Spring 3 Autowire Bean which uses an Interface - spring

I have an Bean configured in my dispatcher-servlet.xml. In a class i can successfully inject this bean with the autowired annotation e.g.
class test {
TestBean testBean;
But as soon i add an interface with the "implements" keyword to the testbean, i get an IllegalArgumentException:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set com.test.TestBean field com.test.myclass.testBean to com.sun.proxy.$Proxy26.
When in remove the "implements" keyword, including the name of the interface, all works fine again.

You would need to provide more details, like the interface type and your context configuration, but the reason is the following. Spring, by default, uses JDK proxies to add AOP or decorator behavior, for example, for #Transactional or #Async.
JDK proxies only work with interface types, not with class types. Take this example
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Example example = new Example();
Proxied proxy = (Proxied) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Driver.class.getClassLoader(), example.getClass().getInterfaces(), new InvocationHandler() {
Example target = example;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
return method.invoke(example, args);
static class Example implements Proxied {
public void execute() {
System.out.println("Example executing.");
static interface Proxied {
void execute();
which prints
Example executing.
class com.spring.$Proxy0
class java.lang.reflect.Proxy
[interface com.spring.Driver$Proxied]
For the purpose of this example, Spring will take the Example bean (declared in a context), decide that it needs to proxy it, use the Example class' interfaces, and create whatever InvocationHandler it needs by referring to the bean as the target to invoke the method on.
What you need to take note of is that the object that is returned by Proxy.newProxyInstance(..) is not of type Example. It is of type Proxy and of whatever type the interfaces of Example are. That is why Spring cannot use the proxy object to set a field (through reflection) of type Example, or TestBean in your case.
Two ways to make it work. First, extract an interface from your class, if it doesn't have one already and use a field of the interface type.
Second, you can instead configure your context to use CGLIB proxies which can proxy by class type.

in XML:
<bean id="test" class="your.package.Test"/>
make sure Test is in your spring bean XML, you then can do
Test test;
thing to notice here is that you HAVE to intatiate your Test class.


#EnableAspectJAutoProxy deactivate my bean definition

I setting up a new Spring App(not spring boot) in IDEA,and manual download aspectjweaver,
writing the following code to practice aop.
A root configuration class is:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx=new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
Performance performance=ctx.getBean(WoodStock.class);
and the project layout is:
I want the Audience being the aspect of WoodStock(seeing it in spring in action)
public class Audience {
#Before("execution(* com.dawn.www.music.Performance.performance(..))")
public void silenceCellPhones(){
System.out.println("-----------Silencing cell phones");
Performance is a simple interface which implements by WoodStock
public interface Performance {
void performance();
public class WoodStock implements Performance{
public void performance() {
System.out.println("WoodStock Performance start,singer singing+++++");
#ComponentScan should find theWoodStockbean which is defined in application context,however when I run it:
No qualifying bean of type 'com.dawn.www.music.WoodStock' available
but when I comment out #EnableAspectJAutoProxy, WoodStock can be fetched from
application context?that's why?
When you are using #EnableAspecjAutoProxy, spring will automatically
create proxy for all the matching beans(i.e. WoodStock via Audience aspect).
Now, Since you haven't used 'proxyTargetClass=true' on
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy, it will fall back on JDK proxy instead of
JDK proxy is interface based, hence your proxy is of type
Thats the reason you are getting 'No qualifying bean of type
'com.dawn.www.music.WoodStock' available' when you try to find bean
using WoodStock type
Now, after commenting out #EnableAspectJAutoProxy, WoodStock becomes a
simple bean and is accessible via ctx.getBean(..)
with 'proxyTargetClass=true', CGLIB proxy is enabled and it creates
proxy of type WoodStock
Use 'proxyTargetClass=true' with ctx.getBean(WoodStock.class)
Use 'proxyTargetClass=false' with ctx.getBean(Performance.class)
Performance performance=ctx.getBean(Performance.class);
Spring Aop only support Interface-level proxy when not using CGLIB,so don't use class,use interface.

