accessing suit I see shapes: false.
How can I use this with modernizr?
Many thanks P
if (Modernizr.shapes) {
/*do something*/
The actual feature detects in the github repo usually contain notes about the tests, and what they accomplish. This data will be visible once the 3.0 version of the site comes out.
This particular test is testing for CSS shapes, and the notes list the Adobe examples, and a codepen demo
I am looking at image snapshot testing to visual regressions in my app. My understanding is that serialized testing will make JSON representation of the DOM and compare a base version to a changed version. This will find copy and markup changes but will not be able to tell what actually changed in regards to how the markup was rendered. In other words, if you have a class on a div that set the font size and color, the test would only know the class existed, not what it was set too.
I was speaking to a friend who said you could get this data with serialized tests, but wasn't able to elaborate, only that he's "pretty sure you can do that". I did some research on this and haven't been able to find anything. As a last step, I figured I'd reach out and see if I'm missing something.
Is there way to make serialized snapshots compare the copy, markup and the styles associated with that markup?
Ultimately, I need to tests that can determine the changes I gave as an an example, but I want to make sure I'm not moving towards image snapshots naively.
I want to create an Interactive website, but I have doubts that It won't even run on decent computers.
I want to create a bird simulation, from top view (Birds don't need to be detailed).
People will be able to drag the birds around, and the crowd will follow them, therefore every single bird must calculate something simultaneously. I wanted to make this in a Website so more people could interact with it. But if it's not possible before starting, I want to switch.
Yes, is possible in to build this with phaser.
If you want to see, phaser functions/features in action, I highly recommend checking out the offical phaser examples, they show most function/features in useful and testable examples.
Just go to, there you can find everything you will need, like drag-events, sprite animation, and many more.
And on the official page you can even find tutorials to get started with the development.
Just stick to Phaser 3, since this is the current and stable Version.
I like the d3 sortable bar chart example:
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to work correctly in v2 (the example uses v3). At first, I thought it was me, so wrote a new example from scratch. Alas, it wasn't! In v2 the x axis labels don't transition with the bars; in v3 both labels and bars transition together.
Can anyone suggest a workaround for v2?
Thanks in advance.
Okay, I think there are two solutions to this problem. As Robert Harvey pointed out, you could use v3. The main difference that I can see so far is that d3.tsv (and possibly the other read data methods) take an additional parameter: this was what was causing the other parts of my code to fail. So, even though v3 isn't the latest release, this is my preferred solution.
The second solution is to transition the axis labels explicitly. This would take more code and as v3 is (hopefully!) on the horizon, might only be necessary if you really can't wait and absolutely must use v2.
I'm building a Google Visualization DataTable. You can see it here:
I've built out my United States color coding, but I need to add plots of about 8 US Cities on top of the color coding. I can't find any documentation or other examples online that specifies if/how this is possible. I've taken a few stabs at it with no results.
I'm just trying to:
1) Verify if it's possible?
2) Find a working example or have some help adding a second table to a single drawVisualization instance!
add to your options
displayMode: 'markers',
Regions and Markers wont work at the same time.
SO if you want to color the background of the states, using markers mode, you can do it with CSS.
I'm documenting some examples for a Wordpress plugin i developed here:
Check the last example. It's not easy, since you have to find which child path number you want to color, and then you can do it. Example:
#visualization path:nth-child(5) {
Here's a forked example, of your code with the CSS above:
Hope it helps!
i have been pretty pleased so far with this plugin, but am having a little issue getting to let me use $goMap.setMap() to allow addMarker.
once the map has been created, i am trying the following: (default is addMarker: false)
$.goMap.setMap({ addMarker: true });
what i am trying to accomplish is to only allow the user to add markers from high zoom levels to they can be more accurate. i can track the zoom level easy enough and i can modify other controls such as nav type and position, but can't set addMarker to true (or multi or false).
it's a great plugin but seems to lack much documentation, although there are a ton of examples.
plugin url:
any ideas on this would be appreciated.
"i can track... but can't set addMarker to true (or multi or false)."
I can't understand the question, but I suggest to use directly the google maps API, I don't see this plugin very useful.