create a excel file using shell script - shell

I have a bunch of text files in a directory and i need to read them and extract information and keep in an excel or text file
count: 10
totalcount: 30
total no of a's: 20
total no of b's: 20
count: 20
totalcount: 40
total no of a's: 10
total no of b's: 30
name1 name2
count 10 20
totalcount 30 40
percentage 33 50
I want the output to keep in file called(example.txt or .csv) in the same directory.
can i get help in this?
here what i tried in writing a shell script,but can't create tab separated and output to file what i needed
#$ -S /bin/bash
for sample in *.txt; do
header=$(echo ${sample} | awk '{sub(/_/," ")}1'| awk '{print $1}')
echo -en $header"\t"
echo -e ' \t '
echo "count"
for sample in *.txt; do
grep "count:" $sample | awk -F: $'\t''{print $2}'
echo "totalcount"
for sample in *.txt; do
grep "totalcount:" $sample | awk -F: $'\t''{print $2}'
echo "percentage"
for sample in *.txt; do
grep "percentage:" $sample | awk -F: $'\t''{print $2}'

You can see if this does what you want:
awk -F":" 'BEGIN { DELIM="\t" } \
last_filename != FILENAME { \
split( FILENAME, farr, "_" ); header = header DELIM farr[1]; \
last_filename = FILENAME; i=0 } \
$1 ~ /count/ || $1 ~ /totalcount/ || $1 ~/percentage/ \
{ a[i++]= NR==FNR ? $1DELIM$2 : a[i]DELIM$2 } \
END { print header; for( j in a ) { print a[j] } }' name*.txt
where I've tried to break it up into multiple lines for "easier" reading. You can just remove the trailing "\" from each line and concat each line to re-make it as a one-liner. If I edit this anwswer one more time, I'll just make it an executable awk file.
The awk is setting a DELIM for the output to tab in the BEGIN block.
The FILENAME is cleaned up and appended to the header
It takes the column names from the first file, as well as the data and puts that into an array at i. For each next file, it just appends the data.
At the END, the header is output, and then the contents of the array are output.
I get the following output then:
name1 name2
count 10 20
totalcount 20 40
percentage 33 50
This will now only take the columns indicated in the data, provided $1 is an exact match for the count, totalcount and percentage.


Using awk to extract two separate strings

MacOS, Unix
So I have a file in the following stockholm format:
#=GS WP_002855993.1/5-168 DE [subseq from] MULTISPECIES: AAC(3) family N-acetyltransferase [Campylobacter]
#=GS WP_002856586.1/5-166 DE [subseq from] MULTISPECIES: aminoglycoside N(3)-acetyltransferase [Campylobacter]
#=GR WP_002855993.1/5-168 PP ......6788899999***********************9333344455.6...8999********************.33...3544......4555......799999975..68********98626999****************999865..689*********************9875.456799996.....
#=GR WP_002856586.1/5-166 PP ......5566677788889999******************....**9953422246679*******************.33...3544......4455......799998876..589**********.******************99999886..689******************999765..5666***96.....
#=GC PP_cons ......6677788899999999*****************9....77675.5...68889*******************.33...3544......4455......799999976..689*******998.8999**************99999876..689******************9998765.466699996.....
#=GC RF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....xxxxx.x...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WP_002855993.1/5-168 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR WP_002855993.1/5-168 PP .....................................................................................................
WP_002856586.1/5-166 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR WP_002856586.1/5-166 PP .....................................................................................................
#=GC PP_cons .....................................................................................................
#=GC RF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And I've created a script to extract the IDs I want, in this case, WP_002855993.1 and WP_002856586.1, and search through another file to extract DNA sequences with the appropriate IDs. The script is as follows:
for fileName in *.sto;
protID=$(grep -o "WP_.\{0,11\}" $fileName | sort | uniq)
echo $protID
file=$(echo $fileName | cut -d '_' -f 1,2,3)
file=$(echo $file'_protein.faa')
echo $file
if [ -n "$protID" ]; then
gawk "/^>/{N=0}/^.*$protID/{N=1} {if(N)print}" $file >>
And here's an example of the type of file I'm looking through:
>WP_002855993.1 MULTISPECIES: AAC(3) family N-acetyltransferase [Campylobacter]
>WP_002856586.1 MULTISPECIES: aminoglycoside N(3)-acetyltransferase [Campylobacter]
>WP_002856595.1 MULTISPECIES: acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxylase subunit [Campylobacter]
This script works if I have one ID, but in some cases I get two IDs, and I get an error, because I think it's looking for an ID like "WP_002855993.1 WP_002856586.1". Is there a way to modify this script so it looks for two separate occurrences? I guess it's something with the gawk command, but I'm not sure what exactly. Thanks in advance!
an update to the original script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for file_sto in *.sto; do
file_faa=$(echo $file_sto | cut -d '_' -f 1,2,3)
awk '(NR==FNR) { match($0,/WP_.\{0,11\}/);
if (RSTART > 0) a[substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)]++
next; }
($1 in a){ print RS $0 }' $file_sto RS=">" $file_faa >> sequence_protein.file
The awk part can probably even be reduced to :
awk '(NR==FNR) { if ($0 ~ /^WP_/) a[$1]++; next }
($1 in a) { print RS $0 }' FS='/' $file_sto FS=" " RS=">" $file_faa
This awk script does the following:
Set the field separator FS to / and read file $file_sto.
When reading $file_sto the record number NR is the same as the file record number FNR.
(NR==FNR) { if ($0 ~ /^WP_/) a[$1]++; next }: this line works only one $file_sto due to the condition in the front. It checks if the line starts with WP_. If it does, it stores the first field $1 (separated by FS which is a /) in an array a; it then skips to the next record in the file (next).
If we finished reading file $file_sto, we set the field separator back to a single space FS=" " (see section Regular expression) and the record separator RS to > and start reading file $file_faa The latter implies that $0 will contain all lines between > and the first field $1 is the protID.
Reading $file_faa, the file record number FNR is restarted from 1 while NR is not reset. Hence the first awk line is skipped.
($1 in a){ print RS $0 } if the first field is in the array a, print the record with the record separator in front of it.
fixing the original script:
If you want to keep your original script, you could store the protID in a list and then loop the list :
for fileName in *.sto; do
protID_list=( $(grep -o "WP_.\{0,11\}" $fileName | sort | uniq) )
echo ${protID_list[#]}
file=$(echo $fileName | cut -d '_' -f 1,2,3)
file=$(echo $file'_protein.faa')
echo $file
for protID in ${protID_list[#]}; do
if [ -n "$protID" ]; then
gawk "/^>/{N=0}/^.*$protID/{N=1} {if(N)print}" $file >>
Considering your output file is test.
Using following command gives you only file names:
>>cat text | awk '{print $1}' | grep -R 'WP*' | cut -d":" -f2
gives me output:
Do you want output like that?

