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Closed 9 years ago.
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Where can I find a document that describe the windows dimensions, like:
Screen area (for each screen).
Desktop area (for each screen).
Desktop area without the task bar.
Available area to position my application.
The following MSDN resources explain the different questions you are having:
Window-related terminology and areas: About Windows
Relations between screen and window coordinates: Window Coordinate System
Relations between desktop and screen coordinates: The Virtual Screen
Retrieving screen metrics: Multiple Monitor System Metrics
Window positioning across multiple displays: Positioning Objects on Multiple Display Monitors
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I noticed the dimensions of the screen are wrong. I am in portrait mode and if I print the width and the height of my scene, they are 1024x768. How do I get proper dimensions? I did find some articles about that in Objective-C and tried to figure out how to do it in Swift but have no idea how because I am a beginner in Swift and programming.
Is there any straightforward approach to solving this?
Use self.view.bounds to get the size of the screen (assuming your view is fullscreen)
The view shows a portion of your scene. You can move the view around the scene to scroll your game. Therefore the scene dimensions are different than the screen dimensions.
UISceen.mainScreen().bounds will always give you dimensions of the screen in its current orientation. Self.view.bounds will give you the size of the view controller you are working in, which in many cases will be the same.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Running Windows 7 with two monitors, vertical setup
I want to have more convenient window sizing for vertical monitor setup. Currently there is the normal 'drag window to side of screen' to auto-resize the window to half the screen horizontally. Is there a way to auto-resize to half the screen vertically?
ie. drag to the lower half of the side of the screen to resize to take up the bottom half of the screen and drag to the upper side of the screen to resize to take up the top half.
Is this possible? What software would be best for this?
This is not possible in native Windows. Windows 10 might help you a bit however (corner auto-resizse).
I can imagine someone would be able to programm such a solution for Hotkeys, but not by dragging.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need to create splash screen for my mobile application and I want to use an image like the one I have attached with this question but with different color for splash screen.I guess this is a gradient but really don't know any idea how to create this type of gradient image with different color.Please help me providing any link or tutorial.
Please take a look at
for some gradient tutorials.
If you want the same image, with a different color, then just try changing the hue of your image like this
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to show users location with his profile image on Globe (Circular earth) instead of 2D map. As per my knowledge , latitude & longitude which we get from CLLocationManager are converted from circular by making calculation to display it in 2D map . Correct me if I am wrong.
My question is it possible to display different users current location with his profile image on globe. Also I need option to pan (must have) & zoom (if possible) ?
Any kind of help , reference is appreciated. Thanks.
As per the discussion here, you can use WhirlyGlobe to achieve the functionality.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a photoshop file with a set of layers.
Is there a way that I can link "layer visibility" without having to click and unclick on the eye icon of each layer individually? For instance, I would like to set up instructions such as:
-If I click on the eye icon of layer A, activate the eye icon of layer B, AND C, AND D simultaneously...
-activate the eye Icon of layer A OR B OR C... but don't allow to have more than one visible layer at the same time...
Grouping layers does not fit my purposes because I want to do that between layers that already belong to different groups.