Where does the drawing tablet pressure value get mapped to? - x11

I want to write a simple C++ program which retrieves the current pressure and prints it to the terminal. Where is stylus pressure temporarily saved in memory? Can I request a pointer to it / can I retrieve it via a system utility library function? I can write all the other code.
Edit: can I use/should I use something like system(/sbin/sysctl -a)...?
I have a Genius Mouse&Pen drawing tablet that seems to use udev somehow (from what I've gather from conversation). It has been natively supported by Ubuntu since 11.04 and prior to that (since ~8.04) I've had it via modifying X11's Config (IIRC). Gnome udev programs work fine (eg. gimp (mostly), mypaint), However KDE-based tablet-aware applications (eg. Krita) have never worked with it, as they only support the Wacom brand in my experience - I only mention this as it might change where the values are saved??.


How to create stand-alone mock up program running in raspberry

I need to create a very simple program, that should run on raspberry pi without network connection. The program should first show one full-screen bitmap ("insert disk"), and after receiving somehow an external signal (disk inserted), another bitmap which would ask to input password. After inputting the password (each pushed button shows an asterisk *) the application should show yet another bitmap, which would inform whether the password was correct or not.
So in principle I would like to create something that looks like password screen in any Hollywood movie!
Raspberry should boot directly to the application.
I was expecting that this would be easy to do (and it would be if we could use Windows and Visual Studio), but I haven't yet found a simple tool to create this for pi. Booting Raspberry into browser with kiosk mode and creating HTML application seems like an overkill.
Although a browser in kiosk mode might look that a sledgehammer to crack a nut, I think you might find this nut harder than it looks.
It wouldn't be difficult to write a simple app in Java, or Python, or perhaps even C using GTK, that carries out the actions you want. You could have the app loaded when X starts, as an alternative to a desktop and Window manager. You could even do away with X altogether, and write some code that interacts directly with the video framebuffer and the keyboard hardware. Or, heck, go the whole hog, and have your code substitute for the operating system kernel :)
I would guess that even the simplest of these approaches involves more work than hacking something up using a HTML and JavaScript in a browser.

Linux - Debugging a floppy disk emulation

I was wondering if there was any way that I could debug a floppy disk emulation in Linux.
The main thing I want to be able to do is to see the values of registers and custom defined bytes and words as the emulation runs.
Another thing I would like to be able to do is to run the emulation one step at a time, and see what line of code my emulation is currently on.
I am currently just running my floppy disk image under qemu-system-x86_64 and letting it run without any feedback besides the emulation.
If anyone can supply me with something along the lines of command line statements that accomplish this sort of thing, and what programs I could either move to or install alongside to help me out, it would be much appreciated.
I don't have enough idea of qemu because I haven't used it much. But from your requirement perspective, I think you should try bochs emulator. It's quite easy to use and comes with a built-in debugger. Only thing is, you need to compile it from source (if on Linux) making sure the --enable-debug and --enable-disasm switches are enabled (alongwith any other options you might want to enable). (On Windows however, the debugger comes as a pre-built (separate) executable in the installation, but that's sort of irrelevant in your case I guess.)

Get available X11 video modes without extensions

I've been searching around and can't find a solution for this. The official NVIDIA Tegra 2 Linux SDK (L4T) doesn't include both XRandR or the VideoMode X11 extension for querying available video modes. My next thought was to parse the log file for video modes. Of course most of the time it's at /var/log/Xorg.0.log but I'd rather not always make that assumption. The XF86misc extension provides a way to get the log path but that extension is also not installed by default.
So I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other way to figure out what video modes are available and also what the current video mode of the display is.
The core X protocol does not mention modes. You have to use extensions. There's nothing wrong with that, that's what extensions are for.
Also, remember that there's no guarantee that the machine you're displaying on is the same machine as you're running on, so parsing the X log file is destined to fail if your app ever runs across the network.

Making a soft copy(file) of everything printed to any printer from a Windows workstation?

I have been looking into the possibility of creating a soft copy(image/EMF file) of everything printed from Windows - for archival purposes. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a hooking DLL that can grab the printed data in such a general way?
A low tech way of solving it might be to install pdf printer driver as the default printer and remove all others and set it up to automatically write all the files to certain directory on the network and then write a tiny app on another computer to monitor that folder for changes and if any new pdfs appear just print them out to a real printer.
Edit: Otherwise there's apparently something called the Print Monitor API. Here's an article that describes using that from VC++ 6 and seems to be pretty much what you want (assuming it's still supported by the OS you use).
Having looked at this problem in more detail the best solution seems to handle it through Spooler notifications in the Win32.

