Calling ajax function from another js script - ajax

I have a ajax function that is called by button tag
<button id="of_save" type="button" class="button-primary">
<?php echo __('Save All Changes', 'optionsframework');?>
$('#of_save').live('click',function() {
The problem is that theme author put a single button on top of settings page and a million of settings, so every time I want to hit save, I must scroll whole page.
I found a little JS script that intercept CTRL+S or another browser combination and is working wonderful
The problem is I don't know how to call the ajax function from this JS
shortcut.add("Ctrl+Shift+X",function() {
alert("Hi there!");
// not working...


Laravel Livewire/AlpineJS: Disable a button while loading data from an API and then enabling it again

This should be really simple, but I don't get it. I want to replicate the functionality of a button that when pressed goes to an API (which could take about a minute to get the data and process it), it gets diabled, and after loading the data it gets enabled.
I'm using Laravel/Livewire/Alpine
So, in my livewire component I have:
public $loading = false;
In my blade file, I have the declaration for the div where the button is:
class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4"
loading: #entangle('loading')
Then the button x-binds the disabled property to the loading value, when the button is clicked, it changes the property of the loading variable, and calls the loader function
class="btn btn-sm btn-jbn"
x-on:click="loading = true"
Load API
And it does what it is supposed to do... the button is grayed, it becomes unusable, the cursor change, etc., it executes the loader function in my livewire component, but it never return to the normal state after loading the API. In my livewiere componente I have:
public function loader() {
// API call and logic goes here, this works
$this->loading = false;
So I would imagine that at the end of the API process the entangled variable loading would return the button to its normal state, but it doesn't
What am I missing?
Livewire already has incorporated functionality to handle loading-states. Instead of implementing your own, you can use this.
Get rid of all your current loading-logic, and simply use wire:loading with wire:target on your button.
wire:loading can toggle the disabled attribute directly by doing wire:loading.attr="disabled", and wire:target is to set the target for that loading-state to the method you are calling, so in your case that's wire:target="loader".
This means your button looks like this,
class="btn btn-sm btn-jbn"
Load API

Trigger Ajax request on settings page

I'm writing a plugin that have some fields defined in backend settings.
One of that field is a partial that contain a button, that trigger an Ajax request thanks to the data-attribute API.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-request="onReset">
My button
Where should I put the "onReset()" function ? I tried to put it in my Settings model, even tried to create a Settings controller (whereas not necessary to work with settings page), but I always get the following error :
Ajax handler 'onReset' was not found
I don't know what to do to be able to trigger that onReset() function, can somebody familiar with Laravel / OctoberCMS could point me the right direction ?
Settings are rendered by the \System\Controllers\Settings so whatever you write will be handled by \System\Controllers\Settings Controller Class,
so we need to extend \System\Controllers\Settings and we can add dynamic
method there,
inside your plugin's boot method you need to write this extension code
I am renaming your onReset handler to onPrefixReset in this example to avoid any other conflicts.
public function boot() {
\System\Controllers\Settings::extend(function($model) {
$model->addDynamicMethod('onPrefixReset', function() {
\Flash::success('You did it!');
// OR
//return ['some data data'];
onPrefixReset : we are adding some Prefix here, so accidentally we are not overriding internal original methods.
now inside your _partial
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-request="onPrefixReset">
My button
so now this onPrefixReset ajax handler is defined in \System\Controllers\Settings as we did that dynamically ;) it will handle your request.
you can return any data from here and it will be received at back-end settings page.
In HTML forms if you have an onReset event, you can add your call inside there:
function updateForm()
$.each($('form').find(":input"), function(){
<form onReset="updateForm();">
In this link you can you can do your own ordering within a click event:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input:reset").click(function() { /click event
return false;

How can I change the style of a div on return from a form submit action in Razor MVC3?

