Depend on subdirectory creation in makefile rule - makefile

I have a project with sources in the src/ directory and its subdirectories (e.g. src/foo/ and src/bar/), and the objects in the obj directory and the matching subdirectories (e.g. obj/foo/ and obj/bar/).
I use the following (smimplified) Makefile:
SOURCES=$(shell find src/ -type f -name '*.c')
OBJECTS=$(patsubst src/%.c,obj/%.o,$(SOURCES))
all: $(OBJECTS)
obj/%.o: src/%.c
gcc -c $< -o $#
The problem
The problem is that if obj/ or one of its subdirectories doesn't exist, I get the following error:
Fatal error: can't create obj/foo/f1.o: No such file or directory
How can I tell make that %.o files depend on the creation of their containing directory?
What I tried
One solution when there are no subdirectories is to use "order only prerequisites":
$(OBJECTS): | obj
mkdir $#
But that fixes the problem only with obj/, but not obj/foo and obj/bar/. I thought about using $(#D), but I don't know how to get all this together.
I have also used hidden marker files in each directory, but that's just a hack, and I have also put a mkdir -p just before the GCC command but that also feels hacky. I'd rather avoid using recursive makefiles, if that were a potential solution.
Minimal example
To create a minimal project similar to mine you can run:
mkdir /tmp/makefile-test
cd /tmp/makefile-test
mkdir src/ src/foo/ src/bar/
echo "int main() { return 0; }" > src/main.c
touch src/foo/f1.c src/bar/b1.c src/bar/b2.c

I don't know why you consider adding mkdir -p before each compiler operation to be "hacky"; that's probably what I'd do. However, you can also do it like this if you don't mind all the directories created all the time:
First, you should use := for assigning shell variables, not =. The former is far more efficient. Second, once you have a list of filenames it's easy to compute the list of directories. Try this:
SOURCES := $(shell find src/ -type f -name '*.c')
OBJECTS := $(patsubst src/%.c,obj/%.o,$(SOURCES))
# Compute the obj directories
OBJDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS))
# Create all the obj directories
__dummy := $(shell mkdir -p $(OBJDIRS))
If you really want to have the directory created only when the object is about to be, then you'll have to use second expansion (not tested):
SOURCES := $(shell find src/ -type f -name '*.c')
OBJECTS := $(patsubst src/%.c,obj/%.o,$(SOURCES))
# Compute the obj directories
OBJDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS))
obj/%.o : src/%.c | $$(#D)
$(CC) -c $< -o $#
mkdir -p $#

I'd do it this way:
SOURCES=$(shell find src -type f -name '*.c') # corrected small error
obj/%.o: src/%.c
if [ ! -d $(dir $#) ]; then mkdir -p $(dir $#); fi
gcc -c $< -o $#


