gradle tar include nested files at top level - gradle

In gradle (1.9), I have multiple subprojects. Each one uses the application plugin to create a tar and cli. I am trying to get all these tars into a unified tar, but I am having a lot of trouble.
Here is the tar format I am looking for:
I have tried using both the Tar task and the distribution plugin, but for each one, I am not able to find a clean way to just get the generated tars (or any tar), and put them at top level, excluding everything else.
Here is a sample using the distirbution pluging, but its not giving the output I like
apply plugin: 'distribution'
distributions {
testing {
contents {
exclude "*src*"
exclude "*idea*"
exclude "*.jar"
exclude ".MF"
filesMatching("**/build/distributions/*.tar") {
if( == "${}-testing.tar") {
} else {
Here is what I would like (but not working):
apply plugin: 'distribution'
distributions {
testing {
contents {
include "**/*.tar" // shows up at top level
Getting closer.
distributions {
testing {
contents {
from subprojects.buildDir
includeEmptyDirs false
include "**/*.tar"
exclude "**/${}-testing.tar"
This will give me ${}/distribution/${}.tar

Here is the solution for your problem. Put the following to the root project:
task distTar(type: Tar) {
destinationDir = new File("$buildDir/distributions")
baseName = 'unifiedTar'
subprojects {
// definitions common to subprojects...
afterEvaluate {
def distTar = tasks.findByName('distTar')
if(distTar) {
rootProject.distTar.dependsOn distTar
rootProject.distTar.inputs.file distTar.archivePath
rootProject.distTar.from distTar.archivePath
then invoke "build distTar" on the root project - it will assemble "unifiedTar.tar" in "build/distributions" subfolder (of the root project).
How it works:
"task distTar(...)" declares a new task of type Tar in the root project.
"subprojects" applies the specified closure to each subproject.
"afterEvaluate" ensures that the specified closure is called AFTER the current project (in this case subproject) is evaluated. This is very important, because we are going to use properties of the subproject which are defined only after it's evaluation.
"tasks.findByName" allows us to determine, whether the given task is defined for given project. If not, it returns null and the following code is not performed. This way we stay agnostic regarding the nature of the subproject.
"dependsOn" ensures that distTar of the root project depends on distTar of the given project (and, therefore, is executed later than it).
"inputs.file" ensures that distTar on root project is not executed, if none of the constituent tars has changed.
"from" adds constituent tar to unified tar.


How to include some deps and source codes in Gradle conditionally

In a Maven project, it is easy to add extra deps and include extra source codes via defining a new Maven profile.
How to do the following things in a Gradle project.
Includes extra deps
Includes another source codes directory
And for example, use an extra property existence(eg. add to command line) to decide to activate it or not. I am not sure the best way in Gradle world.
I am not recommending your approach.
But it can be done via - project properties from gradle command line and groovy if (condition) { } for dependencies and multiple sourceset defs
on command line
gradle build -PbProfile=extra1
ext.buildFlag = 'default'
if (project.hasProperty('bProfile')) {
ext.buildFlag = property('bProfile')
println "running profile - ${buildFlag}"
dependencies {
if ("extra1".equals(buildFlag)) {
//extra deps
if ("extra1".equals(buildFlag)) {
//custom sourceset def
} // more else if needed
I use conditionally applied sub-configurations. This is done thru the apply from directive:
if (project.hasProperty('browsers')) {
ext.browsers.split(',').each {
def browser = it.trim()
if (browser) {
apply from: "${browser}Deps.gradle"
This block checks for specification of the browsers property (either from or the -P command line argument). If this property is defined, I split the property's value on commas and apply sub-configurations whose names conform to the pattern <browser>Deps.gradle.
The project in which I use this pattern is here

What is the syntax for a gradle subproject task depending on a parent project's task?

I need some help with a Gradle build file. I have some subprojects which depend on tasks in the top folder. I just need to take a test task and split it into two separate test tasks. Currently the file system structure looks like (tab indicates files inside a directory):
Contents of A.gradle (before refactor):
subprojects {
tasks.test.dependsOn {
apply from: 'B.gradle'
Contents of C.gradle (before refactor):
test {
After the refactor, C.gradle needs to look like:
test {
task runDifferentTests(type : Test) {
The tricky part is that C.gradle's test task currently depends on bTask. However, after the refactor, C.gradle's test task should not depend on bTask, but the new runDifferentTests task should depend on bTask. (Currently, D.gradle's test task is marked as depending on bTask, but it does not actually depend on it -- I'd like to remove that dependency. The only task in the two subprojects which depends on bTask is the new runDifferentTests task.)
I've tried some different things but can't seem to find a working solution.
Just remove the declaration in subprojects and declare your dependency directly in the subproject, in C.gradle:
runDifferentTests.dependsOn rootProject.bTask
There are a few syntax solutions here:
runDifferentTests.dependsOn (":bTask")
runDifferentTests.dependsOn rootProject.bTask
task runDifferentTests(type : Test, dependsOn: [":bTask"]) {
task runDifferentTests(type : Test) {
dependsOn rootProject.bTask
//in the root build.gradle to apply to all subprojects at once.
subprojects {
runDifferentTests.dependsOn (":bTask")
runDifferentTests.dependsOn {
tasks.findAll { task ->'bTask') }
: can be used to go a level up instead of rootProject depends on the preference and the project structure

