How to exclude particular files from being copied by rsync? - macos

I am reading rsync docs, INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES section. Following the rules explained there I would like to exclude the following folders and files:
all .metadata folders
all *.DS_Store* files
So, I am creating rules like:
- .DS_Store
But files and folders are not excluded. What am I doing incorrectly?

The following will skip everything in .DS_Store directories plus the .DS_Store directories themselves and works with rsync distributed with Mavericks: rsync --exclude='.DS_Store' --exclude='.metadata' <your_source_dir> <your_destination_dir>.
The --exclude=<pattern> is actually just a shorthard for --filter='- <pattern>'. This means --exclude='.DS_Store' and --filter='- .DS_Store' are equivalent. The same goes with --include=<pattern> which is actually just a shorthand for --filter='+ <pattern>'.


rsync: Exclude specific filetype in only one directory

I backup my data with rsync and would like to exclude a specific filetype in only one directory (and its subdirectories). For example I have:
$ ls Source/
Now I would like to sync all files except for the .tar files in Folder2 and its subfolder. At the end it should look like this:
$ ls Target/
Does someone know how to do that? I played around with the --exclude option, but without luck.
rsync manual says
o use ’**’ to match anything, including slashes.
so you can do
rsync -a --exclude='Folder2/**.tar' Source/ Target
Note this is different from bash's globstar option where you would use Folder/**/*.tar.

rsync subset of directories

I am trying to use include and exclude options in rsync to copy a directory structure, excluding most but not all of the subdirectories, based on a pattern in the directory names. But, it isn't working. It is trying to copy everything over instead of just the subfolders I want. Is my syntax wrong?
I have tried:
rsync -am --include='*/*/*MPRAGE*/' --exclude='*' /parent_directory/ /destination
rsync -am --include='*/' --include='*/*/*MPRAGE*/' --exclude='*' /parent/ /dest
MPRAGE is the pattern that is in the name of each folder I want copied. But these folders are three levels deep in the structure, and I want to keep the well-organized directory structure intact for these folders I want copied.
Thanks in advance for any tips.

Implement .gitignore behavior in a shell script?

I'm writing a shell script that syncs files and I want to give users the ability to exclude certain files from syncing by creating a .syncignore file similar to Git's .gitignore file. According to the gitignore documentation, and my own experiments, these exclusion rules are more complicated than a simple glob match. Some examples:
If you have foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude foo appearing anywhere in the path (e.g. ./foo, ./bar/foo, and ./bar/foo/baz would be excluded) but not partial matches of foo (e.g. ./foobar, ./bar/foobar/baz would NOT be excluded).
If you include a slash, then the rule is applied relative to the current directory. For example, if you have /foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude ./foo but not ./bar/foo.
You can include wildcards. For example, foo* will exclude ./foo, ./foobar, and ./bar/foobar/baz.
Is there any easy way to replicate the exclusion rules for .gitignore in a shell script on OS X?
Use rsync to synchronize the files. Use its existing include/exclude pattern support. Put the rules in .rsync-filter and pass the -F flag to make it read the patterns from that file.
rsync man page
Just use git. Make sure you have git 2.3.0 or later on both sides, and use push-to-deploy.

rsync with folder and file name pattern matching to copy files

Right now I'm successfully running:
rsync -uvma --include="*/" --include="*.css" --exclude="*" $spec_dir $css_spec_dir
In a shell script which copies all of the files in the source directory, that are .css files, into a target directory.
I want to do the same for HTML files, but only where they are in a subfolder with the name 'template'.
So I'm in directory ~/foo, and I want to rsync where the --include="*/" only matches on subfolders with the name 'template'. So ~/foo/bar/template/baz/somefile.html would match, and so would ~foo/bar/baz/qux/template/someotherfile.html, but NOT ~/foo/bar/thirdfile.html
Although it looks a little bit strange, this works for me:
rsync -uvma --include="*/" --include="*/template/*/*.html" --include="*/template/*.html" --include="template/*.html" --include="template/*/*.html" --exclude="*" $spec_dir $html_spec_dir
This one works for me:
rsync -umva --include="**/templates/**/*.html" --exclude="*.html" source/ target
Were you looking for **? Here you have to be careful about choosing your exclude pattern, * won't work as it matches directories on the way. If rsync finds foo/templates/some.html, it will first copy foo, then foo/templates and then foo/templates/some.html, but before it gets there * already matched foo and nothing gets copied.
Here's what worked:
rsync -uvma --include="*/" --include="templates/**.html" --exclude="*" $html_all_dir $html_dir
My guess is, your format and mine probably accomplish the same thing. I know I tried about 20 different patterns before this one, and this is the only one that worked properly. I don't think I tried your format though :)

How to backup with s3cmd, ignoring multiple directories and file types

I've been trying to figure out how to backup the contents of my file server's (CentOS via smb) user's folder, ignoring certain file types and directories. It seems like this should be easy, but I'm not getting anywhere on figuring out how to ignore multiple directories.
I'd like to ignore the following:
all files and directories starting with a . or a _
all MS Office temp files (eg ~$*)
lock files (eg .lock)
I've tried a bunch of different combinations of the --exclude flag, but can't get any to work right.
This is the command that makes the most sense, but it's not excluding anything:
s3cmd sync --dry-run --verbose --delete-removed --exclude '.*' '_*' '~$*' '*.lock' /home/user-folder s3://bucket-name/
If you are already using .gitignore, you can do something like
s3cmd sync --exclude '.git/*' --exclude-from .gitignore <local_dir> s3://<bucket>/
as stated in this blog post and confirmed by the documentation for --exclude-from from the official docs (Ctrl+F and search for "exclude-from").
It works great, with one minor drawback: if you're excluding a folder within .gitignore, you must exclude its contents also, or s3cmd will grab its contents. However, this is easy, you can just add a line like <foldername>/* inside the .gitignore and everything will be ok.
Well, better than this. Set up a .s3ignore file and just refer to it from the sync command:
s3cmd sync --exclude-from .s3ignore <local_dir> s3://<bucket>/
.s3ignore example:
I've do something similar. The key is to use --exclude before each pattern you want to match:
s3cmd -v --recursive --exclude ".ts" --exclude ".aac" --exclude "/thumbnails" put /var/www/folder s3://bucket/
Also I managed to use .ts without the wildcard symbol and it worked in my case!
Other answers mention passing --exclude <pattern> for each pattern, and packing all patterns into a file to pass with --exclude-from <file>
Using regex:
You can also pack all patterns into a regular expression and pass it with the --rexclude option:
The Regex pattern for the question above: ".^\.*|._*|.~$*|.*.lock"
s3cmd sync --dry-run --verbose --delete-removed --rexclude ".^\.*|._*|.~$*|.*.lock" /home/user-folder s3://bucket-name/
