Query nested object based on key in MongoDB - performance

My Schema Sample:
_id: '1234',
daily: {
My Query: i want to query All 'daily' object's nested objects greater than or less than particular date (assume: 12-06-05).
I understand one method is to retrieve entire daily object and then compare by iterating over each key of daily object.


How to return complex object as scalar type in GraphQL?

Let's imagine we have GraphQL API that can return an object Entity with Id and Name properties and I requested Name only:
query {
entities {
And it returns
"data": {
"entities": [
"name": "Name1"
"name": "Name2"
But what if I want to have only the name of entities as a scalar type? In other words, I want to have something like:
"data": {
"entities": [
Is it possible to have such result without changes on the GraphQL API side? Aliases, Fragments, etc. GraphQL has a lot of built-in query capabilities, but none of the known me can return complex objects as scalar type.
what you're asking for is almost impossible if you don't want to change the type definition for Entities.
This: 👇🏽
Entity: id: int! name: String
entities(): [Entity]
returns an array of objects with keys name and id.
To achieve what you're asking you either change Entity to be just a string or have your client reduce that object to an array of just Entity names when they receive it.
They could do something like this:
const data = {
entities: [
name: 'Name1',
name: 'Name2',
const entityNames = data.entities.reduce(
(acc, curr) => [...acc, curr.name],

How to upsert nested tables values in Hasura GraphQL?

wanted to ask if it is possible to upsert nested objects? for example, if i have a 'Users' table and a 'Students' table, and I'm inserting a new User(with a taken id), i want to update all fields (using on_conflict and update_columns) including the fields in the 'Students' table.
Basically replace all user's fields except the primary key.
mutation($UsersData: [core_users_insert_input!]!) {
objects: $UsersData
on_conflict: {
constraint: core_users_id_unique
update_columns: [first_name, last_name, gender]
) {
The update_column array should include fields from the 'Students' table but i can't figure it out.
It is possible, relevant documentation is here: https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/mutations/upsert.html#upsert-in-nested-mutations
It is possible to use on_conflict key on any level (top, or nested) where you want to resolve updating an existing record.
mutation upsert_author_article {
objects: [
name: "John",
articles: {
data: [
title: "Article 3",
content: "Article 3 content"
on_conflict: {
constraint: article_title_key,
update_columns: [content]
) {

How to query from two elasticsearch indexes with one query

Newbie here. I have two indexes: /items and /categories that contain data similar to this:
{ id:1, name: "banana", categories: [1] },
{ id:2, name: "coconut", categories: [1] },
{ id:3, name: "smoothie", categories: [1, 2] }
{ id:1, name: "Apple" },
{ id:2, name: "Banana" }
I want to create a query with bana as a query string and I should return items 1 and 3. It should not return category objects. ID 1 because of the name match and ID 3 because it has a category that has a name match.
How could a query like this be constructed?
My current query does not return item 3 and simply like
GET /items/_search
"query": {
Is it necessary to create two indexes for this? maybe use name directly in Item index to replace id:
{ id:1, name: "banana", categories: ["Apple"] }
Since index will have its own dictionary, will not cause extra disk space.
if really need to join two indexes, maybe you want to try Parent-Child Relationship, but it will deprecated in future, and replaced by: join datatype, this way also will keep data in one index.

Are nested queries used for object mappings in ElasticSearch?

Say we have a document model in ElasticSearch, which has a string (registration) and an object datatype called currentname, which then has a value called name. I have added model JSON in the bottom.
How do you query this?
Since the metadata item is not using the nested keyword, I assume we can get the data without the nested. However, since the metadata do have a properties value, I am unsure.
My attempts:
I have tried the simple model (NEST):
var res2 = client.Search<dynamic>(s =>
Query(q => q.
Bool(b => b.
Must(mu => mu.
Term(te =>
This doesn't return any documents.
However, if I have to use nested queries, I don't completely understand why (is it because these objects are basically a different index?). And how would the DSL (or NEST code) look to do the right call?
Document model:
properties: {
Company: {
properties: {
registration: {
type: "string"
metadata: {
currentname: {
properties: {
name: "string"
Nested query are used only with nested datatypes

ElasticSearch query for items not in given array

I am trying to write a part of a query to filter out any items with a type as "group" and that have a group id that isn't in a given array of ids. I started writing a bool query with a must and must_not but I was getting tripped up on how to write "id not in the given array.
I am actually converting an outdated query using "and" and "not" to be ES 5.5 compatible. Here is the old query that worked.
:and => [
term: {
type: 'group'
:not => {
terms: {
group_id: group_ids
:not => {
terms: {
user_id: user_ids
group_ids and user_ids are arrays.
You probably have not analyzed the arrays with the IDs. You can use a Bool query with a filter clause, and then within that filter start a new bool query with a mustNot clause and within that clause add a terms query with your IDs.
bool: {
must: {
term: {
kind: 'group'
must_not: [
terms: {
group_id: group_ids
terms: {
user_id: user_ids
