NuGet not restoring packages on build - visual-studio

I have just created a workspace on a new machine, got latest of our project from TFS, enabled NuGet Restore, and I get the following (skimmed-down) output:
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Caching, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1> Restoring NuGet packages...
1> To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
1> All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
1> Caching Framework -> C:\MyProjLocation\Caching\bin\Debug\Caching.dll
2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Library, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1635,5): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "LumenWorks.Framework.IO". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
2>C:\MyProjLocation\Library\SomeClass.cs(2,7,2,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'LumenWorks' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
None of the NuGet packages were restored (there are over 10 - I removed them from the above output for readability sake).
It looks like NuGet is not even trying to restore the packages for the second project (Library).
I have already tried moving the NuGet targets import below the CSharp targets import in the Library.csproj file, as mentioned here, but it's still not working:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" />
I am running the latest version of NuGet (2.7.41101.371) on Visual Studio 2013.
Edit: The packages.config exists and the NuGet Package Manager has the Library project ticked with the correct packages.

I had to go into Source Control and delete all of the files in the packages folder (except repositories.config) before NuGet would restore the missing packages. The idea is that you are using package restore rather than checking your packages in to source control. If it sees the packages in source control, it won't download them.

Have you deleted the NuGet.targets file from disk too?
If the NuGet.targets file is there, Visual Studio / NuGet.exe will try to do the MSBuild package restore.
See this doc for more info.

I have the same issue, also on the local machine. Although both Package Manager Console and nuget.exe restore MySolution.sln report that everything is installed, there is no packages folder to be found in the solution directory and no references to packages are being resolved.
I checked all project files and they expect packages to be placed in ..\packages folder, the same folder where the solution file itself is located.
The way I made it work is to run:
nuget.exe restore MySolution.sln -PackagesDirectory packages
This forced nuget.exe to download all packages to the specified folder and all references were restored.
Remember that from NuGet 2.7, the targets file is not supported, msbuild suppose to use some integrated way of restoring packages but it fails very often.
In fact, for my own work I prefer using Paket, which always work, when you get used to it. It also supports target files and nice way to create NuGet packages.

I'm not sure about the science behind this, but it worked for me just now after trying to build a freshly-downloaded Visual Studio project, and getting several MSB3245 warnings followed by a build failure due to missing references:
In Visual Studio, right-click on the project with the missing NuGet references, and select "Manage NuGet Packages..."
The Manage NuGet Packages dialog will open. I also saw a message quickly display and then auto-close, with text along the lines of "Restoring NuGet Packages..."
Close the Manage NuGet Packages dialog (without actually changing anything on the dialog), and retry the build.
Edit: Going back in my TimeSnapper auto-screenshot history (no affiliation with that tool -- I'm just a fan), it looks like there was also a message displayed at the top of the Manage NuGet Packages, along with a "Restore" button: "Some NuGet Packages are missing from this solution. Click to restore from your online package sources."
Although the "Restore" apparently automatically happened for me, clicking that button manually might also do the trick to resolve the missing packages issue.

Had to uninstall nuget packages and do a refresh install in order to make it work properly. This might help some of you facing the same issue

I was having the same problem. In my case, it was a NuGet.Configin the parent directory that was setting <add key="repositorypath" value="C:\CxCache" />. So the nuget restore was copying the packages to a folder I didn't know of. See NuGet Configuration Inheritance.
Deleting the NuGet.Config in the parent directory solved the problem.

On Mac; I commited the code to git and deleted everything (main folder), then downloaded it again. Worked afterwards.


