Intersection ranges (algorithm) - algorithm

As example I have next arrays:
As intersect arrays we get:
Simple exercise for people but problem for creating algorithm that find second multidim array…
Any language, any ideas..
If somebody do not understand me:

I'll assume you wish to output any range that has 2 or more overlapping intervals.
So the output for [1,5], [2,4], [3,3] will be (only) [2,4].
The basic idea here is to use a sweep-line algorithm.
Split the ranges into start- and end-points.
Sort the points.
Now iterate through the points with a counter variable initialized to 0.
If you get a start-point:
Increase the counter.
If the counter's value is now 2, record that point as the start-point for a range in the output.
If you get an end-point
Decrease the counter.
If the counter's value is 1, record that point as the end-point for a range in the output.
If a start-point and an end-point have the same value, you'll need to process the end-point first if the counter is 1 and the start-point first if the counter is 2 or greater, otherwise you'll end up with a 0-size range or a 0-size gap between two ranges in the output.
This should be fairly simple to do by having a set of the following structure:
int startCount
int endCount
int value
Then you combine all points with the same value into one such element, setting the counts appropriately.
Running time:
O(n log n)
[100, 192]
[235, 280]
[129, 267]
(S for start, E for end)
Points | | 100 | 129 | 192 | 235 | 267 | 280 |
Type | | Start | Start | End | Start | End | End |
Count | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Output | | | [129, | 192] | [235, | 267] | |

This is python implementation of intersection algorithm. Its computcomputational complexity O(n^2).
a = [[100,192],[235,280],[129,267]]
def get_intersections(diapasons):
intersections = []
for d in diapasons:
for check in diapasons:
if d == check:
if d[0] >= check[0] and d[0] <= check[1]:
right = d[1]
if check[1] < d[1]:
right = check[1]
intersections.append([d[0], right])
return intersections
print get_intersections(a)


Data structure to achieve random delete and insert where elements are weighted in [a,b]

I would like to design a data structure and algorithm such that, given an array of elements, where each element has a weight according to [a,b], I can achieve constant time insertion and deletion. The deletion is performed randomly where the probability of an element being deleted is proportional to its weight.
I do not believe there is a deterministic algorithm that can achieve both operations in constant time, but I think there are there randomized algorithms that should be can accomplish this?
I don't know if O(1) worst-case time is impossible; I don't see any particular reason it should be. But it's definitely possible to have a simple data structure which achieves O(1) expected time.
The idea is to store a dynamic array of pairs (or two parallel arrays), where each item is paired with its weight; insertion is done by appending in O(1) amortised time, and an element can be removed by index by swapping it with the last element so that it can be removed from the end of the array in O(1) time. To sample a random element from the weighted distribution, choose a random index and generate a random number in the half-open interval [0, 2); if it is less than the element's weight, select the element at that index, otherwise repeat this process until an element is selected. The idea is that each index is equally likely to be chosen, and the probability it gets kept rather than rejected is proportional to its weight.
This is a Las Vegas algorithm, meaning it is expected to complete in a finite time, but with very low probability it can take arbitrarily long to complete. The number of iterations required to sample an element will be highest when every weight is exactly 1, in which case it follows a geometric distribution with parameter p = 1/2, so its expected value is 2, a constant which is independent of the number of elements in the data structure.
In general, if all weights are in an interval [a, b] for real numbers 0 < a <= b, then the expected number of iterations is at most b/a. This is always a constant, but it is potentially a large constant (i.e. it takes many iterations to select a single sample) if the lower bound a is small relative to b.
This is not an answer per se, but just a tiny example to illustrate the algorithm devised by #kaya3
| value | weight |
| v1 | 1.0 |
| v2 | 1.5 |
| v3 | 1.5 |
| v4 | 2.0 |
| v5 | 1.0 |
| total | 7.0 |
The total weight is 7.0. It's easy to maintain in O(1) by storing it in some memory and increasing/decreasing at each insertion/removal.
The probability of each element is simply it's weight divided by total weight.
| value | proba |
| v1 | 1.0/7 | 0.1428...
| v2 | 1.5/7 | 0.2142...
| v3 | 1.5/7 | 0.2142...
| v4 | 2.0/7 | 0.2857...
| v5 | 1.0/7 | 0.1428...
Using the algorithm of #kaya3, if we draw a random index, then the probability of each value is 1/size (1/5 here).
The chance of being rejected is 50% for v1, 25% for v2 and 0% for v4. So at first round, the probability to be selected are:
| value | proba |
| v1 | 2/20 | 0.10
| v2 | 3/20 | 0.15
| v3 | 3/20 | 0.15
| v4 | 4/20 | 0.20
| v5 | 2/20 | 0.10
| total | 14/20 | (70%)
Then the proba of having a 2nd round is 30%, and the proba of each index is 6/20/5 = 3/50
| value | proba 2 rounds |
| v1 | 2/20 + 6/200 | 0.130
| v2 | 3/20 + 9/200 | 0.195
| v3 | 3/20 + 9/200 | 0.195
| v4 | 4/20 + 12/200 | 0.260
| v5 | 2/20 + 6/200 | 0.130
| total | 14/20 + 42/200 | (91%)
The proba to have a 3rd round is 9%, that is 9/500 for each index
| value | proba 3 rounds |
| v1 | 2/20 + 6/200 + 18/2000 | 0.1390
| v2 | 3/20 + 9/200 + 27/2000 | 0.2085
| v3 | 3/20 + 9/200 + 27/2000 | 0.2085
| v4 | 4/20 + 12/200 + 36/2000 | 0.2780
| v5 | 2/20 + 6/200 + 18/2000 | 0.1390
| total | 14/20 + 42/200 + 126/2000 | (97,3%)
So we see that the serie is converging to the correct probabilities. The numerators are multiple of the weight, so it's clear that the relative weight of each element is respected.
This is a sketch of an answer.
With weights only 1, we can maintain a random permutation of the inputs.
Each time an element is inserted, put it at the end of the array, then pick a random position i in the array, and swap the last element with the element at position i.
(It may well be a no-op if the random position turns out to be the last one.)
When deleting, just delete the last element.
Assuming we can use a dynamic array with O(1) (worst case or amortized) insertion and deletion, this does both insertion and deletion in O(1).
With weights 1 and 2, the similar structure may be used.
Perhaps each element of weight 2 should be put twice instead of once.
Perhaps when an element of weight 2 is deleted, its other copy should also be deleted.
So we should in fact store indices instead of the elements, and another array, locations, which stores and tracks the two indices for each element. The swaps should keep this locations array up-to-date.
Deleting an arbitrary element can be done in O(1) similarly to inserting: swap with the last one, delete the last one.

