I have a problem that I need to complete:
We can represent a nonempty binary tree by list (root left_subtree
right_subtree) and the empty tree by the empty list. Each binary
search tree with integer labels can be considered representing a set
of integers. Write a function which, given a set of integers S as a
bst and an integer x, returns both the set of all the integers less
than x and that of all the integers greater than x as bst’s. Use a
pair rather than a list to represent the resulting sets.
I'm very new to Scheme. I've built trees using SML as well as prolog, but can't seem to get a hold of what I need to do for Scheme. Could anyone help me out and guide me towards this goal? Is my tree suppose to just look like this?
(list value left right)
Yes, that's one way to define a tree. Just so long as you make a proper ADT and use it consistently, it shouldn't matter after you've defined it.
(define (make-tree root left right)
(list root left right))
(define (right tree)
(caddr tree))
(define (left tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (root tree)
(car tree))
(define (empty-tree? tree)
(null? tree))
(define empty-tree '())
(define (leaf? tree)
(and (empty-tree? (left tree)) (empty-tree? right tree)))
(define (split-tree-at tree x)
(let ((less ...)
(more ...))
(cons less more))
(define (in-tree-below-x tree x) ;;assuming a sorted tree
(cond ((empty-tree? tree) (empty-tree))
((>= (root tree) x)
(in-tree-below (left tree) x))
(else (make-tree (root tree)
(left tree)
(in-tree-below-x (right tree) x)))))
im trying to find the max value in a tree, but I'm having trouble understanding the recursion part of it.
what I have so far
(define mytree '(10 (5(4(2 ()()) (22()())) (21(15()()) (23 ()()))) (11(6()())(13()()))))
(define (leaf mytree)
(and(null?(cadr mytree)) (null? (caddr mytree))))
(define (maxval mytree)
(if (null? mytree)
(max (leaf(maxval (cadr mytree))) (leaf(maxval (caddr mytree))))))
(maxval mytree)
I'm trying to make the leaf function go through every number in the tree until it gets to the bottom numbers, where it will find the greatest value.
Indent code, align subtrees, add space
Name predicate with ? at the end
Use tree instead of mytree
Define abstractions (left-child, right-child instead of cadr-soups)
This is more readable:
(define mytree
'(10 (5 (4 (2 () ())
(22 () ()))
(21 (15 ()())
(23 ()())))
(11 (6 () ())
(13 () ()))))
(define (tree-value tree)
(car tree))
(define (left-child tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (right-child tree)
(caddr tree))
(define (leaf? tree)
(and (null? (left-child tree)
(null? (right-child tree))))
(define (maxval tree)
(if (null? tree)
(max (leaf? (maxval (left-child tree)))
(leaf? (maxval (right-child tree))))))
Recursive algorithm
The maximum value of a tree (maxvalue tree) is the maximum value among:
the value associated with the tree: (tree-value tree)
the maximum value of its left subtree: (maxvalue (left-child tree))
the maximum value of its right subtree: (maxvalue (right-child tree))
The degenerate case (base case) where a tree has no child is to return the value associated with the tree.
Your current algorithm does not do that. In particular:
Why is the result of leaf? given to max?
Why don't you check the value rooted at current tree?
You should be able to translate the above in terms of code. This should look roughly like this (untested):
(define (maxval tree)
(if (leaf? tree)
(tree-value tree)
(max (tree-value tree)
(maxval (left-child tree))
(maxval (right-child tree)))))
Short version: you need a data definition, and test cases.
Your data definition should probably read
;; a binary tree is either:
;; -- <you fill in this part>, or
;; -- <you fill in this part too>
Then, you need test cases.
write a test case for both cases of your data definition.
This should answer your question for you.
(In general, the stepper can be helpful, but in this case, I think the problem starts earlier.)
;; A [BT X] is one of
;; - 'leaf
;; - (make-node X [BT X] [BT X])
(define-struct node (val left right))
;; interpretation: represents a node with a value
;; a left and right subtree
(define (tree-sum tree)
[(symbol=? tree 'leaf) ...] ;; the value remains same
[(node? tree)
(+ (tree-sum (node-val tree))
(tree-sum (node-left tree))
(tree-sum (node-right tree)))]))
not quite sure if i'm on the right track.
Normally, A pair tree is either
a leaf (not a pair), or
a pair, whose car and cdr values are pair-trees.
recursive summing procedure will have to deal with these two cases:
a numbers, i.e., leaves of a tree of numbers, and
pairs, in which case it should sum the left and right subtrees, and add those sums together.
(define (pair-tree-sum pair-tree)
[(number? pair-tree)
(+ (pair-tree-sum (car pair-tree))
(pair-tree-sum (cdr pair-tree)))]))
You can split the function into two parts - one that converts the tree into a list of numbers, and another that just uses foldl with that list, and foldl has the advantage of automatically doing the summation as an accumulator.
(define (tree->list tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(append (tree->list (car tree))
(tree->list (cdr tree)))
(list tree)))
(define (tree-sum tree)
(foldl + 0 (tree->list tree)))
You first need to check if the tree is empty, then if its not a list, else you call the function sum to the car of the list, and add to the cdr of the list.
(define (sum tree)
(cond [(empty? tree) 0]
[(not (list? tree)) (if (number? tree) tree 0)]
[else (+ (sum (first tree)) (sum (rest tree)))]))
Im struggling with this problem for over 2 days now and still somehow I cannot solve it.
I have to write a function in SCHEME that takes a list in a tree and displays items in sorted order.
