How to perform autoscaling in ec2 inside a vpc? - amazon-ec2

I want to perform autoscaling without using CLI tools. I want to do it from the console itself.
The instance is in vpc ? how can i apply the autoscale policy on instance
Any lead is appriciated.
Thanks in advance.

Follow the instructions on how to Set Up an Auto-Scaled and Load-Balanced Application
The instance, created outside of AutoScaling Group can be added to Elastic Load Balancer, but will not be monitored or managed by AutoScaling group.
Instance, created outside of AutoScaling Group can be marked as unhealthy by Elastic Load Balancer if the health check fails, but it will not cause AutoScaling Group to spawn a new instance.


How to auto on-board EC2 instances in an autoscaling group?

Currently, I have a CFN template to creates an auto-scaling group, which launches instances based on a launch template. I would like to onboard with Systems Manager to automate patching, but I can only find the UI (Quick Setup) and not CFN for performing all those actions; I want to make sure any new instances spun up in the auto-scaling group will be onboarded with SSM as well and become managed instances. How do I go about doing that?
There are few prerequisites.
You can refer this :
In short, ssm agent must be running and must be able to reach ssm endpoints (public or vpc endpoints) and must have necessary permission in instance profile to make API calls to SSM service, in order to register the instance.

AWS ECS: Will Service Auto Scaling create EC2 instance automately?

I am confused about how Service AutoScaling automately works. Will it create EC2 instance automately?
I create it and add it to a Cluster's service, but it does no create EC2 for placing my required number of tasks. Is any thing wrong with my settings? I check the [Events] and see "service s2 was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. ", but shouldn't it create a EC2 if no instance met? Please give me some advice, thanks in advance.
but shouldn't it create a EC2 if no instance met
Not really. There are two types of scaling policies: scaling policies on an ECS service and scaling policies on the ECS cluster. Instances are added based on cluster scaling policies, and that's what you should set up in addition to your service scaling policy.
AWS has a couple of detailed tutorials on scaling ECS clusters:
AWS Elastic Container Services has two methods to deploy containers over aws environment
Where you no need to worry about orchestration of containers (task in aws)
Fargate (Available in few regions like N.Virginia)
Using EC2 in ECS
I guess you are using 2nd option to deploy application over ECS where you can provide details of scaling tasks/containers not ec2 instances.
For Auto-scaling of ec2 instances you should look into ASG of AWS.
As far as AWS ECS is concerned you need some building blocks which are as follows-
Task definition (Memory, Network and Storage configs of tasks)
Service contains EC2 instance configuration
Auto scaling policies if you want to auto-scale tasks

Lifecycle of an EC2 Container Service Instance

In my project I have a constraint where all of the traffic received will go to a certain IP. The Elastic IP feature works well for this.
My question is, considering we are using Amazon's docker service (ECS) without autoscaling (so instances/tasks will be scaled manually), can we treat the instances created by the ECS service as we would treat normal, on-demand instances? As in they won't be terminated/stopped unless explicitly done by a user (or API call or whatever).
As is mentioned in the Scaling a Cluster documentation, if you created your cluster after November 24th, 2015 using either the first run wizard, or the Create Cluster wizard, then an Autoscaling group would have been created to manage the instances backing your cluster.
For the most part, the answer to your question is Yes. The instances wouldn't normally go about getting replaced. It is also important to note that because this is backed by an auto scaling group, AutoScaling might go about Replacing unhealthy instances for you. If an instance fails it EC2 Health Checks for some reason, it will be marked as unhealthy, and scheduled for replacement.
By default, my understanding is there are no CloudWatch Alarms or Scaling Policies effecting this AutoScaling group, so it should just be when an instance becomes healthy that it would get replaced.

How can I connect my autoscaling group to my ecs cluster?

In all tutorials for ECS you need to create a cluster and after that an autoscaling group, that will spawn instances. Somehow in all these tutorials the instances magically show up in the cluster, but noone gives a hint what's connecting the autoscaling group and the cluster.
my autoscaling group spawns instances as expected, but they just dont show up on my ecs cluster, who holds my docker definitions.
Where is the connection I'm missing?
I was struggling with this for a while. The key to getting the instances in the autoscaling group associated with your ECS cluster is in the user data. When you are creating your launch config when you get to step 3 "Configure Details" hit the advanced tab and enter a simple bash script like the following for your user data.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo ECS_CLUSTER=your_cluster_name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
All the available parameters for agent configuration can be found here
An autoscaling group is not strictly associated to a cluster. However, an autoscaling group can be configured such that each instance launched registers itself into a particular cluster.
Registering an instance into a cluster is the responsibility of the ECS Agent running on the instance. If you're using the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, the ECS Agent will launch when the instance boots and register itself into the configured cluster. However, you can also use the ECS Agent on other Linux AMIs by following the installation instructions.
Well, i found out.
Its all about the ecs-agent and its config file /etc/ecs/ecs.config
(This file will be created through the Userdata field, when creating EC2 instances, even from an autoscaling configuration.)
Read about its configuration options here:
But you can even copy a ecs.config stored on Amazon S3, do it like this (following lines go into Userdata field):
yum install -y aws-cli
aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
aws configure set default.s3.addressing_style path
aws configure set default.region eu-central-1
aws s3 cp s3://<bucketname>/ecs.config /etc/ecs/ecs.config
note: Signature_version v4 is specific for some regions, like eu-central-1.
This ofc only works, if your IAM role for the instance (in my case its ecsInstanceRole) has the right AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
The AWS GUI console way for that would be:
Use the cluster wizard at .
It will create an autoscaling grou for your cluster, a loadbalancer in front of it, and connect it all nicely.
This question is old but the answer is not complete. There are 2 parts to getting your own auto-scaling group to show up in your cluster (as of Jan 2022).
You need to ensure your cluster name is set for ECS_CLUSTER variable in /etc/ecs/ecs.config as mentioned in this answer:
You need to create a new capacity provider for the cluster and attach this auto scaling group. To do this, go to Cluster -> Capacity Provider -> Create -> Select your auto scaling group under Auto Scaling group.
Another tricky part is getting your service to use the instances (if you have a service running). You need to edit the Service, and change the Capacity provider strategy. Click on Add another provider and choose the new capacity provider you created in (2) above.
That's all! To ensure things are working properly: you should see your capacity provider under Graph -> Capacity Providers and you should see instances from your auto scaling group under Graph -> ECS Instances.

Error in autoscaling in ec2?

I am using the autoscaling feature.
I set up the entire thing but the instance were automatically launched and terminated even if the instance does not reach the threshold.
I followed the steps:
Created an instance
Created a load balancer and registered an instance
Created a launch configuration
Created a cloud watch that cpu >=50 %\
An autoscale policy that launches and terminates the instance when CPU >=50 %
But as soon as I apply the policy the instances begin to launch and terminated without any CPU load and it continues
Cause: At 2014-01-14T10:51:08Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 1.
StartTime: 2014-01-14T10:51:08.791Z
Cause: At 2014-01-14T10:02:16Z an instance was taken out of service in response to a system health-check.
Follow the instructions on how to Set Up an Auto-Scaled and Load-Balanced Application
The instance, created outside of AutoScaling Group can be added to Elastic Load Balancer, but will not be monitored or managed by AutoScaling group.
Instance, created outside of AutoScaling Group can be marked as unhealthy by Elastic Load Balancer if the health check fails, but it will not cause AutoScaling Group to spawn a new instance.