How to mark the min and the max values in an Open Office Calc column?

I have a table like this:
| A | B |
| a | 5 | <- max, should be red
| b | 1 | <- min, should be green
| c | 0 | <- zero, should not count
| d | 1 | <- min, should be green
| e | 3 |
| f | 5 | <- max, should be red
| g | 4 |
| h | 0 | <- zero, should not count
The objective is to get the maximum values formatted red and the minimum values green. The cells with the value 0 should not count (as minimum value).
I tried conditional formatting with following rules:
Condition 1
Formula is: MAX(E2:E40)
Cell Style: max
Condition 2
Formula is: MINIFS(E2:E40;E2:E40;">0")
Cell Style: max
But the result is, that all cells with value > 0 get marked red.
How to mark the greatest and the lowest values in a column and ignore the cells with a defined value?
The trick with conditional formatting is that the current cell is referenced by the first cell, not by a range of cells. That is, E2 refers to the current cell, applying to E3, E4 and so on throughout the conditionally formatted range.
References in formulas change for each cell unless they are fixed with $, so in the formula below, $E2 is used to fix the reference to column E (because the value is in column E even when we're formatting column D) but lets the reference to row 2 change for each row that needs to be formatted. In contrast, the range to check for min and max values should not change no matter what the current cell, so that is $E$2:$E$40.
Anyway, whether you followed that explanation or not, here are the two formulas.
$E2 = MAX($E$2:$E$40)
$E2 = MINIFS($E$2:$E$40;$E$2:$E$40;">0")

Max sum in the vector, according to the condition, which is defined by another vector

I have 2 variables in the data.frame: a, b.
I need to find the max sum of a, where sum of b = x.
Ok, for example:
| a | b |
|401| 2 |
|380| 3 |
|380| 2 |
|370| 1 |
So, for sum(b)=1, max(sum(a)) = 370, for sum(b)=2, max(sum(a))=401 etc.
How can I find a solution to this problem?
Not sure that this problem can be solved using linear programming