No qualifying bean of type [org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender] while deploying service into PCF [duplicate]

Please explain the following about NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception in Spring:
What does it mean?
Under what conditions will it be thrown?
How can I prevent it?
This post is designed to be a comprehensive Q&A about occurrences of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException in applications using Spring.
The javadoc of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException explains
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory is asked for a bean instance for
which it cannot find a definition. This may point to a non-existing
bean, a non-unique bean, or a manually registered singleton instance
without an associated bean definition.
A BeanFactory is basically the abstraction representing Spring's Inversion of Control container. It exposes beans internally and externally, to your application. When it cannot find or retrieve these beans, it throws a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.
Below are simple reasons why a BeanFactory (or related classes) would not be able to find a bean and how you can make sure it does.
The bean doesn't exist, it wasn't registered
In the example below
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
class Foo {}
we haven't registered a bean definition for the type Foo either through a #Bean method, #Component scanning, an XML definition, or any other way. The BeanFactory managed by the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext therefore has no indication of where to get the bean requested by getBean(Foo.class). The snippet above throws
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.Foo] is defined
Similarly, the exception could have been thrown while trying to satisfy an #Autowired dependency. For example,
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
class Foo { #Autowired Bar bar; }
class Bar { }
Here, a bean definition is registered for Foo through #ComponentScan. But Spring knows nothing of Bar. It therefore fails to find a corresponding bean while trying to autowire the bar field of the Foo bean instance. It throws (nested inside a UnsatisfiedDependencyException)
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.Bar] found for dependency [com.example.Bar]:
expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {#org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}
There are multiple ways to register bean definitions.
#Bean method in a #Configuration class or <bean> in XML configuration
#Component (and its meta-annotations, eg. #Repository) through #ComponentScan or <context:component-scan ... /> in XML
Manually through GenericApplicationContext#registerBeanDefinition
Manually through BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor
...and more.
Make sure the beans you expect are properly registered.
A common error is to register beans multiple times, ie. mixing the options above for the same type. For example, I might have
public class Foo {}
and an XML configuration with
<context:component-scan base-packages="com.example" />
<bean name="eg-different-name" class="com.example.Foo />
Such a configuration would register two beans of type Foo, one with name foo and another with name eg-different-name. Make sure you're not accidentally registering more beans than you wanted. Which leads us to...
If you're using both XML and annotation-based configurations, make sure you import one from the other. XML provides
<import resource=""/>
while Java provides the #ImportResource annotation.
Expected single matching bean, but found 2 (or more)
There are times when you need multiple beans for the same type (or interface). For example, your application may use two databases, a MySQL instance and an Oracle one. In such a case, you'd have two DataSource beans to manage connections to each one. For (simplified) example, the following
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
#Bean(name = "mysql")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
#Bean(name = "oracle")
public DataSource oracle() { return new Oracle(); }
interface DataSource{}
class MySQL implements DataSource {}
class Oracle implements DataSource {}
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.DataSource] is defined:
expected single matching bean but found 2: oracle,mysql
because both beans registered through #Bean methods satisfied the requirement of BeanFactory#getBean(Class), ie. they both implement DataSource. In this example, Spring has no mechanism to differentiate or prioritize between the two. But such mechanisms exists.
You could use #Primary (and its equivalent in XML) as described in the documentation and in this post. With this change
#Bean(name = "mysql")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
the previous snippet would not throw the exception and would instead return the mysql bean.
You can also use #Qualifier (and its equivalent in XML) to have more control over the bean selection process, as described in the documentation. While #Autowired is primarily used to autowire by type, #Qualifier lets you autowire by name. For example,
#Bean(name = "mysql")
#Qualifier(value = "main")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
could now be injected as
#Qualifier("main") // or #Qualifier("mysql"), to use the bean name
private DataSource dataSource;
without issue. #Resource is also an option.
Using wrong bean name
Just as there are multiple ways to register beans, there are also multiple ways to name them.
#Bean has name
The name of this bean, or if plural, aliases for this bean. If left
unspecified the name of the bean is the name of the annotated method.
If specified, the method name is ignored.
<bean> has the id attribute to represent the unique identifier for a bean and name can be used to create one or more aliases illegal in an (XML) id.
#Component and its meta annotations have value
The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name, to
be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
If that's left unspecified, a bean name is automatically generated for the annotated type, typically the lower camel case version of the type name. For example MyClassName becomes myClassName as its bean name. Bean names are case sensitive. Also note that wrong names/capitalization typically occur in beans referred to by string like #DependsOn("my BeanName") or XML config files.
#Qualifier, as mentioned earlier, lets you add more aliases to a bean.
Make sure you use the right name when referring to a bean.
More advanced cases
Bean definition profiles allow you to register beans conditionally. #Profile, specifically,
Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or
more specified profiles are active.
A profile is a named logical grouping that may be activated
programmatically via
ConfigurableEnvironment.setActiveProfiles(java.lang.String...) or
