I would like to call a bash script in the mailing of Fail2Ban. The bash script calls a rest api to get the username of the blocked ip-address by fail2ban.
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: *
before = sendmail-common.conf
# Option: actionban
# Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values: CMD
actionban = printf %%b "Subject: [Fail2Ban] <name>: banned <ip> from `uname -n`
Date: `LC_ALL=C date +"%%a, %%d %%h %%Y %%T %%z"`
From: <sendername> <<sender>>
To: <dest>\n
The following IP <ip> has just been banned by Fail2Ban after <failures> attempts against the acceptance environment of <name> on server.\n
One or the following users could be the victim: \n
`/etc/fail2ban/restapi/ | grep <ip>` \n | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
But however I got errors in the fail2ban log that no e-mail is sended
`/bin/sh /etc/fail2ban/scripts/ | grep` \n |/usr/sbin/sendmail -f fail2ban -- returned 1
Is there some way to use a bash script in a fail2ban configuration file that lookups the IP-address in the bash created overview?
I got it working. Probably some issues within the syntax. Working code:
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Danny van den Berg
before = sendmail-common.conf
# Option: actionban
# Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values: CMD
actionban = printf %%b "Subject: [Fail2Ban] <name>: banned <ip> from `uname -n`
Date: `LC_ALL=C date +"%%a, %%d %%h %%Y %%T %%z"`
From: <sendername> <<sender>>
To: <dest>\n
The following IP <ip> has just been banned by Fail2Ban after <failures> attempts against the production environment of <name> on server.\n
More information about the user:\n
[IP | KEY] \n
`/usr/bin/gethttpsessions | grep <ip> `\n\n" | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
# Default name of the chain
name = default
I want to clean my mailbox from mails from specific address
I have thousands of messages, I want to do this in bash script, and run it from time to time (a receive SPAM from different addresses, and unfortunately my "spam filters" have only small effect on them)
To interact with a mail server through command line, you could use either telnet or openssl.
You can connect to your pop server using the following command (I've taken gmail as an example. You'll have to look for your email host pop3 address and socket.) :
openssl s_client -connect -quiet
As this command is interactive, it will ask for a username, a password and a serie of commands.
expect is a tool that can automate interaction with interactive commands. The basic syntax is as follow : expect "somestring" action -> If the program we monitor displays "somestring", we execute the action.
Here is a script that would delete all the messages present on your email address :
#you can modify the timeout if the script fails
set timeout 1
#our connection variables
set ip ""
set socket "995"
set user ""
set pass "password"
#we set the address we want to remove mails from here. Escape special regex characters such as dots.
set target_address "mail\.example#gmail\.com"
#we launch the subprocess we want to interact with
spawn openssl s_client -connect $ip:$socket -quiet
#if connection went all right, we try to login
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "user $user\r"}
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "pass $pass\r"}
#if login went alright, we try to count the messages on the server
#you will get the following output :
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "stat\r"}
#if the stat command went alright ...
expect -re ".OK.*" {
#we extract the number of mail from the output of the stat command
set mail_count [lindex [split [lindex [split $expect_out(buffer) \n] 1] " "] 1]
#we iterate through every email...
for {set i 1} {$i <= $mail_count} {incr i 1} {
#we retrieve the header of the email
send "top $i 0\r"
#if the header contains "To: $target_address" (or "To: <$target_address>" or "To: Contact Name <$target_address>" ...)
#to filter according to the sender, change the regex to "\nFrom: ..."
