How to implement Ajax for my wordpress site? - ajax

I'm really confused.
I just desire to implement ajax in my wordpress site: clicking on each link of the menu or on each post, I'd like to show dinamycally the content in the main wrapper of the website (and at the same time I'd like to see the url changing everytime for each page or post).
I have made a research through Google and I found a multitude of tutorials or informations but each one of them is (for me) like incomplete.
Can you suggest me a good tutorial?
Or can you explain me what are the best solutions?
I read somewhere of "Ajaxify", a plugin, can it help me?
Be patient, I have always had some difficulties with ajax and in wordpress things seems to become even more complex.

I guess this tutorial can help you:


One-page AJAX-based WordPress site. How should I do it?

I am trying to create a one-page WordPress website, something like the ones you sometimes see in ThemeForest's WP section: the whole website is a long page that has everything in one place, from about us, to portfolio, to some blog posts, to contacts.
Placing all things on one page is not difficult. But when I started thinking about how to present individual posts and pages, I realised that I probably need a general way of getting posts' data via AJAX, and create new blocks with JS. How should I go about this? I suppose this was done before, but I struggle to find something this specific on Codex or a tutorial with best practices.
Any advice or link will be greatly appreciated.
You could use a plugin such as jQuery Easytabs, download it here, that has a built-in Ajax component.
I've found that the easiest way is to just get all content to load into the divs ahead of time, vs. trying to load all pages through Ajax. However, appending something like '?ajax/ajax' to the end of your urls through the Easytabs plugin is one option that I have successfully used in the past.
If you decide to use the easytabs functionality, there is ample documentation on the page that I linked to.

Displaying correct joomla website information when posting website link

I was hoping someone can help me fix an issue. When someone posts a link to my joomla created website, they get the heading "Whats New?", which is my default article page for the site. It is the current blog articles written.
For example, if someone posted my link on facebook, it would look like this:
Whats New?
Description of website goes here...
Everything looks great except for the "Whats New?". Is there a way to put My webpage name instead of the name of the default page? How about showing an image? When posted on facebook, there is just text and no image used.
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated
Facebook uses Opengraph data to build those posts. If facebook isn't offered OpenGraph data, then it will use its own methods to try and find the information it needs. Sometimes with useless results. There are a lot of options to fix this. Joomla extensions has a few opengraph extensions for you to install, some of those should work fine. You can always write something yourself or add the data in your template. But don't expect results right away, because facebook caches those media objects for some time.
Open graph:
Joomla Extensions:
There are more ways to fix this, but this is probably the easiest for you. Hope it helps.
Good Luck.
In the Joomla backend, do the following:
Open the menu item the the article is assigned to.
On the right hand side, open the Page Display Options panel
Add whatever you like to the Browser Page Title parameter.
Hope this helps

how to achieve the effect

I am looking for a way of replicating what the site in the title of this question does. That is, via ajax, changing a part of the page. But, I could not figure out how to change the URL as these things happen.
So, please, help me achieve the effect of url changing on ajax page/change.
Thank you.
(edit ** question rewritten as is appears it was not written well enough, sorry)
What you are looking for is AJAX basically updating only parts of a HTML page. Please google for AJAX tutorials. Here is a simple one
Something like Jquery Tabs also do this.
It seems like you want the URL to change. This is the basic trick to have history for ajax pages

Should I use # or #!

I am doing some ajax page with jQuery, can you tell me which are the differences (especially for SEO point of view) between pages like:
Edit: mh maybe the second options is google-friendly
You should use #! if you want your site crawlable by Google. More information is found on their Getting Started guide. So yes, the second version is more SEO-friendly. Another post worth reading is Googles propsal for making ajax pages crawlable.
However, for a users point of view, there's no difference.
Just a tip, sammy.js is a great library for working with this. It allows you to define routes using hash fragments.

full ajax site and SEO

i am planing to start a full ajax site project, and i was wondering about SEO.
The site will have urls like etc
Can Google crawl the site.
Is something that i have to noticed about full ajax and SEO
Any reading suggestions are welcome
You might want to read about so called progressive enhancement.
Google supports indexing of AJAX sites, but unfortunately it involves extra work for the developer. See
I don't think Google is capable of doing so (yet)
However you can of course make your site usable with or without JavaScript. That way, browsers will have the full candy stuff and Google (and text browsers) still can navigation your site.
In addition to SEO, you also need to think about usability standards here. A site that is that reliant on AJAX isn't going to work for things like screen-readers as well as spiders. You need a system for graceful degreadation. A website that can't function without JavaScript isn't really a functioning website.
The search engines will spider the initial page load - what happens to the page (with ajax) after that is irrelevant to listings.
Google itself doesn't crawl ajax content but advice a mechanism for it. For this you first need to change # to #!
Whole process to SEO AJAX content is explained here along with simple code to start working on it.
Imagine having to hit the “refresh” button in your browser to update your Twitter feed rather than just hitting the button on the page itself and having it instantly update? These are the types of problems that AJAX solves, although it does come with its pitfalls. Google might claim it’s able to crawl and parse AJAX websites, yet it’s risky to just take its word for it and leave your website’s organic traffic up to chance. Even though Google can usually index dynamic AJAX content, it’s not always that simple. This guide covers some of the things that can go wrong and how you can make sure your AJAX website is crawlable:
