unix command to copy all .h file with modified directory-structure - bash

Suppose I have a folder structure like:
I need a command so that I can input the Libraries folder and specify a Output folder then in the Output folder I have:
Basically it:
copies all .h file and preserves the folder structure
also move all the headers to its sub-libraries' root folders no matter how deep they are in the sub-libraries sub-folders.
I was using rsync but it does not do 2nd step, so I guess I need some quick and dirty modification?
Thanks a lot!

A bit modified answer based on devnull's:
while read -r f; do
mkdir -p $odir/$subdir
cp -a $f $odir/$subdir
done < <(find $idir -type f -name "*.h")
call something like
./thisscript.sh Libraries Output
shall be able to work with absolute or relative directories, IMHO; but won't handle if .h file is right under Libraries (must be at least one subdir level down..).

You can say:
cd /path/to/Libraries
while read -r file; do
odir=$(cut -d'/' -f2 <<< ${file});
fname=$(basename ${file});
cp "$file" "/path/to/Output/${odir}/${fname}";
done < <(find . -type f -name "*.h")
This would copy all the *.h files to the Output folder as per the desired directory structure.


How to write a bash script to copy files from one base to another base location

I have a bash script I'm trying to write
I have 2 base directories:
I want to go through all the directories in ./tmp and copy the *.html files into the same folder path in ./src
if I have a html file in ./tmp/serve/app/components/help/ help.html -->
copy to ./src/app/components/help/ And recursively do this for all subdirectories in ./tmp/
NOTE: the folder structures should exist so just need to copy them only. If it doesn't then hopefully it could create the folder for me (not what I want) but with GIT I can track these folders to manually handle those loose html files.
I got as far as
echo $(find . -name "*.html")\n
But not sure how to actually extract the file path with pwd and do what I need to, maybe it's not a one liner and needs to be done with some vars.
something like
for i in `echo $(find /tmp/ -name "*.html")\n
cp -r $i /src/app/components/help/
going so far to create the directories would take some more time for me.
I'll try to do it on my own and see if I come up with something
but for argument sake if you do run pwd and get a response the pseudo code for that:
get response
if that directory does not exist in src create that directory
copy all the original directories contents into the new folder at /src/$newfolder
(possibly running two for loops, one to check the directory tree, and then one to go through each original directory, copying all the html files)
You process substitution to loop the output from your find command and create the destination directory(ies) and then copy the file(s):
# accept first parameters to script as src_dir and dest values or
# simply use default values if no parameter(s) passed
while read -r orig_path ; do
# To replace the first occurrence of a pattern with a given string,
# use ${parameter/pattern/string}
# Use dirname to remove the filename from the destination path
# and create the destination directory.
dest_dir=$(dirname "${dest_path}")
mkdir -p "${dest_dir}"
cp "${orig_path}" "${dest_path}"
done < <(find "${src_dir}" -name '*.html')
This script copy .html files from src directory to des directory (create the subdirectory if they do not exist)
Find the files, then remove the src directory name and copy them into the destination directory.
for i in `echo $(find src/ -name "*.html")`
file=$(echo $i | sed 's/src\///g')
cp -r --parents $i des
Not sure if you must use bash constructs or not, but here is a GNU tar solution (if you use GNU tar), which IMHO is the best way to handle this situation because all the metadata for the files (permissions, etc.) are preserved:
find ./tmp/serve -name '*.html' -type f -print0 | tar --null -T - -c | tar -x -v -C ./src --strip-components=3
This finds all the .html files (-type f) in the ./tmp/serve directory and prints them nul-terminated (-print0), then sends these filenames via stdin to tar as nul-terminated literals (--null) for inclusion (-T -), creating (-c) an archive which is then sent to another tar instance which extracts (-x) the archive printing its contents along the way (optional: -v), changing directory to the destination (-C ./src) before commencing and stripping (--strip-components=3) the ./tmp/serve/ prefix from the files. (You could also cd ./tmp/serve beforehand, using find . instead, and change -C to ../../src.)

Unix - batch file to unzip folder with specific name

I need a batch script for unix but I don't know it very well.
I have folder A and his subfolder
Each zip file contains a xml file and a text file
The script have to do 2 things:
unzip all the zip files that are in all folder named 'c' of all sub
folder of 'A' ; the unzipped files should stay in the same folder in
which was the zip
all the unzipped files that have xml extension have to been renamed
someone can help me?
Thank you very much
You can do like this.
#find the folder 'c' and unzip all zip files
for folder in `find ./A -name c -type d`; do unzip $folder/data.zip -d $foler; done
#find all .xml files and change the extension to .edefg
for file in `find ./A -name *.xml -type f`; do mv "$file" "${file%.xml}.edefg"; done
You must go to all dir's.
Would be something like
find A -type d -name c | while read dir; do
cd ${dir} || continue
unzip -u *.zip
cd - # not needed in bash where this code is performed in a subshell
EDIT: Added -u flag for when the script is called twice.

Automatically move folders based on file name?