expect -re "\nTo: \[^\n\]*$target_address" {
#we delete the email
send "dele $i\r"
expect default
You might need to alter your email account settings to allow the use of external programs
Here I have written a similar script in PHP, by use of the IMAP function of PHP. I did not have Linux, so I could not use the bash script. However. I thought that sharing the PHP-script would provide a solution for those running WINDOWS and having access
echo "My showmail.php script";
// This is the format for opening the email connection:
// domain prt foldr[.<.subfolder........>] xxxxxxxx
// $connection = imap_open('{}Inbox.<write subfolder here>','email-name','password');
// Execution: (write this in the browsers address bar)
// This line above, entered into a browsers address bar will execute this script (named showmail.php),
// from the servers root (, and
// will delete emails from the mail folder "Inbox" (case sensitive) for the user, by use of
// the IMAP domain (this is where you access emails from outside) and at port 143 (see this, further down)
$emailaddress = $_GET["email"];
$emailpassword= $_GET["password"];
$fromdate = $_GET["fromdate"];
$todate = $_GET["todate"];
$search = $_GET["search"];
$domain = $_GET["domain"];
$folder = $_GET["folder"];
echo $emailaddress." ".$emailpassword." ".$fromdate." ".$todate." ".$search." ".$domain." ".$folder;
$connection = imap_open('{'.$domain.':143}'.$folder,$emailaddress,$emailpassword);
$ccount = imap_num_msg($connection);
echo "Parameters = ".$fromdate.",".$todate.",".$search.":".'ALL FROM "'.$search.'" SINCE "'.$fromdate.'" BEFORE "'.$todate.'"';
// $some = imap_search($connection, 'ALL FROM "Twitter"');
$some = imap_search($connection, 'ALL FROM "'.$search.'" SINCE "'.$fromdate.'" BEFORE "'.$todate.'"');
print_r ($some);
echo "<br/>Elements: ".count($some)."<br/>";
$expunge = 0;
for($msgno = 0; $msgno < count($some) ; $msgno++) {
// echo "Fetching element ".$some[$msgno]."<br/>";
$headers = imap_headerinfo($connection, $some[$msgno]);
//$position = True;
$position = strpos(" ".strtolower($headers->fromaddress), strtolower($search));
$position2 = strpos(" ".strtolower($headers->subject), strtolower($search));
if ($position || $position2) {
if ($expunge<$maxtoexpunge) {
imap_delete ($connection, $some[$msgno]);
echo "<br/>Deleting:".$expunge." sequence [".$msgno."]=".$some[$msgno]." ".$headers->fromaddress.", subject:".$headers->subject;
} else {
echo "<br/>Skipping:"." sequence [".$msgno."]=".$some[$msgno]." ".$headers->fromaddress.", subject:".$headers->subject;
// The expunge command deletes after all action has been taken. DON'T call it until very end, as it will otherwise mess up message numbers!!
imap_expunge ($connection);
echo "<br/>Expunged!!<br/>";
/* Here are the keywords to be used for the imap search order.
toaddress - full to: line, up to 1024 characters
to - an array of objects from the To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
fromaddress - full from: line, up to 1024 characters
from - an array of objects from the From: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
ccaddress - full cc: line, up to 1024 characters
cc - an array of objects from the Cc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
bccaddress - full bcc: line, up to 1024 characters
bcc - an array of objects from the Bcc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
reply_toaddress - full Reply-To: line, up to 1024 characters
reply_to - an array of objects from the Reply-To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
senderaddress - full sender: line, up to 1024 characters
sender - an array of objects from the Sender: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
return_pathaddress - full Return-Path: line, up to 1024 characters
return_path - an array of objects from the Return-Path: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
remail -
date - The message date as found in its headers
Date - Same as date
subject - The message subject
Subject - Same as subject
in_reply_to -
message_id -
newsgroups -
followup_to -
references -
Recent - R if recent and seen, N if recent and not seen, ' ' if not recent.
Unseen - U if not seen AND not recent, ' ' if seen OR not seen and recent
Flagged - F if flagged, ' ' if not flagged
Answered - A if answered, ' ' if unanswered
Deleted - D if deleted, ' ' if not deleted
Draft - X if draft, ' ' if not draft
Msgno - The message number
MailDate -
Size - The message size
udate - mail message date in Unix time
fetchfrom - from line formatted to fit fromlength characters
fetchsubject - subject line formatted to fit subjectlength characters
I was looking for a bash script and as I did not found one I made my own, only external programm needed is socat for SSL/TLS connect to server:
#!/bin/bash -
USAGE="./ user pass [server] [port] [max_delete]"
# PARAMETER: user pass - login credentials, mandatory
# server - mail server, default:
# port - port on mail server, default: pop3s
# max_delete - maximum # of messages to delete, default: 1000
DESCRIPTION="delete max_delete messages in given pop3 mailbox"
# AUTHOR: KayM (),
# CREATED: 09.06.2021 18:03:58
# check args
if [[ "$1" == "-h"* ]]; then
printf "usage: %s\ndescr: %s\n" "$USAGE" "$DESCRIPTION" 1>&2
elif [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
printf "Missing args, usage: %s\n" "$USAGE"
exit 1
# assign values
# define actions
popserver() { socat - "OPENSSL:$SERVER:$PORT" 2>/dev/null; }
poplogin() {
printf "USER %s\n" "$USER"
sleep 0.5
printf "PASS %s\n" "$PASS"
sleep 0.5
deletemsg() {
for (( j = 1 ; j <= MAX_MESSAGE; j++ ))
printf "DELE %s\n" "$j"
sleep 0.5
popstat() { echo "STAT"; }
popquit() { echo "QUIT"; }
checkresult() {
local line
while read -r line
[[ "$line" == "-ERR "* ]] && MAX_MESSAGE=0
printf "%s\n" "$line"
# get message count, remove newline
RES="$({ poplogin; popstat; } | popserver | tail -n 1 )"
if [[ "$RES" == "+OK 0 "* ]]; then
printf "No messages to delete (%s)\n" "$RES"
elif [[ "$RES" == "+OK "* ]]; then
: "${RES#+OK }"; NUM="${_%% *}"
printf "%s Messages found (%s)\n" "$NUM" "$RES"
printf "Can't get number of messages: %s\n" "$RES"
exit 1
if [ "$MAX_MESSAGE" = "0" ]; then
printf "Keep all messages\n"
# delete messages
printf "Delete %s messages ...\n" "$MAX_MESSAGE"
{ poplogin; deletemsg; popstat; popquit;} | popserver | checkresult
In command below I enable file /dev/tcp/ both for reading and writing and associate it with file descriptor 3:
$ time exec 3<>/dev/tcp/
bash: connect: Operation timed out
bash: /dev/tcp/ Operation timed out
real 1m15.151s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
This automatically tries to perform TCP three-way handshake. If is not reachable as in example above, then connect system call tries to connect for 75 seconds. Is this 75 second timeout determined by bash? Or is this system default? Last but not least, is there a way to decrease this timeout value?