I have a Razor/ASP/MVC3 web application with a form and a Submit button, which results in some action on the server and then posts back to the form. There is often some delay, and it's important that users know they should wait for it to complete and confirm before closing the page or doing other things on the site, because it seems users are doing that and sometimes their work has not been processed when they assume it has.
So, I added a "Saving, Please Wait..." spinner in a hidden Div that becomes visible when they press the Submit button, which works very nicely, but I haven't been able to find a way to get the Div re-hidden when the action is complete.
My spinner Div is:
<div id="hahuloading" runat="server">
<div id="hahuloadingcontent">
<p id="hahuloadingspinner">
Saving, Please Wait...<br />
<img src="../../Content/Images/progSpin.gif" />
Its CSS is:
I get the "please wait" spinner to appear in a JS method for the visible button, which calls the actual submit button like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submitVisibleButton").click(function () {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
And my view model code gets called, does things, and returns a string which sets the usermessage content which shows up fine, but when I tried doing some code in examples I saw such as:
// Re-hide the spinner:
Response.write (hahuloading.Attributes.Add("style", "visibility:hiddden"));
It tells me "hahuloading does not exist in the current context".
Is there some way I am supposed to define a variable in the view model which will correspond to the Div in a way that I can set its visibility back from the server's action handler?
Or, can I make the div display conditional on some value, in a way that will work when the page returns from the action?
Or, in any way, could anyone help me figure out how to get my div re-hidden after the server action completes?
Is this done with ajax? I would assume so because the page is not being redirected. Try this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submitVisibleButton").click(function () {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
$("#hahuloading").ajaxStop(function () {
As an aside, you no longer need runat=server.

Magento OnePageCheckout Redirect After "Place Order" Click

can anyone help with the following issue.
Once a customer in onepagecheckout clicks the „order now“ button I would like to show a custom page for 2-3seconds and the forward to either payment provider or thankyou page.
Currently I have an observer on
calling my custom model/method.
In this model/method I do a...
$this->_forward($url); //with $url being a custom controller/method
In this custom controller/method I load and render my layout the show my *.phtml – file and then...
$url = Mage::getUrl("???");
$res = Mage::app()->getResponse();
And this is where I am lost (or maybe I am totally wrong on the whole thing).
First of all, the controller does not forward at all (whatever url or controller is given).
Second how do I know where to redirect to (if its payment provider or thank you page)
Is there a better way to „simply“ load a *.phtml after user clicks „order now“ and before he is redirected to either thank-you-page or payment-provider.
The phtml is user to load tracking code which must be placed and loaded in html.
I suggest instead that you consider doing the following:
Adding a javascript action to the place order button in the order review which will effectively issue an in-screen modal or popup
The click issuing the modal will set a timeout of 3000ms (3 seconds) which will then fire the order submit Ajax that Magento uses. This is important as the order submit and the redirect are dependent on AJAX.
This example jQuery script (requires adding jQuery to your Magento site, which is not standard) would set the timeout, issue the modal / popup I would add this code to the following file:
/app/design/frontend/[your theme]/template/checkout/onepage/review/button.phtml
Add a class to this line and remove the onclick event so you can capture the click and interject your timeout:
<button type="submit" title="<?php echo $this->__('Place Order') ?>" class="btn-place-order button btn-checkout"><span><span><?php echo $this->__('Place Order') ?></span></span></button>
$('#myform').submit(function(event) {
//issue the popup - put your html in here:
var html = '<div style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; min-height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color:white;"><h1>I am a popup</h1></div>';
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {;
}, 3000);

How can I make an AJAX link work once it is moved out of the iFrame?

I am using an iFrame with a form that return some content with an AJAX link.
I am then moving the returned content out of the iFrame into the main page.
However, then the ajax link does not work and the error "Element is null" is created once the link is clicked.
How can I move content from the iFrame and still have the AJAX link working?
Here's the code returned by the iFrame:
<span id="top">
<a id="link8" onclick=" event.returnValue = false; return false;" href="/item_pictures/delete/7">
<img src="/img/delete.bmp"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
parent.Event.observe('link8', 'click', function(event) {
new Ajax.Updater('top','/item_pictures/delete/3', {
asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
onCreate:function(request, xhr) {
document.getElementById("top").innerHTML = "<img src=\"/img/spinner_small.gif\">";
requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'top']
}, false);
I see two problems with your code.
First the solution (I think :-))
When your iframe loads, the javascript in it runs. Javascript attaches an observer to parent document's link8.
Inside the observer you define another function (onCreate). This function will run in iframe context, making document object refer to iframe and not to main document. When you remove link8 from iframe to move it to main document, document.getElementById("top") will become null - hence error.
Perhaps change it to:
parent.document.getElementById("top").innerHTML = "<img src=\"/img/spinner_small.gif\">";
Second problem (that is not really a problem in this particular case) is, if you move whole span (including the script) to main document, the javascript will run again in main document's context. In your case, you should see an error or warning after you move the content, stating that parent is null (or similar).
To remove the second problem, return your iframe data in two divs or similar. Then copy only div with html to main document.
What I did was move the AJAX call out to an external js file and called the function once the link was clicked. It works now.