Force make to look at files before conclude to a circular dependency

I have a circular dependency using make:
CC = gcc
IFLAGS = -Iinclude
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -c -fPIC -pedantic
AFLAGS = -shared
VERSION = $(shell cat desc/major).$(shell cat desc/minor).$(shell cat desc/patch)
OBJECTS = $(patsubst src/%.c,tmp/%.o, $(shell ls -1 src/*.c))
#OUTPUT = tmp/$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(shell pwd)))
OUT_BIN = install/usr/lib/
OUT_MAN = $(patsubst man/%,install/usr/share/man/%.gz, $(shell find man -type f))
PATH_INCLUDE = install/usr/include/LTK-$(VERSION)
OUT_INCLUDE = $(patsubst %,$(PATH_INCLUDE)/%, $(shell find include -type f -printf "%f\n"))
PC = %
# chmod 755 install/usr/lib/$(VERSION)
ln -sf install/usr/lib/$(VERSION) install/usr/lib/
# chmod 755 install/usr/include/LTK-$(VERSION)
# chmod 644 install/usr/include/LTK-$(VERSION)/*
ln -sf install/usr/include/LTK-$(VERSION) install/usr/include/LTK
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $#)
$(CC) $(AFLAGS) -o $#.$(VERSION) $^ $(LFLAGS)
tmp/%.o : src/%.c
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $#)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $< $(DFLAGS) $(IFLAGS)
install/usr/share/%.gz : %
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $#)
gzip -c $< > $#
%.h : $$(patsubst $(PATH_INCLUDE)/$$(PC),include/$$(PC),$$#)
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $$#)
cp $< $$#
rm -rf tmp install
At second expansion header files, prerequisites are generated from second expansions.
But it's a header that generates another and this new one can be found on the disk.
But make rather prefers to consider a circular dependency and ignore it.
How can I force make to see that the file exists before it searches a target to generate it?
Circular dependences are completely independent of what exists on the disk or doesn't exist on the disk. When make runs it parses the makefile and constructs a graph representing the dependency relationship between targets. This graph must be acyclic, because make will walk the graph looking for whether targets are out of date. If there's a cycle in the graph, then make would recurse forever trying to walk the graph.
For example:
a: b ; touch $#
b: a ; touch $#
It doesn't matter whether these files exist or not: make still needs to be sure that "a" is newer than "b" to satisfy the first dependency, and that "b" is newer than "a" to satisfy the second dependency.
This cannot ever be true, obviously.
Finally resolved by substituing $(OUT_INCLUDE) to %.h.
The goal to auto copy include files is preserved.
Substitued this:
$(OUT_INCLUDE) : $$(patsubst $(PATH_INCLUDE)/$$(PERCENT),include/$$(PERCENT),$$#)
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $#)
cp $< $#
For this:
%.h : $$(patsubst $(PATH_INCLUDE)/$$(PC),include/$$(PC),$$#)
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $$#)
cp $< $$#
But I'm still asking myself on "is there anything to force file before dependency".
After looking at the code it looks like no, unless I omit something.

Makefile - Compile all sub directories and output .o files in a separate directory

I have this command from my bash script
find . -type f -name "*.c" -execdir bash -c "f={}; kos-cc $KOS_CFLAGS -c {} -o $PWD/\${f%.c}.o" \;
Its job it to recursively search the current directory ($PWD) for .c files, compile them with my "kos-cc" compiler then output all the .o files into the current working directory.
I want to move parts of my bash script into a makefile and this line is the last one that stumps me. I know how to make rules that compiles c files from directory A and outputs the .o files into directory B, but here directory A isn't always the same (Since I need to handle sub directories too). How do I do the equivalent task in a Makefile either with a rule or a command?
It is not trivial because you have your sources in different directories and simple make pattern rules cannot easily handle this. But using slightly more advanced make features can make it:
SRC := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.c")
OBJ := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(notdir $(SRC)))
.PHONY: all
all: $(OBJ)
define COMPILE_rule
$$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$$(notdir $(1))): $(1)
kos-cc $$(KOS_CFLAGS) -c -o $$# $$<
$(foreach s,$(SRC),$(eval $(call COMPILE_rule,$(s))))
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(OBJ)
Beware: you could have several source files with the same base name in different directories. And if this happens, you will end up with a fatal conflict of object file names...
EDIT (add conflicts detection):
The following detects conflicts situations and issues an error (replace error by warning or info depending on the severity level you assign to these conflicts):
SRC := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.c")
OBJ := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(notdir $(SRC)))
ifneq ($(words $(OBJ)),$(words $(sort $(OBJ))))
$(error object file name conflicts detected)
(sort sorts and also removes duplicates and words returns the number of space-separated words in its string parameter).

Is it possible to have multiple prerequisite patterns in the same target in a Makefile?

