DBMS_PROFILER - only anonymous - oracle

I am trying to get over with DBMS_PROFILER, but I face a problem, that I can't get through.
I followed the tutorial on this page:
and everything was fine till I did not change the user. When I run the profiler as the owner of the code, all the statistics are fine, but when I run those procedures as a different user (that of course has EXECUTE permissions) I can see only "ANONYMOUS" in profiler tables.
I found something looking around in the internet, and performed these actions:
I granted execute permissions for user calling procedures,
I also granted DEBUG permissions,
I compiled procedures for DEBUG,
I have checked that code is "INTERPRETED" and not "NATIVE",
finally, calling user also have CREATE PROCEDURE privilege.
Nevertheless, it still doesn't work. The problem is I want to profile application, that is running code as a different user, so I cannot change that. Any ideas what should I do, and why it is not working?

Problem solved. The doc says (in security section) that you need to have privileges to create objects that you want to monitor. I wanted to monitor package in other schemas, so at first I thought I need CREATE PROCEDURE privilege which didn't help. In fact, you need to have privileges to create specifically object you want to monitor, so you simply need to have CREATE ANY PROCEDURE for user from which you are running other shema packages.

You have tagged this question as Oracle 11g, in which case you are in luck. Oracle added a new profiler package, DBMS_HPROF. This is a hierarchical profiler, which means it can drill down into different schemas. Find out more.


What are the main causes for a package to have a much slower execution time for all users except the schema owner?

Any advice or knowledge is appreciated I'm pretty new to databases.
I have a oracle package that executes at an acceptable rate by the schema owner however when I grant a role to any other user which has access to the package it is extremely slow.
What are the best methods to trouble shoot would the package be the problem or could this be an issue with how oracle verifies security for the package execution.
The package has essentially got looped select statements and is inserting data using another package.
Many Thanks
Does the package run as the owner or as the current user? What is the full version of Oracle?
If the package runs as the current user then the code could be finding different versions of the objects.
If the code runs as the owner but the users have different session parameter settings, several of which effect the CBO plans, then different query plans could be in use.
Run sql trace on an execution by the owner and by a user and compare the results.
You have option to [PIN] package code into database memory pool and increase performance.

temporarily disabling access to a schema in Oracle : lock account vs revoke grant

I have a usecase where I need to block access to all objects in a schema temporarily while I perform some massive changes. I plan to perform the changes as the schema owner. Once I am done I want to enable access back. I am currently exploring two options and would like to know your thoughts as to which one works better :
Lock all accounts that go against the database objects in target schema.
Revoke grants on the database objects and hence preventing external users from using it.
Is there are better way? I want the process to be as smooth as possible and insure that no one is able to get to the target schema while the change is going on
Trigger. This trigger works for everybody except the user with dba role.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER logon_audit_trigger
raise_application_error (-20001, 'You cannot login.');
If you want to know who and where is trying to login. You can get thses information from SYS_CONTEXT.
You could consider to quiesce the database. The downsides to locking out users or revoking permissions is that users will receive errors (you don't have access or you can't login, etc...). Quiesceing the database means that active sessions will finish their work, but then will hang until the database is un-quiesced. Then, you perform your modifications and will be guaranteed that nothing can block your exclusive access to the objects you are updating. After your update (or even during your update after you have the lock on the object in question), unquiesce the database.
Of course, the downside to this approach is that this is across the entire database instead of to just one schema. The advantage to this is that your users won't experience any error messages, and if you turn your DML into DDL (as described below) to greatly speed up the downtime window, the majority of your users shouldn't experience much more than a few seconds of inactivity.
There is a good write up on quiesceing the database at Oracle FAQ. You would have to get your DBA's involved to both quiesce the database and to put your changes live as only system or sys can perform this operation.
For DML, you could consider creating a new table with the data that you want before the downtime window starts. Then when the downtime window starts, rename the old table, rename the new table as the old table, recreate the permissions, for a much faster downtime window (since this effectively turns a DML update into DDL). Tom Kyte has a discussion of this approach here.
Also, it goes without saying that proper testing in a testing environment of the above procedures should be done, which will iron out any gotchas in this process and give you a pretty good idea of how long the system will need to be quiesced for.

Why doesn't PL/SQL respect privileges granted by Roles?

When executing a PL/SQL block, any privileges granted to roles are ignored. Instead you must give specific users specific grants to run it. If I want to give DBAs access to a package or a function or a procedure, I can't give the DBA role a grant. I have to give a grant to each user in the DBA role, I have to remove the user's grant if they cease to be a DBA, and I have to add the grant to any new DBA.
I find this very hard to maintain.
My question is why does PL/SQL work this way? What design considerations did Oracle make to decide that this is how Roles and PL/SQL should work together? I've been unable to find an answer that isn't "that's just the way it is".
I think you may be fighting over Invokers rights vs Definers rights.
From Oracle docs:
During a server call, when a DR unit is pushed onto the call stack,
the database stores the currently enabled roles and the current values
and CURRENT_SCHEMA to the owner of the DR unit, and enables only the
role PUBLIC. (The stored and new roles and values are not necessarily
different.) When the DR unit is popped from the call stack, the
database restores the stored roles and values. In contrast, when an IR
unit is pushed onto, or popped from, the call stack, the values of
CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_SCHEMA, and the currently enabled roles do
not change
So if you want Oracle to "respect the privileges granted by roles", then perhaps you want to use Invokers rights ( AUTHID CURRENT_USER clause)
It's probably a combination of laziness and the SET ROLE command.
I disagree that it's not allowed because of complex dependencies. Oracle already manages complex dependencies. And in 12c it is possible to grant a role to an object.
I think the real reason why objects don't inherit the roles of the user is because of the SET ROLE command. It's possible for a user to be assigned a role but to turn it on and off within a session. That's a silly feature and I've never seen it used. But theoretically it would require recompiling within the same session or transaction, which would be really confusing.
Otherwise if you drop a role then the PL/SQL package would become INVALID in some cases (without having the option to re-compile).
DROP ROLE ... is a DCL (Data Control Language) statement. Looks like Oracle decided: "A PL/SQL package shall not become INVALID by a DCL statement"
Maybe I am not understanding something correctly here, because I have done what you say can't be done. In fact, the Oracle documentation says it can be done. Look at the section on Procedure Security in this document. (#ibre5041)Nothing would have to be recompiled because the procedures run under the owner's privileges. The user's (or his roles') privileges are only checked for whether they are allowed to run the procedure.
What am I missing?
I'm think it is some historical heritage. When changing ROLE's object privs Oracle would have re-compile a lot of PL/SQL stored code. PS: you can also create something called "SCHEMA".
See CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Create database in oracle for manually created user

I want to create the user and the database within that user. But when I tried to create database its giving the warning message as
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01100: database already mounted
Then I tried
Its giving the warning message for insufficient privileges even I have given all the permission to that particular user.
Can any one please help in finding the solution for this?
You don't create a database under a user in Oracle; I believe you're using terminology from another database poduct. The equivalent is a schema, which is a logical container for a group of objects. User and schema are essenentially synonymous in Oracle - when you create a user is automatically has its own schema.
You create the database once (which you already seem to have done, or had done for you), then create as many schemas/users as your application needs. You don't ever rerun the create database under normal circumstances - you certainly wouldn't as a normal user.
If you connect as that user you will be able to create tables, views, packages etc., assuming it has really been granted all the necessary privileges.

What permissions should Developers have in the Dev database instance

...and how should those permissions be granted. I work in a large IT dept with 70+ applications, some in SQL server and most in oracle. Each system has a prod, QA and Dev instance. We (I'm a developer) have readonly access to prod/qa, which I'm fine with. In SQL server development instances devs are given db_owner, which works totally fine. The debate is over what permissions I should have in the DEV oracle databases.
I recognize that best case would be to have each dev run their own instance on their workstation for development, but because of the size of the databases this has not been considered an option.
I'm also interested in HOW these permissions should be applied. In oracle permissions granted via a role are not active during PL/SQL execution so roles (even the "dba" role) are not useful. That leaves using a built in account (system) or creating dozens of users accross dozens of database and directly granting dozens of permissions to each.
In my mind just letting the devs login as system is making a lot of sense, but our DBAs claim that's a bad idea.
We used to just give developers access to the application account. This works for small shops but rapidly gets out of hand as the number of developers increase.
Here's what we do now:
the Application has it's own account (aka schema).
Developers have their own accounts
Data resides in the application schema
We have an ant build script to build code into whatever schema you want.
code includes views, packages, objects etc..
the build script includes a step to run a stored procedure to grant explicit rights to developers to the application data
Developers make changes in their own schema
When happy they check that into subversion
The Application's dev schema is built from the new subversion build.
Developers can check out and rebuild their own environments.
DDL changes to table structures are done via the DBA
these can be scripted as well
This has the benefit of ensure any front end application is not broken by database developers constantly rebuilding everything.
I assume that there are a relatively small number of application accounts that own the actual objects. So one or more logical applications are comprised of tables owned by a particular Oracle user. This would not by SYSTEM or SYS, it would not be any of the accounts that Oracle the company delivers. It would be an account that your DBAs created. If you are familiar with the Oracle sample schemas, the HR user owns all the tables in the HR schema which comprise the back end for an HR application.
Starting from the principle of "the simplest thing that could possibly work," my first thought would be to see if the developers could log in directly to those application accounts. This isn't the securest possible configuration, and you are opening up the possibility that a developer accidentally or intentionally does some damage that may be difficult to track or easily resolve. But it can work reasonably well depending on the organization. Privilege management is trivial-- the application owner account already has all the privileges it needs most likely.
The next step up would be giving every developer a separate schema to develop in, presumably in conjunction with a load of public synonyms in the database and an absence of schema qualifiers in the application code, so that any object created in the developer's schema automatically overrides the shared version of that object. This provides much better isolation. Permissions are generally granted by either creating scripts that contain all the grants a developer needs or by creating a script that copies all the privileges from a "known good" account to the new account. Neither is particularly difficult to write-- you just have to make sure that all the developers end up with the same set of privileges, which is generally just another script that gets run when a new privilege is granted.
If you are developing stored PL/SQL objects, then the schema owning those objects needs, as you mentioned, explicit grants on the objects used. If you have a single 'data' schema but are developing code in your own individual schemas then you should get the ability to grant access on the data schema objects to your development schemas. Normally I'd expect username/password for the data schema.
In regards to system privileges (eg CREATE), I'd expect CREATE TABLE, TYPE, VIEW, PROCEDURE TRIGGER, SYNONYM. Others may be appropriate (eg CONTEXT) depending on what you do. The DBA may rule out CREATE DIRECTORY as that could be damaging if mis-used. Ditto for privileges with ANY in them (eg SELECT ANY TABLE, DELETE ANY TABLE)
For performance tuning / system monitoring, on a dev database SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE is good. If the DBA is risk-averse, you may have to negotiate grants on individual views. Go through the REFERENCE guide for your version and ask for any you may use.
One of the DBA's jobs is to manage user privileges. I don't think system is a good idea for a few reasons, not the least being the ability to drop an entire schema which I am sure you don't want. That being said, I think it is perfectly fine to grant all to your users and let the DBAs manage these permissions no matter how many dozens of accounts there may be. Most DBAs will have scripts they can use to manage these permissions anyway.
Listen to your DBAs, they generally know what they are talking about.
If it's just a dev instance; i'd have all users have individual accounts added to the admin role. That way you can still log activity on a per-user basis; but give the devs enough breathing room to do their thing.
My group supports about 100 apps with about 20 of them having their own Oracle schema. We have gone down the road of every developer has the password to the schema and it is convenient. However, in hindsight I would recommend that each developer use their own Oracle account to develop. The main reason is auditing.
I recognize that best case would be to
have each dev run their own instance
on their workstation for development,
but because of the size of the
databases this has not been considered
an option.
Is there a way to deal with this, maybe by reducing the amount of data in your personal copies? This seems like the ideal solution, since it would allow you to make any changes you need. Then you could submit them to the DBA when you're ready, and have him update the shared development server.
