Prevent Docpad from scanning vendor files (but still copy them) - docpad

I've got a project which holds third party files (installed with Bower) under src/public/vendor. It seems ever since I added those docpad has gotten considerably slower in generating ./out, no doubt cause it's going over all the vendor files.
I'd like to exclude the vendor files from being interpreted by DocPad, but they should still be copied to ./out.
Is there a built-in way to do this through DocPad or should I simply put the vendor files outside the src directory and have Grunt copy it manually to ./out?

Your issue is legit and I raised the same a while ago :
In the end, hypercubed developed the "raw" plugin available through npm :
Depending on what you provide as options, it can either do a cp or a rsync command.
So it basically what you intend to do with a Grunt task.


How to edit a third-party package for Meteor

I have found and fixed a bug in a third-party Meteor package. When testing the fix, I ran into some unexpected difficulties, which I describe below.
What is the recommended method for testing a patched third-party package in Meteor?
On Mac, the command meteor add username:package-name copies files from to the folder at ~/.meteor/packages/username_package-name/. I located the original file in this folder and edited it.
The issue was simple. The original script included the lines...
options.userCallback = function (error) {
if (error.error ...) {}
All I needed to do was to change this to:
options.userCallback = function (error) {
if (error && error.error ...) {}
However, I had now added 9 characters to file. When Meteor compiled my app, it cut off the last 9 characters of the script, and this caused a runtime error. Presumably, Meteor stores the expected length of the file somewhere. As a hack, I removed more that 9 inessential whitespace characters from the file. Now Meteor complained that it could not read the entire file. So I added too much whitespace at the end of the file, and Meteor was happy to trim off the characters that it didn't want.
I was now able to check that my fix was valid, and post an issue for the package on its GitHub page, so that the original developer can release a fix.
This particular package was included as part of a different package, so it was installed as the result of a meteor add otheruser:different-package-name command.
What is the accepted method for overriding the files stored in the default package location, so that a patched version can be used instead, without Meteor getting persnickety about the exact number of bytes in the script file?
You spent too much time to prevent meteor update your change to the original again. The simplest way is
Fork the original project
Pull your forked repo into folder packages in your meteor project
Change anything you want on the forked
Include it to the meteor packages file (.meteor/packages). Remember to remove the old package by triggering meteor remove <package-name>
Run project
By default, meteor will look at the packages folder first for the external package, if it cannot found, then it will look up on Atmosphere.
By that time, just notify the original developer by the pull request from your repo.

node_module errors with AWS lambda, what's the best practice for dependencies?

I've been trying to convert and deploy one of our node.js apps into a lambda function and have been having some problems with the node_modules dependencies - saying that it can't find certain modules. I started by creating a package.json, npm install the dependencies locally then copy the node modules folder up to lambda.
For instance I have a project that requires sequelize and convict and have been getting errors saying that it cannot find the moment module as a sub-dependency. I see that moment is included in the root of my node_modules but it was not included in the sub folder under the sequelize module.
However, this project runs fine locally. What is the difference in lambda and what's the best practice for deploying a somewhat long list of node modules with it - just a copy of the node_modules folder? On some of the other simpler projects I have, the small amount of node_modules can be copied up with no problems.
"errorMessage": "Cannot find module 'moment'",
"errorType": "Error",
"stackTrace": [
"Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)",
"Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)",
"Module.require (module.js:364:17)",
"require (module.js:380:17)",
"VERSION (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/node_modules/moment-timezone/moment-timezone.js:14:28)",
"Object. (/var/task/node_modules/sequelize/node_modules/moment-timezone/moment-timezone.js:18:2)",
"Module._compile (module.js:456:26)",
"Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)",
"Module.load (module.js:356:32)",
"Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)"
I resolved this by uploading all from a zip file which contains all the data I need for my lambda function.
you can just create your project in your local machine and make all the changes that you need then the file you are going to zip should have this same structure and also see that there is an option to load your code from a zip file.
This sounds to me like an issue caused by different versions of npm. Are you running the same version of nodejs locally as is used by Lambda (ie. v0.10.36)?
Depending on the version of npm you're using to install the modules locally, the node_modules directory's contents are laid out slightly differently (mainly in order to de-duplicate things), and that may be why your dependencies can't find their dependencies in Lambda.
After a bit of digging, it sounds like a clean install (ie. rm your node_modules directory and run npm install) might clean things up for you. The reason why is that it seems that npm doesn't install sub-dependencies if they're already present at the top level (ie. you installed moment before sequelize, etc).

