visual relation Identifier in QTP - vbscript

i am using visual relation Identifier in QTP for setting a value in webedit.Here is my code
Set rc = VisualRelations.Create
Set relation = rc.Add
relation.relatedobjectpath = "Browser(""ABC"").Page(""XYZ"").WebElement(""innertext:=E-Mail ID"")"
relation.relativeposition = micRelLeft
relation.setargument micrelinline, True
Set des=Description.Create
des.Add "micclass","WebEdit"
des.Add "visual relations",rc
Browser("ABC").Page("XYZ").WebEdit(des).set ""
Set relation = Nothing
Set rc = Nothing
The problem is when i use description programming for webElement in Line 3 the QTP showing an error message "Cannot find "webedit" objects parent". But, when i store webelement "E-Mail id" in OR, the code is working fine without any error.
Can u please tell me what can i do in this case to resolve the issue.
Thanks in Advance:)

There seems to be a limitation in QTP that the anchor test object in VRI must be in the object repository.
Thankfully there is a workaround, you can create a dummy anchor test object in the OR with a description of a blank innertext (by using the Define New Test Object button).
Then use SetTOProperty to get the dynamic behaviour you can achieve with descriptive programming.
Set rc = VisualRelations.Create
Set relation = rc.Add
Browser("ABC").Page("XYZ").WebElement("Anchor").SetTOProperty "innertext", "E-Mail ID"
relation.relatedobjectpath = "Browser(""ABC"").Page(""XYZ"").WebElement(""Anchor"")"
relation.relativeposition = micRelLeft
relation.setargument micrelinline, True
Set des=Description.Create
des.Add "micclass","WebEdit"
des.Add "visual relations",rc
Browser("ABC").Page("XYZ").WebEdit(des).set ""
Set relation = Nothing
Set rc = Nothing

When you store the WebElement "E-Mail id" in OR, its parent Page(""XYZ"") will also be stored into OR.
The problem is that OR way is used to identify Page, but the DP way is used to identify the WebElement. If you delete the WebElement "E-Mail id" but remain the Page("XYZ"), the script should work well.


JavaEdit search function not locating visible element

I've got two library functions:
Function searchWindow(title)
Set searchWindow = Window("title:=" + title)
End Function
Function searchField(label)
Set searchField = JavaEdit("attached text:=" + label)
End Function
Here I'm testing them:
Set loginFrame = searchWindow(Environment.Value("frameLogin"))
Set userField = searchField("User ID / Ci-Usager")
userField.Set "test"
The first function works fine, and it's title property matches that of the application. However, the second will not find the text field, despite properties matching:
The error:
I've tried other properties as well, tagname, various class properties, as well as combinations of all three, and none are producing a find.
Any ideas?
First Update
As per request, full spy screencap:
The full line generated by the recording tool:
JavaWindow("Application Name").JavaDialog("Window Title").JavaEdit("User ID / Ci-Usager").Set "user"
However, when I try to re-create this programmatically, I get the same error, only for JavaWindow instead:
"Cannot identify the object [JavaWindow] of (class JavaWindow)..."
Possible Java set-up issue? This would not explain why recording can still locate Java objects, however.
Second Update
Here are the recognition properties:
I have ensured that all properties are set, still unable to locate.
Final Update
Ok, I've reduced the code to absolute barebones. No external constant file, no external library calls. I've copied the full extent of what is recorded in recording mode. I've printed each variable to ensure accuracy. I've included the full object hierarchy:
Set objWin = JavaWindow("label:=<redacted>")
objWin.SetTOProperty "to_class", "JavaWindow"
objWin.SetTOProperty "toolkit class", "javax.swing.JFrame"
MsgBox objWin.GetTOProperty("label")
MsgBox objWin.GetTOProperty("to_class")
MsgBox objWin.GetTOProperty("toolkit class")
Set objDialog = objWin.JavaDialog("label:=<redacted>")
objDialog.SetTOProperty "to_class", "JavaDialog"
objDialog.SetTOProperty "toolkit class", "<redacted>.LoginDialog"
MsgBox objDialog.GetTOProperty("label")
MsgBox objDialog.GetTOProperty("to_class")
MsgBox objDialog.GetTOProperty("toolkit class")
Set objEdit = objDialog.JavaEdit("attached text:=User ID / Ci-Usager")
objEdit.SetTOProperty "to_class", "JavaEdit"
objEdit.SetTOProperty "toolkit class", "javax.swing.JTextField"
MsgBox objEdit.GetTOProperty("attached text")
MsgBox objEdit.GetTOProperty("to_class")
MsgBox objEdit.GetTOProperty("toolkit class")
objEdit.Set "test"
Note the redacted text is to remove identifying elements from the code. They have been triple-checked on my side and are correct.
This still does not work.
However, recording the same does. What gives?
I think you have to mention the full hierarchy while working with the Javaedit field. Try re-writing the code for the function searchField as :
Function searchField(label)
Dim objFrame
Set objFrame = searchWindow(Environment.Value("frameLogin"))
Set searchField = objFrame.JavaEdit("attached text:=" + label) 'Javaedit should be the child of the login window. You had to mention the full hierarchy here
End Function