NuGet reinstall updates the package to newer version

I have cleared all the local NuGet caches and Visual Studio 16.9 is unable to restore the packages.
It says:
All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.
When I build the project, I get many errors as the NuGet packages are not restored.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the PackageReferences inside the csproj file and I've read that using the Package Manager Console can help by executing the Update-Package -reinstall command.
The Install-Package command does not provide an option to force a reinstall, so use Update-Package -reinstall instead.
I tried it and now I have this in my log:
No package updates are available from the current package source for project....
Updates? I don't want to update anything...
Restored D:\Dev\MyProject01\MyProject01.csproj (in 29 ms).
Successfully uninstalled 'Acr.UserDialogs' from MyProject01
Successfully installed 'Acr.UserDialogs' to MyProject01
How is this a reinstall? Seems more like updating the package to a newer version...
How could I reinstall the same packages?
When I use the Rebuild command in the Solution Explorer, this is what I see.
Actually, that right-click on the Solution-->Restore nuget packages is for the missing project packages folder with packages.config. And it cannot detect the global cache missing packets alone.
That is why Microsoft has enabled these two settings:
So you do not have to worry about restore step. Just click Rebuild button rather than Build button. The two restore settings are under Rebuild process.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the
PackageReferences inside the csproj file
update-package -reinstall command is for non-sdk style projects with packages.config nuget management format and always reinstall the same version. And I wonder if your solution has the non-sdk project that used packages.config and that project can use the command.
I have a non-sdk project with net framework 4.5.2. See:
But update-package -reinstall does not work on new-sdk projects.
ConsoleApp1 is a net core project.
So, I wonder if you use Update-Package under it. And that command is to update the old version to the new one which can works on both non-sdk projects and new-sdk projects.
When you face the problem next time, just click Rebuild button. It is more easier.
Try deleting your project's obj/ directory (this is where NuGet stores information about which packages it's decided to use), and then rerunning the restore.
If you have source dependencies (i.e. ProjectReference) you may need to delete their obj/ directories too

Project references are not resolved after updating NuGet packges through CLI

I have a nightly process running on TeamCity that will loop through my packages on a locally hosted NuGet repo and update all packages in all solutions to the latest prerelease version.
When I pull the latest code the morning after. The solution builds fine, but my project references are not loaded.
Unresolved project references:
Unresolved code:
I'm using packages.config to manage my NuGet packages.
In order to continue working I have to "reload" my Visual Studio projects by either manually asking the properties of the missing reference, or by changing something in the .csproj file.
That is my little workaround, but for some solutions with 10+ projects this becomes quite cumbersome.
Other means of updating packages work fine, if I try to update the packages through Visual Studio I have no issues. It only fails when using the NuGet.exe command line utility.
Here's the command we use to update the packages through NuGet.exe on TeamCity during a nightly build:
NuGet.exe update <path_to_packages.config> -Id <current_package_to_update> -pre -NonInteractive
This is the version of NuGet we're using:
NuGet Version:
Here's an excerpt of the logging:
found PFW.Utilities with version 2019.9.0-build0009 in file C:\Sources\Xmp\ModXmp\packages.config
MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\bin'.
Feeds used:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\
Attempting to gather dependency information for multiple packages with respect to project `C:\Sources\Xmp\ModXmp\ModXmp.csproj`, targeting `.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1`
Gathering dependency information took 10.79 sec
Attempting to resolve dependencies for multiple packages.
Resolving dependency information took 0 ms
Resolving actions install multiple packages
Found package 'PFW.Utilities 2019.9.0-build0019' in 'C:\Sources\Xmp\packages'.
Removed package 'PFW.Utilities 2019.9.0-build0009' from 'packages.config'
Successfully uninstalled 'PFW.Utilities 2019.9.0-build0009' from ModXmp
Package 'PFW.Utilities.2019.9.0-build0019' already exists in folder 'C:\Sources\Xmp\packages'
Added package 'PFW.Utilities.2019.9.0-build0019' to 'packages.config'
Successfully installed 'PFW.Utilities 2019.9.0-build0019' to ModXmp
Executing nuget actions took 192.26 ms
When I pull the latest code the morning after. The solution builds
fine, but my project references are not loaded.
When you call nuget.exe to update nuget packages for the project using packages.config format outside the VS IDE, it not only modified the packages.config file, but also modified the project file(.csproj). So VS IDE can't load them well unless a reload.
Not sure what's the real solution you have, you can Go Tools => option => Environment => Documents, make sure you've enabled the Detect when file is changed outside the environment. Then you can get reload all dialog when you modify the project file outside VS IDE.
Reload all dialog looks like this:
That is my little workaround, but for some solutions with 10+ projects
this becomes quite cumbersome.
If for some reason that dialog didn't occur, you can manually open one .csproj using notepad, then add one empty line into it and save. VS will detect the change and show the dialog, then click reload all to reload all projects in the solution.(For the solution with many projects)

Is NuGet automatic package restore in Visual Studio 2015 a fairy tale/mythical beast?

