problem is resolved.
So long story short it depends on implementation.

Why Shortest Job First(SJF) algorithm is not used instead of FCFS at final level in Multilevel Feedback Scheduling

In Multilevel Feedback Scheduling at the base level queue, the processes circulate in round robin fashion until they complete and leave the system. Processes in the base level queue can also be scheduled on a first come first served basis.
Why can't they be scheduled on Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm instead of First Come First Serve (FCFS) algorithm which seems to improve average performance of the algorithm.
One simple reason:
The processes fall in the base level queue after they fail to finish in the time quantum alloted to them in the higher level queues. If you implement SJF algorithm in the base level queue, you may starve a process because shorter job may keep coming before a longer executing process ever gets the CPU.
The SJF algorithm gives more througput, only when processes differ a lot in their burst time. However its not always the case that it will perform better than FCFS. Take a loot at this answer.
Since in Multilevel Feedback Scheduling algorithm, all the processes that are unable to complete execution within defined time quantum of first 2 queues, are put to the last queue having FCFS, its very likely that they all have large CPU bursts and therefore wont differ much in their burst time. Hence, its preferred to have FCFS, scheduling for the last queue.

Dealing with tons of queries and avoiding duplicates [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My project involves concurrency and database management. Meaning that I have to be editing a database simultaneously between all threads. To be more specific I am reading a line from the database then inserting a line to mark that I grabbed that line. This could work with transactions but due to the fact I will be running this program on multiple machines, I will be having different database connections on each one. Is their a better way for me to accomplish my above task?
Applying Optimistic Concurrency using transactions and a version field/column (could be a time-stamp or a time-stamp plus an actual version number that just increases or other mechanism for version number) is a must here.
But since you are doing this on different machines, it's possible that a substantial amount of repetitive failed transactions occur.
To prevent this, you could use a queuing mechanism. A dispatcher program reads the non-processed records from database and dispatch them to workers - using a queue or a job dispatcher. Then each worker will take the id from that queue and process it in a transaction.
This way:
if a transaction fails, dispatcher would queue it again
if a worker goes down, other workers would continue (noticing the going down is a matter of monitoring)
workers can easily scale-out and new workers can be added at any time (as long as your database is not your bottleneck)
A request/reply schema would do best in this case to prevent queue congestion. I've used NATS successfully (and happily) for similar cases. Of-course you could use another tool of your choice but remember that you have to take care of request/reply part. Just throwing things at queues does not solve all problems and the amount of queued work should be controlled!

What is a good way to design and build a task scheduling system with lots of recurring tasks?

Imagine you're building something like a monitoring service, which has thousands of tasks that need to be executed in given time interval, independent of each other. This could be individual servers that need to be checked, or backups that need to be verified, or just anything at all that could be scheduled to run at a given interval.
You can't just schedule the tasks via cron though, because when a task is run it needs to determine when it's supposed to run the next time. For example:
schedule server uptime check every 1 minute
first time it's checked the server is down, schedule next check in 5 seconds
5 seconds later the server is available again, check again in 5 seconds
5 seconds later the server is still available, continue checking at 1 minute interval
A naive solution that came to mind is to simply have a worker that runs every second or so, checks all the pending jobs and executes the ones that need to be executed. But how would this work if the number of jobs is something like 100 000? It might take longer to check them all than it is the ticking interval of the worker, and the more tasks there will be, the higher the poll interval.
Is there a better way to design a system like this? Are there any hidden challenges in implementing this, or any algorithms that deal with this sort of a problem?
Use a priority queue (with the priority based on the next execution time) to hold the tasks to execute. When you're done executing a task, you sleep until the time for the task at the front of the queue. When a task comes due, you remove and execute it, then (if its recurring) compute the next time it needs to run, and insert it back into the priority queue based on its next run time.
This way you have one sleep active at any given time. Insertions and removals have logarithmic complexity, so it remains efficient even if you have millions of tasks (e.g., inserting into a priority queue that has a million tasks should take about 20 comparisons in the worst case).
There is one point that can be a little tricky: if the execution thread is waiting until a particular time to execute the item at the head of the queue, and you insert a new item that goes at the head of the queue, ahead of the item that was previously there, you need to wake up the thread so it can re-adjust its sleep time for the item that's now at the head of the queue.
We encountered this same issue while designing Revalee, an open source project for scheduling triggered callbacks. In the end, we ended up writing our own priority queue class (we called ours a ScheduledDictionary) to handle the use case you outlined in your question. As a free, open source project, the complete source code (C#, in this case) is available on GitHub. I'd recommend that you check it out.