The way I define trees is '(6 (left... ) (right...))
My function to choose a tree:
(define (tree-sort tree)
(cond ((null? tree) '())
((> (car tree) (cadr tree))
(tree-sort (cadr tree)))
(tree-sort (caddr tree))))
So I guess I should also have a function that sorts the most indepth list?
I really dont get it and this is the last time I will ever have to deal with scheme. I have never used stackoverflow so please excuse me if the formating is wrong.
Kindly thank you!
Now that you clarified that the tree is already sorted, then you're looking for an in-order traversal of the tree, which returns a sorted list of the elements - I'm assuming that you're interested in a list as the output, because of the base case shown in the question. Try something like this:
(define (tree-sort tree)
(if (empty-tree? tree)
(append (tree-sort (left-subtree tree))
(list (value tree))
(tree-sort (right-subtree tree)))))
Use the appropriate procedures for testing if the tree is empty and for accessing each node's value, left and right subtrees. The above procedure will return a sorted list with the trees' values.
Can anyone help me with my base cases for the rotation of a binary search tree left and right? I tried writing the right rotation function as:
(define (right-rotate T)
(make-tree (car (left T))
(left (left T))
(make-tree(value T) (right (left T)) (right T))))
but this gives me a call to an empty list somewhere. Does this code look correct for a right rotation? Also, what could my base cases be here?
You really need to provide more information, such as what is your representation of a 'tree' and how is a tree missing its 'left' or 'right' child defined and handled.
(define (make-tree value left right)
`(TREE ,value ,left ,right))
(define value cadr)
(define right caddr)
(define left cadddr)
;; How is an 'empty' tree denoted?
(define empty 'EMPTY)
(define (is-empty? tree)
(eq? tree empty))
(define (make-leaf value)
(make-tree value empty empty))
;; Now you have the basis for a solution; here is a start.
(define (right-rotate tree)
(if (is-empty? tree)
(let ((l (left tree)))
(if (is-empty? l)
(make-tree (value l)
(left l)
(make-tree (value tree) (right l) (right tree)))))))
My friend and I are currently working on creating a Binary Search Tree in Scheme. We cannot get it to save what we have inserted. My professor said we are to use set-car! (cdr ( for the left subtree somehow, but I don't know where exactly to put it in. We are supposed to use set-car! (cddr ( for the right subtree also.
We have done all of this so far correctly, but we just need help making it save our inserted nodes.
(define make-empty-BST '())
;create function to see if BST is empty
(define (emptyBST? BST) (null? BST))
;make non-empty BST with explicit list implementation
(define (make-BST root left-subtree right-subtree)
(list root left-subtree right-subtree))
;helper get root function
(define (getRoot BST) (car BST))
;helper get left subtree function
(define (getLeftsubTree BST) (cadr BST)) ;(car (cdr tr))
;helper get right subtree function
(define (getRightsubTree BST) (caddr BST)) ;(car (cdr (cdr tr)))
;Checks to see if a leaf is empty
(define (emptyleaf? BST) (and (null? (getLeftsubTree BST)) (null? (getRightsubTree BST))))
;inserts an item into the BST
(define (BST-insert BST item)
((emptyBST? BST) ;if empty, create a new root with given item - use empty lists for left and right subtrees
(make-BST item make-empty-BST make-empty-BST))
((< item (getRoot BST)) ;if item less than root, add to left subtree
(make-BST (getRoot BST)
(BST-insert (getLeftsubTree BST) item) ;recursion
(getRightsubTree BST)))
((> item (getRoot BST))
(make-BST (getRoot BST)
(getLeftsubTree BST)
(BST-insert (getRightsubTree BST) item)))
(else BST))) ; it's already in BST, do nothing
Since this sounds like an assignment, I don't want to provide the exact code that you need, but I'll show two functions that could be said to replace the nth element of list. The first will be analogous to yours, in that it returns a new list and doesn't modify the input list. The second will modify the input list.
(define (replace-nth n element list)
;; return a new list like list, but whose
;; nth element is element
(if (= n 0)
(cons element (cdr list))
(cons (car list) (replace-nth (- n 1) element (cdr list)))))
(let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(display (replace-nth 3 'x l)) ; prints (1 2 3 x 5 6)
(display l)) ; prints (1 2 3 4 5 6)
The first returns a new list, but doesn't modify the input list. It creates a new list using cons applied to part of the old list and some new value. This is similar to what you're doing when you insert by creating a new tree that has the new value. The tree that you've passed in won't have it, but the tree will.
(define (set-nth! n element list)
;; set the nth element of list to be element
(if (= n 0)
(set-car! list element)
(set-nth! (- n 1) element (cdr list))))
(let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(display (set-nth! 4 'x l)) ; prints #<void>
(display l)) ; prints (1 2 3 4 x 6)
The second modifies the list that is passed to it. Its return value isn't quite so important, because the structure passed into it actually gets modified. This is more like what you'd want to do with your insert function. You need to recurse until you get to the correct node in the tree, and the set its left or right child to be a new tree containing just the new element.
You've provided 'get' procedures, why not start by providing a 'set' procedure? Doing so works towards completing your 'tree/node abstraction' and gives you a base set of functions to try to use in your 'insert' procedure.
(define (setLeftsubTree BST left)
(set-car! (cdr BST) left))
(define (setRightsubTree BST right)
(set-car! (cddr BST) right))
Now, in your insert code, when you want to 'go left' but there is no left, call setLeftsubTree with a newly created leaf node.