declaratively by setting the spring.profiles.active property as a JVM
system property, as an environment variable, or as a Servlet context
parameter in web.xml for web applications. Profiles may also be
activated declaratively in integration tests via the #ActiveProfiles
Consider this examples where the spring.profiles.active property is not set.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
#Profile(value = "StackOverflow")
class Foo {
This will show no active profiles and throw a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException for a Foo bean. Since the StackOverflow profile wasn't active, the bean wasn't registered.
Instead, if I initialize the ApplicationContext while registering the appropriate profile
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
the bean is registered and can be returned/injected.
AOP Proxies
Spring uses AOP proxies a lot to implement advanced behavior. Some examples include:
Transaction management with #Transactional
Caching with #Cacheable
Scheduling and asynchronous execution with #Async and #Scheduled
To achieve this, Spring has two options:
Use the JDK's Proxy class to create an instance of a dynamic class at runtime which only implements your bean's interfaces and delegates all method invocations to an actual bean instance.
Use CGLIB proxies to create an instance of a dynamic class at runtime which implements both interfaces and concrete types of your target bean and delegates all method invocations to an actual bean instance.
Take this example of JDK proxies (achieved through #EnableAsync's default proxyTargetClass of false)
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
interface HttpClient {
void doGetAsync();
class HttpClientImpl implements HttpClient {
public void doGetAsync() {
Here, Spring attempts to find a bean of type HttpClientImpl which we expect to find because the type is clearly annotated with #Component. However, instead, we get an exception
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.HttpClientImpl] is defined
Spring wrapped the HttpClientImpl bean and exposed it through a Proxy object that only implements HttpClient. So you could retrieve it with
ctx.getBean(HttpClient.class) // returns a dynamic class: com.example.$Proxy33
// or
#Autowired private HttpClient httpClient;
It's always recommended to program to interfaces. When you can't, you can tell Spring to use CGLIB proxies. For example, with #EnableAsync, you can set proxyTargetClass to true. Similar annotations (EnableTransactionManagement, etc.) have similar attributes. XML will also have equivalent configuration options.
ApplicationContext Hierarchies - Spring MVC
Spring lets you build ApplicationContext instances with other ApplicationContext instances as parents, using ConfigurableApplicationContext#setParent(ApplicationContext). A child context will have access to beans in the parent context, but the opposite is not true. This post goes into detail about when this is useful, particularly in Spring MVC.
In a typical Spring MVC application, you define two contexts: one for the entire application (the root) and one specifically for the DispatcherServlet (routing, handler methods, controllers). You can get more details here:
Difference between applicationContext.xml and spring-servlet.xml in Spring Framework
It's also very well explained in the official documentation, here.
A common error in Spring MVC configurations is to declare the WebMVC configuration in the root context with #EnableWebMvc annotated #Configuration classes or <mvc:annotation-driven /> in XML, but the #Controller beans in the servlet context. Since the root context cannot reach into the servlet context to find any beans, no handlers are registered and all requests fail with 404s. You won't see a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException, but the effect is the same.
Make sure your beans are registered in the appropriate context, ie. where they can be found by the beans registered for WebMVC (HandlerMapping, HandlerAdapter, ViewResolver, ExceptionResolver, etc.). The best solution is to properly isolate beans. The DispatcherServlet is responsible for routing and handling requests so all related beans should go into its context. The ContextLoaderListener, which loads the root context, should initialize any beans the rest of your application needs: services, repositories, etc.
Arrays, collections, and maps
Beans of some known types are handled in special ways by Spring. For example, if you tried to inject an array of MovieCatalog into a field
private MovieCatalog[] movieCatalogs;
Spring will find all beans of type MovieCatalog, wrap them in an array, and inject that array. This is described in the Spring documentation discussing #Autowired. Similar behavior applies to Set, List, and Collection injection targets.
For a Map injection target, Spring will also behave this way if the key type is String. For example, if you have
private Map<String, MovieCatalog> movies;
Spring will find all beans of type MovieCatalog and add them as values to a Map, where the corresponding key will be their bean name.
As described previously, if no beans of the requested type are available, Spring will throw a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. Sometimes, however, you just want to declare a bean of these collection types like
public List<Foo> fooList() {
return Arrays.asList(new Foo());
and inject them
private List<Foo> foos;
In this example, Spring would fail with a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException because there are no Foo beans in your context. But you didn't want a Foo bean, you wanted a List<Foo> bean. Before Spring 4.3, you'd have to use #Resource
For beans that are themselves defined as a collection/map or array
type, #Resource is a fine solution, referring to the specific
collection or array bean by unique name. That said, as of 4.3,
collection/map and array types can be matched through Spring’s
#Autowired type matching algorithm as well, as long as the element
type information is preserved in #Bean return type signatures or
collection inheritance hierarchies. In this case, qualifier values can
be used to select among same-typed collections, as outlined in the
previous paragraph.
This works for constructor, setter, and field injection.
private List<Foo> foos;
// or since 4.3
public Example(#Autowired List<Foo> foos) {}
However, it will fail for #Bean methods, ie.
public Bar other(List<Foo> foos) {
new Bar(foos);
Here, Spring ignores any #Resource or #Autowired annotating the method, because it's a #Bean method, and therefore can't apply the behavior described in the documentation. However, you can use Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to refer to beans by their name. In the example above, you could use
public Bar other(#Value("#{fooList}") List<Foo> foos) {
new Bar(foos);
to refer to the bean named fooList and inject that.