Counting palindromes in a text file

Having followed this thread BASH Finding palindromes in a .txt file I can't figure out what am I doing wrong with my script.
search() {
tr -d '[[:punct:][:digit:]#]' \
| sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' \
| tr -s '[[:space:]]' \
| tr '[[:space:]]' '\n'
search "$1"
paste <(search <"$1") <(search < "$1" | rev) \
| awk '$1 == $2 && (length($1) >=3) { print $1 }' \
| sort | uniq -c
All im getting from this script is output of the whole text file. I want to only output palindromes >=3 and count them such as
425 did
120 non
etc. My textfile is called sample.txt and everytime i run the script with: cat sample.txt | source palindrome I get message 'bash: : No such file or directory'.
Using awk and sed
awk 'function palindrome(str) {len=length(str); for(k=1; k<=len/2+len%2; k++) { if(substr(str,k,1)!=substr(str,len+1-k,1)) return 0 } return 1 } {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {if(length($i)>=3){ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,"",$i); if(length($i)>=3) {$i=tolower($i); if(palindrome($i)) arr[$i]++ }} } } END{for(i in arr) print arr[i],i}' file | sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d'
Tested on 1.2GB file and execution time was ~4m 40s (i5-6440HQ # 2.60GHz/4 cores/16GB)
Explanation :
awk '
function palindrome(str) # Function to check Palindrome
for(k=1; k<=len/2+len%2; k++)
return 0
return 1
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) # For Each field in a record
if(length($i)>=3) # if length>=3
gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,"",$i); # remove non-alpha character from it
if(length($i)>=3) # Check length again after removal
$i=tolower($i); # Covert to lowercase
if(palindrome($i)) # Check if it's palindrome
arr[$i]++ # and store it in array
END{for(i in arr) print arr[i],i}' file | sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d'
sed -E '/^[0-9]+ (.)\1+$/d' : From the final result check which strings are composed of just repeated chracters like AAA, BBB etc and remove them.
Old Answer (Before EDIT)
You can try below steps if you want to :
Step 1 : Pre-processing
Remove all unnecessary chars and store the result in temp file
tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' <file | tr ' ' '\n' > temp
tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' This will remove all except letters,\n,\t, space
tr ' ' '\n' This will convert space to \n to separate each word in newlines
Step-2: Processing
grep -wof temp <(rev temp) | sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' | awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }'
grep -wof temp <(rev temp) This will give you all palindromes
-w : Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words.
For example : level won't match with levelAAA
-o : Print only the matched group
-f : To use each string in temp file as pattern to search in <(rev temp)
sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d': This will remove words formed of same letters like AAA, BBBBB
awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }' : This will filter words having length>=3 and counts their frequency and finally prints the result
Example :
Input File :
$ cat file
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
kayak nalayak bob dad , pikachu. meow !! bhow !! 121 545 ding dong AAA BBB done
$ tr -dc 'a-zA-Z\n\t ' <file | tr ' ' '\n' > temp
$ grep -wof temp <(rev temp) | sed -E -e '/^(.)\1+$/d' | awk 'length>=3 {a[$1]++} END{ for(i in a) print a[i],i; }'
3 dad
3 kayak
3 bob
Just a quick Perl alternative:
perl -0nE 'for( /(\w{3,})/g ){ $a{$_}++ if $_ eq reverse($_)}
END {say "$_ $a{$_}" for keys %a}'
in Perl, $_ should be read as "it".
for( /(\w{3,})/g ) ... for all relevant words (may need some work to reject false positives like "12a21")
if $_ eq reverse($_) ... if it is palindrome
END {say "$_ $a{$_}" for...} ... tell us all the its and its number
Running the Script
The script expects that the file is given as an argument. The script does not read stdin.
Remove the line search "$1" in the middle of the script. It is not part of the linked answer.
Make the script executable using chmod u+x path/to/palindrome.
Call the script using path/to/palindrome path/to/sample.txt. If all the files are in the current working directory, then the command is
./palindrome sample.txt
Alternative Script
Sometimes the linked script works and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't found out why. However, I wrote an alternative script which does the same and is also a bit cleaner:
#! /bin/bash
grep -Po '\w{3,}' "$1" | grep -Evw '(.)\1*' | sort > tmp-words
grep -Fwf <(rev tmp-words) tmp-words | uniq -c
rm tmp-words
Save the script, make it executable, and call it with a file as its first argument.

How to take multiple argument in bash and pass them to awk?

I am writing a function in which I am replacing the leading/trailing space
from the column and if there is no value in the column replace it with null.
Function is working fine for one column but how can i modify it for multiple columns.
Function :
#cat trimfunction
function trim
vCol=$1 ###input column name
vFile=$2 ###input file name
var3=/home/vipin/temp ###temp file
awk -v col="${vCol}" -f /home/vipin/colf.awk ${vFile} > $var3 ###operation
mv -f $var3 $vFile ###Forcefully mv
AWK script :
#cat colf.awk
#!/bin/awk -f
gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", $col) ###replace space from 2nd column
{if ($col=="") {print $1,"NULL",$3} else print $0} ###replace whitespace with NULL
Input file : leading/trailing/white space in 2nd column
#cat filename.txt
1| 2016-01|00000321|12
2|2016-02 |000000432|13
3|2017-03 |000004312|54
4| |000005|32
Script :
. /home/vipin/trimfunction
trim 2 filename.txt
Output file : leading/trailing/white space removed in 2nd column
#cat filename.txt
If input file is like below - ( white/leading/trailing space in 2nd
and 5th column of file)
1|2016-01|00000321|12|2016-01 |00000
2|2016-02 |000000432|13| 2016-01|00000
3| 2017-03|000004312|54| |00000
4| |000005|2016-02|0000
5|2017-05 |00000543|12|2016-02 |0000
How to achive below output - (All leading/trailing space trimmed and
white space replaced with NULL in 2nd and 5th col) something like trim
2 5 filename.txt trim 2 5 filename.txt ###passing two column name as
This will do what you said you wanted:
$ cat
cols=( "$#" )
unset cols[$(( $# - 1 ))]
awk -v cols="${cols[*]}" '
for (i in c) {
}' "$file"
$ ./ 2 5 file
but if what you REALLY wanted was to operate on ALL fields instead of specific ones then of course there's a simpler solution.
Never do cmd file > tmp; mv tmp file by the way, always do cmd file > tmp && mv tmp file instead (note the &&) so you only overwrite your original file if the command succeeded. Also - always quote your shell variables unless you have a very specific purpose in mind by not doing so and fully understand all of the implications, so use "$file", not $file. Google it.
You can pass a list of columns to modify as a parameter. Create files
$ cat trim.awk
split(c, a)
FS = OFS = "|"
for (i in a) {
i = a[i]
gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", $i)
if (!length($i)) $i = "NULL"
$ cat filename.txt
1|2016-01|00000321|12|2016-01 |00000
2|2016-02 |000000432|13| 2016-01|00000
3| 2017-03|000004312|54| |00000
4| |000005|2016-02|0000
5|2017-05 |00000543|12|2016-02 |0000
awk -v c="2 5" -f trim.awk filename.txt
If managing leading/trailing spaces is all you want to do, you probably don't want to do all(AWK code) that.
cat q1.txt | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/|\ |/|NULL|/g' | sed 's/\ //g' should do.
tr -s ' ' : Squeeze multiple spaces into one
sed 's/|\ |/|NULL|/g' : Replace all "| |" with "|NULL|"
sed 's/\ //g' : Replace all spaces with empty string.

How to find the difference between the values two fields from two files and print only if there is a difference >10 using shell

Let say, i have two files a.txt and b.txt. the content of a.txt and b.txt is as follows:
So let's say these files have various fields separated by "|" and can have any number of lines. Also, assume that both are sorted files and so that we can match exact line between the two files. Now, i want to find the difference between the fields 8 & 9 of each row of each to be compared respectively and if any of their difference is greater than 10, then print the lines, otherwise remove the lines from file.
i.e., in the given example, i will subtract |10-11| (respective field no. 8 which is 1(absolute value) from a.txt and b.txt) and similarly for field no. 9 (0-0) which is 0,and both the difference is <10 so we delete this line from the files.
for the second line, the differences are (11-22)= 10 so we print this line.(dont need to check 19-18 as if any of the fields values(8,9) is >=10 we print such lines.
So the output is
You can do this with awk:
awk -F\| 'FNR==NR{x[FNR]=$0;eight[FNR]=$8;nine[FNR]=$9;next} {d1=eight[FNR]-$8;d2=nine[FNR]-$9;if(d1>10||d1<-10||d2>10||d2<-10){print x[FNR] >> "newa";print $0 >> "newb"}}' a.txt b.txt
The -F sets the field separator to the pipe symbol. The stuff in curly braces after FNR==NR applies only to the processing of a.txt. It says to save the whole line in array x[] indexed by line number (FNR) and also to save the eighth field in array eight[] also indexed by line number. Likewise field 9 is saved in array nine[].
The second set of curly braces applies to processing file b. It calculates the differences d1 and d2. If either exceeds 10, the line is printed to each of the files newa and newb.
You can write bash shell script that does it:
while true; do
read -r lineA <&3 || break
read -r lineB <&4 || break
vara_8=$(echo "$lineA" | cut -f8 -d "|")
varb_8=$(echo "$lineB" | cut -f8 -d "|")
vara_9=$(echo "$lineA" | cut -f9 -d "|")
varb_9=$(echo "$lineB" | cut -f9 -d "|")
if (( vara_8-varb_8 > 10 || vara_8-varb_8 < -10
|| vara_9-varb_9 > 10 || vara_9-varb_9 < -10 )); then
echo "$lineA" >> newA.txt
echo "$lineB" >> newB.txt
done 3<a.txt 4<b.txt
For short files
Use the method provided by Mark Setchell. Seen below in an expanded and slightly modified version:
x[FNR] = $0
m[FNR] = $8
n[FNR] = $9
if(abs(m[FNR] - $8) || abs(n[FNR] - $9)) {
print x[FNR] >> "newa"
print $0 >> "newb"
Run it like this:
awk -f parse.awk a.txt b.txt
For huge files
The method above reads a.txt into memory. If the file is very large, this becomes unfeasible and streamed parsing is called for.
It can be done in a single pass, but that requires careful handling of the multiplexed lines from a.txt and b.txt. A less error prone approach is to identify relevant line numbers, and then extract those into new files. An example of the last approach is shown below.
First you need to identify the matching lines:
# Extract fields 8 and 9 from a.txt and b.txt
paste <(awk -F'|' '{print $8, $9}' OFS='\t' a.txt) \
<(awk -F'|' '{print $8, $9}' OFS='\t' b.txt) |
# Check if it the fields matche the criteria and print line number
awk '$1 - $3 > n || $3 - $1 > n || $2 - $4 > n || $4 - $2 > 10 { print NR }' n=10 > linesfile
Now we are ready to extract the lines from a.txt and b.txt, and as the numbers are sorted, we can use the extract.awk script proposed here (repeated for convenience below):
getline n < linesfile
if(length(ERRNO)) {
print "Unable to open linesfile '" linesfile "': " ERRNO > "/dev/stderr"
NR == n {
if(!(getline n < linesfile)) {
print "Unable to open linesfile '" linesfile "': " ERRNO > "/dev/stderr"
Extract the lines (can be run in parallel):
awk -v linesfile=linesfile -f extract.awk a.txt > newa
awk -v linesfile=linesfile -f extract.awk b.txt > newb

Bash Script to process irregular text, count occurrences, cut at a threshold

I have a large sample of text that is pretty irregular and I'd like to tokenize it to single words, and count occurrences of each words, and have an output where occurrence > threshold_value
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo 'Usage <file> <output_file> <threshold>'
exit 1
clean_and_rank () {
tr -dc [:graph:][:cntrl:][:space:] < $1 \
| tr -d [:punct:] \
| tr -s ' ' \
| tr ' ' '\n' \
| tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' \
| grep -v '^$' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -nr
cut_below_threshold () {
awk '$1 > '$THRESHOLD' { print $1, $2 }'
clean_and_rank $1 \
| cut_below_threshold $3
| sort -nr > $2
but for some reason I'm running into trouble with the cut_below_threshold() function --
Also once I get this done, I want to be able to compare it to another sample (my data is 2 samples of several rows of labeled text snippets and I want to score words independently for prevalence in sample A/sample B)
Is there a better way to go about this? Ultimately, I'm looking for insights along the lines of "$WORD is in sample 1 1000 times, out of 100000 total words, it is in sample 2 100 times out of 10000 words"
I assume you are able to get statistics for two text files in the following format:
$ cat a.txt
5 word1
3 word2
1 word3
$ cat b.txt
4 word1
3 word2
1 word4
Then this script does the job of comparison:
# the 1st argument passed to the script, the 1st file to compare (statistics for sample A)
# the 2nd argument -- the 2nd file (statistics for sample B)
# concatenate both files and pipe it to the next command
cat ${STATA} ${STATB} |
# call awk; -v is awk option to set a variable
# n1=$() variable n1 gets its value from the output of the command in ()
# wc -l <file counts number of lines in the file
# ' starts awk script
awk -v n1=$(wc -l <${STATA}) '
# (){} means when condition in () is true, execute statement in {}
# NR is number of records processed thus far (usually this is number of lines)
# (NR <= n1) essentially means 'reading statistics file for sample A'
# {1; 2} two statements
# wa += $1 add value of the first field to the wa variable
# each line is splitted by a field separator (space or tab by default) into several fields:
# $1 is the 1st field, $2 is the 2nd, $NF is the last one, $0 is a whole line
# $1 in this case is number of occurrences of a word
# awk variables have zero default value; no need to specify them explicitly
# cnta[] is an associative array -- index is a string (the word in this case)
# $2 in this case is the word
(NR <= n1){wa += $1; cnta[$2] = $1}
# the same for statistics for sample B
(NR > n1){wb += $1; cntb[$2] = $1}
# END{} to execute statements after there's no input left
print "nof words in sample A = " wa;
print "nof words in sample B = " wb;
# standard printf to output a table header
printf "%-15s %5s %8s %5s %8s\n", "word", "cntA", "freqA", "cntB", "freqB";
# iterate over each element (the word) in the count array A
for (w in cnta){
# check that the word is present in the count array B
if (cntb[w] > 0) {
# output statistics in a table form
printf "%-15s %5d %8.6f %5d %8.6f\n", w, cnta[w], cnta[w] / wa, cntb[w], cntb[w]/wb
Test run:
$ ./ a.txt b.txt
nof words in sample A = 9
nof words in sample B = 8
word cntA freqA cntB freqB
word1 5 0.555556 4 0.500000
word2 3 0.333333 3 0.375000
Let bash do most of your work with associative arrays. This is not a rigorous example, that is left as an exercise for you:
declare -A ct
exec 3< file
while IFS= read -u3 line ; do
set -- $line
for tkn ; do
ct[$tkn]=$(( ${cct:-0} + 1 ))
for tkn in ${!ct[*]}
do echo $tkn ${ct[$tkn]} ; done
