Listing the contents of .tgz within a .tgz - shell

I have 300 directories with the following structure
|-- zipfile.tgz
| |-- anotherzip.tgz
| | |-- afurtherzip.tgz
| | | |-- ethernet1.txt
| | | |-- ethernet2.txt
| | | |-- ethernet3.txt
| | |-- files.txt
| |-- files.txt
|-- zipfile2.tgz
| |-- anotherzip.tgz
| | |-- afurtherzip.tgz
| | | |-- ethernet1.txt
| | | |-- ethernet2.txt
| | | |-- ethernet3.txt
| | |-- files.txt
| |-- files.txt
I need to grep the contents of the ethernetx.txt files and for any files containing 'abc=n' have it tell me the file path of the containing zipfile.tgz so i know where to find it.
Can anyone suggest a decent script / one liner i can use to achieve this? I dont want to have to recursively extrace every .tgz if i can avoid it but please let me know what you think.


Is it possible to have your live sass compiler to read from multiple input source and compile into their respective output directories

I am using django and I have this directory setup
| /app1
| | /templates
| | /app1
| | app1.html
| | /static
| | /app1
| | /css (desired)
| | app1.css(desired)
| | /scss
| | _app1-partial.scss
| | app1.scss
| /app2
| /templates
| /app2
| app2.html
| /static
| /app2
| /css (desired)
| app2.css(desired)
| /scss
| _app2-partial.scss
| app2.scss
| /images
| /css (desired)
| style.css(desired)
| /scss
| _partial.scss
| style.scss
Is it possible that I can have a live sass compiler extension to compile multiple source scss inputs into multiple css output files?
I think I had it figure it out but I appreciate corrections for me to learn.
This is what I had before
"liveSassCompile.settings.formats": [
"format": "compressed",
"extensionName": ".css",
"savePath": "~/css",
"savePathReplacementPairs": null
"liveSassCompile.settings.includeItems": [
Changes I made
"liveSassCompile.settings.includeItems": [
"/static/*.scss", // for root static scss file
"/apps/**/static/**/*.scss" // for app specific scss file

Find all directories that contain only hidden files and/or hidden directories

I have been struggling with writing a Bash command that is able to recursively search a directory and then return the paths of every sub-directory (up to a certain max-depth) that contains exclusively hidden files and/or hidden directories.
Visual Explanation
Consider the following File System excerpt:
+--- Root_Dir
| +--- Dir_A
| | +--- abc.txt
| | +--- 123.txt
| | +--- .hiddenfile
| | +--- .hidden_dir
| | | +--- normal_sub_file_1.txt
| | | +--- .hidden_sub_file_1.txt
| |
| +--- Dir_B
| | +--- abc.txt
| | +--- .hidden_dir
| | | +--- normal_sub_file_2.txt
| | | +--- .hidden_sub_file_2.txt
| |
| +--- Dir_C
| | +--- 123.txt
| | +--- program.c
| | +--- a.out
| | +--- .hiddenfile
| |
| +--- Dir_D
| | +--- .hiddenfile
| | +--- .another_hiddenfile
| |
| +--- Dir_E
| | +--- .hiddenfile
| | +--- .hidden_dir
| | | +--- normal_sub_file_3.txt # This is OK because its within a hidden directory, aka won't be checked
| | | +--- .hidden_sub_file_3.txt
| |
| +--- Dir_F
| | +--- .hidden_dir
| | | +--- normal_sub_file_4.txt
| | | +--- .hidden_sub_file_4.txt
Desired Output
The command I am looking for would output
Dir_D because it only contains hidden files.
Dir_E because it only contains a hidden file and a hidden directory at the level I am searching.
Dir_F because it only contains a hidden directory at the level I am searching.
I have attempted to use the find command to get the results I am looking for but I can't seem to figure out what other command I need to pipe the output to or what other options I should be using.
I think the command that will work would look something like this:
$ find ./Root_Dir -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "*." -type -f -name "*." | command to see if these are the only files in that directory
Parsing find's output is not a good idea; -exec exists, and sh can do the filtering without breaking anything.
find . -type d -exec sh -c '
for d; do
for f in "$d"/*; do
test -e "$f" &&
continue 2
for f in "$d"/.[!.]* "$d"/..?*; do
if test -e "$f"; then
printf %s\\n "$d"
done' sh {} +
You can adjust the depth using whatever extension your find provides for it.
Assuming this structure, you don't need find.
Adjust your pattern as needed.
for d in $ROOT_DIR/Dir_?/; do
lst=( $d* ); [[ -e "${lst[0]}" ]] && continue # normal files, skip
lst=( $d.* ); [[ -e "${lst[2]}" ]] || continue # NO hidden, so skip
echo "$d"
I rebuilt your file structure in my /tmp dir and saved this as tst, so
$: ROOT_DIR=/tmp ./tst
Note that the confirmation of hidden files uses "${lst[2]}" because the first 2 will always be . and .., which don't count.
You could probably use for d in $ROOT_DIR/*/.
I suspect this'll do for you. (mindepth=2, maxdepth=2)
If you needed deeper subdirectories (mindepth=3, maxdepth=3) you could add a level -
for d in $ROOT_DIR/*/*/
and/or both (mindepth=2, maxdepth=3)
for d in $ROOT_DIR/*/ $ROOT_DIR/*/*/
or if you didn't want a mindepth/maxdepth,
shopt -s globstar
for d in $ROOT_DIR/**/
This will work if your filenames contain no newlines.
find -name '.*' | awk -F/ -v OFS=/ '{ --NF } !a[$0]++'
Learn awk:

lftp upload files inside different folders

I need to upload files in different folders with same name, recursively to a remote folder. Here a example.
| |-src
| |-img
| |-static
| |-app1-2 <------Upload from this
| |-file1-1
| |-file1-2
| |-src
| |-img
| |-static
| |-app2-2 <------Upload from this
| |-file2-1
| |-file2-2
Here the remote result I need.
Remote Result
| |-app1-2 <------Upload from this
| | |-file1-1
| | |-file1-2
| |
| |-app2-2 <------Upload from this
| | |-file2-1
| | |-file2-1
I have testing with scripts like this:
- >
-e "mirror
--include ^static/
--exclude ^\.git.*
-eRv $CI_PROJECT_DIR Remote Result/static; quit;"
But this generate a output not desired:
Remote Result
| |-app1-1 <------Upload from this
| | |-static
| | |-app1-2
| | |-file1
| | |-file2
...... (Same other folder)

Makefile - Deleting subdirectories of a directory

I am a complete Makefile newb, So I'm wondering how I would loop through a specific directory and remove specific subdirectories?
Say I have:
| - [src]
| |
| |- [foo]
| |
| |- [foo-bar]
| |
| |- [bar]
| |
| |- [baz]
How would I loop through src and :
remove foo
remove foo-bar
leave bar
remove baz
I have actually about 8 specific folders I wish to delete from src.
Any help is appreciated
rm -f /src/foo
rm -f /src/foo-bar
rm -f /src/baz

find files with same names in directory

I was wondering in case I could do the following, better than what I have.
Objective: Identify files with the same name in the directory tree. I do not have any knowledge if there would be any duplicate file or the location/name of such files.
Expected output: List the files with the location.
Input provided: path of top directory for search.
My algorithm:
1.list all file in the target directory (I have used find -name ".")
2.List1: sort the file names
3.List2: Uniquify files names
4.Diff lists from step 2 & 3 to get the repeated file
5.extract the location.
Sample Directory:
|-- d1
| |-- d2
| | `-- f3
| |-- d3
| | `-- f3
| |-- f1
| `-- f2
`-- d4
|-- d5
| |-- f2
| `-- f6
|-- f4
`-- f5
> find temp/ -type f -follow -print | sed 's;.*/;;' | sort -u > ~/tmp/12
> find temp/ -type f -follow -print | sed 's;.*/;;' | sort -n > ~/tmp/11
> diff ~/tmp/11 ~/tmp/12
< f2
< f3
> find temp/ -name f2
> find temp/ -name f3
I want to simplify this process. Any help would be appriciated. Please let me know in case you need further details.
Guys this is a solution that I identified fitting my needs and may help you:
Your comments are welcome.
set idirectory = `echo $* | awk '{print $1}'`
if ( -d $idirectory ) then
foreach xxx (`find $idirectory -type f -follow -print | sed 's;.*/;;' | sort -n | uniq -d`)
echo "Multiple files found for " $xxx
find $idirectory -name $xxx
