bearerbox in kannel running stops - kannel

i m trying to install kannel in centos i have downloaded the tar file and used following commands
./configure ---prefix=/etc/kannel/
make install
vi kannel.conf
group = core
admin-port = 1300
admin-password = fxxbar
box-allow-ip = ""
admin-allow-ip = ""
group = smsc
smsc = fake
smsc-id = FAKE
port = 10000
connect-allow-ip =
group = smsbox
bearerbox-host =
sendsms-port = 13013
global-sender = 13013
#log-file = "/tmp/smsbox.log"
#log-level = 0
# These users are used when Kannel smsbox sendsms interface is used to
# send PUSH sms messages, i.e. calling URL like
# http://kannel.machine:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&password=foobar...
group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
#user-allow-ip = ""
# These are 'responses' to sms PULL messages, i.e. messages arriving from
# handsets. The response is based on message content. Only one sms-service is
# applied, using the first one to match.
group = sms-service
keyword = nop
text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"
# There should be always a 'default' service. This service is used when no
# other 'sms-service' is applied.
group = sms-service
keyword = default
text = "No service specified"
Then I used this command sbin/bearerbox kannel.conf and get the following result
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: SSL not supported, no SSL initialization d one.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 1300.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thr ead)
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_ run)
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] ERROR: Missing smsbox-port variable, cannot star t smsboxes
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60 seconds.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: smsbox MO concatenated message handling e nabled
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id <FAKE> disabled.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (gw/smsc/smsc_fake.c:fak e_listener)
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_ro uter)
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.4.3 starting
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run) map s to pid 27491.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 (gw/smsc/smsc_fake.c:fake_listen er) maps to pid 27491.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router) ma ps to pid 27491.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] DEBUG: smsc_fake: start called
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) map s to pid 27491.
2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to p id 27491.
The problem is it get stuck in the last line
"DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to pid 27491."
and happening nothing after that what shld i do.

In your case it is correct that nothing happened.
If you want sent sms:
Start the SMSBox
Open a new terminal and type the following command
$ smsbox path_to_the_configuration_file
You can use FAKESMSC to sent fake sms:
Open a new terminal and type:
$ test/fakesmsc
it is not a real SMS center, if you want sent real sms configure the SMS Centre Group
(see User's Guide)

I think this configuration is wrong.You can use configuration file I used. This google document has many details. If you just want configuration file, just copy and paste the code.
For core group. Its like this
group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = abcd #any admin pasword
status-password = **** #your password for this username
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 0
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = "" #local host IP address
sms-resend-retry = 1

2013-12-12 04:12:21 [27491] [0] ERROR: Missing smsbox-port variable,
cannot star
You have to specify the "smsbox-port"