I have two targets like this
$(OBJ1): $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: $(BUILDROOT)/proto/a/
$(OBJ2): $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: $(BUILDROOT)/proto/a/b/
Is it possible to combine these two into the same target somehow?
It is possible but you will need advanced make features (macros):
SRC := $(shell find $(BUILDROOT)/proto -type f -name '*.cc')
OBJ := $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst,%.o,$(notdir $(SRC))))
compile: $(OBJ)
# $(1) is the cc source file
define MY_rule
$$(BUILDDIR)/$$(patsubst,%.o,$$(notdir $(1))): $(1)
$$(CXX) -c $$(CXXFLAGS) -o $$# $$<
$(foreach f,$(SRC),$(eval $(call MY_rule,$(f))))
$ ls -R proto
proto/dira: dirb
$ make BUILDROOT=. BUILDDIR=build compile
g++ -c -o build/a.o proto/dira/
g++ -c -o build/b.o proto/dira/dirb/
Please have a look at the section about the eval function of the GNU make manual for a complete explanation.
Late update: one comment about your other (now deleted) similar question suggested to use the vpath directive. It is tricky too and adds an important constraint which is that all source files must have different basenames. For completeness, and assuming the constraint is satisfied, here is another vpath-based solution:
vpath <pattern> dira dirb dirc:...
tells make that when searching for a file that matches <pattern>, it must explore the listed directories. So, let us:
Compute the basenames of all source files and the corresponding object files:
SRC := $(notdir $(shell find $(BUILDROOT)/proto -type f -name '*.cc'))
OBJ := $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst,%.o,$(SRC)))
Get the list of all directories in $(BUILDROOT)/proto:
DIR := $(shell find $(BUILDROOT)/proto -type d)
Now, we are ready to use the vpath directive:
vpath $(DIR)
That's it. All in all, the following should work:
SRC := $(notdir $(shell find $(BUILDROOT)/proto -type f -name '*.cc'))
DIR := $(shell find $(BUILDROOT)/proto -type d)
OBJ := $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/,$(patsubst,%.o,$(SRC)))
vpath $(DIR)
compile: $(OBJ)
$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -o $# $<

make wildcard not finding files I just copied

I would like to copy pdf files from several directories into a build directory, then use pdfunite to compile them into one pdf. The following make recipe works, but I have to run it twice because the first time through, I get an error from pdfunite - no files are found in the build directory (the PDFS variable is empty) even though they were just copied in the previous lines. How can I fix this so it works in one pass? I have simplified the recipe for clarity; I am actually pulling from various folders and making some pdfs on the fly as well, so I can't easily concatenate a full list of files from various subfolders (folder1 and folder2 in the example) to pass to pdfunite.
mkdir -p $(out)
mkdir -p $(build)/notebook
$(eval PR := $(sort $(wildcard $(data)/folder1/*.pdf)) )
cp $(PR) $(build)/notebook
$(eval SR := $(sort $(wildcard $(data)/folder2/*.pdf)) )
cp $(SR) $(build)/notebook
$(eval PDFS := $(sort $(wildcard $(build)/notebook/*.pdf)) )
pdfunite $(PDFS) $(out)/notebook.pdf
Your Makefile is not in line with make's philosophy. You are using make as another scripting language, while make is more than this. It compares targets and prerequisites dates, based on this decides which must be built or re-built, and passes the recipes to the shell. So, for your particular problem, you should rather try something like:
PR := $(wildcard $(data)/folder1/*.pdf)
SR := $(wildcard $(data)/folder2/*.pdf)
PDFS1 := $(patsubst $(data)/folder1/%.pdf,$(build)/notebook/%.pdf,$(PR))
PDFS2 := $(patsubst $(data)/folder2/%.pdf,$(build)/notebook/%.pdf,$(SR))
PDFS := $(sort $(PDFS1) $(PDFS2))
.PHONY: notebook
notebook: $(out)/notebook.pdf
$(PDFS1): $(build)/notebook/%.pdf: $(data)/folder1/%.pdf | $(build)/notebook
cp $< $#
$(PDFS2): $(build)/notebook/%.pdf: $(data)/folder2/%.pdf | $(build)/notebook
cp $< $#
$(build)/notebook $(out):
mkdir -p $#
$(out)/notebook.pdf: $(PDFS) | $(out)
pdfunite $(PDFS) $#
The variables definitions are reasonably straightforward: patsubst, as its name says, substitutes strings. The target: pattern: prerequisites is a static pattern rule. And the prerequisites after | are order-only prerequisites.
What this makefile says, basically, is that $(out)/notebook.pdf depends on a set of pdf files in $(build)/notebook/ and that these pdf files depend on source pdf files with the same basenames in $(data)/folder1/ and $(data)/folder2/. It also says that directories must be created before being populated. Thanks to all this only what needs to be done will be done, no more, no less. And it is more in line with make's philosophy.
If you have many source folders and do not want to replicate the copying rules, you can use more advanced features like:
FOLDERS := folder1 folder2
.PHONY: notebook
notebook: $(out)/notebook.pdf
define MY_rule
$(1)_SRCS := $$(wildcard $$(data)/$(1)/*.pdf)
$(1)_DSTS := $$(patsubst $$(data)/$(1)/%.pdf,$$(build)/notebook/%.pdf,$$($(1)_SRCS))
PDFS += $$($(1)_DSTS)
$(1)_DSTS: $$(build)/notebook/%.pdf: $$(data)/$(1)/%.pdf | $$(build)/notebook
cp $$< $$#
$(foreach f,$(FOLDERS),$(eval $(call MY_rule,$(f))))
$(build)/notebook $(out):
mkdir -p $#
$(out)/notebook.pdf: $(PDFS) | $(out)
pdfunite $(PDFS) $#
I would do another way.
PR:=$(sort $(wildcard $(data)/folder1/*.pdf))
SR:=$(sort $(wildcard $(data)/folder2/*.pdf))
PDFS=$(sort $(wildcard $(build)/notebook/*.pdf))
all: copy
pdfunite $(PDFS) $(out)/notebook.pdf
mkdir -p $(out)
mkdir -p $(build)/notebook
cp $(PR) $(build)/notebook
cp $(SR) $(build)/notebook
.PHONY: all copy
Please check: PDFS= and not PDFS:=. If you use simple = the variable's value will calculate when it needed (not sooner!).
When you run make it want to build all. The all's requirement is copy - so make does some mkdir and cp. After it return the all: the value of PDFS is needed so will evalute now - we have many-many pdf in $(build)/notebook :)

