magento magmi categories creation of the fly - magento

I cannot create my products categories correctly on my magento store using magmi because my csv file is not compliant with magmi
my csv header is this:
Item Code,Price,Stock,Item Title,Category,Sub Category,Manufacturer,Part Number,Weight,Image,Warehouse,description one,description 2,EAN Number
SB-400-00,1.25,Sandberg Hard Back Case (Clear) for iPhone 4,Phones,Accessory,Sandberg,400-00,0.05,OR66300000242579.jpg,3,description one,Sandberg Hard Case for iPhone 4,5706595696
How I can play with Category,Sub Category to have the product in the correct subcat ?
I try with value replace but I have no positive result.
I try with On the fly category creator/importer no positive result too.
I have only the category without sub-cat.
Help will be appreciated.

You can configure a few Magmi plugins to format the data so that it can be processed correctly.
Make sure you have the On the fly category creator/importer enabled and the Tree level separator: configuration option set to / for the plugin.
Enable the Column mapper plugin and add Category,Sub Category to the Mapped columns list
For the Category field (in the Column mapper plugin), enter: category
For the Sub Category field (in the Column mapper plugin), enter: subcategory
Your column mapper plugin configuration should look like this:
Enable the Value Replacer plugin and enter categories into the Replaced attributes field.
For the categories field (in the Value Replacer plugin), enter: {item.category}/{item.subcategory}
Your Value Replacer configuration should look like this:
Click Save Config and run your import.


how to add bulk category assign option in update product attribute Magento

HI i need to assign multiple products a same categories. I have check that under update product attributes in admin but unfortunately there is no option for this. There.
Can any body suggest me how can i add that functionality in admin.
please check this screen-shot
"i need to assign multiple products a same categories."
If you want to do this. you have to go to category edit.
Catalog -> Manage Categories
Select a category
Click on Category Products tab (on top)
On very first column select any (there you see Yes, No and Any option)
Click on Search. You will see list of products.
Select products to assign to that category.
I recently wanted to bulk change / replace the category of products (with or without an existing category) to a new category "Expired". I created a CSV with the following fields:
I then used System > Import and for Import Behaviour selected "Replace existing complex data". Select your csv file and away you go. Remember a re-index is required.
If you wish to wanted to bulk add a first or further category to products, create the same file as above but for Import Behaviour select "Append complex data". I.e. if a product had been in Category: "TVs" and you use "Append complex data" with the above file, it would now be in both Categories: "TVs" and "Expired".

magento merge attribute with categories and select only categories

In magento at time to upload product one by one, we have to select first attribute set and then select categories, we want to fix attribute set for each categories and at time to upload product we have only to select categories
if you are talking about to import product by csv. i think it will be more flexible with csv file.
because if you want to fix attribute set with some categories. you need to modify code and you have to define categories name in code file. now problem is that if you will add new category it's compulsory to define in code too.
so you have to manage with csv. you can define 'category' and 'attribute_set' column side by side.

How do I sucessfully import a csv file to Magento using Magmi?

My supplier has provided me with a CSV file which contains all the products they supply. I am trying to import this in to a empty Magento Store (No existing Products or Categories).
When I try to import the file I get 39000 errors! All stating 'attribute_set defined 'however there is a column for Attribute Set.
Any help would be greatfully accepted as this is driving me mad lol
Make sure that attribute set column header is attribute_set.
If it's Attribute Set in your CSV, you can use the Column Mapper plugin to map it to the correct header name.
Go to your Magmi UI
Go to the Configure Current Profile section
Check the box next to the Column mapper plugin, then click the Configure link
In the Mapped columns list field, enter Attribute Set (the column header value you currently have in your CSV). Now click anywhere on the page for the mapping area to appear.
A field New name for col Attribute Set will appear. Enter attribute_set as the value.
Save your Magmi profile.
This will map the column Attribute Set to the correct column attribute_set

Display products against attributes in magento

I am working on custom module in magento.
I create two new attributes (combo box) make and location. After that I add values for these attributes using custom code against specific product. Like I add make "Sony" and location is "Australia" against product 1 (1 is id for product).
Now on admin side i want to display this product with attributes values like make is Sony and location is Australia and product is 1.
I found some tables where these values are linked like (catalog_product_entity_int,eav_attribute,eav_attribute_option,eav_attribute_option_value), but I am unable to query such records. The page where I want to display data I have attribute id and attribute code.
Can anyone knows how I can figure it out?
Very simple Dude.
inside your _prepareCollection() method of your custom module grid
Load the product collection and select these two attribute... If there is a need to filter it by these two attributes then do it.

is it possible to show custom attributes of associated products under a grouped product in front end? (Magento)

I have a typical condition in my magento Grouped product.
Is it possible to show Custom attribute (color dropdown) of associated product under Grouped products in the fronted.. as shown below
Consider the sample blanket product
Let me know if i am not clear.
It's not clear your question but I would give you a small example to get text field, multiple select or drop-down listbox value.
First, we should load the product collection :
// load the product that id 125, then show attributes of the product
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($this->getProduct()->getId(125));
echo $product->getCustomAttribute();
// lets say your custom attributes name is "size" and type is text field
echo $product->getSize();
// lets assume your custom attributes name is "product_size then
echo $product->getProductSize();
// lets assume your attribute type is drop-down, this will get array of attribute options instead of value that you selected
echo $product->getAttributeText(product_size);
// to get drop-down value that you selected
$attribute = $product->getAttributes();
$productSize = $attribute['product_size']->getFrontend()->getValue($product);
let me know if it's not meet your request.
I have found a solution for this, 3 edited files.
But these files are edited for a previous version of Magento, I don't know which version.
I have uploaded this 3 files on my Magento 1.7 and it works but when add the product to the cart it give's a error with app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php
This file: Quote.php is one of the edited files, when i upload the original Quote.php it works.
Look at this pic:
But maybe i get more errors in the future, i don't have any ideas..
I am a noob with this, if someone can look at the edited files and chek how they have do this and compare this with the newest files for Magento 1.7 maybe we can help to many peoples with this problem.