I have been trying to figure out why automatic package restore in Visual Studio 2015 doesn't work.
As I understand it there is nothing to do but check a couple of settings. When you build, it looks for missing packages and downloads them automatically.
I have a solution that has 15 individual projects. The majority of them will not compile because of "missing packages".
I do not have any of the legacy NuGet (.nuget folder etc.) in any of these projects and I have the latest and greatest version of NuGet.
Visual Studio simply will not download the missing files. I deleted the solution package folder and it does re-create and download all of the packages when I build, but each individual project still shows missing references.
If I go to the package manager console and issue a
Update-Package -reinstall
then the packages download and everything works. I'm just wonder why it doesn't do this automatically.
It's supposed to right?
NuGet Restore only restores files in the packages directory, but does not restore files inside your project or modify your project.
For example, if there has a package will add some reference dlls or add some content files into your project. After deleting these reference dlls and content files from your project, it will not be added when restoring this package. This will cause the your project could not find the missing pacakges when compile.
So we need use "Update-Package -reinstall" command to force reinstall the package references and content files into project.
Update the example for sharing projects in a team:
Following is my solution structure, the CommDLL project installed some NuGet packages and entire solution is managed by a source control.
I download this solution on another machine from source control use another user account and install another NuGet packages into the CommDLL project. Then use some content from the new installed package and build the project successful. Please make sure the package dlls has been added into your project and it has been set the correct HintPath in .csproj file.
<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
Next, I check in this modified project into the source control. Please make sure you the .csproj file and packages.config file are checked in.
Now I get the latest version on another machine to get the modified content. After check out the latest version from source control, the package references are shown with a warning because the project is not compiled, which means the packages are not restored. Please rebuild this project, it will restore the packages for your project (make sure your Visual Studio 2015 has enable "Allow NuGet to download missing packages" and "Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio" before rebuild this project).

NuGet restore enabled but I still get an error

Why do I get the following build output error when I already have NuGet package restore enabled?
Restoring NuGet packages...
To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the
Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and
uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
MyProject.csproj: error : This project references NuGet package(s)
that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to
download them.
It only happens on one project.
I am using Visual Studio 2013 and NuGet 2.8.
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of NuGet which does package restore automatically. See this post by David Ebbo for more information:
You're going to want to delete the NuGet targets (delete the .nuget folder and then manually edit your .csproj files and remove the lines that import the NuGet.targets file). This is no longer needed. When you compile your solution, NuGet will restore it.

Error using nuget in VS2012 "missing packages"

When I build my project from within VS2012 I get the following error message
This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer.
Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them.
I have the nuget options set for NuGet to download missing packages.
Yet I still get the error.
I have nugget 2.7 installed. With VS2012 update 3
Please follow below mentioned steps:
Step 1:
Please enable Nuget Package Restore by right clicking on solution [as mentioned in below screenshot]
Step 2: [Follow this if the issue / error is not resolved by following step 1]
Still if you face the issue, please open .csproj file in notepad and check for the package path which might look like
So your solutions directory structure will be like:
Package Directory:
Project Directory:
Please open this .csproj [in which you're getting error] in notepad and search for packages path and update it to its relevant path.
For e.g. my .csproj contained, if .csproj file contains ..\..\packages then update that path with ..\packages
As Dan was alluding to, if your solution has a .nuget folder (from enabling package restore), then nuget 2.7's automatic package restore feature is disabled, as per
If automatic package restore is disabled, then any package that installs a project target files will cause your build to fail until you manually restore that package in your solution, as described by (Note that the workarounds described in the link are out-dated now that nuget 2.7 automatic package restore is available.)
So, if both these things are true, then delete the NuGet.targets file in the .nuget folder, and Nuget will then restore the missing package before invoking MSBuild. You can delete nuget.exe in the .nuget folder as well, as it will no longer be used.
The answers are very helpful for me to find the solution. Since the resolution to my specific issue requires one more step, I report it here in case it is helpful to others.
The error I was getting:
Error 117 This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is ..\..\Windows Phone 8\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.21\build\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets.
I followed the answers and deleted all the suggested things, but the error still kept showing up. I finally got rid of it by deleting the following line in the .csproj:
<Error Condition="!Exists(...
Delete NuGet
Remove with Notepad .targets that depending NuGet from project file
Install latest version of NuGet
Restart Visual Studio and reopen project/solution.
If you want you can add new .nuget files with latest version of NuGet
Open csproj file in notepad and remove Error Condition elements from here (or make these conditions work):
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets'))" />
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\System.Data.SQLite.Core.\build\net45\System.Data.SQLite.Core.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\System.Data.SQLite.Core.\build\net45\System.Data.SQLite.Core.targets'))" />
Remove the .nuget directory from the solution if it exists. Edit the project file and remove the elements Import and Target that contain references to the .nuget folder, Save and reload the project.
try this,
List item
right click on the solution
click manage NuGet
click setting on the left bottom corner
check the Allow NuGet to download missing package.
Simply Right Click on Solution and "Enable NuGet Package Restore" solve my problem.