Kernel density estimation julia

I am trying to implement a kernel density estimation. However my code does not provide the answer it should. It is also written in julia but the code should be self explanatory.
Here is the algorithm:
So the algorithm tests whether the distance between x and an observation X_i weighted by some constant factor (the binwidth) is less then one. If so, it assigns 0.5 / (n * h) to that value, where n = #of observations.
Here is my implementation:
#Kernel density function.
#Purpose: estimate the probability density function (pdf)
#of given observations
##param data: observations for which the pdf should be estimated
##return: returns an array with the estimated densities
function kernelDensity(data)
| #Uniform kernel function.
| ##param x: Current x value
| ##param X_i: x value of observation i
| ##param width: binwidth
| ##return: Returns 1 if the absolute distance from
| #x(current) to x(observation) weighted by the binwidth
| #is less then 1. Else it returns 0.
| function uniformKernel(x, observation, width)
| | u = ( x - observation ) / width
| | abs ( u ) <= 1 ? 1 : 0
| end
| #number of observations in the data set
| n = length(data)
| #binwidth (set arbitraily to 0.1
| h = 0.1
| #vector that stored the pdf
| res = zeros( Real, n )
| #counter variable for the loop
| counter = 0
| #lower and upper limit of the x axis
| start = floor(minimum(data))
| stop = ceil (maximum(data))
| #main loop
| ##linspace: divides the space from start to stop in n
| #equally spaced intervalls
| for x in linspace(start, stop, n)
| | counter += 1
| | for observation in data
| | |
| | | #count all observations for which the kernel
| | | #returns 1 and mult by 0.5 because the
| | | #kernel computed the absolute difference which can be
| | | #either positive or negative
| | | res[counter] += 0.5 * uniformKernel(x, observation, h)
| | end
| | #devide by n times h
| | res[counter] /= n * h
| end
| #return results
| res
#run function
##rand: generates 10 uniform random numbers between 0 and 1
and this is being returned:
> 0.0
> 1.5
> 2.5
> 1.0
> 1.5
> 1.0
> 0.0
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.0
the sum of which is: 8.5 (The cumulative distibution function. Should be 1.)
So there are two bugs:
The values are not properly scaled. Each number should be around one tenth of their current values. In fact, if the number of observation increases by 10^n n = 1, 2, ... then the cdf also increases by 10^n
For example:
> kernelDensity(rand(1000))
> 953.53
They don't sum up to 10 (or one if it were not for the scaling error). The error becomes more evident as the sample size increases: there are approx. 5% of the observations not being included.
I believe that I implemented the formula 1:1, hence I really don't understand where the error is.
I'm not an expert on KDEs, so take all of this with a grain of salt, but a very similar (but much faster!) implementation of your code would be:
function kernelDensity{T<:AbstractFloat}(data::Vector{T}, h::T)
res = similar(data)
lb = minimum(data); ub = maximum(data)
for (i,x) in enumerate(linspace(lb, ub, size(data,1)))
for obs in data
res[i] += abs((obs-x)/h) <= 1. ? 0.5 : 0.
res[i] /= (n*h)
If I'm not mistaken, the density estimate should integrate to 1, that is we would expect kernelDensity(rand(100), 0.1)/100 to get at least close to 1. In the implementation above I'm getting there, give or take 5%, but then again we don't know that 0.1 is the optimal bandwith (using h=0.135 instead I'm getting there to within 0.1%), and the uniform Kernel is known to only be about 93% "efficient".
In any case, there's a very good Kernel Density package in Julia available here, so you probably should just do Pkg.add("KernelDensity") instead of trying to code your own Epanechnikov kernel :)
To point out the mistake: You have n bins B_i of size 2h covering [0,1], a random point X lands in expected number of bins. You divide by 2 n h.
For n points, the expected value of your function is .
Actually, you have some bins of size < 2h. (for example if start = 0, half of first the bin is outside of [0,1]), factoring this in gives the bias.
Edit: Btw, the bias is easy to calculate if you assume that the bins have random locations in [0,1]. Then the bins are on average missing h/2 = 5% of their size.