It's not possible in Bash without modifying the source as already mentioned, although here is the workaround by using timeout command, e.g.:
$ timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/" && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.
Port open.
$ timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/" && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.
Port closed.
Using this syntax, the timeout command will kill the process after the given time.
See: timeout --help for more options.
It is determined by TCP. It can be decreased on a per-socket basis by application code.
NB The timeout only takes effect if there is no response at all. If there is a connection refusal, the error occurs immediately.
No: there is no way of changing timeout by using /dev/tcp/
Yes, you could change default timeout for TCP connection in any programming language.
But, bash is not a programming language!
You could have a look into source code (see: Bash Homepage), you may find lib/sh/netopen.c file where you could read in _netopen4 function:
s = socket(AF_INET, (typ == 't') ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
You could read this file carefully, there are no consideration of connection timeout.
Without patching bash sources, there is no way of changing connection timeout by a bash script.
Simple HTTP client using netcat (near pure bash)
There is a little sample HTTP client written in pure bash, but using netcat:
tmpfile=$(mktemp -p $HOME .netbash-XXXXXX)
exec 7> >(nc -w 3 -q 0 80 >$tmpfile)
exec 6<$tmpfile
rm $tmpfile
printf >&7 "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" \
while ! read -t .001 -u 6 status ; do read -t .001 foo;done
echo STATUS: $status
[ "$status" ] && [ -z "${status//HTTP*200 OK*}" ] || exit 1
echo HEADER:
while read -u 6 -a head && [ "${head//$'\r'}" ]; do
printf "%-20s : %s\n" ${head%:} "${head[*]:1}"
echo TITLE:
sed '/<title>/s/<[^>]*>//gp;d' <&6
exec 7>&-
exec 6<&-
This could render:
Cache-Control : private
Content-Type : text/html; charset=utf-8
X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN
X-Request-Guid : 46d55dc9-f7fe-425f-a560-fc49d885a5e5
Content-Length : 91642
Accept-Ranges : bytes
Date : Wed, 19 Oct 2016 13:24:35 GMT
Via : 1.1 varnish
Age : 0
Connection : close
X-Served-By : cache-fra1243-FRA
X-Cache : MISS
X-Cache-Hits : 0
X-Timer : S1476883475.343528,VS0,VE100
X-DNS-Prefetch-Control : off
Set-Cookie : prov=ff1129e3-7de5-9375-58ee-5f739eb73449;; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2055 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
bash - How to decrease TCP connect() system call timeout? - Stack Overflow
Some explanations:
We create first a temporary file (under private directory for security reason), bind and delete before using them.
$ tmpfile=$(mktemp -p $HOME .netbash-XXXXXX)
$ exec 7> >(nc -w 3 -q 0 80 >$tmpfile)
$ exec 6<$tmpfile
$ rm $tmpfile
$ ls $tmpfile
ls: cannot access /home/user/.netbash-rKvpZW: No such file or directory
$ ls -l /proc/self/fd
lrwx------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 0 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 1 -> /dev/pts/1
lrwx------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 2 -> /dev/pts/1
lr-x------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 3 -> /proc/30237/fd
lr-x------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 6 -> /home/user/.netbash-rKvpZW (deleted)
l-wx------ 1 user user 64 Oct 19 15:20 7 -> pipe:[2097453]
$ echo GET / HTTP/1.0$'\r\n\r' >&7
$ read -u 6 foo
$ echo $foo
HTTP/1.1 500 Domain Not Found
$ exec 7>&-
$ exec 6>&-
Edit: Solution found via Barmar's answer. Added full smartctl command path and it works via crontab now.
