How to Switch Maven osxappbundle-maven-plugin to use AppBundlerTask - maven

I have a Java Swing project that I like to package for OSX by bundling up into App bundle.
I previously used a Maven osxappbundle-maven-plugin to achieve this. But these bundles do not work with Oracle's Java for Mac and I want to switch things to use Oracle's App Bundler.
It appears that Oracle's bundler is only available as an Ant Task and I'm not sure how to convert this into a Maven command.
My previous pom.xml used the following:
I think I need to do something like this - but not sure the format. How should this be formatted? Or is there a Maven plugin already built that uses Oracle's Bundler?
<bundleapp outputdirectory="dist"
<runtime dir="${env.JAVA_HOME}" />
<classpath file="NOT SURE HOW TO MAKE THIS" />

There is now a maven plugin for the Java 7/8 compatible oracle bundler


Plugin management in maven

Can you please suggest how to do plugin management in maven.
I have to call the below code
<ant antfile="${basedir}/build/build.xml">
<target name="${ant.mode}" />
In some of the the submodule in a multi maven project module.
Can you suggest how to integrate this in only selective maven profiles?
Any Help will be appreciated .
Can some one suggest any solution for plugin management
You put the configuration into the parent into pluginManagement.
Either you specify the plugin (without configuration) in each module where you need it, or you use the skip parameter to activate/deactivate the plugin.

Jboss 7.x redeploy option

I was looking for hard-deploy option in Jboss &.x but I believe that option is no longer supported in Jboss 7.x
what I found was this Jboss link containing latest plugins
I have decided to use Jboss-as:redeploy option.It seems to work perfectly for me- kind of replacement for hard-deploy.But when I check my Jboss/standalone/deployment folder the timestamp of war is not updated.But code changes are reflected in the application.below is the maven plugin code that I am using
Is there any bug in jboss plugin there ?Is it the right way to achieve my hard-deploy goal in Jboss 7.x
There seems to be no hard-deploy feature in the jboss 7.We have now used maven plugin to copy the new build to the deployment directory and Jboss will detect the change and deploy the new WAR.Below is the code for the same:
<copy file="target/myapp.war" tofile="${env.JBOSS_HOME}\standalone\deployments\myapp.war" />

How to get rid of maven-antrun-plugin here?

The problem is as follows: I need to generate files in META-INF so that registering using ServiceLoader works. FWIW, this is maven 3.0.4. The full link to the pom.xml file is here.
In order to generate these files, I use this plugin as follows:
<!-- .... -->
However, the generated file (META-INF/services/xxxx) don't find their way into the generated jar, so I have to resort to this (your eyes may bleed):
<property name="jarname"
<property name="victim"
<property name="serviceFile"
<jar destfile="${victim}" update="true">
<zipfileset file="${serviceFile}"
I am aware of the shade plugin. I have tried it, battled with it for hours on end, with no success at all. It just wouldn't include the file. The above is the only solution that works for me.
But this solution is not sustainable. I also want to generate jar with dependencies, and in this case the service file needs to be appended to; and the solution above only works for jars without dependencies...
So, what plugin would you need to make the whole thing work seamlessly? How do you configure it?
Have you considered the assembly plugin? I find it quite powerful.
An example:

Maven: use jar from URL as a source for resources

Dealing with a legacy project, I have the need to load text resources from a jar at an URL.
The text resources will be then filtered and included in the output; those resources come from a released artifact.
From resource-plugin I see it is only possible to give a number of directories; would it be possible to load resources as I need?
I want to do somthing like this, but using a remote jar instead of the oher project in the workspace:
<directory>../<another project on the same workspace>/src/main/filtered-resources</directory>
Remote resource plugin, as suggested in one of the answer doesn't work because no file from the imported bundle ends up in target; there is no way I can produce the original bundle using remote resource plugin (it's a legacy projetc still in use and completely out of my control).
I think the Maven Remote Resources Plugin will suit your needs.
Snippet obtained from the usage page of the plugin. That XML fragment will attach the plugin to the generate-sources phase (choose a different one if it doesn't fit your needs), will download the apache-jar-resource-bundle artifact and uncompress its contents into ${}/maven-shared-archive-resources.
For better results is recommended that the resources artifact had been created using the bundle goal of the same plugin.
<!-- Turn this into a lifecycle -->
EDIT 2: Alternative Solution using AntRun
If your artifacts don't suit Maven needs and you need something more customized, then using AntRun plugin you could get it somehow:
<get src="URL of the resource" dest="${}" />
<unzip src="${}/filename.[jar|zip|war]" dest="${}/${}" />

How to bind ant to a maven-plugin custom goal

The way to integrate maven with ant is to simply use the maven-antrun-plugin like
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="package" />
in your project's pom.xml file
However I want to be able to have that associated build.xml script along with the execution configuration as part of a maven plugin that defines a custom packaging and a lifecycle.
Is there a way to do that?
I wrote an experiment that did this a little while ago. Have a look at the maven-plugin-in-ant branch of jslint4java.
