Prolog invoking DCG functions properly - prolog

I have the DCG format I want to simulate this code:
s --> [a].
s --> s, s.
and invokes with:
?- phrase(s, X).
I made up with the below code, but something is missing.
And for the phrase part I don't know how can call these rule such as in phrase?

a DCG is usually implemented adding a pair of arguments to the rules, to get the fast list processing required to accomplish the parsing, an application of a basic technique known as difference lists. You can inspect the translation with listing/1:
?- [user].
|: s --> [a].
|: s --> s, s.
% user://1 compiled 0.04 sec, 4 clauses
?- listing(s).
s([a|A], A).
s(A, C) :-
s(A, B),
s(B, C).
phrase/2 'just' associates the tokens' list to the first grammar (hidden) argument, and associates the empty list to the second hidden one, to means that the entire tokens' list must be consumed by parsing.
Since you are simulating the DCG, your task then should reduce to adding a token list to your code. If the code is properly implemented (not easy to do right), the simulation will be able to parse as well as generate any legal phrase. In your case, a sequence of at least 1 a.
Without knowing how you interpret your rule/2, it's hard to give any sensible hint...


How do I determine if a prolog `compund term` has a particular `atom` inside?

I want a predicate to tell whether a particular atom (say x) appears inside a compound term, however deeply nested.
I tried to read about predicates given at I think it will involve walking down the compound term using functor/3 and ../2 recusively. Is there a simpler approach, or some library that does this?
Carlo's elegant answer works on SWI-Prolog but is not portable as the ISO Prolog standard specification for the arg/3 predicate (which most Prolog systems implement) requires its first argument to be bound to an integer, preventing using it as a backtracable generator of compound term arguments. A more portable alternative would be:
haystack_needle(H, N) :-
H == N.
haystack_needle(H, N) :-
functor(H, _, A),
between(1, A, I),
arg(I, H, A),
haystack_needle(A, N).
The between/3 predicate is not specified in the ISO Prolog standard but it's a de facto standard predicate usually provided as either a built-in predicate or a library predicate.
Ignoring cyclic terms, I would use ==/2,compound/1 and arg/3
haystack_needle(H,N) :- H==N.
haystack_needle(H,N) :- compound(H),arg(_,H,A),haystack_needle(A,N).
haystack_needle/2 will succeed multiple times, then will allow for counting occurrences:
?- aggregate(count, haystack_needle(t(a,x,b,[x,x,x]),x), C).
C = 4.
Note, the needle does not need to be an atom...
You can use once/1 to tell if needle appears in haystack:
?- once(haystack_needle(t(a,x,b,[x,x,x]),x)).
?- once(haystack_needle(t(a,x,b,[x,x,x]),z)).
As noted by Paulo, arg/3 could not act appropriately in ISO compliant Prologs.
A portable alternative (with arguments swapped without other purpose than avoiding confusion) could be
needle_haystack(N,H) :- N==H.
needle_haystack(N,H) :- H=..[_|As],member(A,As),needle_haystack(N,A).
Of course, if member/2 is available :)

DNA Matching in Prolog

I am attempting to learn basic Prolog. I have read some basic tutorials on the basic structures of lists, variables, and if/and logic. A project I am attempting to do to help learn some of this is to match DNA sequences.
Essentially I want it to match reverse compliments of DNA sequences.
Example outputs can be seen below:
?- dnamatch([t, t, a, c],[g, t, a, a]).
While it's most likely relatively simple, being newer to Prolog I am currently figuring it out.
I started by defining basic matching rules for the DNA pairs:
I was then going to try to implement this into lists somehow, but am unsure how to make this logic apply to longer lists of sequences. I am unsure if my attempted start is even the correct approach. Any help would be appreciated.
Since your relation is describing lists, you could opt to use DCGs. You can describe the complementary nucleobases like so:
complementary(t) --> % thymine is complementary to
[a]. % adenine
complementary(a) --> % adenine is complementary to
[t]. % thymine
complementary(g) --> % guanine is complementary to
[c]. % cytosine
complementary(c) --> % cytosine is complementary to
[g]. % guanine
This corresponds to your predicate pair/2. To describe a bonding sequence in reverse order you can proceed like so:
bond([]) --> % the empty sequence
[]. % doesn't bond
bond([A|As]) --> % the sequence [A|As] bonds with
bond(As), % a bonding sequence to As (in reverse order)
complementary(A). % followed by the complementary nucleobase of A
The reverse order is achieved by writing the recursive goal first and then the goal that describes the complementary nucleobase to the one in the head of the list. You can query this using phrase/2 like so:
?- phrase(bond([t,t,a,c]),S).
S = [g,t,a,a]
Or you can use a wrapper predicate with a single goal containing phrase/2:
seq_complseq(D,M) :-
And then query it:
?- seq_complseq([t,t,a,c],C).
C = [g,t,a,a]
I find the description of lists with DCGs easier to read than the corresponding predicate version. Of course, describing a complementary sequence in reverse order is a relatively easy task. But once you want to describe more complex structures like, say the cloverleaf structure of tRNA DCGs come in real handy.
A solution with maplist/3 and reverse/2:
dnamatch(A,B) :- reverse(B,C), maplist(pairmatch,A,C).
If you want to avoid traversing twice you can also maybe do it like this?
rev_comp(DNA, RC) :-
rev_comp(DNA, [], RC).
rev_comp([], RC, RC).
rev_comp([X|Xs], RC0, RC) :-
pair(X, Y),
rev_comp(Xs, [Y|RC0], RC).
?- rev_comp([t,c,g,a], RC).
RC = [t, c, g, a].
This is only hand-coded amalgamation of reverse and maplist. Is it worth it? Maybe, maybe not. Probably not.
Now that I thought about it a little bit, you could also do it with foldl which reverses, but now you really want to reverse so it is more useful than annoying.
rev_comp([], []).
rev_comp([X|Xs], Ys) :-
pair(X, Y),
foldl(rc, Xs, [Y], Ys).
rc(X, Ys, [Y|Ys]) :- pair(X, Y).
But this is even less obvious than solution above and solution above is still less obvious than solution by #Capellic so maybe you can look at code I wrote but please don't write such code unless of course you are answering questions of Stackoverflow and want to look clever or impress a girl that asks your help for exercise in university.