Gradle copy and filter task not executed

We are filtering an xml file replacing some tokens with gradle properties.
But the filtering (i.e. copy task) is not executed when we just change the properties in our build.gradle file.
How should we modify our script so that the filtering is performed each time or at least when the template and/or the build.gradle has been modified.
This we have:
war.doFirst {
delete 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml'
copy {
from 'build.gradle'
from 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/'
into 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/'
include '*-template.*'
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace('-template', '')
expand(gaeApp: "$gaeApp", gaeAppVersion: "$gaeAppVersion")
I just ran some test where the filtering worked. I am confused... I am sure that it sometimes does not!
So after good input from Vampire we tried this
war {
inputs.file "build.gradle"
exclude 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml'
// filesMatching('src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/**/*-template.*') {
filesMatching('**/*-template.*') {
println "WAR template: $it"
rename { it.replace '-template', '' }
expand gaeApp: gaeApp, gaeAppVersion: gaeAppVersion
A dollar and a dime to anyone who can explain why the filesMatching('src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/**/*-template.*')does not work!
BUT the biggest problem is that even if the filesMatching locates the template file the appengine-web.xml that is placed inside the WAR is not a processed version of appengine-web-template.xml.
You need to add those properties to the inputs of the task like 'gaeApp', gaeApp 'gaeAppVersion', gaeAppVersion
so that gradle knows the input changed, otherwise it cannot know when the input is different.
But besides that, you should not (need not) use a copy { } block in there.
The war task itself is an implicit copy spec, so you should be able just doing something like
war { 'gaeApp', gaeApp 'gaeAppVersion', gaeAppVersion
exclude 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml'
filesMatching('src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/**/*-template.*') {
rename { it.replace '-template', '' }
expand gaeApp: gaeApp, gaeAppVersion: gaeAppVersion
This is what worked for us in the end.
We moved the template to 'src/template/webapp' and removed the "-template" suffix,
war {
inputs.file "build.gradle"
with copySpec {
from 'src/template/webapp'
expand gaeApp: gaeApp, gaeAppVersion: gaeAppVersion
Our problem with Vampire's solution must be related to the fact that the template file was in same directory as the file it was to replace.

How to copy files from some source path with gradle script?

I am trying to copy images for javadocs with gradle. Currenly images are located under
I refer these images with something like this
<img src="{#docRoot}/doc-files/images/myimage.jpg">
Now I wish to copy all content from under MYPROJECT/src/main/resources/doc-files/ into MYPROJECT/build/docs/javadoc/doc-files/ and I write in build.gradle:
javadoc << {
FileTree docFilesTree = fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources/doc-files')
copy {
from docFilesTree
into destinationDir
This has two problems:
1) It does nothing :)
2) It refers resources/doc-files/images/ explicitly, while I would like to deduce it from parameters. I failed to know how to use something from here:
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by you want to deduce resources/doc-files/images from its parameters.
However, if you want to copy files from one directory to another, you can create a task such as:
FileTree docFilesTree = fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources/doc-files')
task copyJavaDocSupportFiles(type: Copy) {
from docFilesTree
into 'build/docs/javadoc/doc-files/'
You can then add this dependency to a javadoc task such as:
task generateJavadocs(type: Javadoc, dependsOn: ['copyJavaDocSupportFiles']) {
source = sourceSets.main.allJava
When you run the generateJavadocs task, it will copy the files from src/main/resources/doc-files to build/docs/javadoc/doc-files

Gradle distribution - create an empty directory

Is there a way to add empty directories (e.g, "logs") when creating a distribution with the gradle distribution plugin?
I saw this JIRA, describing the exact same thing. It is still open
I wonder if there are any workarounds I can use. I don't quite understand the workarounds described in the jira.
Thank you.
So I managed to work around this by following the suggestion in the mentioned JIRA to create a dummy empty directory and then copy it to the distribution location.
It's ugly but works. I'm sure it can be written more efficiently though. This is the Copy block from inside distributions/main/contents:
into('') {
//create an empty 'logs' directory in distribution root
def logDirBase = new File('/tmp/app-dummy-dir')
def logDir = new File(logDirBase.absolutePath + '/logs')
from {logDirBase}
Based on Logato's own answer I've come up with the following code, which is more elegant and also closes the file pointer correctly (using the with context):
distributions {
main {
baseName = 'app'
contents {
into('') {
File.createTempDir().with {
def tmpLog = new File(absolutePath, 'logs')
println tmpLog.absolutePath
from (absolutePath) {
includeEmptyDirs = true
// ...
// ...
This seems odd answering this so late. But, there are 2 issues here.
We should really avoid creating empty directories. But, if we must...we must.
The previous examples attempt to create empty directories outside of the current project, which seems to go against the goal of most builds. We can avoid this and work more naturally within gradle by adding a custom task.
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'distribution'
group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
task createEmptyLogDir() {
ext {
buildDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir('empty_dirs')
doFirst {
File.createTempDir().with {
def dir = new File(buildDir.get().asFile, 'logs')
tasks.assembleDist.configure {
distributions {
main {
distributionBaseName = 'app'
contents {
into('lib') {
from tasks.jar
from tasks.createEmptyLogDir {
includeEmptyDirs = true
This has the advantage of building within the build directory, using task inputs/outputs for up-to-date checks, and cleaning up.
An important note is that we cannot just create the distribution with empty directories, alone. This will be seen as no source and up-to-date. So, I added the jar in this example. Tested with gradle 7.1.