I have the below script:
#set -x
P=`ping -c 1 $HOST | sed '1 ! d' | awk '{print $3}'`
cd /root/scripts/
echo -en "HDD health check on the server hosting" $HOST $P > $FILE
echo -e "\n" >> $FILE
smartctl -H $HDD01 >> $FILE
# The above commands do correctly write the content to $FILE (proved by removing the rm command at the bottom and doing cat on the file after)
smartctl -H $HDD01
echo "\nEmailed you the health of the Hard Drive $HDD01\n"
mailx -s "HDD health check complete on `date`" $EMAIL < $FILE
rm $FILE
which runs fine by doing bash /root/scripts/ as it shows this in my mailbox:
HDD health check on the server hosting (
smartctl 5.40 2010-07-12 r3124 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen,
SMART Health Status: OK
But when I let it run via crontab using any of the following syntax:
X 20 * * * /bin/bash /root/scripts/
X 20 * * * /bin/sh /root/scripts/
X 20 * * * /root/scripts/
it puts everything but the smartctl disk check:
HDD health check on the server hosting (
Here's what it shows if I add extra echo lines:
This is a test
HDD health check on the server hosting (
Amended script for "This is a test" below:
#set -x
P=`ping -c 1 $HOST | sed '1 ! d' | awk '{print $3}'`
cd /root/scripts/
echo "This is a test" > $FILE
echo -en "HDD health check on the server hosting" $HOST $P >> $FILE
echo -e "\n" >> $FILE
smartctl -H $HDD01 >> $FILE
smartctl -H $HDD01
echo "\nEmailed you the health of the Hard Drive $HDD01\n"
mailx -s "HDD health check complete on `date`" $EMAIL < $FILE
rm $FILE
Here is the /var/log/syslog output from cron:
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname /USR/SBIN/CRON[1018112]: (root) CMD (bash /root/scripts/
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/pickup[1016576]: 5740356613F: uid=0 from=<root>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/cleanup[1018125]: 5740356613F: message-id=<20130606192501.5740356613F#hostname>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/qmgr[292015]: 5740356613F: from=<root#hostname>, size=465, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/pickup[1016576]: 631F156613E: uid=0 from=<root>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/cleanup[1018125]: 631F156613E: message-id=<20130606192501.631F156613E#hostname>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/qmgr[292015]: 631F156613E: from=<root#hostname>, size=759, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname pvemailforward[1018132]: forward mail to <root#localhost.localdomain>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/pickup[1016576]: B597B566148: uid=65534 from=<nobody>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/cleanup[1018125]: B597B566148: message-id=<20130606192501.631F156613E#hostname>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/local[1018131]: 631F156613E: to=<root#hostname>, orig_to=<root>, relay=local, delay=0.39, delays=0.16/0/0/0.23, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/pvemailforward)
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/qmgr[292015]: 631F156613E: removed
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/qmgr[292015]: B597B566148: from=<nobody#hostname>, size=963, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/smtp[1018135]: B597B566148: to=<root#localhost.localdomain>, relay=none, delay=0.16, delays=0.12/0/0.04/0, dsn=5.4.4, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=localhost.localdomain type=A: Host not found)
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/qmgr[292015]: B597B566148: removed
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/cleanup[1018125]: D6570566147: message-id=<20130606192501.D6570566147#hostname>
Jun 6 20:25:01 hostname postfix/smtp[1018130]: 5740356613F: to=<>, relay=ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM[]:25, delay=0.68, delays=0.12/0/0.19/0.36, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1370546701 iy4si8635735wic.1 - gsmtp)
Jun 6 20:25:01 ds9453 postfix/qmgr[292015]: 5740356613F: removed
The email is received, just missing the smartctl output.
Cron jobs don't run your .profile. So if smartctl is in a directory you add to $PATH in your profile, it won't be found when you run via cron. Try using the full pathname to the command.
I'm trying to set up a minimal web server using netcat (nc). When the browser calls up localhost:1500, for instance, it should show the result of a function (date in the example below, but eventually it'll be a python or c program that yields some data).
My little netcat web server needs to be a while true loop in bash, possibly as simple as this:
while true ; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)" | nc -l -p 1500 ; done
When I try this the browser shows the currently available data during the moment when nc starts. I want the browser displays the data during the moment the browser requests it, though. How can I achieve this?
Try this:
while true ; do nc -l -p 1500 -c 'echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)"'; done
The -cmakes netcat execute the given command in a shell, so you can use echo. If you don't need echo, use -e. For further information on this, try man nc. Note, that when using echo there is no way for your program (the date-replacement) to get the browser request. So you probably finally want to do something like this:
while true ; do nc -l -p 1500 -e /path/to/yourprogram ; done
Where yourprogram must do the protocol stuff like handling GET, sending HTTP 200 etc.
I had the problem where I wanted to return the result of executing a bash command:
$ while true; do { echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'; sh test; } | nc -l 8080; done
This command was taken from:
This executes a bash script and returns the result to a browser client connecting to the server running this command on port 8080.
My script does this:
$ nano test
echo "************PRINT SOME TEXT***************\n"
echo "Hello World!!!"
echo "\n"
echo "Resources:"
vmstat -S M
echo "\n"
echo "Addresses:"
echo "$(ifconfig)"
echo "\n"
echo "$(gpio readall)"
and my web browser is showing
************PRINT SOME TEXT***************
Hello World!!!