What does --> mean in prolog?

What does --> mean in Prolog?
Could you provide one concrete example and explain how it works?
hardmath has already explained a lot. But the more fascinating thing about DCG is, that although the -->/2 syntax suggests context free grammars, its actually more. One can also model more complex languages thanks to attributes, which are simply parameters to the non-terminals.
Here is a DCG that generates and accepts the language L = {a^n b^n c^n}. The DCG reads as follows:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
start(N) --> as(N), bs(N), cs(N).
as(N) --> {N #> 0, M #= N-1}, [a], as(M).
as(0) --> [].
bs(N) --> {N #> 0, M #= N-1}, [b], bs(M).
bs(0) --> [].
cs(N) --> {N #> 0, M #= N-1}, [c], cs(M).
cs(0) --> [].
The above code makes use of a so called auxiliary conditions(*), embraced by {}, this is normal code interspersed into the DCG. And to allow bidirectional use of the DCG we were using CLP(FD) instead of ordinary arithmetic. Here are some example runs in SWI-Prolog:
?- phrase(start(X),[a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c,c]).
X = 3
?- phrase(start(3),Y).
Y = [a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c,c]
But in practice DCGs are also often found because of their ability to pass around state. They allow a form of monads in Prolog. Just replace the input list and the output list with input state and output state.
An early paper promoting DCG is:
Pereira, F.C.N. and Warren, D.H.D. (1980):
Definite Clause Grammars for Language Analysis –
A Survey of the Formalism and a Comparison with
Augmented Transition Networks, North-Holland
Publishing Company, Artificial Intelligence, 13, 231 – 278
The symbol --> is used in many Prolog implementations to create Declarative Clause Grammar (DCG) rules, which take the form:
head --> body.
as analogous to normal Prolog rules:
head :- body.
In fact every DCG rule can be translated into a normal Prolog rule (and is, internally), but the DCG syntax serves as a convenient and very powerful shorthand for creating rules that relate lists to a variety of Prolog structures. Often DCG rules are used for a fairly limited purpose of parsing lists.
The Question posed here is to give a simple example of the use of -->, in other words showing how DCG rules work in a simple case. The head of a DCG rule is effectively a predicate of an underlying Prolog rule with two extra arguments that represent a difference list, namely one list represented as a longer list minus some trailing portion of that longer list.
Here's a DCG example taken from the SWI-Prolog DCG tutorial adapted by Ann Ogborn from the tutorial by Markus Triska given in Boris's Comment:
as --> [ ]. % empty list is okay
as --> [a], as. % list [a|T] is okay iff T is okay
To distinguish this from a normal Prolog predicate we denote this as//0, but it is equivalent to a normal Prolog predicate with two additional arguments. We can query the underlying Prolog predicate directly by supplying the two additional arguments:
?- as([ ],[ ]).
This succeeds because the difference between the two lists (which is again an empty list) is okay according to as//0. Also:
?- as([a],[ ]).
succeeds because the difference between the two lists is [a], which is okay by recursion with as//0.
Another way to use as//0 is with the built-in Prolog predicate phrase/2, which takes as a first argument a DCG head and as a second argument a list. In this case phrase/2 will generate lists that satisfy as//0:
?- phrase(as, Ls).
Ls = '[]' ;
Ls = [a] ;
Ls = [a, a] ;
Ls = [a, a, a] ;
and so on, until you terminate the query successfully by hitting return.
This example also works with Amzi! Prolog with only minor differences in output.

