Firefox canvas not showing anything after removed and added - firefox

I have a problem with the <canvas> in Firefox. Second time I remove and add it with Javascript, nothing will be drawn. I've checked the code and it seems find, it's even working in Chromium and Opera without any problems. Does anyone recognize this? I don't know how to debug the canvas.
I wish I could provide a code snippet, but I haven't been able to reproduce the bug outside it's code base.

Canvas is passive to changes that may affect the content. It doesn't keep track of these things.
The solution is to always update the content when a change occur such as in this case.
You can also tap into window.resize (Chrome for example may clear the canvas if you use the dialogs etc.) and there can be other unknown factors. So never assume canvas will contain what is drawn but always redraw everything in those cases.


Website looks wrong in Google Chrome

I have this website:
In chrome, you will notice that all images that have image switch on mouseover, are positioned wrong. This has flaw happened only recently. Maybe a cause of some changes to the chrome code.
Is the solution to make a chrome hack, so not to disturb the the rest of the browsers?
I think there's a better way to do it. You put all of those images in a sprite, and apply them as a background image to the a tag. Give distinct IDs to each a tag. Then use background positions to position them and to change them on hover. That's how its generally done.

css3pie not working for all elements

I'm getting strange problem with and IE8. I have many elements on page that has rounded corners but pie works only for one element. My CSS is correct - I mean selectors are correctly assigned to pie behavior.
What elese could be wrong?
I have some experience using css3 pie and they have not been great. Here are the fixes i have used:
The elements that you are applying the behavior library too need to be position: relative for a start, so check that first. It may fix it.
If you want it to work in IE6 and 7 you need to add zoom: 1. I know you said you were using IE8 but my customers have said that in the past and it has been in compatibility mode, so always best to add that setting.
CSS 3 Pie does not support browser zooming either on background images so check that you are viewing the website in the 100% view and no other.
Hope that has helped. If you could post a jsfiddle then I could try and help further. If not check the css3pie known issues
Found a solution. Problem was that for these elements was used background with filter. Also css3pie sets background for these elements. After removing this filter everything works fine.

How can I create a looping fade-in/out image effect using CSS 3 transitions?

I’m trying to create a looping fade in/out effect for an image. It’s working in Chrome, but it doesn’t work in Firefox.
Here’s the code:
(I did make it work with jQuery but that made the browser slow and flickery on Android phones, so I’m trying CSS instead.)
Thanks for any help.
Update: fixed.. please check the link again
Well, if ypu're only setting the WebKit properties (only #-webkit-keyframes and only -webkit-animation-...), then of course it will work only in WebKit and not in Firefox - add them with -moz prefix as well. Also remove the quotes around 'blink' to leave it just... blink and it works
Ah yes — this shows a difference between CSS transitions and CSS animations.
CSS animations run once you’ve applied -webkit-animation-name to an element, i.e. they can run entirely from CSS.
Transitions, on the other hand, only run when you change the CSS property that they apply to. You can either do this via CSS pseudo-classes like :hover, or via JavaScript.
So, in order to make your transition work in browsers that don’t support -webkit-animation, you’ll need to run some JavaScript that changes the opacity of the image once a second — setInterval is your friend here.
(Note that your JavaScript won’t carry out the animation, it’ll just switch opacity straight from 1 to 0 and back again every second. The CSS transition will animate this change for you.)

How to detect if SVG animation is available

Is there a good way to detect if SVG animation is available, and then adjust the DOM appropriately?
I'm using animateMotion to animate the motion of a g containing images. This only works in Mozilla; even worse, having the animateMotion unstarted leaves the images in a different position in both Mozilla and WebKit (but not the same place in each!).
It seems I need a way to adjust the properties on the g and images to deal with each scenario, and to add the animateMotion tag only if it would work. Any suggestions?
Modernizr detects only high level feature existence and trusts the browser not to lie. Desktop Safari, for example, has a big "Yes" for SMIL from Modernizr. But SMIL is only partly implemented in pretty much every browser (even Firefox 4!), and you have to test each individual attribute animation to figure out exactly which one is working or not.
For example, you can't animate the startOffset for text on a path animation in Desktop Safari using SMIL. There is no library that detects feature existence for things like this.
IMHO, where they exist you should use CSS transforms/animations for general purpose animation on everything other than IE. For IE, use Javascript (or Canvas) animations.
(BTW, animateTransform on Chrome is broken - it miscalculates the translations)
I just had this issue with a Samsung phone running Android 4.2.2. It would report true for all three of these: Modernizr.svg, Modernizr.svgclippaths, Modernizr.smil but no animation and the clip-paths where messed up. It looked like only one element could have a clip-path. Anyway, we ended with this not-so-great resolution:
isAndroid = /Android/.test( navigator.userAgent );
Sorry, android users, you'll only see the backup image. This is a horrible fix but it was only for a simple logo animation so...
Modernizr detects support for SVG animation (SMIL).
Without the complete example it's impossible to say for sure what's causing the differences.

IE8 Standards mode: onclick handler on div does not fire

In my application I have a row of buttons (for BBcode) that is included in various places. Each button is an empty div with fixed dimensions, a background image and an onclick handler. This has worked very well in all browsers - so far.
Now I have added one more instance of this row, but this time it is inside an absolutely positioned pop-up div. (At least that's the one notable difference that I can think of, because otherwise it's the exact same code.) This also works in all browsers except for IE8, where clicking the buttons does not do anything. Unless I switch on compatibility mode, in which case it works pretty much fine.
Isn't there any other way to make Internet Explorer behave like it should?
I had the same problem in IE8. The transparent areas in the DIVs were not clickable. An easy solution is to set the background-image to a transparent .gif.
My solution in CSS:
background-image: url("images/pixel.gif");
...where pixel.gif is a 1x1 transparent image.
I've found the solution. It was the "float:left" attribute on the buttons that made it fail.
Which is rather strange because in all the other places where this code was included, it also had the float - and it worked. Even in IE8.
Anyway, removing it and using "display:inline-block" for the placement did the trick.