Telegraf SNMP plugin Error: IF-MIB::ifTable: Unknown Object Identifier

Steps followed to installed SNMP manager and agent on ec2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install snmp snmp-mibs-downloader
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install snmpd
I opened sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmp.conf and commented the following line:
#mibs :
Then I went into the configuration file and modified file as below:
sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
Listen for connections from the local system only
agentAddress udp: <--- commented this part.
Listen for connections on all interfaces (both IPv4 and IPv6)
agentAddress udp:161,udp6:[::1]:161 <--remove the comment from this line to make it work.
using below command I can get snmp data
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public .
From inside docker container as well I can get the data
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public host.docker.internal .
image: telegraf:1.22.1
container_name: telegraf_snmp
restart: always
- influxdb
- analytics
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
# ports:
# - "161:161/udp"
- /mnt/telegraf/snmp:/var/lib/telegraf
- ./etc/telegraf/snmp/:/etc/telegraf/snmp/
- secrets.env
INFLUXDB_URL: http://influxdb:8086
--config-directory /etc/telegraf/snmp/telegraf.d
--config /etc/telegraf/snmp/telegraf.conf
- influxdb
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "3"
Telegraf Input conf:
## Agent addresses to retrieve values from.
## format: agents = ["<scheme://><hostname>:<port>"]
## scheme: optional, either udp, udp4, udp6, tcp, tcp4, tcp6.
## default is udp
## port: optional
## example: agents = ["udp://"]
## agents = ["tcp://"]
## agents = ["udp4://v4only-snmp-agent"]
# agents = ["udp://"]
agents = ["udp://host.docker.internal:161"]
## Timeout for each request.
timeout = "15s"
## SNMP version; can be 1, 2, or 3.
version = 2
## SNMP community string.
community = "public"
## Agent host tag
# agent_host_tag = "agent_host"
## Number of retries to attempt.
retries = 3
## The GETBULK max-repetitions parameter.
# max_repetitions = 10
## SNMPv3 authentication and encryption options.
## Security Name.
# sec_name = "myuser"
## Authentication protocol; one of "MD5", "SHA", or "".
# auth_protocol = "MD5"
## Authentication password.
# auth_password = "pass"
## Security Level; one of "noAuthNoPriv", "authNoPriv", or "authPriv".
# sec_level = "authNoPriv"
## Context Name.
# context_name = ""
## Privacy protocol used for encrypted messages; one of "DES", "AES", "AES192", "AES192C", "AES256", "AES256C", or "".
### Protocols "AES192", "AES192", "AES256", and "AES256C" require the underlying net-snmp tools
### to be compiled with --enable-blumenthal-aes (
# priv_protocol = ""
## Privacy password used for encrypted messages.
# priv_password = ""
## Add fields and tables defining the variables you wish to collect. This
## example collects the system uptime and interface variables. Reference the
## full plugin documentation for configuration details.
oid = "RFC1213-MIB::sysUpTime.0"
name = "uptime"
oid = "RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0"
name = "source"
is_tag = true
oid = "IF-MIB::ifTable"
name = "interface"
inherit_tags = ["source"]
oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
name = "ifDescr"
is_tag = true
Telegraf logs:
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
IF-MIB::ifTable: Unknown Object Identifier: exit status 2
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.22.1
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Loaded processors:
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Loaded outputs: file influxdb_v2
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! Tags enabled: host=7a38697f4527
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"7a38697f4527", Flush Interval:10s
2022-09-09T10:10:09Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.snmp: initializing table interface: translating: MIB search path: /root/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
IF-MIB::ifTable: Unknown Object Identifier: exit status 2
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.22.1
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Loaded processors:
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Loaded outputs: file influxdb_v2
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! Tags enabled: host=7a38697f4527
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"7a38697f4527", Flush Interval:10s
2022-09-09T10:10:11Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.snmp: initializing table interface: translating: MIB search path: /root/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
IF-MIB::ifTable: Unknown Object Identifier: exit status 2
But in telegraf I get above error.
I checked the mibs directory using ls /usr/share/snmp/mibs
I cannot find IF-MIB file here even after installing
$ sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
$ sudo download-mibs
How can I resolve this issue ? Do I need to follow some additional steps ?
SNMP Plugin in telegraf should able to pull the data from SNMP

removing quotations and brackets from an array when printing (cannot use puts)

I have this:
[1] pry(main)> ip = ["123.456.789.666"]
=> ["123.456.789.666"]
[2] pry(main)> p ip
=> ["123.456.789.666"]
How do I get it so that it comes out 123.456.789.666? The end goal is to take whatever IP is in my array to ping with. The ping fails because it's doing ping "123.456.789.666".
You can pass the IP only as a string or IPAddr object (but in general it will be a string for net/ping gem). Looks like there are some problems with this gem when host specified as an IP.
If you need to check the availability of a server - use system ping:
#5 - number of retry, ip[0] - your ip from the array
`ping -q -c 5 #{ip[0]}`
'All is OK' if $?.exitstatus == 0

