SQL stored Procedure - Convert date format - oracle

I have a table with multiple columns. One among those is a date column with DATE format as
Now I want to copy this date to another table but after changing the date format to
How can I conver Date from one date format to another in Oracle stored procedure?
Is their any specific function to do so?
Kindly suggest.

try with


Change timestamp format in oracle

I am getting timestamp format as '01-APR-21 AM' from oracle, I want to change the format to load data into sql server column with datatype as datetime.
Current Input: '01-APR-21 AM'
Expected Output : 2021-04-01 12:02:00.496
I need to write the code in oracle to change timestamp format
A TIMESTAMP is a binary data format consisting of 7-20 bytes (century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute, second, up to 6 bytes for fractional seconds and up to 7 bytes for time zone information); it does NOT have a format.
Why am I seeing the TIMESTAMP with a format?
You are seeing it with a format because whatever user interface you are using to access the database has decided that it is more useful to display the binary information as a formatted string rather than returning the raw byte values to you.
Typically, for SQL/Plus and SQL Developer, this is managed by the NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT session parameter. Other user interfaces will have different mechanisms by which they manage the default format of dates and timestamps.
If you want to change the default for SQL/Plus (and SQl Developer) then you can use:
(Or whatever format you would like.)
How can I format the TIMESTAMP value?
If you then want to display the timestamp with a format (remember, a TIMESTAMP is not stored with any format) then you want to use TO_CHAR to convert it to a string where it can have a format.
If you want to format the TIMESTAMP as a YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3 string then use:
SELECT TO_CHAR( your_timestamp_column, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3' )
FROM your_table
How can I convert a formatted string back to a TIMESTAMP?
From your comment:
I loaded the oracle data into a different SQL table where date format was varchar and data got loaded as '01-APR-21 AM'
SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP( your_string_column, 'DD-MON-RR HH12:MI:SS.FF9 AM' )
FROM your_table
(Note: that this will convert your string to a binary TIMESTAMP and then whatever user interface you are using will use its rules on how to display it; and if the default format it is using is DD-MON-RR HH12:MI:SS.FF9 AM then the query above will look like it has done nothing; it has, the UI is just implicitly converting it back to a string to display it.)

How to format date fields using select query with Oracle

I am new to node red.
I am storing into the Oracle db in this date format dd-mm-yy hh:mi:ss.ff PM but I am getting a payload using a select query in this format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.000Z but while retrieving data from Oracle db I want to print this format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss in my payload, how to write select query so that I can print the same date format,whatever stored in Oracle db
When you fetch a date value, it is stringified according to the NLS settings of your client. Looking at the same data with two different clients, you might see two different representations... of the same date.
If you want to choose the display format of a date, use Oracle function TO_CHAR in your query. It accepts a date and a format spec, and returns a string :
TO_CHAR(my_date_column, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
It is also possible to change the default date format for the life time of your session, like :
ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
NB : if you are dealing with timestamps or timestamps with time zone, you need NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT or NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT.

Converting DB2 date to Oracle date

Want to split DB2 date having format 2018-04-12- to Oracle in two different columns with format YYYYMMDD and other with HHMM.
You can't do that. Oracle DATE datatype contains both DATE and TIME components, so - although you might try with different TO_CHAR (or, worse, TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP) functions you find on the Internet, the final result will be the same: values will have both date & time.
Therefore, I'd suggest you to do exactly that: store YYYYMMDD HHMI (note MI - minutes, not MM - month).
For example:
SQL> select
2 cast(to_timestamp('2018-04-12-',
3 'yyyy-mm-dd-hh24.mi.ss,ff6') as date) result
4 from dual;
12.04.2018 14:02:16

