MFC Radio button freezes entire screen - visual-studio-2010

I'm a bit at a loss here. Simply put, i created 2 radio buttons on my MFC GUI (vs2010) via the toolbox. I put each of them as a group so i could use the wizard to create a member variable for them. At this point, i run the code to test functionality. I don't expect much to happen since i don't have any handling code for the clicks, but what does happen is my entire screen freezes. So i click on either of the radio buttons, it shows that it is checked, but after that, i cannot click anything else on the screen. It has basically become frozen until i restart the program.
Has anyone seen this before?
.h file entry:
CButton testRadio;
CButton testRadio1;
.cpp file entry
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TEST_RADIO, testRadio);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TESTRADIO1, testRadio1);
i know that the control ID's are not repeated, so that is not an issue.


MFC EditBrowse control does not display the folder icon at runtime

I have a dialog type application that includes a MFC EditBrowse Control. This control includes a folder/magnifier icon on the right side where the user is supposed to click to bring up a folder browser pop-up.
That folder/magnifier icon displays properly in the dialog editor within Visual Studio, but at runtime it displays as a plain flat button. It behaves properly otherwise - that is, the browser pop-up pops up and the selected folder is displayed when the user clicks OK.
When run with the debugger a message is displayed in the VS Output Window saying "Can't load bitmap: 4299". That message is displayed after the CDialogEx::OnInitDialog() line within my OnInitDialog().
I've written test programs and they display the icon properly. I've also added additional EditBrowse controls in my original program, but they experience the same problem and just add another line of "can't load bitmap". I've also added other MFC controls and some of them also do not display their icons (or other stuff).
I've managed to affect the problem slightly by making calls to EnableBrowseButton() and EnableFolderBrowswButton() from my OnInitDialog. If I do that, I get an icon that looks like 3 horizontal dots:
which is better, but I'd prefer the folder/magnifier icon.
It's a complicated enough application I'd rather not re-write it from the beginning and furthermore I'd like to understand what is going on. I'm fairly certain this is a result of adding/deleting controls as the app was developed, but don't have a good idea on where to begin tracking down where things went awry.
Thoughts on how to debug this? BTW, this is VS 2010.
CMFCEditBrowseCtrl uses the Visual Manager to load the bitmap from MFC resources.
This resource is loaded in "afxribbon.rc"
Make sure the following these lines are included in the main *.rc file (this is how VS Wizard creates the *.rc file)
#if !defined(_AFXDLL)
#include "afxribbon.rc" // MFC ribbon and control bar resources
(I guess you can omit the #if/end statement, but it's probably there for a reason)
Alternatively, CMFCEditBrowseCtrl::SetBrowseButtonImage can be used to assign user icon.

Data Driven Coded UI Testing in Visual Studio

I am curious about an issue in Coded UI Testing. For example I created a button named Button1. I did assertions and everything is fine. Then I changed this button's name to Button2. Now, do I have to write my assertions again or is Coded UI Test can suit in every different name change. Notice that I am not doing any input or parameter changes, I am just changing user interface. Thanks for your replies.
You should be able to change the test code easily to cope with a name change like that. Open the UI Map file in the UI Map editor; ie double-click on the uimap.uitest file in solution explorer. In the left hand pane expand the method and select the action that clicks the button. That should open the relevant control in the right hand pane. Alternatively just find the control for the button in the right pane. View the properties of the button and click on the ellipsis of the "(collection)" value of SearchProperties or the FilterProperties. One of the items shown should be the old name of the button, just rename it there.

Main menu in a FoxPro 9 app

If you use the Visual FoxPro 9 Application Framework to create a desktop standalone application and add a database and form, the exported exe shows a Quick Start on load which shows the form to select.
If one wants to show up his own MAIN MENU form on the exe load, what's the way to do it? Using Set Main on the Menu Form does not work.
Here is a visual representation of the idea.
In its simplest steps then, aside from the "Wizards" you can use to build forms and bind to data environments, tables, grids, etc maybe this will help.
Create an empty project.
Go to the documents tab and add a new form. Put a few buttons as you've described on it. One of the buttons, allow to close the form, such as "Exit". Double click this exit button and put in the code
Since there are no "data entry" elements on this form, we need something to make it keep focus. Buttons alone don't just "do" that. Go to the properties sheet of the form and go down to "Window Type" and set it to "Modal" - meaning, keep this form up until its intentionally closed. (This also keeps as a baseline for you calling any OTHER forms from this one for your application.) Save the form, such as "MyMainForm".
Click on the "Code" tab of the project and do a new "Program". In its simplest context, put in
DO FORM MyMainForm
Save the program, such as MyStartupProgram. Once saved in the project, right-click on this program and select "Set Main" for this to be considered the single entry point to your entire application. Save, build the project and run it. You should be good to go.

Is it better to disable or omit context/popup menu options?

My application is context-sensisitve and I dynamically build menus for the main window / context/popup, and other places. I typically know if a given menu command will be valid given the current state of the application. Is it better practice to DISABLE/GREY the menu options which currently do not apply OR since I'm generating the menu anyway, OMIT them entirely?
The application is a Java/Swing is anyone is curious. The question seems GUI toolkit agnostic but may be platform dependent.
The old apple guidelines say to Disable for fixed menus (in the menu bar), and omit for context menus.
I guess the motivation is that a context menu is supposed to only show options that are available to the particular context, and the main menus are supposed to show all commands, so the user knows where "Save" would be even if it's not selectable at the moment.
For right-click menus, I'd say that if the item is applicable to what was right-clicked but is for some other outside reason unavailable, disable it. If it is not applicable to the right-clicked thing then hide it as there's no chance of it ever showing up. Case in point:
When I right-click on the background area of this page in Firefox the first four items are Back, Forward, Reload, and Stop. Forward and Stop are disabled because they aren't valid actions right now (I have no forward history and the page is not loading anymore). These four guys are very consistently offered, they are expected, global, often-used commands. They are the four main "navigation" controls and by default they have toolbar counterparts (in the form of big dedicated buttons).
However, if I right-click on an image, I get completely different options in the context-menu all related to viewing, saving, and copying the image under where I clicked. These options don't appear at all (not even disabled) under normal use because they are very specific to what I right-clicked on. When right-clicking on the background area, Stop and Forward, while currently not valid actions, are still applicable to what I clicked on (the page) but they are unavailable for other reasons...
Like the rule for menus on the top menu bar, the goal is not to surprise users with commands suddenly appearing for, from the user's point of view, inexplicable reasons.

Need ActiveX control to embed Excel into a dialog

I'm building an "import from Excel" function. It has to be in a DLL, called from a non-MFC app. Has to provide an image of the spreadsheet that users can drag a select box around (to select cells), then click an IMPORT button, and have the right thing happen. Having trouble getting the spreadsheet up, having a button adjacent to it, and having it happen in a DLL.
I went the route of an MFC dialog inside a DLL, but was blocked in trying to bring up an OLE client for excel on a window on the dialog. Only support I found for showing Excel using OLE required an SDI. I was able to get the automation functions to work, and I could read the cells and paint a "fake image" of them on my dialog... but I'm afraid that's going to be in non-compliance with my requirements.
So I tried creating an SDI. I was able to create an SDI that brought up Excel as an OLE Client. I was able to handle the "selection change" event, and go the cell data I needed. I was foiled at this point by 2 items:
Could not make this SDI work in an MFC DLL. Crash in CWinApp constructor, asserting that the AfxGetThread wasn't null. Moved "theApp" to be locally scoped within the single exported DLL function, but still couldn't get it to work, but with different symptoms: crashed when added AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); to exported DLL function, if I didn't use that, the OnInitInstance never was entered. Tried adding a call to the app's Run() function, but that didn't help. I can post this code if someone thinks they have an idea what the problem is.
Could not present a toolbar while the Excel client item was active. I could put my "import" (and other options) on the menubar at the top, but that's not evident enough. Even a floating toolbar was closed. It makes sense that it would do this, since it would be confusing to have a toolbar present that couldn't take actions on the currently active item... but in my case, it's a problem.
So now I'm thinking I need to go back to the dialog approach, and embed an ActiveX control that brings up an excel spreadsheet file to import.
Must either allow me to handle the selection change event, or must allow me to find what cells are selected (or were most recently selected if clicking the "import" button on my dialog causes the selected cells to become unselected).
It must also come with reasonable licensing terms, as this will be used in a commercial application that is widely-available to the public.
If anyone knows of a "quick fix" to either of the approaches I had been trying, that would be useful too.
Hope someone can help me!
If you just want to embed Excel, you don't need anything.
Just embed it into a standard OCX host control.