Number of n-element permutations with exactly k inversions

I am trying to efficiently solve SPOJ Problem 64: Permutations.
Let A = [a1,a2,...,an] be a permutation of integers 1,2,...,n. A pair
of indices (i,j), 1<=i<=j<=n, is an inversion of the permutation A if
ai>aj. We are given integers n>0 and k>=0. What is the number of
n-element permutations containing exactly k inversions?
For instance, the number of 4-element permutations with exactly 1
inversion equals 3.
To make the given example easier to see, here are the three 4-element permutations with exactly 1 inversion:
(1, 2, 4, 3)
(1, 3, 2, 4)
(2, 1, 3, 4)
In the first permutation, 4 > 3 and the index of 4 is less than the index of 3. This is a single inversion. Since the permutation has exactly one inversion, it is one of the permutations that we are trying to count.
For any given sequence of n elements, the number of permutations is factorial(n). Thus if I use the brute force n2 way of counting the number of inversions for each permutation and then checking to see if they are equal to k, the solution to this problem would have the time complexity O(n! * n2).
Previous Research
A subproblem of this problem was previously asked here on StackOverflow. An O(n log n) solution using merge sort was given which counts the number of inversions in a single permutation. However, if I use that solution to count the number of inversions for each permutation, I would still get a time complexity of O(n! * n log n) which is still very high in my opinion.
This exact question was also asked previously on Stack Overflow but it received no answers.
My goal is to avoid the factorial complexity that comes from iterating through all permutations. Ideally I would like a mathematical formula that yields the answer to this for any n and k but I am unsure if one even exists.
If there is no math formula to solve this (which I kind of doubt) then I have also seen people giving hints that an efficient dynamic programming solution is possible. Using DP or another approach, I would really like to formulate a solution which is more efficient than O(n! * n log n), but I am unsure of where to start.
Any hints, comments, or suggestions are welcome.
EDIT: I have answered the problem below with a DP approach to computing Mahonian numbers.
The solution needs some explanations.
Let's denote the number of permutations with n items having exactly k inversions
by I(n, k)
Now I(n, 0) is always 1. For any n there exist one and only one permutation which has 0
inversions i.e., when the sequence is increasingly sorted
Now I(0, k) is always 0 since we don't have the sequence itself
Now to find the I(n, k) let's take an example of sequence containing 4 elements
for n = 4 below are the permutations enumerated and grouped by number of inversions
| 1234 | 1243 | 1342 | 1432 | 2431 | 3421 | 4321 |
| | 1324 | 1423 | 2341 | 3241 | 4231 | |
| | 2134 | 2143 | 2413 | 3412 | 4312 | |
| | | 2314 | 3142 | 4132 | | |
| | | 3124 | 3214 | 4213 | | |
| | | | 4123 | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|I(4,0)=1 |I(4,1)=3 |I(4,2)=5 |I(4,3)=6 |I(4,4)=5 |I(4,5)=3 |I(4,6)=1 |
| | | | | | | |
Now to find the number of permutation with n = 5 and for every possible k
we can derive recurrence I(5, k) from I(4, k) by inserting the nth (largest)
element(5) somewhere in each permutation in the previous permutations,
so that the resulting number of inversions is k
for example, I(5,4) is nothing but the number of permutations of the sequence {1,2,3,4,5}
which has exactly 4 inversions each.
Let's observe I(4, k) now above until column k = 4 the number of inversions is <= 4
Now lets place the element 5 as shown below
| |5|1234 | 1|5|243 | 13|5|42 | 143|5|2 | 2431|5| | 3421 | 4321 |
| | 1|5|324 | 14|5|23 | 234|5|1 | 3241|5| | 4231 | |
| | 2|5|134 | 21|5|43 | 241|5|3 | 3412|5| | 4312 | |
| | | 23|5|14 | 314|5|4 | 4132|5| | | |
| | | 31|5|24 | 321|5|4 | 4213|5| | | |
| | | | 412|5|3 | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 1 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 5 | | |
| | | | | | | |
Each of the above permutation which contains 5 has exactly 4 inversions.
So the total permutation with 4 inversions I(5,4) = I(4,4) + I(4,3) + I(4,2) + I(4,1) + I(4,0)
= 1 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 20
Similarly for I(5,5) from I(4,k)
| 1234 | |5|1243 | 1|5|342 | 14|5|32 | 243|5|1 | 3421|5| | 4321 |
| | |5|1324 | 1|5|423 | 23|5|41 | 324|5|1 | 4231|5| | |
| | |5|2134 | 2|5|143 | 24|5|13 | 341|5|2 | 4312|5| | |
| | | 2|5|314 | 31|5|44 | 413|5|2 | | |
| | | 3|5|124 | 32|5|14 | 421|5|3 | | |
| | | | 41|5|23 | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | 3 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | |
| | | | | | | |