"Type mismatch in expression." Visual Studio 2013 with Access 2013 DB

I'm trying to do a simple "Advanced Search Button". This project is using 3 tables within 1 database. The page loads up but when I try to hit the "search button" after entering values into the textbox of website, it gives me "Type mismatch in expression."
Here is the code for search button;
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT m.musterino, m.adi, m.soyadi, m.adres, u.urunno, u.parca, u.marka, u.modelisim, u.modelno, u.fiyat, s.satisno, s.odeme, s.urun, s.garanti, s.tarih FROM musteri m, satis s, urunler u WHERE m.musterino = s.musterino AND u.urunno = s.urunno AND s.satisno = #ara"
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ara", TextBox1.Text)
If the field s.satisno is of numeric type then this line is ambigous.
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ara", TextBox1.Text)
You add a parameter without specifying its type. So you leave open any kind of interpretation on it and because you add a string it is possible that something doesn't go as you expect here.
I would try to be more specific on the type of the value passed for the parameter
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ara", DbType.Int32, TextBox1.Text)

Error "object doesn't support this property or method: dbrowser.GetRoProperty"

I was trying to run below script, but it's giving me an error that says:
object doesn't support this property or method: "dbrowser.GetRoProperty"
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",""
Set dbrowser = description.Create
dbrowser ("micclass").value = "Browser"
dbrowser("openurl").value = ""
dbrowser("title").value = "USPS - The United States Postal Service (U.S. Postal Service)"
Your dbrowser object is of type Description not Browser you need to create a Browser object based on this description. Replace the last line with:
Print Browser(dbrowser).GetROProperty("title")
Note, there are two changes here
Using Browser(dbrowser)
Removing the parens from the print sub.
Edit: also note that descriptions are regular expressions by default so the parens in the title may cause problems, you should mark it as not regex.
dbrowser("title").RegularExpression = False
Description.Create is used to create a 0-based Properties collection object. The variable dbrowser is preceded by the Set statement. Usage of Set statement binds an object as a reference to another object. Therefore, dbrowser becomes an object reference to the description object represented by Description.Create
A description object does not have a stand-alone use, but coupled with the ChildObjects method, it becomes an extremely powerful approach in dealing with AUT’s objects .For More Info, check link
So the code should be like
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",""
Set dbrowser = description.Create
dbrowser ("micclass").value = "Browser"
dbrowser("openurl").value = ""
dbrowser("title").value = "USPS.*" ''Using Regular Expression here
Set colObject = Desktop.ChildObjects( dbrowser )
Print (colObject(0).GetROProperty("title"))

ArcPad - VBscript - Autopopulate attributes

I am using the following script to grab parcel and address information from one layer to fill the attribute table of a newly created feature.
There is no returned error, but the problem I am having is that there seems to be the wrong information stuck in the memory of recordselect function. No matter where I place a point it gives the same parcel # and address. Or maybe it isn’t actually be performing the IF function properly.
Sub Address
Dim rsCurrentXY
Set rsCurrentXY = Map.Layers("Violations").records
Dim objXYShape
Set objXYShape = rsCurrentXY.Fields.Shape
Dim pControls
Set pControls= Application.Map.selectionlayer.Forms("EDITFORM").Pages(“PAGE1”).Controls
Dim rsGrid
' Find corresponding map page to the valve point
Set rsGrid = Map.Layers("ACPA_parcels").records
Do While Not rsGrid.eof
If rsGrid.fields.shape.Ispointin(objXYShape) Then
pControls("txtAddress").value = rsGrid.Fields("ADD1").Value
Exit Do
End If
' Clean Up
Set rsCurrentXY = Nothing
Set objXYShape = Nothing
Set rsGrid = Nothing
End Sub
(I have another subroutine called "PIN" that would do the exact same thing.)
I have them called when their respective edit boxes in the custom form are activated by the inspector.
Thanks for the help,
Accessing the EDITFORM via Application.Map.selectionlayer.Forms("EDITFORM") will be problematic. Whenever working with controls on an EDITFORM you should using ThisEvent.Object to discover all your objects. For example, if your event handler is Page_OnLoad then ThisEvent.Object will refer to your current page. You should have code like this:
Dim pPage1
Set pPage1 = ThisEvent.Object
Dim pControls
Set pControls = pPage1.Controls

