Migrate from Joomla 2.5.17 to Joomla 3.2.1 Failed - joomla

I am trying to upgrade my website from Joomla 2.5.17 to Joomla 3.2.1.
The website has very few 3rd party extensions.
First I restored my website on my local computer.
Then I uninstall all the third party extensions and templates.
Then tried to upgrade using one-click Joomla Upgrade manager.
After the upgrade was completed, a blank page was displayed.
Since I did not see any error, I refreshed the page and the below error message was displayed:
1091 Can't DROP 'usertype'; check that column/key exists SQL=ALTER
TABLE xxx_users DROP KEY usertype;
I checked the 'xxx_users' table to see if 'usertype' column existed or not. There was no column named usertype' in the 'xxx_users' table.
When I try to access any menu from the Joomla Administrator section, the following error message is displayed:
Notice: Undefined property: InstallerController::$input in
on line 39 Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a
non-object in
on line 39
What am I doing wrong?
Any help will be appreciated.

migrated from 2.5.28 to 3.3.6 and had the same problem
worked with your solution. thank you very much!
Steps done:
1.verified the 2.5.28 version site works correctly
2.deleted the folder "updates" in ./administrator/components/com_admin/sql/
(source: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=710&t=825456&start=30#p3108160)
3.upgraded to 3.3.6 with the tool on the administrator page -> got a blank page after it was done :-/
4.created the following database table (the installer couldn't create it somehow):
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #__content_types (
type_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
type_title varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
type_alias varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
table varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
rules text NOT NULL,
field_mappings text NOT NULL,
router varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
content_history_options varchar(5120) COMMENT 'JSON string for com_contenthistory options',
PRIMARY KEY (type_id),
KEY idx_alias (type_alias)
-- info: replace the #_ with your own database prefix
(source: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=710&t=825407#p3103959)
5.accessed: MyWeBpAgE/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&task=database.fix
to fix all remaining database problems
(source: see above ;-))
6.accessed: MyWeBpAgE/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=discover&task=discover.refresh
and updated/installed all extensions
7.I was happy.
In the end I found out the module JoomGallery produced these errors at my page.
When I uninstalled it before the Joomla Migration (step 3 from above) it got me no blank page and all database entries were updated correctly.
So how did I migrate from JoomGallery 2.5 to 3 without loosing all categories, etc.?:
1.I didn't uninstall JoomGallery 2.5
2.I executed all explained steps from above
3.I installed JoomGallery 3 over the existing installation
4.voilĂ , all database entries for the categories, etc. were correctly adopted to the new version :-)

You could always try the link...
...as it sounds like an update has failed, leaving the site in limbo. This means perhaps you have a partially updated file set and database. If so, using the above link you can fix the database. You may also need to fix the files, but this is easier, as you can just upload the files straight from the latest installer, excluding the 'installation' folder, overwriting all existing files. In some situations, worse-case, I've had to 'discover' the installed but not registered extensions via "Extensions" -> "Extension Manager" -> "Discover" ( your-site-url.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=discover ).
Some background can be found on the following links...

Thnx allot for this solution.
Things i have done.
delete cdcaptcha plugin & anywhere module (gave me installation problems)
deleted the folder "updates" in ./administrator/components/com_admin/sql/
upgraded to 3.3.6 with the tool on the administrator page. (Gave me 100.. table errors
accessed: /administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&task=database.fix
to fix all remaining database problems
accessed: /administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=discover&task=discover.refresh
and updated/installed all extensions
Repeated step 4. to make sure everything is ok
Everything works fine now. Thnx again!


Magento New installation - Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists

I'm trying to install Magento 1.8, however I got stucked in configuration step.
I got the following message: 500 Internal Server Error
Looking log file I could verify the following:
SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'eav_entity_type' already exists"
But, here is the problem because it is a new installation and this table does NOT exist.
My Products versions are: W32 (test environment) PHP 5.4 MySQL 5.6.14 Magento, IE 9 FF 25.0.1 Chrome 31.0.1650
Could you please help me? Thanks a lot.
Login to your database using phpMyAdmin and make sure there are no tables in there.
If there are, drop the user/table and re-create it anew and re-try the install wizard.
Just delete all tabels or re-create databbase, and start installation again.
Today I finally got it. I did a totally new installation on Debian amd64. I installed only LAMP softwares and probably the FastCGI was avoiding to get success. It is necessary to confirm this.

