customizing ios Passbook with Image - image

I have a Requirement where is should show a image where barcode is place in passbook, Is there any way that i could replace barcode with image or remove barcode and make a background image not blurr or place image on back side of passbook ,As per Apple documentation it seems like I can not do it,Still wanted to check if any one can help me in any way that i can reach the requirement .
Thanks in Advance .

Sadly it's not possible to do those things.
However, you could put an image into the strip position of the pass without putting any text over it.
I use this to place a 1D barcode on Passes ( and it works quite well.
What are you tying to achieve?


I want to know if it's possible to keep the background of a pic and remove the text instead

i have tried using some photo editors online but to no avail. trying to extract and use a background image for a particular web page without the text from the image
If you're able to use Photoshop you can try to Content-Aware Fill.

Add markers to image similar to what the mapping apps do - Xamarin.Forms

I am currently using Xamarin.Forms and I would like to import an image and be able to add markers to it. Similar to what the mapping apps do, but want to be able to do it from an uploaded image or from taking a photo. I would also Like to be able to set a scale on it after the image was uploaded by placing two or more markers and then entering a measurement between those markers.
When displaying an image/photo I would like to place markers on them that would have more info about the pinned location on the image. These pins must be saved in a database so that the next time it's opened the markers will be in the correct location as they were placed the first time.
If anyone knows how I can get started on this, or know of any libraries that allow you to this, it would really be appreciated.
Loading the image from file, camera or url is simple enough.
Zooming in and out after the image is loaded was simple enough too. Altering the scale size of the Image by making use of the PinchGesture.
Moving the image around ended up being simple too, and it was achieved by using the PanGesture and altering the TranslationX and TranslationY.
.......Still searching for a working and reliable solution for adding Pins/Markers at a location on the image and the markers need to have a click or tap event attached to it.

Check if an image contains another image

Im trying to check if a screenshot contains an image that is saved in the project resources, I need to find a 100% match only and would like to not use any extra libraries, now with that being said, I have no idea how to do so.
heres a few questions:,
do I compare the two buffered images together? do I change them into something else?
Il have to compare it atleast once a second or so. (just as general information)
I have a resource folder under my project in eclipse and the .png files are shown as text, is there a way to change that? I tried tinkering with the settings, no luck yet.
public static BufferedImage screenshot(){
BufferedImage capture = robot.createScreenCapture(screenSize);
return capture;
this is my screenshot, another bufferedimage is for example "compare", where the size of the compared image is smaller than the screenshot. how will I be able to check if the image contain the second image?
*For those who wondering, im trying to make a simple program that clicks a certain image once it pops up.

How to add a colored filter effect on an image?

I am building an Eclipse RCP application, based on eclipse 3.5.
I'd like to modify an image at runtime. The image is loaded and will be used as an icon, but depending on the situation, I'd like to add a filter on the image to give it a red or orange color, depending on some user-configured value.
It's the image transformation that I'm interested in. I already know how to get the image and ask a component to display it.
Has anybody done that? Thanks for your help :)
There are possibly many choices for doing just that, you can use ImageIO to load an image as BufferedImage and then get the Graphics2D and modify it as you wish. When you are finished modifying you can reaasign the newly created image back into your component which holds the original image and thats it.
You can of course look for some libraries to allow you easier image manipulation, maybe jmagick or something similar.
You can use DecoratingLabelProvider with a suitable ILabelDecorator. See also FAQ What is a label decorator?

How to easily crop the same image multiple times

I have a set of really big images out of which I need to crop little snippets. These snippets are all exactly the same size but don't follow a strict pattern so I can't do this programatically.
Ideally I would like to open up one of the big files and be able to point and click on say, the top left corner of a snippet and have that automatically be saved to disk without even having to enter a file name, and then continue on with the rest. (Of course this would be the ideal way which I know is probably way off the real possible way!).
I started doing this in Photoshop CS4 but cropping a snippet, saving, undoing (to get to the full image), and starting over again takes way too long.
Maybe someone has a better way to do this in photoshop or in some other software.
Thanks for reading!
Instead of cropping and undoing, you could:
make (or resize) a selection
copy the selection to a new image
save the image
close the image
You might need to split it into two actions, I don't know enough about programming Photoshop.
Thank you everyone for your input.
I ended up doing this with a suggestion a colleague of mine came up with. It consisted of creating a Photoshop "slice" over the first region I wanted to crop and then cloning that region over the rest of the other sections. After that, using Save For Web (and ofter hitting Continue when PS complained about how that image was way beyond Save For Web's capabilities) I could save all images at once.
This was the fastest and easiest method I could find. Until then I was going with Mark Ransom's method.