VB6 / Crystal Report 8.5 error: A string is required here

I recently inherited an old visual basic 6/ crystal reports project which connects to a sql server database. The error message I get (Error# -2147191803 A String is required here) when I attempt to run the project seems to be narrowed down to the .Printout command in the following code:
'Login to database
Set Tables = Report.Database.Tables
Set Table = Tables.Item(1)
Table.SetLogOnInfo ConnName, DBName, user, pass
DomainName = CStr(selected)
'Set parameter Fields
'Declare parameter holders
Set ParamDefs = Report.ParameterFields
'Store parameter objects
For Each ParamDef In ParamDefs
With ParamDef
MsgBox("DomainName : " + DomainName)
Select Case .ParameterFieldName
Case "Company Name"
.SetCurrentValue DomainName
End Select
Select Case .Name
Case "{?Company Name}"
.SetCurrentValue DomainName
End Select
'Flag to see what is assigned to Current value
MsgBox("paramdef: " + ParamDef.Value)
End With
Report.EnableParameterPrompting = False
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
'CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
test = 1
test = test + 3
currenttime = Str(Now)
currenttime = Replace(currenttime, "/", "-")
currenttime = Replace(currenttime, ":", "-")
DomainName = Replace(DomainName, ".", "")
startName = mPath + "\crysta~1.pdf"
endName = mPath + "\" + DomainName + "\" + DomainName + " " + currenttime + ".pdf"
rc = MsgBox("Wait for PDF job to finish", vbInformation, "H/W Report")
Name startName As endName
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End If
During the run, the form shows up, the ParamDef variable sets the "company name" and when it gets to the Report.PrintOut line which prompts to print, it throws the error. I'm guessing the crystal report isn't receiving the "Company Name" to properly run the crystal report. Does any one know how to diagnose this...either on the vb6 or crystal reports side to determine what I'm missing here?
inserted CStr(selected) to force DomainName to be a string
inserted msgboxes into the for loop above and below the .setcurrentvalue line
inserted Case "{?Company Name}" statement to see if that helps setting the value
tried .AddCurrentValue and .SetCurrentValue functions as suggested by other forum websites
ruled out that it was my development environement..loaded it on another machine with the exact same vb6 crystal reports 8.5 running on winxp prof sp2 and the same errors come up.
and when I run the MsgBox(ParamDef.Value) and it also turns up blank with the same missing string error. I also can't find any documentation on the craxdrt.ParameterFieldDefinition class to see what other hidden functions are available. When I see the list of methods and property variables, it doesn't list SetCurrentValue as one of the functions.
Any ideas on this?
What is the value of your selected variable?
Table.SetLogOnInfo ConnName, DBName, user, pass
DomainName = selected
'Set parameter Fields
If it is not a string, then that might be the problem. Crystal expects a string variable and when it doesn't receive what it expects, it throws errors.
selected is a string variable input taken from a form with a drop down select box. I previously put a message box there to ensure there the variable is passing through right before the Report.Printout and it does come up. DomainName variable is also declared as a string type.
Here's how I set my parameters in Crystal (that came with .NET -- don't know if it helps you).
Dim dv As New ParameterDiscreteValue
dv.Value = showphone
This can happen in crystal reports 8.5 if you changed the length of a string column you use in your report so that it exceeds 255 bytes. This can also happen if you change the column type from varchar to nvarchar (double byte string!)
The reason for this is that crystal reports 8.5 treats all strings longer than 255 bytes as memo fields.
I would suggest youe upgrade to crystal reports XI - the API has not changed that much.
From my point of view you should get the same error message if you open the report in the Crystal Reports Designer and switch to preview mode. The Designer should also show you a message with the exact location of the problem, e.g. the field which can not be treated as a string.
The problem is not that a field longer than 255 bytes cannot be printed. The problem is that a field longer than 255 bytes cannot be used in a formula, as a sort criteria ...
Here is a live example of setting the parameters that we use:
For Each CRXParamDef In CrystalReport.ParameterFields
Select Case CRXParamDef.ParameterFieldName
Case "#start"
CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue CDate("1/18/2002 12:00:00AM")
Case "#end"
CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue Now
End Select
This is actually a sample written in VBScript for printing Crystal 8.5 reports, but the syntax is the same for VB6