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
0 0 0 314 18 78 0 0 2 1 306 31 0 0 100 0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr b8:27:eb:86:e8:c5
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:27734 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:26393 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1924720 (1.8 MiB) TX bytes:3841998 (3.6 MiB)
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
| wiringPi | GPIO | Phys | Name | Mode | Value |
| 0 | 17 | 11 | GPIO 0 | IN | Low |
| 1 | 18 | 12 | GPIO 1 | IN | Low |
| 2 | 27 | 13 | GPIO 2 | IN | Low |
| 3 | 22 | 15 | GPIO 3 | IN | Low |
| 4 | 23 | 16 | GPIO 4 | IN | Low |
| 5 | 24 | 18 | GPIO 5 | IN | Low |
| 6 | 25 | 22 | GPIO 6 | IN | Low |
| 7 | 4 | 7 | GPIO 7 | IN | Low |
| 8 | 2 | 3 | SDA | IN | High |
| 9 | 3 | 5 | SCL | IN | High |
| 10 | 8 | 24 | CE0 | IN | Low |
| 11 | 7 | 26 | CE1 | IN | Low |
| 12 | 10 | 19 | MOSI | IN | Low |
| 13 | 9 | 21 | MISO | IN | Low |
| 14 | 11 | 23 | SCLK | IN | Low |
| 15 | 14 | 8 | TxD | ALT0 | High |
| 16 | 15 | 10 | RxD | ALT0 | High |
| 17 | 28 | 3 | GPIO 8 | ALT2 | Low |
| 18 | 29 | 4 | GPIO 9 | ALT2 | Low |
| 19 | 30 | 5 | GPIO10 | ALT2 | Low |
| 20 | 31 | 6 | GPIO11 | ALT2 | Low |
Add -q 1 to the netcat command line:
while true; do
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)" | nc -l -p 1500 -q 1
The problem you are facing is that nc does not know when the web client is done with its request so it can respond to the request.
A web session should go something like this.
TCP session is established.
Browser Request Header: GET / HTTP/1.1
Browser Request Header: Host:
Browser Request Header: \n #Note: Browser is telling Webserver that the request header is complete.
Server Response Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server Response Header: Content-Type: text/html
Server Response Header: Content-Length: 24
Server Response Header: \n #Note: Webserver is telling browser that response header is complete
Server Message Body: <html>sample html</html>
Server Message Body: \n #Note: Webserver is telling the browser that the requested resource is finished.
The server closes the TCP session.
Lines that begin with "\n" are simply empty lines without even a space and contain nothing more than a new line character.
I have my bash httpd launched by xinetd, xinetd tutorial. It also logs date, time, browser IP address, and the entire browser request to a log file, and calculates Content-Length for the Server header response.
user#machine:/usr/local/bin# cat ./bash_httpd
Log=$( echo -n "["$(date "+%F %T %Z")"] $REMOTE_HOST ")$(
while read I[$x] && [ ${#I[$x]} -gt 1 ];do
echo -n '"'${I[$x]} | sed -e's,.$,",'; let "x = $x + 1";
done ;
); echo $Log >> /var/log/bash_httpd
Message_Body=$(echo -en '<html>Sample html</html>')
echo -en "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\nContent-Length: ${#Message_Body}\n\n$Message_Body"
To add more functionality, you could incorporate.
METHOD=$(echo ${I[0]} |cut -d" " -f1)
REQUEST=$(echo ${I[0]} |cut -d" " -f2)
HTTP_VERSION=$(echo ${I[0]} |cut -d" " -f3)
If METHOD = "GET" ]; then
case "$REQUEST" in
"/") Message_Body="HTML formatted home page stuff"
/who) Message_Body="HTML formatted results of who"
/ps) Message_Body="HTML formatted results of ps"
*) Message_Body= "Error Page not found header and content"
Happy bashing!
Another way to do this
while true; do (echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'; echo -e "\n\tMy website has date function" ; echo -e "\t$(date)\n") | nc -lp 8080; done
Let's test it with 2 HTTP request using curl
In this example, is the server IP Address.
Server Side
admin#server:~$ while true; do (echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'; echo -e "\n\tMy website has date function" ; echo -e "\t$(date)\n") | nc -lp 8080; done
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 Accept:
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 Accept:
Client Side
user#client:~$ curl
My website has date function
Tue Jun 13 18:00:19 UTC 2017
user#client:~$ curl
My website has date function
Tue Jun 13 18:00:24 UTC 2017
If you want to execute another command, feel free to replace $(date).
I had the same need/problem but nothing here worked for me (or I didn't understand everything), so this is my solution.