Is #Autowired taking care of the nested autowiring?

I have the following components, in two different files:
public class Chauffeur {
Car car;
public Chauffeur(Car car){
this.car = car;
public void go(){
public class Car{
public void drive() {
System.out.println("Drive car");
the following configuration file:
public class DriveableConfiguration {
and the following test:
public class DriveableTest {
Chauffeur chauffeur;
public void chauffeurTest(){
All the classes above are in the same package and the test is passing.
In the test I annotated chauffer with #Autowired, which should mean that the Spring container looks after the creation of the instance of Chauffeur without the developer needing to explicitly instantiate it.
Now, the constructor for Chauffer needs an instance of Car, so there is no default constructor for that class. Nonetheless the container creates it, injecting the required instance in the constructor.
Is the #Autowired saying to the container to instantiate the element with whatever (Components, Beans) it can provide, included parameters in the constructor? If so, in what case is it needed to use #Autowired to annotate a constructor?
Only if you use Spring 4.3+. In such a case #Autowired on constructor is optional if you have one non default constructor.
You can check the example here.
So as of 4.3, you no longer need to specify an explicit injection annotation in such a single-constructor scenario. This is particularly elegant for classes which otherwise do not carry any container annotations at all, for example when programmatically registered
For versions lower than 4.3 you will an exception will be thrown:
the container will throw an exception looking for a default
constructor, unless you explicitly indicate autowire mode
‘constructor’ in your bean definition setup (e.g. in an XML )