Use Npackd for plug-in distribution

I've set up a repository to distribute plug-ins using Npackd. I am aware, that I can use a batch script to move all files from a package wherever I want, but I'm afraid I might accidentally overwrite files. Currently, my setup works like this (which is npackd common practice, I believe):
a package gets downloaded
the contents gets extracted to %PROGRAMFILES%\myPackage\myFile
a batch script optionally moves the files elsewhere
Unfortunately, the Npackd documentation doesn't explain the internal process of how this is handled. My first concern is that a folder myPackage already exists and might get overwritten, consequently its files being moved by my Install.bat. Is there a way to define the destination path before the files get extracted? Since I'm installing plug-ins for an existing software, this would avoid my script moving all the files.
One way to achieve could be "abusing" the 7z examples, but if possible I'd like to a avoid the dependency since my plug-ins stored inside a standard zip archive, and Npackd can handle these without dependencies.
Npackd always creates a new directory during the installation of a package version. Normally the name of this directory is the package title (e.g. "Firefox"). If this directory already exists the version number is used as a suffix (e.g. "Firefox-27.0.1"). If this directory is also already there an underscore and a number is used additionally (e.g. "Firefox-27.0.1_2", "Firefox-27.0.1_3", etc.)
There is no way to define where a package should be installed exactly. As you would probably define a dependency on the main software package in each plugin anyway, I'd recommend something like this:
<dependency package="com.mycompany.WordProcessor" versions="[5.00.2195, 6.1)">
<file path=".Npackd\Install.bat">copy spellcheck.dll "%WP%\plugins"</file>

What is the recommended directory structure for Grunt projects

I am setting up a Grunt project for the first time. Is there a recommended directory structure? For example, keep sources under /src, intermediate build artifacts in /stage and final concatenated, minified artifacts in /dist.
I am also using compass/sass. I assume my scss files should go under /src, but what's the correct way to set up the build workflow so that I am building and testing quickly while not cluttering my source directory with build artifacts.
I just have /src and /build (which is your /dist), and no /stage. I haven't found a real need for stage, probably because I don't have much integration testing to do. Let me know what you're using /stage for -- I'm curious. :)
I do have both a /sass and a /css. /css holds the single main.css compiled w/ SASS. In my Gruntfile.js, I have 2 SASS targets, sass:dev & sass:build. sass:dev compiles into /src/css and sass:build into /build/css. /src/css/main.css is git-/svn-ignored.
At the end of the day, Grunt doesn't care how you organize your sources. It just assumes Gruntfile.js and /node_modules are at project root, and that's it. It's actually NPM that assumes package.json's at root.
So, try different structures and settle on one that you like, which always depends on what tools you use.
Hope this helps! :)
Running grunt init:jquery or grunt init:node should give you a pretty good start on answering this question.
Here is the result of running grunt init:jquery inside a directory called init_test and selecting the default answer for grunt-init's prompts.
Writing grunt.js...OK
Writing libs/jquery/jquery.js...OK
Writing libs/jquery-loader.js...OK
Writing libs/qunit/qunit.css...OK
Writing libs/qunit/qunit.js...OK
Writing src/init_test.js...OK
Writing test/init_test.html...OK
Writing test/init_test_test.js...OK

Prventing .DS_Store from being created in my web projects

How can I prevent OSX .DS_Store files from being created in my PHP projects? It's so annoying and I have to manually delete them when I want to put my app online or compress it and send it.
Simple answer: you can't. But, why do you care? They don't hurt if you deploy them to the web server. Also you can make a script to delete them, especially if you make a script to zip/tar your distribution you can also let it either delete the files or tar/zip in a way ignoring them. Like tar cfX dist.tar ./.DS_Store * will tar all folders/files in the current directory but exclude (capital X switch) the .DS_Store file.
