How to get keys from hash ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The next code search if keyword appear in hash values and print yes if so,
but it works well in codeacademy console, but in my Rubymine it give me exception
NoMethodError: undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass
I've tried to use each_key method but it was the same rusult.
arr = [
{ name: "2222", num:"4444 kod"},
{ name: "3222 kod", num:"43423444"},
{ name: "224422", num:"4442424"}
p = "kod"
arr.each do |frelancer|
frelancer.keys.each do |key|
if frelancer[key].split(" ").include? (p)
puts "yes"
puts "no"
Can you give some advice?)

You have 2 mistakes:
You wrote esle instead of else
You are missing one end clause

Your blocks need end keyword. And else should be spelt correctly.
arr.each do |frelancer|
frelancer.keys.each do |key|
if frelancer[key].split(" ").include? (p)
puts "yes"
puts "no"


How do I iterate over this Hash in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I want to access the content of files sha and stats.
client.commit("healtheintent/hcc_reference_service","3a3c56babbc1c77323d178303fa06f8d11e1133d").each do |key,value|
puts ("#{value}")
Now the values returns the entire content inside the files
Similarily, How do I access the stats
How to iterate over the hash in general
hash = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 2 }
hash.each do |key, value|
if key == :a
puts "a is #{value}"
puts "It is not a, it's #{key}"
Also you can iterate over the keys only or over the values only using each_key or each_value methods

ruby methods with a question mark ? for pattern matching? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Ruby methods that end with a question mark at the end of the name; traditionally returns true or false.
if success?
puts "yes"
puts "oh nos"
Is there an accepted style for pattern matching that asks a question and returns [:ok] or [:error, ...]?
For example:
case authorization_valid?
in [:error, msg]
puts "error: #{msg}"
in [:ok]
puts "yes"
Instead of a true or false, we are using an :ok, :error.
ruby methods with a question mark ? for pattern matching?
There is no such standard. You might be interested in using Result from dry-monads:
def method_that_return_a_result
if condition
Success :foo
Failure :bar
case method_that_return_a_result
in Success(value)
puts value
in Failure('some specific value')
puts 'this happened, sorry'
in Failure(String => error)
raise ProcessingError, error
in Failure(other)
puts "Unexpected failure #{other.inspect}"
(code is just an example of what you can achieve)
Your case would read
case authorization_valid?
in Failure(msg)
puts "error: #{msg}"
in Success
puts "yes"

How to get args when call function with square brackets in the Ruby [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am the beginner of Ruby.
I get one problem when I read the Ruby code.
There have one function with square-brackets.
How can I get the args from that function?
Here is the Class
class Student
class << self
def count
Here is the function request.
Square brackets have no special meaning in Ruby. It is rather a method #[] called on the receiver.
Amongst many others, this method is noticeably declared by Array, Hash and Proc. Because of the parameter passed to #[], which is "Jack" string, it is most likely either Hash or Proc.
That said, it depends on what is returned by Student::count.
Hash example
def count
{"Jack" => 1, "Mary" => 2}
#⇒ 1
Proc example
def count
->(name) { "Hi, #{name}!" }
#⇒ "Hi, Jack!"

Array not working with the modulo operator [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The first code works, but I don't understand why the second one doesn't. Any insight would be appreciated. I know in this example I really don't need an array, I just wanted to get it to work for the sake of learning.
def stamps(input)
if input % 5 == 0
puts 'Zero!'
puts 'NO!'
print stamps(8)
But this doesn't work:
array_of_numbers = [8]
def stamps(input_array)
if input_array % 5 == 0
puts 'Zero!'
puts 'NO!'
print stamps(array_of_numbers)
Because input_array is an array and 8 is a number. Use first to retrieve the first element of the array.
array_of_numbers = [8]
def stamps(input_array)
if input_array.first % 5 == 0
puts 'Zero!'
puts 'NO!'
print stamps(array_of_numbers)
The following function works in case the input is number or array:
def stamps(input)
input = [input] unless input.is_a?(Array)
if input.first % 5 == 0
puts 'Zero!'
puts 'NO!'

How to use code block in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following code
animals.each{|a| puts a}
I wanted to print only tiger in this array for that I wrote something like this
animals.each{|a| if a==1 puts animals[a]}
But it's not working why?
You can play with enumerable like this:{ |a| a == 'tiger' }.each{ |a| puts a }
The wrong you did in your case:-
animals.each{|a| if animals[a]==2 puts a}
inline if statement you put in a wrong way.
#each passes element of the array,not the index. So animals[a] will not work. It will throw error as no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError).
Do this as below using Array#each_index
animals.each_index{|a| puts animals[a] if animals[a] == 'tiger' }
# >> tiger
Maybe you are looking for this
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| puts animal if index==1}
Please not that "tiger" occurs at index 1 and not 2.
you can simply do this
animals.fetch(animals.index('tiger')) if animals.include? 'tiger'
animals[animals.index('tiger')] if animals.include? 'tiger'