Create directories when generating object files in gcc

gcc -o abc/def.o def.c generates def.o file in a directory abc; only when there exists a directory abc.
Is there a way to make gcc to create a directory when the enclosing directory of the generated object file does not exist? If not, what could be the easiest way to make the directory in advance automatically, especially for Makefile?
From this post, it seems like that there is no way to create a directory from gcc.
For makefile, I can use this code snippet.
OBJDIR = obj
MODULES := src src2
OBJDIRS := $(patsubst %, $(OBJDIR)/%, $(MODULES))
build: $(OBJDIRS)
echo $^
mkdir -p $#
make build will create directories, and echo the results.
We also can make the object files are created automatically without invoking the make build.
PROG := hellomake
LD := gcc
$(PROG): $(OBJDIRS) obj/src/hellofunc.o obj/src/hellomake.o
$(LD) $(filter %.o, $^) -o $(PROG)
The way I do it is I find out what the paths will be, and create the dirs for them:
SOURCES:=$(shell find $(SRC)/ -type f -name '*.c') #Get all the c files
#Get the files they're gonna be compiled to
OBJECTS:=$(patsubst $(SRC)/%.c, $(OBJ)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
#Get just the paths so you can create them in advance
#call mkdir with the directories (using a dummy var because too much
#trouble to deal with priorities) someone could prob do better
#--parents ignores the repeated and already existing errors
DUMMY:=$(shell mkdir --parents $(OBJDIRS))
In addition to precedent solutions, you can create the directories in your rule for building your .o files
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRCS_DIR)/%.c
#mkdir -p $(shell dirname $#)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c $< -o $#
The "#" before mkdir silent the output of mkdir (we don't want a message for each directory created).
The "-p" option tell mkdir to create all intermediate directories in path if they do not exist.
The "dirname" method takes the file path ("$#") and keep only the file directory path.