I post my (working with my /bin/bash (4.3.11) but not /bin/sh because of the redirection):
rm -f out
mkfifo out
trap "rm -f out" EXIT
while true
cat out | nc -l 1500 > >( # parse the netcat output, to build the answer redirected to the pipe "out".
export REQUEST=
while read -r line
line=$(echo "$line" | tr -d '\r\n')
if echo "$line" | grep -qE '^GET /' # if line starts with "GET /"
REQUEST=$(echo "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f2) # extract the request
elif [ -z "$line" ] # empty line / end of request
# call a script here
# Note: REQUEST is exported, so the script can parse it (to answer 200/403/404 status code + content)
./ > out
And my (with your need):
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r"
echo "Content-type: text/html"
mkfifo pipe;
while true ;
#use read line from pipe to make it blocks before request comes in,
#this is the key.
{ read line<pipe;echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";echo $(date);
} | nc -l -q 0 -p 8080 > pipe;
Here is a beauty of a little bash webserver, I found it online and forked a copy and spruced it up a bit - it uses socat or netcat I have tested it with socat -- it is self-contained in one-script and generates its own configuration file and favicon.
By default it will start up as a web enabled file browser yet is easily configured by the configuration file for any logic. For files it streams images and music (mp3's), video (mp4's, avi, etc) -- I have tested streaming various file types to Linux,Windows and Android devices including a smartwatch!
I think it streams better than VLC actually. I have found it useful for transferring files to remote clients who have no access beyond a web browser e.g. Android smartwatch without needing to worry about physically connecting to a USB port.
If you want to try it out just copy and paste it to a file named bashttpd, then start it up on the host with $> bashttpd -s
Then you can go to any other computer (presuming the firewall is not blocking inbound tcp connections to port 8080 -- the default port, you can change the port to whatever you want using the global variables at the top of the script). http://bashttpd_server_ip:8080
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### bashttpd v 1.12
### Original author: Avleen Vig, 2012
### Reworked by: Josh Cartwright, 2012
### Modified by: A.M.Danischewski, 2015
### Issues: If you find any issues leave me a comment at
### This is a simple Bash based webserver. By default it will browse files and allows for
### retrieving binary files.
### It has been tested successfully to view and stream files including images, mp3s,
### mp4s and downloading files of any type including binary and compressed files via
### any web browser.
### Successfully tested on various browsers on Windows, Linux and Android devices (including the
### Android Smartwatch ZGPAX S8).
### It handles favicon requests by hardcoded favicon image -- by default a marathon
### runner; change it to whatever you want! By base64 encoding your favorit favicon
### and changing the global variable below this header.
### Make sure if you have a firewall it allows connections to the port you plan to
### listen on (8080 by default).
### By default this program will allow for the browsing of files from the
### computer where it is run.
### Make sure you are allowed connections to the port you plan to listen on
### (8080 by default). Then just drop it on a host machine (that has bash)
### and start it up like this:
### $> bashttpd -s
### On the remote machine you should be able to browse and download files from the host
### server via any web browser by visiting:
#### This program requires (to work to full capacity) by default:
### socat or netcat (w/ '-e' option - on Ubuntu netcat-traditional)
### tree - useful for pretty directory listings
### If you are using socat, you can type: bashttpd -s
### to start listening on the LISTEN_PORT (default is 8080), you can change
### the port below.
### E.g. nc -lp 8080 -e ./bashttpd ## <-- If your nc has the -e option.
### E.g. nc.traditional -lp 8080 -e ./bashttpd
### E.g. bashttpd -s -or- socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork EXEC:bashttpd
### Copyright (C) 2012, Avleen Vig <>
### Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
### this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
### the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
### use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
### the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
### subject to the following conditions:
### The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
### copies or substantial portions of the Software.
declare -r BASHTTPD_CONF="/tmp/bashttpd.conf"
declare -i LISTEN_PORT=8080
## If you are on AIX, IRIX, Solaris, or a hardened system redirecting
## to /dev/random will probably break, you can change it to /dev/null.
declare -a DUMP_DEV="/dev/random"
## Just base64 encode your favorite favicon and change this to whatever you want.
declare -r FAVICON="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"
declare -i DEBUG=1
declare -i VERBOSE=0
declare REQUEST_URI=""
declare -a HTTP_RESPONSE=(
[400]="Bad Request"
[404]="Not Found"
[405]="Method Not Allowed"
[500]="Internal Server Error")
declare DATE=$(date +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
"Date: $DATE"
"Expires: $DATE"
"Server: Slash Bin Slash Bash"
function warn() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "WARNING: $#" >&2; }
function chk_conf_file() {
[ -r "${BASHTTPD_CONF}" ] || {
cat >"${BASHTTPD_CONF}" <<'EOF'