Temporarily suspend the PC operating system

How does one programmatically cause the OS to switch off, go away and stop doing anything at all so that a program may have complete control of a PC system?
I'm interested in doing this from both an MS Windows and Linux environments. Any languages or APIs considered.
I want the OS to stop preempting my program, stop its virtual memory management, stop its device drivers and interrupt service routines from running and basically just go away. Then, when my program has had its evil way with the bare metal, I want the OS to come back again without a reboot.
Is this even possible?
With Linux, you could use kexec jump to transfer control completely to another kernel (ie, your program). Of course, with great power comes great responsibility - it is entirely up to you to service interrupts, and avoid corrupting the old kernel's memory. You'll end up having to write your own OS kernel to do this. Also, the transfer of control takes quite some time, as the kernel has to de-initialize all hardware, then reinitialize it when it's time to resume. Since kexec jump was originally designed for hibernation support, this isn't a problem in its original context, but depending on what you're doing, it might be a problem.
You may want to consider instead working within the framework given to you by the OS - just write a normal driver for whatever you're doing.
Finally, one more option would be using the linux Real-Time patchset. This lets you assign static priorities to everything, even interrupt handlers; by running a process with higher priority than anything else, you could suspend /nearly/ everything - the system will still service a small stub for interrupts, as well as certain interrupts that can't be deferred, like timing interrupts, but for the most part the heavy work will be deferred until you relinquish control of the CPU.
Note that the RT patchset won't stop virtual memory and the like - mlockall will prevent page faults on valid pages though, if that's enough for you.
Also, keep in mind that whatever you do, the system BIOS can still cause SMM traps, which cannot be disabled, except by motherboard-model-specific methods.
There are lots of really ugly ways to do this. You could modify the running kernel by writing some trampoline code to /dev/kmem that passes control to your application. But I wouldn't recommend attempting something like that!
Basically, you would need to have your application act as its own operating system. If you want to read data from a file, you would have to figure out where the data lives on disk, and generate your own SCSI requests to talk to the disk drive. You would have to implement your own interrupt handler to get notified when the data is ready. Likewise you would have to handle page faults, memory allocation, etc. Most users feel that this isn't worth the effort...
Why do you want to do this?
Is there something that your application needs to do that the OS won't let it do? Are you concerned with the OS impact on performance? Something else?
If you don't mind shelling out some cash, you could use IntervalZero's RTX to do this for a Windows system. It's a hard realtime subsystem that gets installed on a Windows box as sort of a hack into the HAL and takes over the machine, letting Windows have whatever CPU cycles are left over.
It has its own scheduler and device drivers, but if you run your program at the top RTX priority, don't install any RTX device drivers (or disable interrupts for the duration), then nothing will interrupt it.
It also supports a small amount of interaction with programs on the Windows side.
We use it as a nice way to get a hard realtime box that runs Windows.
coLinux loads CoLinuxDriver into the NT kernel or a colinux.ko into the Linux kernel. It does exactly what you asked – it "unschedules" the host OS, and runs its own code, with its own memory management, interrupts, etc. Then, when it's done, it "reschedules" the host OS, allowing it to continue from where it left off. coLinux uses this to run a modified Linux kernel parallel to the host OS.
Unlike more common virtualization techniques, there are no barriers between coLinux and the bare metal hardware at all. However, hardware and the host OS tend to get confused if the coLinux guest touches anything without restoring it before returning to the host OS.
Not really. Operating Systems are a foundation, and your program runs on top of them. The OS handles memory access, disk writing operations, communications, etc. when your application makes requests, and asking the OS to move out of the way would mean that your program would have to do the OS's job instead.
Not as such, no.
What you want is basically an application that becomes an OS; a severely stripped down Linux kernel coupled with some highly customized and minimized tools might be the way to go for this.
if you were devious, and wanted to avoid alot of the operating system housekeeping you could probably hook yourself into a driver routine. Thinking out aloud, verging on hacking. google how to write root kits.
Yeah dude, you can totally do that, you can also write a program to tell my bank to give you all my money and send you a hot Russian.