Ruby FTP not working with IIS FTP server

I have a ruby script that uploads a file via FTP.
I tested this with a LINUX server and the upload was working well.
But when I changed the upload destination to the production server which is a Windows Server 2012 R2 running IIS, I got the following error message:
A Connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. - connect<2> <Errno::ETIMEDOUT>
I do however find the connection in the FTPlog:
2015-01-28 10:48:55 - 21 ControlChannelOpened - - 0 0 0 0 0
2015-01-28 10:48:55 - 21 USER .... 331 0 0 23 17 0
2015-01-28 10:48:55 WIN-0CFF8VSL25E\.... 21 PASS *** 230 0 0 21 15 94
2015-01-28 10:48:55 WIN-0CFF8VSL25E\.... 21 TYPE I 200 0 0 20 8 0
2015-01-28 10:48:55 WIN-0CFF8VSL25E\.... 21 PASV - 227 0 0 50 6 0
2015-01-28 10:49:16 - WIN-0CFF8VSL25E\.... 49994 DataChannelClosed - - 0 0 0 0 0
2015-01-28 10:49:16 WIN-0CFF8VSL25E\.... 21 ControlChannelClosed - - 0 0 141 46 21469
I am doing almost the same task with a batch script today, using windows native ftp cli, and this works fine.
Here is the ruby code:
require "net/ftp"
require "rubygems"
require "zip"
puts "Copying data"
FileUtils.cp("...", "...")
folder = "C:\\..."
input_filenames = ['...']
zipfile_name = "C:\\...\\"
puts "Compressing data", Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile|
input_filenames.each do |filename|
zipfile.add(filename, folder + '\\' + filename)
progress = 0.0;
file_size = File.size(zipfile_name)
NET::FTP.debug_mode = true
puts "Uploading data:"
ftp ='','xxx','xxx')
ftp.debug_mode = true
ftp.read_timeout = 10000
ftp.passive = true
ftp.putbinaryfile('C:\\...\\', '') do |data|
progress = progress.to_f+data.length.to_f
print "\rProgress: " + ((progress/file_size)*100).round(2).to_s + "%"
puts "\nUpload completed!"
I am assuming there is no problem in the script, since it was working fine with a different server. What I am assuming it is, is a difference in how IIS' FTP server handles/responds to connections vs how vsftpd handles them.
Any suggestions to how to fix this?
I set passive to false and that solved my problem.

How to properly use tor-privoxy Ruby gem?

I am using tor-privoxy Ruby gem. According to this page:
I installed "tor" and "privoxy" packages on my Arch Linux installation. I issued commands:
sudo systemctl start privoxy.service
sudo systemctl start tor.service
Status of the services, by "systemctl status privoxy.service" and "systemctl status tor.service":
● tor.service - Anonymizing Overlay Network
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/tor.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2014-06-26 16:27:44 CEST; 1 weeks 5 days ago
Main PID: 454 (tor)
CGroup: /system.slice/tor.service
└─454 /usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc
Jul 08 16:28:28 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Application request when we haven't used client functionality late...gain.
Jul 08 16:28:40 bridgelinux Tor[454]: We now have enough directory information to build circuits.
Jul 08 16:28:41 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functiona...king.
Jul 08 17:20:05 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Socks version 65 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)
Jul 08 17:20:05 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Fetching socks handshake failed. Closing.
Jul 08 18:01:25 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Socks version 65 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)
Jul 08 18:01:25 bridgelinux Tor[454]: Fetching socks handshake failed. Closing.
Jul 08 18:10:04 bridgelinux systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing Overlay Network.
Jul 08 18:10:13 bridgelinux systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing Overlay Network.
Jul 08 18:14:34 bridgelinux systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing Overlay Network.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
● privoxy.service - Privoxy Web Proxy With Advanced Filtering Capabilities
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/privoxy.service; disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2014-07-08 16:09:16 CEST; 2h 8min ago
Process: 8554 ExecStart=/usr/bin/privoxy --pidfile /run/ --user privoxy.privoxy /etc/privoxy/config (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 8555 (privoxy)
CGroup: /system.slice/privoxy.service
└─8555 /usr/bin/privoxy --pidfile /run/ --user privoxy.privoxy /etc/privoxy/config
Jul 08 16:09:16 bridgelinux systemd[1]: Started Privoxy Web Proxy With Advanced Filtering Capabilities.
Jul 08 18:17:55 bridgelinux systemd[1]: Started Privoxy Web Proxy With Advanced Filtering Capabilities.
My Ruby script looks like:
require 'mechanize'
require 'tor-privoxy'
require 'net/telnet'
def tor
privoxy_agent ||= '', '', {8118 => 9050} do |agent|
sleep 20
puts "New IP is #{agent.ip}"
return privoxy_agent
def switch_endpoint
localhost = Net::Telnet::new("Host" => "localhost", "Port" => "9050", "Timeout" => 10, "Prompt" => /250 OK\n/)
localhost.cmd('AUTHENTICATE ""') { |c| print c; throw "Cannot authenticate to Tor" if c != "250 OK\n" }
localhost.cmd('signal NEWNYM') { |c| print c; throw "Cannot switch Tor to new route" if c != "250 OK\n" }
It shows that my IP adress remained the original one. When I try to call "switch_endpoint" method, I get an error: "ArgumentError: uncaught throw "Cannot authenticate to Tor"
However when I issue this command at bash prompt:
torify wget -qO- | grep -i congratulations
I get no error, and it shows that I was able to connect to Tor network.
What can I do to make Tor-Privoxy work with Ruby and Mechanize?
I ran into the same problem, you can see in the logs that your authenticate command was refused by tor :
Socks version 65 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)
I managed to send telnet command to Tor using Socksify instead of tor-privoxy. You don't need privoxy anymore if you use socksify.
Here is a working example to dynamically swich Tor circuit :
First start Tor specifying password, control port and socks port:
tor --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort 9050 --SocksPort 50001
Then you can try this in ruby :
require 'net/telnet'
require 'socksify'
require 'mechanize'
original_ip ="").content
puts "original IP is : #{original_ip}"
# socksify will forward traffic to Tor so you dont need to set a proxy for Mechanize from there
TCPSocket::socks_server = ""
TCPSocket::socks_port = "50001"
tor_port = 9050
2.times do
#Switch IP
localhost = Net::Telnet::new("Host" => "localhost", "Port" => "#{tor_port}", "Timeout" => 10, "Prompt" => /250 OK\n/)
localhost.cmd('AUTHENTICATE ""') { |c| print c; throw "Cannot authenticate to Tor" if c != "250 OK\n" }
localhost.cmd('signal NEWNYM') { |c| print c; throw "Cannot switch Tor to new route" if c != "250 OK\n" }
sleep 5
new_ip ="").content
puts "new IP is #{new_ip}"