How do I define a binary operation on a set of numbers in prolog?

How do I define a binary operation on a list in prolog and then check its properties such as closure , associative, transitive , identity etc. ? I am new to prolog.. I don't know whether it is the place to ask but I tried and I didn't come across anything somewhere.
In Prolog you define predicates, i.e. relations among a symbol (called functor) and its arguments.
A predicate doesn't have a 'return value', just a 'truth value', depending of whether it can be evaluated WRT its arguments. Then your question it's not easy to answer.
Associativity, transitivity, identity, are of little help when it come down to speaking about predicates. The first and most common property we wish to evaluate is termination, because Prolog control flow it's a bit unusual and can easily lead to infinite recursion.
Anyway, the simpler binary relation on a list is member/2, that holds when its first argument it's an element of the second argument (the list).
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X,T).
I can't see any benefit in assessing that it's not associative, neither transitive (its arguments are of different types !).
Common operations like intersection, union, etc typically needs 3 arguments, where the last is the result of the operation performed between 2 lists.
Identity in Prolog (that is an implementation of first order logic) deserves a special role. Indeed, the usual programming symbol = used to assess identity, really performs a (potentially) complex operation, called unification. You can see from the (succint) documentation page that it's 'just' a matching between arbitrary terms.
You could do something like this:
% Define sets I want to try
% Define operations
% Sum modulo 7
sum7(X, Y, R) :-
R is (X+Y) mod 7.
% Normal sum
nsum(X, Y, R) :-
R is X + Y.
% A given set is closed if there is not a single case which
% indicates that it is not closed
closed(S, Operator) :-
\+ n_closed(S, Operator, _), !.
% This predicate will succeed if it finds one pair of elements
% from S which, when operated upon, will give a result R which
% is outside of the set
n_closed(S, Operator, R) :-
member(X, S),
member(Y, S),
Operation =.. [Operator, X, Y, R],
\+ member(R, S).
When you execute it, you get these results:
| ?- set7(S), closed(S, sum7).
(1 ms) yes
| ?- set7(S), closed(S, nsum).
I'm not convinced my closure check is optimal, but it gives some ideas for how to play with it.

binary predicate to square list and sublists in Prolog

I am new to prolog and was trying to create a binary predicate which will give
a list in which all numbers are squared, including those in sublists.
Can anyone guide me how i can do this.
Thank You. Answer with a snippet is appreciated
This is easily achieved using recursion in Prolog. Remember that everything in Prolog is either a variable, or a term (atoms are just 0-arity terms), so a term like the following:
[a,[[3]],b,4,c(5),4] easily deconstructed (also note that the list syntax [..] is sugar for the binary predicate ./2). Prolog offers a range of predicates to test for particular types of terms as well, such as numbers, strings, or compound terms (such as compound/1).
To build the predicate you're after, I recommend writing it using several predicates like this:
dcountSublists(In, Out) :-
% analyze type of In
% based on type, either:
% 1. split term into subterms for recursive processing
% 2. term cannot be split; either replace it, or pass it through
Here's an example to get you started which does the hard bit. The following recognizes compound terms and breaks them apart with the term de/constructor =../2:
dcountSublists(In, Out) :-
% test if In has type compound term
% cut to exclude backtracking to other cases below this predicate
% deconstruct In into functor and an argument list
In =.. [Func|Args],
% apply dcountSublists/2 to every argument, building new args
maplist(dcountSublists, Args, NewArgs),
% re-construct In using the new arguments
Out =.. [Func|NewArgs].
dcountSublists(In, Out) :-
% test if In has type atom
atom(In), !,
% pass it through
Out = In.
?- dcountSublists([a,[[e]],b,a,c(s),a], L).
L = [a, [[e]], b, a, c(s), a].
Note that this fails if the input term has numbers, because it doesn't have a predicate to recognize and deal with them. I'll leave this up to you.
Good luck!
SWI-Prolog has the predicate maplist/[2-5] which allows you to map a predicate over some lists.
Using that, you only have to make a predicate that will square a number or the numbers in a list and leave everything else the same. The predicates number/1, is_list/1 are true if their argument is a number or a list.
NN is N*N.
\+ number(Other),
\+ is_list(Other).
with the negation in the final predicate we avoid multiple (wrong) solutions:
for example dcountSublists([2],X) would return X=[4] and X=[2] otherwise.
This could be avoided if we used an if-then-else structure for square or once/1 to call square/2.
If this is homework maybe you should not use maplist since (probably) the aim of the exercise is to learn how to build a recursive function; in any case, I would suggest to try and write an equivalent predicate without maplist.
