Xcode5 won't allow Frame Debugger / Analyze button is greyed out - opengl-es

Xcode 4.2+ and Xcode 5 have a very powerful debugger for OpenGL ES. Until recently, the debugger itself would crash often (it didn't work reliably for me until Xcode5.0), but it sometimes disables itself and refuses to run at all.
This being an Apple application, they don't bother with error messages, they simply refuse to let you press the Analyze button:
I can't find any reference in Apple's docs to a situation that would "disable" the analysis. I know that it can work on this machine, because it worked fine on a different device.
Device that works:
iPad3, running iOS 6.x
Device that Xcode5 refuses to work with:
iPad Mini, running iOS 7.x
...I've tried updating to latest 7.x - no change. Xcode just refuses to work properly. All other debugging works fine.

It's not a perfect answer, but I've noticed something that might explain it...
When you pause the debugger, this triggers the button to grey-out. So, if you needed to analyse the frame at a particular point in your app ... you can't.
It sucks, and I have no idea how you're supposed to debug something without using the debugger, but ... it might be why I was getting disabled button!


Xcode Debugger Doesn't Begin Session When App Runs

I'm using version 12.4 of Xcode, and when I run my app to test it, the debugger never starts a session. When I open the Debug Navigator, the message "No Debug Session" stays, and none of the normal analytics data appears.
I am running my app through Xcode onto my iPhone 12 Pro. It requires the use of the camera, and in fact the part I need the debugger for also requires the camera, so I can't use a simulator to see if that magically fixes it.
I also looked through every setting I could find that mentioned "Debug" or "Debugger", but nothing I could find changed anything.
Also, I downloaded a random tutorial app and ran that through Xcode on my iPhone, and the debugger boots up as expected.
I am completely lost and really need a GDB/LLDB tool to debug my code, so any help is greatly appreciated, as I could not find a single person or post with a similar problem to mine, and all of the Debugger tutorials and Apple Documentation are outdated and useless.
EDIT: Here is the Scheme info I have set, I have nothing in the Arguments tab. (This is a new account so I'm not allowed to embed images RIP)
Scheme Info
Scheme Options
Scheme Diagnostics
As Matt pointed out, the debugger will not point at the app target if the Executable dropdown (in Scheme Info) is "Ask On Launch". It must have the app itself selected.

Xamarin Remote Simulator results in blank screen

I know this feature is very new, so I'm hoping someone has had experience with this issue before and may shed some light on what might be going on. Right now we are trying to utilize Xamarin 4.2's new "remote iOS simulator for Windows". When I build to Mac simulator, it works fine the app shows up and no issues. When I turn on the option to use the remote simulator, the simulator opens, and then there's just a blank screen, as you can see from the screenshot there's no errors and it built fine:
Looks like you are hitting the following:
The remote simulator is in preview, so there are likely to be bugs that have not been fixed yet. I'd suggest adding a comment to that bug report with any information you can provide.
If you would like to receive a notification when the bug is updated, you can add yourself to the CC list for the bug. Please note that you will need to create an account on that system if you have not already done so.

iOS Today View Not Running on Device

I have created my first Today View extension that just displaying some texted it retrieves from a shared NSUserDefaults. It works perfectly and is ready to be shipped based off of how it displays and works through simulator, but when I try to run it on my device nothing happens.
The widget shows up in notification center but it has no height. I run my main app from Xcode and it wont let me attach the debugger to it and none of my breakpoints, nslogs get hit.
I tried running the Today View target on device and I can't get the provisioning profiles to be accepted. I also tried attaching the process of the today view to the debugger with the full bundle ID and it never attaches no matter wether I open notification center or not.
Im very new with extensions and have searched a ton around for an answer to this but cant find anything that worked.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
and in my case i tested on SDK 8.2 and my test device running on 8.1.1 totally forgotten about Deployment target changing to 8.0 worked like charm..Might be helpful for the one careless like me..
For anyone that may stumble upon this all I had was add arm64 to the list of acceptable architectures and it worked
In your widget build settings set the architectures to armv7, arm64
see this post iOs today extension do not launch - lost connection to device

iOS 8 today extension - recompile

I create an extension for my app in iOS 8 and it is displayed correctly under the Today tab.
However when I make a change to the extension (either a UI change in the Storyboard, a UI change in viewDidLoad code, or some changes in the widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler method), there's nothing that is changed when I recompile. The only way I can make the changes to appear is to delete the app from the device/simulator then compile/install again. Restarting XCode (I work with XCode 6 beta 4) / restarting the computer does not help.
How can I fix the bug?
How am I supposed to debug the extension, because setting breakpoints does not seem to do anything and no NSLog messages are printed to the console (I suppose, since it's a different target).
It's a known bug, read the release notes for iOS 8b5.
Debugging (and NSLog) works in Xcode but not always (known bugs). You can still attach the debugger if Xcode cannot attach himself (Debug -> Attach to process)
For me, the simulator works better than real device, so use the simulator until things got better.
2 tips:
Close the simulator at end of debugging (i have a script for auto closing the simulator when i press STOP in Xcode, tell me if you want it).
When you launch the plugin process in simulator, wait for "All applications" display list, if you click "Run" before the list are loaded, the debugger won't attach.

locationManager didFailWithError null phonegap simulator

I am having following problem with the location service with IOS on the simulator:
using phonegap 2.2.0 with xcode 4.5.2,
Cordova.plist EnableLocation = YES
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(myPositionSuccess, myPositionError, {maximumAge: 300000, timeout:10000, enableHighAccuracy : true});
myPositionSuccess is never called, with following error at navigator.geolocation
locationManager::didFailWithError (null)
I just tried it on the simulator. Any Idea?
Exit the simulator & run your app again. Worked for me.
I was having the same error with XCode Version 4.3.2 & cordova/phonegap 2.1.0
The simulator was unable to get my location even when I ran Google Maps in Safari. That led me to the conclusion that it was more than just my project that was at fault.
I am still unable to figure out exactly why restarting the simulator worked, but there is one possible reason.
I usually shut down my Mac without quitting most of my running apps & the "Reopen windows when logging back in" option checked. The simulator, however, is one of the apps i definitely quit. But the last time I shut down, I did not quit it. So, like I said, possible reason.
Hope this helps you.
Another thing may be to check the location setting in your simulator, I believe the default setting is none which means the geolocation will not find anything. If you are running your simulator, go to Debug > Location > City Run or some other choice and then try to use the geolocation function again it should work fine.
I know this is a bit old but I was looking for an answer on this when I remembered the location setting so I figured I would post here for future reference in case anyone needs it.
