Joomla: system SEF module links On/Off + backlinks - joomla

I want to test whether turning on joomla's SEF links option in global configuration works for my site.
If it doesn't work... can I just turn it back off again without issue?
I don't want to accidentally break my site entirely.
Also - are backlinks maintained when it's turned on for anyone linking to the old non-sef links?
(using Joomla 1.5)

Turning SEF URL's on and off is a simple task. If you need to switch from one to the other, it's a simple click of a radio button.
The only problem being though is that some components do not support SEF URL's. Most do but there might be some on your site that unfortunately don't. So make sure yo test all links. If some don't work, just turn SEF off


How to display Joomla 3 urls without numbers?

I am having urls displayed with category and article ids such as In order to remove the numbers, I had to manually create menu items for each article - which then successfully omits the numbers from the urls.
This is perhaps not the right way to create SEF urls as this requires extra work to create the menu items. Does anyone know of a better way to do this? I couldn't find any extensions that can do this effectively.
No, this is how Joomla default routing works in both 2.5 and 3.x versions.
You need to either create a menu item per each article, as you did, or install a 3rd party plugin to handle it.
In your case I guess that most SEF extensions in the Joomla Extension Directory will do. I had good experiences with SH404SEF (a very complete solution) and Simple Custom Router (a very basic plugin - intended for coders)

Images display only if article is on first page

My Joomla 1.5 site was reinstalled after some problems. Since then, when I add images to an existing or new article, the new images display fine if the article appears on the first page, but not if the article is linked to a menu. The old pictures that were there before the reinstall are fine either way.
Any idea how to solve this problem ?
Thnks !
You have a problem with relative / absolute paths.
The former i.e. images/something.png will fail when you have SEF urls turned on (so if your URL looks like, the relative path is interpreted as instead of looking for the image at its location in the root.
Most likely you weren't using SEF on the previous host. Joomla controls this through the SEF plugin (which you need to enable in the plugins administrator page). Just enable the plugin, clear the cache and you should start seeing the images again.

Problems adding an article in Joomla

I got a problem I really cant solve. I am trying to create a menu with an single article in Joomla 2.5, but it wont show the article.
I have created a main menu with some menus which are set to single article, and I have created some articles, which I've added to the specific menu items, it has no problems saving the menu, but when I reload the page, there is no article/text/picture.
Does some one have any idea why this is happening?
Make sure article is published. Even if it won't work. Just on error reporting n see what exactly error is getting about & find the solution.
It seems like a SEF issue.
Say your menu is published under the SEF url /fun/jokes.html: if the SEF plugin is not enabled Joomla might be looking for your pictures in /fun/images/... instead of /images/...
Just head to the administrator / plugin, search for SEF (system - SEF plugin) and enable it.
Clear the cache and it should start working.
I have found the problem. Under my profil for the template, "System Output" whas set to "no". Changed it to "yes" and it shows all my article.
But thanks for your efforts

Remove a page form recommendation box

I have recommendation box on my site.
There was one popular page, that doesn't exist any more.
But it still appears in recommendation box.
How can I remove this page from plugin?
Try going to Page settings > Basic Information, and unchecking Show this map where your location info is.
It doesn't make any sense, but seems to solve the problem.

Joomla website - content displays for registered users but not for regular visitors

I have to do fix some bugs on a Joomla website that I didn't build. Also, I don't know Joomla. Biggest issue at the moment is that the content displays for registered users but not for regular visitors. The website in question is
Can anyone help?
It will be nearly impossible to say definitely without knowing what is supposed to display, and what is actually displaying and the extensions that are installed. Joomla 1.5 has a rudimentary access control that could be your issue. In virtually everything - menus, modules, articles, etc - you have the ability to set the Access Level. It is usually on the left side of the details page and the options should be Public, Registered, and Special. Make sure that all of these are set to public.