Multiple SSH hops with Net::SSH (Ruby)

So here's my setup:
Laptop -> Host 1 -> Host 2 -> Host 3
Laptop can reach Host 1, but not Host 2 or Host 3
Host 1 can reach Host 2, but not Host 3
Host 3 can reach Host 2, but not Host 1
What I'm trying to do is set up remote forwards so that a process running on Host 3 will be routed to running service on Laptop. I've successfully done this using the following code:
Run from Laptop:
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
threads = []
config = {:user => "user", :remote_port => 3333, :service_port => 2222}
threads <<{
Net::SSH.start("host1", config[:user]) do |ssh|
puts "Forwarding port #{config[:remote_port]} on host1 to #{config[:service_port]} on localhost"
ssh.forward.remote(config[:service_port], "localhost", config[:remote_port], "")
ssh.exec! "ssh #{config[:user]}#host2 -R #{config[:remote_port]}:localhost:#{config[:remote_port]}"
ssh.loop {true}
threads <<{
Net::SSH.start("host3", config[:user]) do |ssh|
puts "Creating local forward for port #{config[:service_port]} on host3 to port #{config[:remote_port]} on host2"
ssh.exec! "ssh #{config[:user]}#host2 -L #{config[:service_port]}:localhost:#{config[:remote_port]}"
ssh.loop {true}
threads.each {|t| t.join}
In one thread, I'm setting up a remote forward from Laptop to Host 1 and then another remote forward from Host 1 to Host 2. In a separate thread, I'm starting another connection from Laptop to Host 3, then running a local forward from Host 3 to Host 2.
The only way I can connect from Laptop to Host 3 is because of my .ssh/config file, which automatically routes me through Host 1 and Host 2 when I try to connect to Host 3 from Laptop.
What I want to do is cut out the second thread where I'm connecting from Laptop to Host 3 so that I can remove the dependency on the .ssh/config file. I want to do all of my connections from within the first thread.
So basically I need to do multiple hops that originate from Laptop. I can initiate the first connection from Laptop to Host 1 and then execute a command on Host 1, but after that I can't get any further. What I need to do is initiate the connection from Laptop to Host 1, set up the forward on Host 1, connect to Host 2 from Host 1 and then set up the second forward on Host 2.
Is this possible to do with net/ssh?
Thanks for your help!
I fixed this by writing out an SSH config file, then specifying the config file when initiating the connection. The config file contains proxy commands that will automatically route through the necessary hosts to reach my destination.
def write_config_file'confi_file', 'w') { |f|
f << "host host1\n"
f << "HostName\n"
f << "user user_name\n"
f << "\n"
f << "host host2\n"
f << "HostName\n"
f << "ProxyCommand ssh host1 nc %h %p 2> /dev/null\n"
f << "user user_name\n"
f << "\n"
f << "host host3\n"
f << "HostName\n"
f << "ProxyCommand ssh host2 nc %h %p 2> /dev/null\n"
f << "user user_name\n"
Net::SSH.start("host3", "user_name", :config => './config_file') do |ssh|
#whatever you need to do...
I wrapped the connection in a begin/rescue blocked and trapped ctrl+c input, and in the trap block I delete the config file and shut down the connection.