Joomla - Fabrik 3.X - SQL Error

I have fresh install of Joomla 3.X and Fabrik 3 ( Official Package from Fabrik.com). I am new to fabrik and I am curious to find out its capabilities.
If Fabrik fails me , I will drop using Joomla and switch back to CodeIgniter.
I want to load a simple SQL data table ( localhost ) and set some filter fields to start with but I have been having this error which I cannot figure out the cause.
0 SQL=ALTER TABLE `tablename` COLLATE utf8_general_ci
I have created a simple list and loaded the corresponding database table but whenever I try to make any changes, I receive the above Error Message.
At the frontend the table is loading, but I fail to configure anything.
Database : Phpmyadmin 5.5
Store Engine Type : InnoDb
Collation : utf8_general_ci
Any idea what's wrong in my settings ? Any good alternative to Fabrik for Joomla ?
Fabrik does not accept numeric table names. I modified my tablename from 33665 to p_33665 and the problem has been solved.
I hope this can help new Fabrik users.

Database schema version (2.5.11) does not match CMS version (3.1.1).

I have been upgrading a joomla (2.5- to - 3.1) site locally but the upgrade is broken. The sql upgrade did not pass. I have been trying to use the database fix option but even like that did not get it to work in my case.
Database schema version (2.5.11) does not match CMS version (3.1.1).
Table '#__content' does not have column 'title_alias' with type 'VARCHAR(255)'. (From file 1.7.3-2011-10-15.sql.)
I have been trying to execute manually the other query but fails.
How could I fix my broken tables?
Where could I get a valid sql upgrade script?
Try clicking the "Fix" button on the Extension Manager > Database view. If this still does not resolve your issue, you'll need to manually apply all of the fixes. You can grab the SQL updates from GitHub (the same relative file path applies as well) and manually run each file's queries using a tool such as phpMyAdmin. Note you'll need to change the table prefix (#__) to match that of your own site.
had the same problem when doing upgrade 2.5.11 => 3.1.1, fixed it by first using phpmyadmin to add a title_alias field with VARCHAR(50) to #__contents table.
after which joomla added another complaint that title_alias should not exist in 3.0.
After applying 'Fix' I guess the old update scripts for 1.7 first changed title_alias to VARCHAR(255), then the update for 3.0 removed it again, updated the schema version in the db
and joomla stopped complaining...
Hope this helps you.

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception Occured while migrating joomla 1.5 to 2.5

I'm trying to migrate my joomla website from 1.5.26 to 2.5. While migrating the joomla website through jupgrade extension, it is showing me "Migrating undefined". So, i've on the migration error in jupgrade extension then it shows me the following error which are related to the j25_users table.
Please have alook at the following error:-
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Unknown column 'subscribe' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `j25_users` (`id`,`name`,`username`,`email`,`password`,`usertype`,`block`,`sendEmail`,`registerDate`,`lastvisitDate`,`activation`,`params`,`subscribe`) VALUES ('62','ChhathPoojaAdmin','admin','info#vivid-techno.com','36b6db909a7471b4e6fdf31b4eec641e:UELuOKlpIjy0jqPf36I8Kzj8uNElGBf9','Super Administrator','0','1','2010-06-27 16:18:02','2013-01-21 12:36:40','','{\"admin_language\":\"en-GB\",\"language\":\"en-GB\",\"editor\":\"xstandard\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"UTC\"}','1')' in C:\wamp\www\jdchhath\administrator\components\com_jupgrade\includes\jupgrade.class.php on line 347
Any Guess, how to solve it?
Upgrading your old joomla website to latest joomla version can be hectic as it could make you to feel so angry. The answer of my solution was that the subscribe column was not in the latest joomla version that makes it problem to upgrade my website to latest version. So i inserted myself the column table "subscribe" in my #__users table and please note that don't delete the old database tables which has been created by the jupgrde even if it is unsuccessful.That's it and you are done. If you are encounting any other problems related to database then first of all make sure that columns or tables are exist or not in your database. If jupgrade extensions creates any new database other than these tables jupgrade_categories,jupgrade_menus,jupgrade_modules,jupgrade_steps than don't delete it from my opinion.Just add the new columns or table in the newly created tables by jupgrade

DB-Toolkit Plugin - on save redirects to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and returns only a 0

So I aquired a project that is using DB-Toolkit to make a section of the site but the section hadn't been updated in a while ( as in added new content too ) but recently I went to add new content to it and when I click save on the modal window in DB-Toolkit it just redirects me to admin-ajax.php and returns only 0. I looked around in the admin-ajax.php for a die('0') and well theres a lot of them.
I have never used this plugin before and since this is now breaking the production site I need to fix it asap but after a day of trying on my own I have gotten no where..
any ideas / help is appreciated.
the version of wordpress I'm using is 3.2.1 and the version of the db-toolkit plugin is ( i know this is old but when I updated it got even worse, loss of Applications as well as interfaces and it fails to import the backups I have from db-toolkit. so until I fix this issue I don't want to update )
the site was working about 3 weeks ago according to the db records ( last inserted record to the table being used by db-toolkit)
another Plugin removed the dt_start action on the admin and front end, once I just disabled it on the front end everything was fine.
