Storing booking items information in session array of codeigniter - codeigniter

I wanted to store booking items such as
--> pid =1, qty=3
--> pid=5, qty=4
and so on
in codeigniter session.
I am finding it difficult and i am running out of deadline. Helping hands are very much appreciated.

I have made an example special for you. Suppouse it will helps
$data = array();
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i++)
$data[] = array('pid' => $i, 'qty' => $i);
$this->session->set_userdata('order_data', $data);
and output your result will be shown in session like these :
[order_data] => Array
[0] => Array
[pid] => 1
[qty] => 1
[1] => Array
[pid] => 2
[qty] => 2
[2] => Array
[pid] => 3
[qty] => 3
[3] => Array
[pid] => 4
[qty] => 4
[4] => Array
[pid] => 5
[qty] => 5
If you want to call only these data (booking data) then call
you can free use it in foreach for view like
foreach ($this->session->userdata['order_data'] as $key => $value)


Echo from foreach

i have model that return
return array(
'senin'=> $senin->result(),
'selasa'=> $selasa->result(),
'rabu'=> $rabu->result()
and controller
$data['ot'] = $this->genbamodel->getOt();
in my view, i use 'foreach $ot as key' and when i tried to print_r($key) the result like this
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id_genba] => 1 [hari] => Tuesday [shift1] => 2 [shift2] => 0 ))
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id_genba] => 1 [hari] => Wednesday [shift1] => 1 [shift2] => 2 ))
how to get just shift1 = 2 and shift2 = 0 (from second array / hari=>Tuesday ??
I don't think you need the foreach loop to access those values. To get just the second record, you can do the below.

how to make multi dimension array from sql return rows in codeigniter

how to make multi dimension array from sql return rows in codeigniter.
return values from model holding all values in $res.
$res = $this->user_model->get_room_book_join(['rooms.hotel_id' => 1]);
if ($res) {
echo '<pre>';
I getting this type of array.this type can not helping me.
Array( [0] => Array
[room_id] => 1
[room_no] => 101
[room_desc] => Double Bed Deluxe Non Air Conditioned
[status] => available
[category_id] => 1
[hotel_id] => 1
[tariff_type] => normal
[room_rate] => 1000
[persons] => 0
[date_start] => 0000-00-00
[date_end] => 0000-00-00
[overview_id] => 1
[rom_id] => 1
[hot_id] => 1
[cus_id] => 2
[bok_id] => 2
[dates] => 2017-04-12
[1] => Array
[room_id] => 2
[room_no] => 101
[room_desc] => Double Bed Deluxe Non Air Conditioned
[status] => available
[category_id] => 1
[hotel_id] => 1
[tariff_type] => normal
[room_rate] => 1000
[persons] => 0
[date_start] => 0000-00-00
[date_end] => 0000-00-00
[overview_id] => 1
[rom_id] => 1
[hot_id] => 1
[cus_id] => 2
[bok_id] => 2
[dates] => 2017-04-13
Actually I want this type of can i make it.please help advance thanks.
Hi, you can try this code, this may help you
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result_array();
foreach($result as $res){
//echo ""; print_r($actual_array);
return $actual_array;
try this
// after if ($res) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
$res[$i] = array(
'room_id' => $res[$i]['room_id'],
'dates' => array($res[$i]['date_start'],$res[$i]['date_end'])

How can I sort an array by specific value containing class object inside it?

I want to sort this array by product price in ascending order. How can I do this?
[0] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 16
[product_name] => Ferrari 4802
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 1
[product_price] => 2560
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
[1] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 15
[product_name] => Laborghini urus
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 2
[product_price] => 500
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
[2] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 14
[product_name] => Laborghini hurican023
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 4
[product_price] => 50
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
Because the array is generated by a database query you can easily have the query do the sorting for you.
You don't show your model code but assuming you are using Query Builder (a.k.a. Active Record) you need the following in your model before you execute $this->db->get().
$this->db->order_by('product_price', 'ASC');
Here is some example code showing a full query. It assumes the table is named 'products', you want to select all the table's fields, and you want only a particular 'category_id'.
In the Model file:
public function product_by_category($category)
$query = $this->db
->where('category_id', $category)
->order_by('product_price', 'ASC')
//return all records or NULL if no records are found
return $query->num_rows() > 0 ? $query->result() : NULL;

Get the ordered product size and color in order items admin grid in Magento 1.9.2

I am showing a list of items ordered from all the orders from 'sales_flat_order_item table' in Magneto 1.9.2. I get the name, SKU, and all other values from the following collection.
protected function _prepareCollection() {
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->join(array('o' => 'sales_flat_order'), 'main_table.order_id = o.entity_id', array('increment_id','created_at'));
return $this;
Now I want to get the size and color of the item ordered. I am new to Magento, so I have no clue where I can get these values from.
You can access them in sales_flat_order_item table collection.
$data = $collection->getData();
$optionsData = unserialize($data['product_options']);
echo "<pre>";print_r($optionsData);
// check the [attributes_info] for the custom options
The data in product_options is serialized, so if you unserialize it you end up with something like below :
[info_buyRequest] => Array
[uenc] => aHR0cDovLzUwLjU2LjIxMy4xNTcvbWVuL3RlZXMta25pdHMtYW5kLXBvbG9zL2NoZWxzZWEtdGVlLTUxNC5odG1sP29wdGlvbnM9Y2FydA,,
[product] => 409
[related_product] =>
[super_attribute] => Array
[92] => 20
[180] => 80
[qty] => 6
[return_url] =>
[attributes_info] => Array
[0] => Array
[label] => Color
[value] => Black
[1] => Array
[label] => Size
[value] => S
[simple_name] => Chelsea Tee
[simple_sku] => mtk004
[product_calculations] => 1
[shipment_type] => 0
[giftcard_lifetime] =>
[giftcard_is_redeemable] => 0
[giftcard_email_template] =>
[giftcard_type] =>

How to merge multiple arrays in PHP and output the values together?

I have a situation while developing an application on Laravel. I have three arrays in the following order. I need to merge them and display their values in the following order too. Here , it goes.
I need to merge these three arrays and display the out put in this order.
stone_info = array(stone_name[0] , stone_weight[0] , stone_rate[0]);
So that the final result will be like :
stone_info = array("ruby",112,1000);
I was in the same situation and I had done it in this way. May be this can help you out.
$stone_name = ['ruby','diamond','catseye'];
$stone_weight = [112,223,445];
$stone_rate = [1000,2500,670];
$result = mergeArrays($stone_name, $stone_weight, $stone_rate);
function mergeArrays($stone_name, $stone_weight, $stone_rate) {
$result = array();
foreach ($stone_name as $key => $name ) {
$result[] = array( 'stone_name' => $name, 'stone_weight' => $stone_weight[$key], 'stone_rate' => $stone_rate[ $key ] );
return $result;
[0] => Array
[stone_name] => ruby
[stone_weight] => 112
[stone_rate] => 1000
[1] => Array
[stone_name] => diamond
[stone_weight] => 223
[stone_rate] => 2500
[2] => Array
[stone_name] => catseye
[stone_weight] => 445
[stone_rate] => 670