What is the magic behind Field #Autowired

I am currently improving my Spring knowledge. I wonder what really happens when I use Spring annotation #Autowire on a field.
Here is a piece of code :
OutputHelper file
public class OutputHelper {
private IOutputGenerator outputGenerator;
public void setOutputGenerator(IOutputGenerator outputGenerator) {
this.outputGenerator = outputGenerator;
// I can focus only on what my code do because my objects are injected
public void generateOutput(){
CsvOutputGenerator file
public class CsvOutputGenerator implements IOutputGenerator {
public void generateOutput(){
System.out.println("Csv Output Generator");
Application file
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the spring context
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/spring/spring-module.xml");
// Get the configured OutpuHelper from the spring-module.xml
OutputHelper output = (OutputHelper) context.getBean("outputHelper");
// Display output from the output configured
My configuration file just contain <context:component-scan base-package="com.xxx.xxx.output"/>
When I execute this code all work fine. But what makes me surprised is when I delete the setOutputGenerator in OutPutHelper file, my piece of code keeps working. I tought that with this configuration, the OutputHelper was first created with default constructor and initialized with setter.
I expected an error because the variable outputGenerator was not be able to be initialized.
Is anyone can help me to understand ?
The idea to have fields #Autowired is questionable. It works, but it will difficult other aspects of your implementation (i.e. testing).
There are 3 types of injections:
fields - basically configured applying reflection (Field.set(Object, Object)) directly to the field:
private MyInterface field;
setters - with this approach the configuration of each dependency goes through a property (spring goes through all methods and execute each one annotated with #Autowired using Method.invoke(Object, Object...), thus its value is configured using its setter as follows:
public void setField(MyInterface value) {
this.field = value;
constructors - the last, and my preferable approach, the constructor injection. That one basically annotates an constructor with #Autowired and instead of using methods or fields, you can configure your bean directly on your constructor. For that spring will elect the a constructor to be used to instantiate your #Component, and it will use an #Autowired if existent or a empty params constructor, invoking it using Constructor.newInstance(Object...). Example:
public class Implementation {
private MyInterface field;
public Implementation(MyInterface value) {
Assert.notNull(value, "value should not be null");
this.field = value;
One of the ideas behind Inversion of Control (or Dependence Injection) is to be able to isolate a piece of code in order to provide decent test implementation support.
In order to go deeper, it is necessary to comment that during a unit test you want the class in its isolated form, all you will use with that class are basically mocks for its dependencies (injections).
So, what are the results:
If you do field injection, it will be quite costly to every single time set the beans using some reflection to configure the bean during your tests (another logic needs to be introduced to configure the bean to be tested).
With setter injection approach you will be able to use your own bean to configure it with mocks necessary to isolate your implementation and test its functionality.
And finally, with the constructor injection approach you will have not only the support to configure your bean, but you will be able to require its dependencies. This means that for every new dependency a new parameter on your constructor is added, this brings you come advantages on development time, for example, you will be able to see on development time the unit tests affected with the introduction of that new dependency (once your IDE will point it out for your).
Simple answer
Actually, the setter is useless, since the CDI use java Reflection to access fields.
It means that fields are no longer accessed by method calls.
Reflection allow iterating throught all fields of a class and check if there are annoted with a specific annotation.
In this case, if a field in your class is annoted With #Autowired (or #Inject wich is more J2E complient), the container will iterate throught searching if there is a registered bean that fits the current property.
Going deeper
When you context is starting, the container iterate classes and search all field annoted with #Inject or #Autowired.
For these fields, it search an available bean.
Here is the must simple example :
public class SpringClassInChargeOfDependencyInjection {
public void handdleInjections(T objectWithInjectableField) {
Class<T> clazz = objectWithInjectableField.class;
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Autowired.class) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) {
//find a bean for the type;
Object injectableBean = getAvailablebean(field.getType());
//inject the value into the class, this line explain why the setter is not necessary
field.set(objectWithInjectableField, injectableBean);
This is a non-working example just to explain how it works.
You might consider using #Inject instead of #Autowired, the later was created by Spring, #Inject is a part of the the JSR-330. Spring does understand #Inject as well, you just need to add the javax.inject jar dependency to your project. If later you want to switch from spring to something else (guice for example) you won't have to change all your #Autowired annotations

#Endpoint and #Transactional on the same class using Spring-ws library

I am trying to implement a web-service endpoint which would be transactional because I don't want to create a special "worker" class with transactional methods. I'm using Spring-ws library together with Spring framework.
Here is my class definition:
public class MyEndpoint implements ApplicationContextAware { ... }
Notice that I explicitly specified proxying method to force using CGLIB.
Also notice that my class implements some interface(s), so by default Spring uses JDK dynamic proxy unless another proxying method is specified. This kind of proxies is not appropriate in my case.
The problem begins on application deployment when PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping class starts working. It collects names of all Spring beans with #Endpoint annotation. My endpoint class is counted twice with names "myEndpoint" and "scopedTarget.myEndpoint". This duplication causes ApplicationContextException with message "Cannot map endpoint [...] on registration key [...]: there's already endpoint [...] mapped".
Question: how can I make my endpoint class being transactional?
You might write your own PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping extension and override the initApplicationContext method. There you can check for the scopedTarget. prefix to filter out unwanted beans:
public class ProxiedBeanAwareEndpointMapping extends PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping {
protected void initApplicationContext() throws BeansException {
String[] beanNames = getApplicationContext().getBeanNamesForType(Object.class);
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
if (!beanName.startsWith("scopedTarget.")) {
Class<?> endpointClass = getApplicationContext().getType(beanName);
if (endpointClass != null && AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(endpointClass, getEndpointAnnotationType()) != null) {
Or you can use the open session in view approach so you don't need to proxy your #Endpoints.
