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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking forward to use a set.
I need keep pairs of integer and I need to find pair in set in fast time.
How to I may use a Set ?
Some example?
Here's a small example.
# module IPSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int * int let compare = compare end);;
module IPSet : sig ... end
# let myset = IPSet.singleton (3, 8);;
val myset : IPSet.t = <abstr>
# IPSet.mem (3,8) myset;;
- : bool = true
# IPSet.mem (8,3) myset;;
- : bool = false
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Closed 4 months ago.
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how can I use for loop to delete maximum and minimum values from a dictionary. for instance if you have a dictionary grades = {sam: [23,43,55]}, peter: [66,55,44], sarah: [99,55,77]}. how can I remove only the maximum and minimum values?
im new to coding and cannot figure it out. Language is python
Hi you can try something like this:
# Create dictionary
dic = {'sam': [23,43,55], 'peter': [66,55,44], 'sarah': [99,55,77]}
# Use for loop to iterate
for key, value in dic.items():
# Find maximum value and it's index
max_value = max(value)
max_index = value.index(max_value)
# Delete maximum value
del dic[key][max_index]
# Find minimum value and it's index
min_value = min(value)
min_index = value.index(min_value)
# Delete miniumum value
del dic[key][min_index]
# Print output
Let me know if you don't understand anything. Cheers
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Please output the number obtained by adding a and b.
At the end of the line break, do not include extra characters, blank lines.
1 1
0 99
My code is:
input_lines = gets.chop
a = input_lines[0]
b = input_lines[1]
puts a + b
But it's not working, please help.
Add split to the chopped gets would work:
input_lines = gets.chop.split
a = input_lines[0].to_i
b = input_lines[1].to_i
puts a + b
Try it.
Check String doc.
More DRY way to do it:
input_lines =
a,b = input_lines
puts a + b
In this case the numbers inside input_lines already changed to Integers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to make n random numbers from -0.5 from to 0.5
and I made a function like this
def create_noise(n)
I found an implementation of this but i don't think this works
randoms =
randoms << rand(max)
return randoms.to_a if randoms.size >= n
You would just do
def create_noise(n)
n.times.collect { rand(-0.5..0.5) }
that will spit back an array like this:
[-0.034680737617880486, 0.34802029078157803, 0.1346483808607455, 0.12155616615186282, -0.41043213731234474]
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I use the excellent faker gem to generate random words for my models. Eg. = Faker::Lorem.word
Sometimes I need to generate a sentence, and I want the length of the sentence to
vary each time.
How to achieve this with ruby?
How about:
result = rand(max_size) { produce_word }
Since you have not provided enough information, this is my approach, [*1..100].sample will return a random number between 1 and 100, so looping that times the string which is returned bya method named get_word will get stored in the array word_array
word_array = []
[*1..100].sample.times do
word_array << get_word
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to sort the numeric data in a row/column while leaving space of missing values at scale of 1-5.
13245 1_2_3_4_5
152.... 1_2_ _ _5
Try this UDF:
Function ModSort(Str As String) As String
Res = ""
For Iter = 1 To 5
If InStr(1, Str, CStr(Iter)) Then
Hold = CStr(Iter) & "_"
Hold = " _"
End If
Res = Res & Hold
Next Iter
Res = Left(Res, 9)
ModSort = Res
End Function
Let us know if this helps.
Not meant as a serious answer (UDF seems good enough) but appears possible with a formula:
=IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,1,""))<LEN(A2),"1_"," _")
&IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,2,""))<LEN(A2),"2_"," _")
&IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,3,""))<LEN(A2),"3_"," _")
&IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,4,""))<LEN(A2),"4_"," _")