So the total permutation with 5 inversions I(5,5) = I(4,5) + I(4,4) + I(4,3) + I(4,2) + I(4,1)
= 3 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 3 = 22
So I(n, k) = sum of I(n-1, k-i) such that i < n && k-i >= 0
Also, k can go up to n*(n-1)/2 this occurs when the sequence is sorted in decreasing order
#include <stdio.h>
int dp[100][100];
int inversions(int n, int k)
if (dp[n][k] != -1) return dp[n][k];
if (k == 0) return dp[n][k] = 1;
if (n == 0) return dp[n][k] = 0;
int j = 0, val = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n && k-j >= 0; j++)
val += inversions(n-1, k-j);
return dp[n][k] = val;
int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t--) {
int n, k, i, j;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= k; j++)
dp[i][j] = -1;
printf("%d\n", inversions(n, k));
return 0;
It's one day later and I have managed to solve the problem using dynamic programming. I submitted it and my code was was accepted by SPOJ so I figure I'll share my knowledge here for anyone who is interested in the future.
After looking in the Wikipedia page which discusses inversion in discrete mathematics, I found an interesting recommendation at the bottom of the page.
Numbers of permutations of n elements with k inversions; Mahonian
numbers: A008302
I clicked on the link to OEIS and it showed me an infinite sequence of integers called the Triangle of Mahonian numbers.
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 5, 3, 1, 1, 4, 9, 15, 20, 22, 20, 15,
9, 4, 1, 1, 5, 14, 29, 49, 71, 90, 101, 101, 90, 71, 49, 29, 14, 5, 1,
1, 6, 20, 49, 98, 169, 259, 359, 455, 531, 573, 573, 531, 455, 359,
259, 169, 98, 49, 20, 6, 1 . . .
I was curious about what these numbers were since they seemed familiar to me. Then I realized that I had seen the subsequence 1, 3, 5, 6, 5, 3, 1 before. In fact, this was the answer to the problem for several pairs of (n, k), namely (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6). I looked at what was on both sides of this subsequence and was amazed to see that it was all valid (i.e. greater than 0 permutations) answers for n < 4 and n > 4.
The formula for the sequence was given as:
coefficients in expansion of Product_{i=0..n-1} (1+x+...+x^i)
This was easy enough for me to understand and verify. I could basically take any n and plug into the formula. Then the coefficient for the xk term would be the answer for (n, k).
I will show an example for n = 3.
(x0)(x0 + 1)(x0 + x1 + x2)
= (1)(1 + x)(1 + x + x2)
= (1 + x)(1 + x + x2)
= 1 + x + x + x2 + x2 + x3
= 1 + 2x + 2x2 + x3
The final expansion was 1 + 2x + 2x2 + x3 and the coefficients of the xk terms were 1, 2, 2, and 1 for k = 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively. This just happens to be all valid numbers of inversions for 3-element permutations.
1, 2, 2, 1 is the 3rd row of the Mahonian numbers when they are laid out in a table as follows:
1 1
1 2 2 1
1 3 5 6 5 3 1
So basically computing my answer came down to simply calculating the nth Mahonian row and taking the kth element with k starting at 0 and printing 0 if the index was out of range. This was a simple case of bottom-up dynamic programming since each ith row could be used to easily compute the i+1st row.
Given below is the Python solution I used which ran in only 0.02 seconds. The maximum time limit for this problem was 3 seconds for their given test cases and I was getting a timeout error before so I think this optimization is rather good.
def mahonian_row(n):
'''Generates coefficients in expansion of
Product_{i=0..n-1} (1+x+...+x^i)
**Requires that n is a positive integer'''
# Allocate space for resulting list of coefficients?
# Initialize them all to zero?
#max_zero_holder = [0] * int(1 + (n * 0.5) * (n - 1))
# Current max power of x i.e. x^0, x^0 + x^1, x^0 + x^1 + x^2, etc.
# i + 1 is current row number we are computing
i = 1
# Preallocate result
# Initialize to answer for n = 1
result = [1]
while i < n:
# Copy previous row of n into prev
prev = result[:]
# Get space to hold (i+1)st row
result = [0] * int(1 + ((i + 1) * 0.5) * (i))
# Initialize multiplier for this row
m = [1] * (i + 1)
# Multiply
for j in range(len(m)):
for k in range(len(prev)):
result[k+j] += m[j] * prev[k]
# Result now equals mahonian_row(i+1)
# Possibly should be memoized?
i = i + 1
return result
def main():
t = int(raw_input())
for _ in xrange(t):
n, k = (int(s) for s in raw_input().split())
row = mahonian_row(n)
if k < 0 or k > len(row) - 1:
print 0
print row[k]
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have no idea of the time complexity but I am absolutely certain this code can be improved through memoization since there are 10 given test cases and the computations for previous test cases can be used to "cheat" on future test cases. I will make that optimization in the future, but hopefully this answer in its current state will help anyone attempting this problem in the future since it avoids the naive factorial-complexity approach of generating and iterating through all permutations.