# bashttpd.conf - configuration for bashttpd
# The behavior of bashttpd is dictated by the evaluation
# of rules specified in this configuration file. Each rule
# is evaluated until one is matched. If no rule is matched,
# bashttpd will serve a 500 Internal Server Error.
# The format of the rules are:
# on_uri_match REGEX command [args]
# unconditionally command [args]
# on_uri_match:
# On an incoming request, the URI is checked against the specified
# (bash-supported extended) regular expression, and if encounters a match the
# specified command is executed with the specified arguments.
# For additional flexibility, on_uri_match will also pass the results of the
# regular expression match, ${BASH_REMATCH[#]} as additional arguments to the
# command.
# unconditionally:
# Always serve via the specified command. Useful for catchall rules.
# The following commands are available for use:
# serve_file FILE
# Statically serves a single file.
# serve_dir_with_tree DIRECTORY
# Statically serves the specified directory using 'tree'. It must be
# installed and in the PATH.
# serve_dir_with_ls DIRECTORY
# Statically serves the specified directory using 'ls -al'.
# serve_dir DIRECTORY
# Statically serves a single directory listing. Will use 'tree' if it is
# installed and in the PATH, otherwise, 'ls -al'
# serve_dir_or_file_from DIRECTORY
# Serves either a directory listing (using serve_dir) or a file (using
# serve_file). Constructs local path by appending the specified root
# directory, and the URI portion of the client request.
# serve_static_string STRING
# Serves the specified static string with Content-Type text/plain.
# Examples of rules:
# on_uri_match '^/issue$' serve_file "/etc/issue"
# When a client's requested URI matches the string '/issue', serve them the
# contents of /etc/issue
# on_uri_match 'root' serve_dir /
# When a client's requested URI has the word 'root' in it, serve up
# a directory listing of /
# DOCROOT=/var/www/html
# on_uri_match '/(.*)' serve_dir_or_file_from "$DOCROOT"
# When any URI request is made, attempt to serve a directory listing
# or file content based on the request URI, by mapping URI's to local
# paths relative to the specified "$DOCROOT"
#unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world! You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.'
on_uri_match '/(.*)' serve_dir_or_file_from
# More about commands:
# It is possible to somewhat easily write your own commands. An example
# may help. The following example will serve "Hello, $x!" whenever
# a client sends a request with the URI /say_hello_to/$x:
# serve_hello() {
# add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
# send_response_ok_exit <<< "Hello, $2!"
# }
# on_uri_match '^/say_hello_to/(.*)$' serve_hello
# Like mentioned before, the contents of ${BASH_REMATCH[#]} are passed
# to your command, so its possible to use regular expression groups
# to pull out info.
# With this example, when the requested URI is /say_hello_to/Josh, serve_hello
# is invoked with the arguments '/say_hello_to/Josh' 'Josh',
# (${BASH_REMATCH[0]} is always the full match)
warn "Created bashttpd.conf using defaults. Please review and configure bashttpd.conf before running bashttpd again."
# exit 1
function recv() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "< $#" >&2; }
function send() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "> $#" >&2; echo "$*"; }
function add_response_header() { RESPONSE_HEADERS+=("$1: $2"); }
function send_response_binary() {
local code="$1"
local file="${2}"
local transfer_stats=""
local tmp_stat_file="/tmp/_send_response_$$_"
send "HTTP/1.0 $1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"
for i in "${RESPONSE_HEADERS[#]}"; do
send "$i"
if ((${VERBOSE})); then
## Use dd since it handles null bytes
dd 2>"${tmp_stat_file}" < "${file}"
echo -en ">> Transferred: ${file}\n>> $(awk '/copied/{print}' <<< "${transfer_stats}")\n" >&2
rm "${tmp_stat_file}"
## Use dd since it handles null bytes
dd 2>"${DUMP_DEV}" < "${file}"
function send_response() {
local code="$1"
send "HTTP/1.0 $1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"
for i in "${RESPONSE_HEADERS[#]}"; do
send "$i"
while IFS= read -r line; do
send "${line}"
function send_response_ok_exit() { send_response 200; exit 0; }
function send_response_ok_exit_binary() { send_response_binary 200 "${1}"; exit 0; }
function fail_with() { send_response "$1" <<< "$1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"; exit 1; }
function serve_file() {
local file="$1"
case "${file}" in
CONTENT_TYPE=$(file -b --mime-type "${file}")
add_response_header "Content-Type" "${CONTENT_TYPE}"
CONTENT_LENGTH=$(stat -c'%s' "${file}")
add_response_header "Content-Length" "${CONTENT_LENGTH}"
## Use binary safe transfer method since text doesn't break.
send_response_ok_exit_binary "${file}"
function serve_dir_with_tree() {
local dir="$1" tree_vers tree_opts basehref x
## HTML 5 compatible way to avoid tree html from generating favicon
## requests in certain browsers, such as browsers in android smartwatches. =)
local no_favicon=" <link href=\"data:image/x-icon;base64,${FAVICON}\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />"
local tree_page=""
local base_server_path="/${2%/}"
[ "$base_server_path" = "/" ] && base_server_path=".."