I have about 1500 folders that I need to organize automatically via command line.
I'm looking for a way to search for all folders that contain /lib/file.php - if file.php does exist in the lib folder, I need the root folder (one level above lib) move into a new directory.
I know how to search for all folders containing /lib/file.php but can't figure out how to move them automatically into a new folder. For example, if /test123/lib/file.php exists, then the test123 folder should be moved into a new folder...
Try using pipe chain of find, sed, xargs and mv
find -type f -wholename '*/lib/file.php' | sed 's:/lib/file\.php$::' | xargs -I dirs mv dirs /path/to/new/dir/
Something like this, maybe:
for d in *
if [[ -r "${d}/lib/file.php" ]]
mv "${d}" "/some/new/place/."

shell entering each folder and zip content

So I have some folder
Each subfolder contains several jpg I want to zip to the root folder...
I'm a little bit stuck on "How to enter each folder"
Here is my code:
find ./ -type f -name '*.jpg' | while IFS= read i
zip ../../foldName *
The better would be to store FolderName+SubFolderName and give it to the zip command as name...
Zipping JPEGs (for Compression) is Usually Wasted Effort
First of all, attempting to compress already-compressed formats like JPEG files is usually a waste of time, and can sometimes result in archives that are larger than the original files. However, it is sometimes useful to do so for the convenience of having a bunch of files in a single package.
Just something to keep in mind. YMMV.
Use Find's -execdir Flag
What you need is the find utility's -execdir flag. The GNU find man page says:
-execdir command {} +
Like -exec, but the specified command is run from the subdirec‐
tory containing the matched file, which is not normally the
directory in which you started find.
For example, given the following test corpus:
cd /tmp
mkdir -p foo/bar/baz
touch foo/bar/1.jpg
touch foo/bar/baz/2.jpg
you can zip the entire set of files with find while excluding the path information with a single invocation. For example:
find /tmp/foo -name \*jpg -execdir zip /tmp/my.zip {} +
Use Zip's --junk-paths Flag
The zip utility on many systems supports a --junk-paths flag. The man page for zip says:
Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not
store directory names.
So, if your find utility doesn't support -execdir, but you do have a zip that supports junking paths, you could do this instead:
find /tmp/foo -name \*jpg -print0 | xargs -0 zip --junk-paths /tmp/my.zip
You can use dirname to get the directory name of a file/directory it is located in.
You can also simplify the find command to search only for directories by using -type d. Then you should use basename to get only the name of the subdirs:
find ./*/* -type d | while read line; do
zip --junk-paths "$(basename $line)" $line/*.jpg
find ./*/* -type d
will print out all directories located in ./*/* which will result in all subdirs of directories located in the current dir
while read line reads each line from the stream and stores it in the variable "line". Thus $line will be the relative path to the subdir, e.g. "Folder1/Subdir2"
"$(basename $line)" returns the only the name of the subdir, e.g. "Subdir2"
Update: add --junk-paths to the zip command if you do not want the directy paths to be stored in the zip filde
So a little check, I finally got something working:
find ./*/* -type d | while read line; do
#printf '%s\n' "$line"
zip ./"$line" "$line"/*.jpg
But this create un archive containing:
Instead I fold like it to be:
So I tried using basename and dirname in differnet combination...Always got some error...
And just to learn how to: what if I would like the new archive to be created in the same root directory as "Folder"?
Ok finally got it!
find ./* -name \*.zip -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find ./*/* -type d | while read line; do
#printf '%s\n' "$line"
zip --junk-paths ./"$line" "$line"/*.jpg
find . -name \*.zip -type f -mindepth 2 -exec mv -- '{}' . \;
In first row I simply remove all .zip files,
Then I zip all and in the final row I move all zip to the root directory!
Thanks everbody for your help!

command line find first file in a directory

My directory structure is as follows
I'm trying to use the command line in a bash shell on ubuntu to take the first file from each directory and rename it to the directory name and move it up one level so it sits alongside the directory.
In the above example:
file1.jpg would be renamed to Directory1.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory1
anotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory2.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory2
yetanotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory3.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory3
I've tried using:
find . -name "*.jpg"
but it does not list the files in sequential order (I need the first file).
This line:
find . -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec ls "{}" +;
lists the files in the correct order but how do I pick just the first file in each directory and move it up one level?
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: When I refer to the first file what I mean is each jpg is numbered from 0 to however many files in that folder - for example: file1, file2...... file34, file35 etc... Another thing to mention is the format of the files is random, so the numbering might start at 0 or 1a or 1b etc...
You can go inside each dir and run:
$ mv `ls | head -n 1` ..
If first means whatever the shell glob finds first (lexical, but probably affected by LC_COLLATE), then this should work:
for dir in */; do
for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do
echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg" # If it does what you want, remove the echo
break 1
Proof of concept:
$ mkdir dir{1,2,3} && touch dir{1,2,3}/file{1,2,3}.jpg
$ for dir in */; do for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg"; break 1; done; done
mv dir1/file1.jpg dir1.jpg
mv dir2/file1.jpg dir2.jpg
mv dir3/file1.jpg dir3.jpg
Look for all first level directories, identify first file in this directory and then move it one level up
find . -type d \! -name . -prune | while read d; do
f=$(ls $d | head -1)
mv $d/$f .
Building on the top answer, here is a general use bash function that simply returns the first path that resolves to a file within the given directory:
getFirstFile() {
for dir in "$1"; do
for file in "$dir"*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "$file"
break 1
# don't forget the trailing slash
getFirstFile ~/documents/
NOTE: it will silently return nothing if you pass it an invalid path.