If there is a dynamic programming solution, there is probably a way to do it step by step, using the results for permutations of length n to help with the results for permutations of length n+1.
Given a permutation of length n - values 1-n, you can get a permutation of length n+1 by adding value (n+1) at n+1 possible positions. (n+1) is larger than any of 1-n so the number of inversions you create when you do this depends on where you add it - add it at the last position and you create no inversions, add it at the last but one position and you create one inversion, and so on - look back at the n=4 cases with one inversion to check this.
So if you consider one of n+1 places where you can add (n+1) if you add it at place j counting from the right so the last position as position 0 the number of permutations with K inversions this creates is the number of permutations with K-j inversions on n places.
So if at each step you count the number of permutations with K inversions for all possible K you can update the number of permutations with K inversions for length n+1 using the number of permutations with K inversions for length n.
A major problem in computing these coefficients is the size of the order of the resultant product. The polynomial Product i=1,2,..,n {(1+x).(1+x+x^2)....(1+x+x^2+..+x^i)+...(1+x+x^2+...+x^n) will have an order equivalent to n*(n+1). Consequently, this puts a restrictive computational limit on the process. If we use a process where the previous results for the Product for n-1 are used in the process for computation of the Product for n, we are looking at the storage of (n-1)*n integers. It is possible to use a recursive process, which will be much slower, and again it is limited to integers less than the square root of the common size of the integer. The following is some rough and ready recursive code for this problem. The function mahonian(r,c) returns the c th coefficient for the r th Product. But again it is extremely slow for large Products greater than 100 or so. Running this it can be seen that recursion is clearly not the answer.
unsigned int numbertheory::mahonian(unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
unsigned int result=0;
unsigned int k;
if(r==0 && c==0)
return 1;
if( r==0 && c!=0)
return 0;
for(k=0; k <= r; k++)
if(r > 0 && c >=k)
result = result + mahonian(r-1,c-k);
return result;
As a matter of interest I have included the following which is a c++ version of Sashank which is lot more faster than my recursion example. Note I use the armadillo library.
uvec numbertheory::mahonian_row(uword n){
uword i = 2;
uvec current;
uword current_size;
uvec prev;
uword prev_size;
return current;
while (i <= n){ // increment through the rows
prev_size=current.size(); // reset prev size to current size
prev.set_size(prev_size); // set size of prev vector
prev= current; //copy contents of current to prev vector
current_size =1+ (i*(i+1)/2); // reset current_size
current.zeros(current_size); // reset current vector with zeros
for(uword j=0;j<i+1; j++) //increment through current vector
for(uword k=0; k < prev_size;k++)
current(k+j) += prev(k);
i++; //increment to next row
return current; //return current vector
uword numbertheory::mahonian_fast(uword n, uword c) {
**This function returns the coefficient of c order of row n of
**the Mahonian numbers
// check for input errors
if(c >= 1+ (n*(n+1)/2)) {
cout << "Error. Invalid input parameters" << endl;
uvec mahonian;
mahonian.zeros(1+ (n*(n+1)/2));
mahonian = mahonian_row(n);
return mahonian(c);
We can make use to dynamic programming to solve this problem. we have n place to fill with numbers to from 1 to n, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ take n=7, then at very first place we can achieve atmost n-1 inversion and at least 0 , similarly for second place we can achieve atmost n-2 inversion and at least 0, in general, we can achieve atmost n-i inversions at ith index, irrespective of the choice of number we place before.
our recursive formula will look like :
f(n,k) = f(n-1,k) + f(n-1,k-1) + f(n-1,k-2) ............. f(n-1,max(0,k-(n-1))
no inversion one inversion two inversion n-1 inversion
we can achieve 0 inversions by placing smallest of the remaining number from the set (1,n)
1 inversion by placing second smallest and so on,
base condition for our recursive formula will be.
if( i==0 && k==0 ) return 1(valid permutation)
if( i==0 && k!=0 ) return 0 (invalid permutation).
if we draw recursion tree we will see subproblems repeated multiple times, Hence use memoization to reduce complexity to O(n*k).
