Impala can't access all hive table - hadoop

I try to query hbase data through hive (I'm using cloudera). I did a fiew hive external table pointing to hbase but the thing is Cloudera's Impala doesn't have an access to all those tables. All hive external tables appear in the metastore manager but when I do a simple "show tables" in Impala, I see that 3 tables are missing.
Would it be a privileges problem ? I see that in the metastore manager that the 3 tables missing are readable by everybody so...

Run the query 'invalidate metadata' in Impala and your tables will show-up.

Though the INVALIDATE METADATA command in impala works it is documented to be expensive, in recent versions it is now possible to invalidate the metadata of just 1 table, which will have less impact:
Alternately, if you use HUE, there is also a less expensive option available. Which may be convenient if you have added multiple new tables:

Beneath is the ? online help explanation:
Missing some tables? In order to update the list of tables/metadata seen by Impala, execute one of these queries:
"invalidate metadata" invalidates the entire catalog metadata. All table metadata will be reloaded on the next access.
"invalidate metadata <table>" invalidates the metadata, load on the next access
"refresh <table>" refreshes the metadata immediately. It is a faster, incremental refresh.


what's a processing storage for HIVE?

I'm new to hive and read about it online too. But still having doubts which are not cleared.
for hive external tables, hive keep table's metadata within HDFS, but not in its warehouse which is also in HDFS. correct ?
whether its internal or external table, in both cases data of table will be available in HDFS only but NOWHERE else. Mean to say, data can taken from anywhere but has to be loaded in HDFS, because HIVE uses hadoop's processing engine to process data. Correct ?
internal table, table's metadata and table's data both will be available in HIVE's data warehouse, and this data warehouse will be at nowhere else but in HDFS only. correct ?
in external table, table's metadata and table's data both will be NOT available in HIVE's data warehouse but in HDFS. But hive must be keeping some info with itself that where is table's metadata located and where is its data located in HDFS, correct ?
Can anyone share feedback to above understanding ?
Hive uses relational database like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DerbyDB(for embedded deployment only) for storing metadata (databases, tables definitions, statistics, grants, etc). See deployment modes and database requirements. Does not matter Internal or external table, the metadata are stored in the relational database.
Yes, the data is stored in HDFS, but also Hive supports integration with external databases using JDBC storage handler. Such table looks like normal Hive table, but the data is stored in some database, your queries executed in the database, predicate push-down works, you can use hive native tables with storage handler tables in single query. Also HBase storage handler is available, Kafka storage handler, etc, you can write your own storage handler.
Depending on your Hive version/vendor It is possible to create many tables (both managed and external at the same time) on top of the same location in HDFS. Though Cloudera prefers to have managed tables in dedicated HDFS location for them, see and does not allow to specify location for managed tables outside the warehouse root by default. Read abot the difference between managed and external tables here.
Everything seems correct except last one. When you create external table table metadata will be stored in the Hive otherwise you can not query through hive. HDFS itself keeps control of your data when you create external table. While when you create internal table Hive will be responsible. Dropping internal table drops your data and metadata but dropping external table only drops metadata from Hive. But your data will be remain inside of your file system. Thats why we are changing table types a lot as a workaround when some of our external connection is not compatible with our hive version.

How to safely update hive external table

I have an external hive table and I would like to refresh the data files on a daily basis. What is the recommended way to do this?
If I just overwrite the files, and if we are unlucky enough to have some other hive queries to execute in parallel against this table, what will happen to those queries? Will they just fail? Or will my HDFS operations fail? Or will they block until the queries complete?
If availability is a concern and space isn't an issue, you can do the following:
Make a synonym for the external table. Make sure all queries use this synonym when accessing the table.
When loading new data, load it to a new table with a different name.
When the load is complete, point the synonym to the newly loaded table.
After an appropriate length of time (long enough for any running queries to finish), drop the previous table.
First of all.. if you are accessing any table it may have two types of locks:
exclusive(if data is getting added) and shared(if data is getting read)..
so if you insert overwrite and add data into the table then at that time if you access the table with other queries, they wont get executed because there will be an exclusive lock on it and once the insert overwrite query completes then you may access the table.
Please refer to the following link:

Microstrategy - HBase connection

We are trying to connect MS 9.4 to HBase via Impala connector.
First we created the hive tables liking them to HBase tables with following create table (as we saw in the docs):
CREATE TABLE hiveTableName1
(key int, columnName1 codClient, columnName2 clientName)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,columnfamily1:columnName1,columnfamily1:columnName2")
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "hbaseTableName1");
We did this twice, since we want to crete two hive tables and their correspondent hbase tables, in order to perform a join between them later with MS.
For the connection between MS with HBase, we follow the steps by selecting the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Impala Wire Protocol, and filling in the Data Source Name (Impala Data Source previously created with the Impala Driver), host and port (both for Impala installation in our AWS infraestructure) and impala/impala for credentials.
The thing is that when we finish complete the wizard and select the default namespace (which is the only one available. No any other ns has been created), we can see the hive tables that we created before, instead of the hbase tables.
I mean:
instead of
And, since these are the only tables availables, we only can perform our report with these two tables: a very easy join between these two tables by one field.
Both tables have 200.000 records and the join takes more than 1 minute to complete.
I'm sure that we are missing something here, and the process of linking hive tables to hbase ones are not completely right.
Is there a way to be able to connect to these two hbase tables instead of hive ones?
Any help will be really appreciated.
1. HBase does not support SQL and does not support the concept of "join" anyway.
2. Mapping Hive tables on HBase tables means that every Hive query triggers a full scan on HBase side, then the result is fed to a MapReduce batch job that does the filters and the joins.
Bottom line: 1 min is quite fast for what you are doing.
If you expect sub-second results, try some "small data" technologies (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, even MS Access) or forget about joins.
For sub-minutes results, you might give a try to Apache Phoenix: it's a HBase wrapper with indexes and some kind of SQL. Not sure about ODBC/JDBC drivers though.

Hive HBase Integration behavior in the event of a failure

I recently did an integration between Hive and HBase. I created a hive table with HBase serde and when i insert the records into the hive table it gets loaded into the HBase table. I am trying to understand what if the insert into HiveHBase table fails in between ? (HBase service fails / network issue). I assume the records which have already loaded into the HBase will be there and when i do a rerun of the operation i will have two copies of data with different timestamp (Assuming out of 20K records 10k was inserted and the failure occured).
What is the best way to insert records into HBase ?
Can Hive provide me the security check to see if the data is already there ?
Is mapreduce the best shot for scenarios like these ? I will write a mapreduce program that reads data from hive and checks record by record in hbase before the insertion . This makes sure there are no duplicate writes
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you will have 2 versions of data when you rerun the load operation. But that's ok since the 2nd version will get cleaned up on the next compaction. As long as your inserts are idempotent (which they most likely are), you won't have a problem.
At Lithium+Klout, we use a custom built HBaseSerDe which writes HFiles, instead of using Put's to insert the data. So we generate the HFiles and use the bulk load tool to load all of the data after the job has completed. That's another way you can integrate Hive and HBase.

Why we need to move external table to managed hive table?

I am new to Hadoop and learning Hive.
In Hadoop definative guide 3rd edition page no. 428 last paragraph
I don't understand below paragraph regarding external table in HIVE.
"A common pattern is to use an external table to access an initial dataset stored in HDFS (created by another process), then use a Hive transform to move the data into a managed Hive table."
Can anybody explain briefly what above phrase says?
Usually the data in the initial dataset is not constructed in the optimal way for queries.
You may want to modify the data (like modifying some columns adding columns, making aggregation etc) and to store it in a specific way (partitions / buckets / sorted etc) so that the queries would benefit from these optimizations.
The key difference between external and managed table in Hive is that data in the external table is not managed by Hive.
When you create external table you define HDFS directory for that table and Hive is simply "looking" in it and can get data from it but Hive can't delete or change data in that folder. When you drop external table Hive only deletes metadata from its metastore and data in HDFS remains unchanged.
Managed table basically is a directory in HDFS and it's created and managed by Hive. Even more - all operations for removing/changing partitions/raw data/table in that table MUST be done by Hive otherwise metadata in Hive metastore may become incorrect (e.g. you manually delete partition from HDFS but Hive metastore contains info that partition exists).
In Hadoop definative guide I think author meant that it is a common practice to write MR-job that produces some raw data and keeps it in some folder. Than you create Hive external table which will look into that folder. And than safelly run queries without the risk to drop table etc.
In other words - you can do MR job that produces some generic data and than use Hive external table as a source of data for insert into managed tables. It helps you to avoid creating boring similar MR jobs and delegate this task to Hive queries - you create query that takes data from external table, aggregates/processes it how you want and puts the result into managed tables.
Another goal of external table is to use as a source data from remote servers, e.g. in csv format.
There is no reason to move table to managed unless you are going to enable ACID or other features supported only for managed tables.
The list of differences in features supported by managed/external tables may change in future, better use current documentation. Currently these features are:
DROP deletes data for managed tables while it only deletes
metadata for external ones
ACID/Transactional only works for
managed tables
Query Results Caching only works for managed
Only the RELY constraint is allowed on external tables
Some Materialized View features only work on managed tables
You can create both EXTERNAL and MANAGED tables on top of the same location, see this answer with more details and tests:
Data structure has nothing in common with external/managed table type. If you want to change structure you do not necessarily need to change table managed/external type
It is also mentioned in the book.
when your table is external table.
you can use other technologies like PIG,Cascading or Mapreduce to process it .
You can also use multiple schemas for that dataset.
and You can also create data lazily if it is external table.
when you decide that dataset should be used by only Hive,make it hive managed table.