How to change default date,timestamp dataype for columns in oracle

I have created a table in Oracle in which I have KPI_START_DATE column which is a Date datatype, and KPI_START_TIME which is a TIMESTAMP datatype.
Now I want to modify this date dataype for
KPI_START_DATE to dd/mm/yyyy
So that user should always enter the date and time in this column in this proper format.
I tried below query but its was giving error:
Alter table KPI_DEFINITION MODIFY(to_char(KPI_START_DATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') )
DATE and TIMESTAMP columns do not have any inherent readable format. The values are stored in Oracle's own internal representation, which has no resemblance to a human-readable date or time. At the point to retrieve or display a value you can convert it to whatever format you want, with to_char().
Both DATE and TIMESTAMP have date and time components (to second precision with DATE, and with fractional seconds with TIMESTAMP; plus time zone information with the extended data types), and you should not try to store them separately as two columns. Have a single column and extract the information you need at any time; to get the information out of a single column but split into two fields you could do:
select to_char(KPI_START, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as KPI_START_DATE,
to_char(KPI_START, 'hh24:mi:ss') as KPI_START_TIME
but you'd generally want both together anyway:
select to_char(KPI_START, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
Also notice the 'hh24' format model to get the 24-hour clock time; otherwise you wouldn't see any difference between 3 a.m. and 3 p.m.
You can store a value in either type of column with the time set to midnight, but it does still have a time component - it is just midnight. You can't store a value in either type of column with just a time component - it has to have a date too. You could make that a nominal date and just ignore it, but I've never seen a valid reason to do that - you're wasting storage in two columns, and making searching for and comparing values much harder. Oracle even provides a default date if you don't specify one (first day of current month). But the value always has both a date and a time part:
create table KPI_DEFINITION (KPI_START date);
values (to_date('27/01/2015', 'DD/MM/YYYY'));
values (to_date('12:41:57', 'HH24:MI:SS'));
select to_char(KPI_START, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from KPI_DEFINITION;
2015-01-27 00:00:00
2015-01-01 12:41:57
Your users should be inserting a single value with both date and time as one:
values (to_date('27/01/2015 12:41:57', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
select to_char(KPI_START, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from KPI_DEFINITION;
2015-01-27 12:41:57
You can also use date or timestamp literals, and if using to_date() you should always specify the full format - don't rely on NLS settings as they may be different for other users.
You should understand difference between datatype and format. DATE is a datatype. TIMESTAMP is a datatype. None of them have formats, they're just numbers.
When converting character datatype to or from date datatype, format should be applied. It's an attribute of an actual conversion, nothing else.
Look at this:
SQL> create table tmp$date(d date);
Table created
SQL> insert into tmp$date values (DATE '2010-11-01');
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into tmp$date values (DATE '2014-12-28');
1 row inserted
SQL> select d, dump(d) from tmp$date;
----------- ---------------------------------
01.11.2010 Typ=12 Len=7: 120,110,11,1,1,1,1
28.12.2014 Typ=12 Len=7: 120,114,12,28,1,1,1
There is no any 'format' here.
DISPLAYING and STORING are NOT the same when it comes to DATE.
When people say Oracle isn’t storing the date in the format they wanted, what is really happening is Oracle is not presenting the date in the character string format they expected or wanted.
When a data element of type DATE is selected, it must be converted from its internal, binary format, to a string of characters for human consumption. The conversion of data from one type to another is known as known a “conversion”, “type casting” or “coercion”. In Oracle the conversion between dates and character strings is controlled by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT model. The NLS_DATE_FORMAT can be set in any of several different locations, each with its own scope of influence.
I could go on with my leacture over DATE data type, but I am glad that someone has already got a good writeup over this. Please read this https://edstevensdba.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/nls_date_format/

Oracle - time and date format

I have an Oracle question, hope someone can guide me. I am using php and sql to select columns from a table. Part of the info I get is the time and date of when the column was created. For the moment I get the date in DD-MM-YYYY format. How can I change it so I can get it in YYYY-MM-DD format?
SELECT TO_CHAR ( MyDateColumn, 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) FROM MyTable