local tree_opts="--du -h -a --dirsfirst"
add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/html"
# The --du option was added in 1.6.0. "/${2%/*}"
read _ tree_vers x < <(tree --version)
tree_page=$(tree -H "$base_server_path" -L 1 "${tree_opts}" -D "${dir}")
tree_page=$(sed "5 i ${no_favicon}" <<< "${tree_page}")
[[ "${tree_vers}" == v1.6* ]]
send_response_ok_exit <<< "${tree_page}"
function serve_dir_with_ls() {
local dir="$1"
add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
send_response_ok_exit < \
<(ls -la "${dir}")
function serve_dir() {
local dir="$1"
# If `tree` is installed, use that for pretty output.
which tree &>"${DUMP_DEV}" && \
serve_dir_with_tree "$#"
serve_dir_with_ls "$#"
fail_with 500
function urldecode() { [ "${1%/}" = "" ] && echo "/" || echo -e "$(sed 's/%\([[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)/\\\x\1/g' <<< "${1%/}")"; }
function serve_dir_or_file_from() {
local URL_PATH="${1}/${3}"
URL_PATH=$(urldecode "${URL_PATH}")
[[ $URL_PATH == *..* ]] && fail_with 400
# Serve index file if exists in requested directory
[[ -d "${URL_PATH}" && -f "${URL_PATH}/index.html" && -r "${URL_PATH}/index.html" ]] && \
if [[ -f "${URL_PATH}" ]]; then
[[ -r "${URL_PATH}" ]] && \
serve_file "${URL_PATH}" "$#" || fail_with 403
elif [[ -d "${URL_PATH}" ]]; then
[[ -x "${URL_PATH}" ]] && \
serve_dir "${URL_PATH}" "$#" || fail_with 403
fail_with 404
function serve_static_string() {
add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
send_response_ok_exit <<< "$1"
function on_uri_match() {
local regex="$1"
[[ "${REQUEST_URI}" =~ $regex ]] && \
"$#" "${BASH_REMATCH[#]}"
function unconditionally() { "$#" "$REQUEST_URI"; }
function main() {
local recv=""
local line=""
[[ ${UID} = 0 ]] && warn "It is not recommended to run bashttpd as root."
# Request-Line HTTP RFC 2616 $5.1
read -r line || fail_with 400
recv "${line}"
[ -n "${REQUEST_METHOD}" ] && [ -n "${REQUEST_URI}" ] && \
[ -n "${REQUEST_HTTP_VERSION}" ] || fail_with 400
# Only GET is supported at this time
[ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "GET" ] || fail_with 405
while IFS= read -r line; do
recv "${line}"
# If we've reached the end of the headers, break.
[ -z "${line}" ] && break
if [[ ! -z "{$1}" ]] && [ "${1}" = "-s" ]; then
socat TCP4-LISTEN:${LISTEN_PORT},fork EXEC:"${0}"
source "${BASHTTPD_CONF}"
fail_with 500
LOL, a super lame hack, but at least curl and firefox accepts it:
while true ; do (dd if=/dev/zero count=10000;echo -e "HTTP/1.1\n\n $(date)") | nc -l 1500 ; done
You better replace it soon with something proper!
Ah yes, my nc were not exactly the same as yours, it did not like the -p option.
If you're using Apline Linux, the BusyBox netcat is slightly different:
while true; do nc -l -p 8080 -e sh -c 'echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n$(date)"'; done
And another way using printf:
while true; do nc -l -p 8080 -e sh -c "printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n%s' \"$(date)\""; done
while true; do (echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\n';) | timeout 1 nc -lp 8080 ; done
Closes connection after 1 sec, so curl doesn't hang on it.
Type in nc -h and see if You have -e option available. If yes, You can create a script, for example:
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)"
and run it like this:
while true ; do nc -l -p 1500 -e; done
Note that -e option needs to be enabled at compilation to be available.
I think the problem that all the solution listed doesn't work, is intrinsic in the nature of http service, the every request established is with a different client and the response need to be processed in a different context, every request must fork a new instance of response...
The current solution I think is the -e of netcat but I don't know why doesn't work... maybe is my nc version that I test on openwrt...
with socat it works....
I try this
and it works, but I must run the shell script with this command.
socat tcp-l:80,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:bashttpd &
The socat and netcat samples on github doesn't works for me, but the socat that I used works.
Actually, the best way to close gracefully the connection is to send the Content-Length header like following. Client (like curl will close the connection after receiving the data.
DATA="Date: $(date)";
LENGTH=$(echo $DATA | wc -c);
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Length: ${LENGTH}\n\n${DATA}" | nc -l -p 8000;
On OSX you can use :
while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)" | nc -l localhost 1500 ; done