Change height of window title bar for Visual Studio 2013 and/or Office applications - window

I don't know why but Microsoft decided to make the title bars of the windows of Visual Studio 2013 and Office applications huge! They are so thicker than normal windows and this is really annoying especially if you have a small screen.
Do you think there is a way to change this?

There is an extension for Visual Commander to hide Visual Studio 2013 title bar. In the HideTitleBar function instead of setting visibility to collapsed you can try to change height.

I don't think you can change the size of the title bar. The best you can do is to auto-hide it, that way you see the ribbon only when you need it.

There is an extension of Visual Studio for download.
It can change the title bar smaller instead of hiding it. Because if you hide it, you loose the control to move the window around or minimize it.


How can we change height of tool window's title bar in Visual Studio?

I know of an option to hide the title bar, but I want to reduce height of title bar of tool windows such as "Output" or "Properties".
How can we change height of tool window's title bar in Visual Studio?
Actually, there is no such option or key to control the title height of a tool window in VS IDE.
Visual Studio does not allow to modify the title height of a tool window in VS IDE by default. And there is no such extensions to realize what you want.
Microsoft does not seem to open such interface. And what you want needs to inherit the VS built-in extension interface so that it can rewrite the title height of the tool window in VS IDE.
As a suggestion, you can suggest a feature on our User Voice Forum to reflect your requirements and I think Microsoft will consider your requirements carefully and give you a satisfactory feedback.
Hope it could help you.

Extension toolbar position not saved in Visual Studio 2010

I am using db4o in Visual Studio 2010 but the Object Manager Enterprise toolbar will not saved its position when I restart the IDE. It comes back each time below the standard toolbar while I would like both toolbars to be on the same row to not use vertical space.
Do you have the same issue with this extension or another extension? How can we force a toolbar to remain at the same position accross sessions?
As an alternative, I wanted to create my own toolbar with the same buttons (as a toolbar I create would not be affected by the issue), but I cannot find the buttons related to the extension in the long list of available commands.

Is it possible to customize the tool window's toolbars in Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 has UI for editing the buttons in the toolbars of the main window. Is it possible to do the same thing for the tool window toolbars?
Even if there is no UI, I am willing to alter files manually to get the expected result. Basically, the problem I am trying to solve is that some tool windows hide the buttons that I want to use and show buttons that I don't use. I would like to reorder them.
Hmm that answer was not long enough.
It is not possible.

Dock Code Windows in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio, you are able to dock code windows in horizontal and vertical tab groups (something you can also do with tool windows).
However, when doing so you may end up with a lot of redundant screen space. What would be ideal would be if you could mix docking orientations for code windows. This is possible with tool windows in Visual Studio 2010. Here is an image showing the feature used for tool windows:
My question is: is it possible to get this same functionality with the code windows - i.e. being able to mix horizontal and vertical docking, like with the tool windows shown? I've heard rumours that its possible, but I've been unable to find any truth in that.
I too wish this was a naitive feature in visual studio, but there is one workaround by using the 'floating tab group' feature of visual studio
Move the visual studio main window out of the way (maybe to another monitor, or to smallest area of the monitor needed to see the tooling windows)
"Tear out" or Right Click > Float on the desired tab
Position the tab to your desire (I suggest using WinSplitRevolution, via codinghorror)
Repeat, note that you can move a tab to an existing 'floating' tab group
And voila!
There are some setbacks, some commands will pop up over the main tooling window instead of your current tab group etc. but its still pretty nice. I'm not sure if there's any changes coming in VS2012, but I haven't heard about anything related.

Visual Studio - Current file in Solution Explorer - Make it darker?

I don't want to change the entire background color of solution explorer in VS, only the selected file.
Check out Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions, and then check off "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer". This will make whichever file you're viewing/editing inside of Visual Studio automatically be selected in Solution Explorer and if your Windows color scheme is set up properly, it will in fact be darker.
This option used to be on by default in 2003 and maybe 2005, but 2008 has it disabled by default now... I personally prefer it turned on.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors\ButtonFace is the registry key that sets the background color of the current file in solution explorer when solution explorer has not focus, this is what I found for Vs2010 and windows 7 - could not seem to find interface to modify the button face color in the gui. many things use this color, so I set just dark enough to see.
I have no idea why you want to do that in the first place, curious :)
Anyway, I doubt you can change the entire UI's background color depending on the type of file /editor mode.
You might find more clues from these:
Visual Studio - Fonts and Colors, Environment, Options Dialog Box
Changing your colors in Visual Studio.NET - Black versus White
How to increase your Visual Studio environment fonts for presentations?
